Maid Cafe in Lot City…

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Somehow, Clyde ended up buying food for the hungry genie. He made her magically change her attire first. She ended choosing a pink shirt and skirt combo with matching sandals. The girl seemed ravenous, devouring two plates in a row like a bottomless glutton. Some people stared at her with open astonishment. A beautiful woman eating like Goku? Why not? He couldn't blame them for gaping.

"If I weren't mistaking, it looks as if you hadn't eaten for days," Clyde said, offhandedly.

"I had two more days until payday," the genie said between mouthfuls.

"Then what did you have in the oven?" Clyde said.

"Something I tried to make with leftovers," the genie said. "It may or may not hold for two days. Trust me, you don't want to know."

Clyde stared at her blankly. Seeing her fall over from weakness, he couldn't bring himself just to leave the girl in the middle of the street. How could one possibly overestimate a genie's power and capabilities? Somehow, he believed himself to be the first man ever to do so. Well, at least she was cute. Natural anime girl beauty.

"Listen," he said to her then folded his arms. "I'm going to help you get back your powers. In return, you must cure Natalia of her curse. I suppose it's probably best to ask her first." He tilted his head. "Not sure why she'd want to stay in her state—but consent is consent."

"You really mean it, Master?" Kanako said. "You won't abandon me?"

"Well when you put it that way…" Clyde held out a hand. "Deal?"

Kanako dashed around the table and hugged him, gaining more stares, confused looks, and uneasy maid waitresses.

"Thank you! Now I won't be laughed at anymore," she said.

[Congratulations! You have established a relationship link with Kanako. A positive relationship with a genie wields unknown benefits.]

[Your relationship with Kanako has increased to Hopeful, friend level two.]

[Your BCFUS has increased to level 5. Achievement: BCFUS Rank 2.]

[BCFUS lv. 5. Rank 2: You can only present a temporary speed and jump boost. You may make only some changes to their appearances, heal moderate injuries, and sense their whereabouts at a better range, all using Free points (also known as Soul Points). You can now present temporary attack and defense increases. All women married to you will now have the deity and divine element attributes embedded into some of their attack skills. Chances of inflicting status alignments and heavy or more damage increases.

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PENDING: You need the correct friendship level to rank up your prophet.]

[Warning: you must use the system for it to gain any further ranks. The higher the rank, the more features it unlocks.]

"I'm seriously questioning these 'friends' of yours," Clyde said, looking at the awe-eyed genie girl. "Anyway, finished eating or they'll never stop watching. Many know us."

Kanako nodded, cheerful. Her attitude rubbed onto the young man. He'd be positive about having a genie…familiar? Nah, that word didn't feel right for this. Just friend would do.

The update BCFUS was awesome. An attack and defense increase, finally! He needed to actually spend his free points, as well as throw some into his other systems. Cooking points, Power core, barrier. A lot to work with. The reason why he'd even bother with them is so that he'd always be able to do things on his own. Not rely on the women which would turn him into one of those wimpy harem main characters that lived the life of the damsel in distress.


Hades' Estates…

Hades' Head Office…

Alice sighed, stuck behind a desk, glaring down at seemingly endless paperwork.

"Why do I have to do this again?"

At a nearby table, Tear sat, sipping tea. A lesser succubus servant bowed then served her a slice of Velvet cake. The half-demoness stared at it, mouth watering.

"You can't just abandon your family and servants, cousin," Tear said. "Unless you want to give up the Hade's throne to someone else. Your family living in the Demon realm were okay with you taking over, since your succession was already approaching. They were even fine with you becoming a house head rather than a demon lord—strings were pulled to keep the power and lands in the Demon realm. Noona's thankful you know. Thanks to you, she kept her family's lands too."

"I'd still rather…" Alice's voice trailed off.

"You're running things now," Tear said. "In addition to managing the family's finances, you've got to meet with the human CEO's at least once a year for reports. Unless you forgot that your father owns about eight businesses worldwide and the other thirty in the Demon realm."

Alice slumped.

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"How do I pass on this burden?"

Tear laughed.

"You know you can't. And your pride refuses to allow you to mooch off Clyde."

"You do know I make tons of money from our adventures," Alice said.

"Ah. That's true, but I'm mostly directing things from my quarters, so I don't know all the details of how the adventurer thing works," Tear said.

"What's taking Melody and Nat—"

Approaching voices from outside the closed door cut her off.

"And I said Platia's broken, you shrimp!"

"You're just a scrub. Scrubby monster, scrubby monster!"

"Why you little—"

"Let them in," Tear told the servant. "Also, take the rest of the day off. Bring in Saki to take your place."

"Yes, High lady," the servant said, excited, bowed, and took off. Alice heard her say to Melody and Natalia, "the high ladies await."

"She's too good for us," Alice said.

"True, but she's still a lesser succubus," Tear said. "Left to their own devices, they may never think of other things outside of eating, sleeping, and intense sex. And speaking of sex, I saw in your dream the first time you've done it with Clyde."

"Why you—"

Tear interrupted the blushing girl.

"Why didn't you just admit to being a virgin? Pretending that you haven't had any in years." Tear laughed. "Your face was adorable. If only my Clyde knew that you had no idea what you were doing."

"I did too!" Alice said. "You showed me the…" she placed her head down on the table. "Don't tell him."

"Too late!" Natalia said as she dove into Alice's embrace. "Hmm, you smell nice, Highness. You really did go with the perfume that prophet girl suggested. Just because Clyde would love it." Natalia inhaled again. "You may attract women with this."

Alice shot her a blank glare.

"Alright enough of that, go take your seat." She squeezed her friend's loving embrace then urged her into a nearby chair. "You guys have something to reveal to me, right?"

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Yuki walked in.

"To think you'd abandon my cooking lesson," she said to Melody. "Did you not want to learn how to be a bride?" She pinched the redhead's cheeks.

"Ow! Sowwy!"

Yuki let go.

"Why was I brought here again? I'm trying to prepare a dinner to put that fox girl in her place."

"We tried to gather everyone," Alice said, "but they're too busy. Anyway, Tear, I'm curious."

Yuki sat. Saki walked in, a faint blush on her face.

"You needed me, High Lady Tear?"

"Just take a seat over there," Tear said, pointing at the empty seat next to Yuki. When the ex-dark priest was settled, the succubus continued. She revealed a red scroll to them. Yuki and Alice's eyes widened. "The territory among demon politics—the Lot City scroll now belongs to Clyde."

Melody blinked.

"I'm not against it, but are you sure that's a good idea? I don't want him to gain any unnecessary enemies."

Tear poked Melody's forehead.

"You're just too sweet for your own good. He needs this to prevent any additional demon lords from taking root."

"It only makes sense," Natalia said. "I volunteer to become pervy-nii's wife to help represent it all."

Alice laughed.

"The only thing you'll do is get him arrested."

Everyone burst into laughter. It felt good, at Natalia's expense. Even she gave in to the amusement.


A building in Lot City…

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The Oyabun stood up to sneer at his minion.

"How hard is it to assassinate some kid? Seriously? Fuck! Never mind, you know what, I'll send Her on it."

"Sir, please don't invite her to this city. You know something's not right about her. And with all of the demons and monster—"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" the Oyabun snapped. "You idiots had one job. Seriously one job. And now these days, that's all the public talks about. Team Stone, the so-called monsters, and now some kind an elf queen trying to make public relations with our prime minister. I don't even know what's going on with the world anymore. I'm supposed to have all the darkest, deepest information. I knew about this questionable shit for a long time…but why now? What happened to the barrier that protect mankind? Fuck. Make sure you buffoons pick up my darling daughter and take her to that little anime shop she likes going to. Don't be late."

"Yes sir," he said. "I'll personally do it."

"Good. I'd rather pay you in cash, not splatter your brains across my walls. Now hurry."

The minion hurried off, leaving the Oyabun by himself to make the phone call.

"My elite assassin has other shit to be doing. To think my idiotic men can't off one simple kid. We can't even find information on him." He shook his head. "What does it all mean? Disaster? I'll have Her find out about him, just in case killing him fucks us in the ass." He dialed the number. "Hopefully my darling daughter never runs into that sort."


Clyde's House…

When Clyde got home, he showed the genie to her room.

"Why can't I just sleep with you, Master?"

The young man shot her a flat stare.

"Anyway, I'm going to get some crafting done. The others will help you settle in."

Kanako hugged him once more before he left. He supposed before crafting, he should speak with Harumi about cooking and recipes but halfway down the hall, bumped into Maki. "Sorry."

Her yandere eyes lit and she pulled him into an empty room, closing and locking the door behind her.

"Yuki's out, but she wants me to continue to help you with training," Maki said then smiled, undressing. "And believe me, that's exactly what I'm going to do."

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