[Your party: Airi]

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[Area: Shimmy Woods, outside of Lot City]

"I sure hope you're right," Clyde said offhandedly. Airi's ball of light continued to lead the way, illuminating the forest for dozens of yards. Somehow it didn't blind the shit out of the duo.

"Of course, I'm right," Airi said. "I'm not one to waste time. Except with that pitiful excuse for a raid in Niyoto. We should've explored the place for some loot."

Clyde shrugged.

"The circumstances didn't allow it. Besides, what would you do if more crusaders came to check us out?"

Airi let out an exasperated sigh.

"Adventuring doesn't mean come up with what-if scenarios."

"If you say so," Clyde said. "Anyway, what did you want to talk about?"

Airi pat him on the back.

"Make me a part of your harem."

Clyde's eyes widened.

"I'm just kidding," she said, chuckling. "It's about what I can feel in you. Clyde, I'm one of two High druids in existence. Some may even refer to me as a Super druid, a silly thing, I know. I'm one with nature and all of my attacks have nature damage embedded into them, so that's nice. Although I'm not fond of fire, but don't tell anyone." She winked. "I can feel a connection to nature within you, which brings me a lot of comfort. To be honest, I could hold you all night and feel bliss." She giggled.

"You must feel my mystic magic," Clyde said. "It's also attuned to nature."

"A mystic," she said. "So they haven't gone extinct. You're living history. Where did Harumi find someone so awesome?" Her eyes gleamed with stars. "Let's be friends," she turned to the young man and smiled. "And the first step of friendship is trust." She gave him the car salesman grin. To have his own line used against him—Airi was good.

Clyde laughed.


[You have established a relationship link with Airi]

[Your relationship level with Airi has increased to friend level 4, very interested and curious.]

"So you're some kind of super druid," Clyde said. "Is your old party this strong too?"

"Not really," Airi said. She looked as if she was about to reveal something, but the sound of hooting caught the attention of the duo.

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Two tall imp-like creatures dressed in torn clothing raced toward them, armed with tree branches. Muscular, with blue skin, they'd be intimitdating to the average Joe.

"HOO-MANS HOO-MANS, HOO-HOO-FOOD!" one of them yelled.

"I get the girl," the other said. "She can be my queen of the forest! We can make lots of babies. AHAHAHAHAHA."

Clyde stopped widening his eyes.

"Ready for some quick ass-kicking?"

His friend smiled.

"My favorite part of adventuring. Well, aside from the drinks."

[Your party has entered combat.]

Forest Mutated Imp

Level: 74

Type: Monster

Work under: Forest Tribe.

Special: None.

Weakness: wind and lightning.

Resistances: none.

Secret: once drilled a hole in a tree, filled it with lube, and called it his temporary mate. Needless to say, the tree somehow killed itself.

[Duo attack triggered!]

[Talent. Main character stuff: Level mimic. Since you both share a rare alignment and have the proper friendship level, you have copied Airi's level for half an hour. Use your time wisely.]

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A blast of aura erupted around Clyde, but not of the power…right? He and Airi looked at each other, nodded once then bolted forward. They simultaneously thrusted their palms forward.

[Duo attack. Tier 1 skill: Nature's Giga Gatling Blast.]

Wind and white magic swirled out of their hands like a giant horizontal tornado, engulfing the cocky imps, ripping them to shreds. One of them managed to call for help at the last second, like an idiot. The other six spawned out of the bushes and right into the slaughtering magic.

[Battle completed. Victory! Reward: 63,000 EXP.]

"Well now," Clyde said as he let out a breath. His bright aura didn't vanish completely, just outlined him. The two friends continued their journey.

"I thought you were supposed to taking a break from the power, to heal the strain or whatever you call it," Airi said.

"That wasn't the power," Clyde said. "Holy shit, Airi, what level are you?"

She shrugged.

"That's a secret. I compress my power to keep it hidden, so potential enemies won't be able to measure my strength. But what does my level have to do with you?"

"That's a secret," he said in a voice that formed a terrible impression of Airi. "I must keep it hidden."

"That's a terrible impression of me," Airi deadpanned. "Well, since we're about trust, my level is—"

"HOO-MAN, HOO-MAN, HOO-MAN! And sex girl."

"I'm not a sex girl, you pervert!" Airi snapped.

Twelve mutated imps rushed from the trees to engage the duo. Clyde and Airi annihilated them in less than thirty seconds.

"The chest is just ahead," Airi said.

A silver and blue chest was indeed in the predicted spot, guarded by someone. Of course. She was a blue-haired young woman with wolf-like ears, paws and tail. She hummed something to herself. Her eyes turned fierce upon noticing the duo. She howled like a human girl attempted to sound like a wolf.

"So you've come for this treasure, pesky humans," she cackled then pointed at them. "Well too bad. If you want it, you'll have to go through me." She howled again. "Are you afraid of wolves?"

"Not really," Clyde said. "I know a hellhound who shows me enough affection—"

"I think I'm in a...unique mood," the monster girl interrupted then licked her lips. "I'll need to deal with her first. The only reason why I'm still a virgin is because men keep bring friends along—but I won't make that mistake of getting distracted anymore!"

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And she did so anyway, anime-diving into Clyde. She attempted to rip off his pants, but Airi's foot met her face. She was sent back at least twenty feet, smacking into a tree.

[Your party has entered combat.]

Werewolf- Satta.

Level: 81

Type: Monster

Work under: N/A

Special: Bleeding slash.

Weakness: silver, fire..

Resistances: dark, earth, water.

Secret: is really bad at seducing men.

A yellow aura surrounded the werewolf.

"You're going to get it." She howled.

[Satta activated High speed rush.]

Airi blocked all of her combos then thrusted her palm into the mini-boss's chest.

"An unchallenging lower-level enemy," the Super druid said.

"Don't kill her," Clyde said with boredom in his voice. "I might have some use for her later if I revisit this forest."

"You mean let her **** you?" Airi said, voice a deadpan.

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"No, you perve," he said. "Does she seem like a threat to you? Other than being a victim of the Supreme."

"True," Airi said.

"What are you two going on about?" Satta said.

"We don't kill your kind unless you're trying to kill us," Clyde said. "That's one of our more recent rules. We're aware that some of you can't control the urge to have sex with men because of the succubus thing. Anyway, stand aside. We won that chest."

"I'm not giving up! Take this."

Satta attempted a Bleeding slash but missed then ended up whacked on the head by Airi.

"Apologize," Airi said.

The wolf, on the ground holding her head, whimpered.

"That hurt."

[Airi ended the battle.]

Clyde pushed his way past the wolf, eyes set on the prize.

"You shouldn't be wasting your time in this forest."

He knelt to the strange chest and opened it. There were a few items in it with decent rarity, but one particular potion caught his attention. One that may put the other women in a frenzy.

[You have found Breast Enhancement Potion. Item class: bizarre. Increases the breast size of any who drink, except male. Men are unaffected by the effects of the potion.]

Clyde sighed, warping the item to his inventory, as Airi excitedly snooped through the chest. The wolf girl took the opportunity to flee, but the young man figured he'd run into her again randomly. That's when he realized that Airi was ass-to-his-horn. His erection didn't give him a chance to move.

Airi blinked then turned to him, smirking.

"Well if you insist, but you can't tell anyone I gave you my virginity."

She leaned into him for the kiss. And somehow Clyde found himself eagerly undressing her. Deflowering the Legend Twenty-seven herself.

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