Airi's tightness made Clyde work to enter her. And from there, they went wild. The bliss he felt, between thrusting and kissing—the purple-haired young woman's virgin amazingness, once again reminded the young man of his love for Satovia. The tightness, the athletic squeeze against his manhood, is what made up Airi's awkwardness.

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She really had no idea what she was doing. Clyde thrusted even harder from observing her adorableness, something preferred over her annoying drinking or over-desire for adventure. The climatic song she released seemed as if it would wake up the entire forest. Fortunately, the werewolf didn't return, although the young man wouldn't be surprised if it stalked them. A quick word to Ruri should end that problem.

[Ki increased! +1 to leadership, defense, and nature.]

[Let it be known that you are indeed growing significantly stronger from the cultivation. Every small increase is meaningful. Encountering magic-wielding enemies with high levels won't mean a thing when your Ki stats are at the right place. Keep up the good work!]

[Quest: kill 10 enemies using Ki skills during the day. This quest is mandatory and cannot be refused. Reward: a spot on your map, marked for a *Ki book*.]

[Let it be known that Ki skills are less limited than magic, which is why they are significantly harder to obtain.]

After redressing, the duo made their way back to the household.

"What was that potion you had earlier?" Airi asked as they stepped into the house.

"Nothing special," Clyde said offhandedly. "And it's more than likely a fake." He absent-mindedly pulled it from his inventory. Walking toward the hallway, he murmured, "Breast enhancement…" his words trailed off as he snapped out of his tiredness and mini-daydreams about showering. The girls were staring at him, stars in their eyes—even Alice. Kitome, who showed up at Harumi's request, Airi, and Ruri gulped. They stood, abandoning the giant TV. He tried to warp the potion back into his inventory.

[System error 404. Please try again later. Hahahahaha.]

System what the fuck—don't try that shit, I know you're not a goddamn computer, Clyde thought. No response. Hey universe—help me out here, he thought again, but got nothing.

"Clyde, I need to talk with you for a second," Ruri said.

"No I need to—"

Clyde bolted into the hall.

"Harumi!" he said. She just happened to peek out of her room, tiredly, then snapped out of her daze, eyes widened at the chase. The young man dove into her room.

"Close the door!" he said. "Lock. Put a barrier spell on it."

Harumi frantically did, confused.

"What's going on?" she said. Pounding at the door and shouting of the women, mostly arguing at each other, washed over the duo.

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Sitting on the young woman's bed, he showed her the small potion.

"Breast enhancement potion—and the others want to pulverize me to goo just to get it," Clyde said. He told her of the "mini-adventure" that her friend dragged him off into.

"Then put it back in your inventory," Harumi said, giving him a blank stare.

"I would if I could, but it's not working," Clyde told her.

She sighed.

"Is it really?"

"Yep," Clyde said. "A drop—"

"Clyde, you've got to help me out this once," Kitome said. "I'll be really happy if you do…"

"No way, I'm his life mate—"

"Bah, you know you can't have him to yourself," Ruri interrupted her friend. "Besides, I'm tired of Matsume making me feel like a child."

Abruptly, the genie simply walked through the wall and Harumi's barrier like it was nothing, gaining the agape expressions of the two. The young man however wasn't worried, because in THAT department, Kanako definitely needed no potion. Dressed in her nightgown, she tiredly hugged Clyde's waste and fell asleep. Clyde and Harumi blinked.

"Did you see that?" Kitome said.

"She can walk through walls and barriers," Alice said. The sound of them walking away, made Clyde suspicious.

"I'm not falling for that," he called out to the women. They snickered. "Look, let's talk about this."

He almost passed the potion passed the potion to Harumi, but stopped himself. He couldn't have them trampling the pink-haired girl in haste.

"Are you sure?" Harumi said.

"Yeah—and it's not like I'm trying to hold onto this," he said, caressing the genie's head. He had a fucking genie. None of his friends from home would believe this. "Go ahead and open it. I'll have to carry sleepyhead back to her room. Then it's off to the shower."

Harumi seemed to brace herself. When she opened the door, the women walked in like they owned the place. The young man imagined rock music blazing in the background. Their eyes locked with Clyde, well, after glaring at Harumi's…melons of the heavens. He narrowed his own eyes, dangling the potion.

[This is a one-time use item. Only one person can drink and will be forced to consume the entire bottle.]

"Name your offers," Clyde said. "And I will accept nothing less than—" He cut off when a sleepy-eyed Chika walked in. She shoved the genie off the young man's lap before falling asleep there herself. Ruri, took one step toward her, possibly considering the idea, but stopped, as if repelled by an invisible force. Or…remembering just who she was about to pester. The genie was still asleep on Harumi's bed, legs spread. And not a sight of panties... The nosebleed almost knocked his head back. Alice quickly covered the defenseless sleeping girl.

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"Tsk—looking at her when you have me," Alice said.

"I know all of you want this," Clyde said, dangling the potion, "but I wouldn't change any part of you."

"We know you're sweet," Ruri said, "but that doesn't change anything. I want bigger boobies!" She anime-dove toward Clyde, only to smack flat into a mini-markerboard that Harumi just happened to pull out of a corner, with perfect timing. Somehow, Ruri's momentum stopped and she dropped. Anime logic? Harumi harrumphed anime girl style. He could even call it tsundere style. And speaking of tsundere. He looked at Kitome. She flushed.

"It—it's not like I'm—"

"Oh, quit trying to come up with an excuse, you tsundere," Ruri said. Kitome glared at her.

"Not even a magical breast-enhancing potion can help your problem," she said, poking at the girl's small breasts. Kitome's comeback stung hard enough to make the hellhound wilt.

Clyde attempted to put the potion back into his inventory.

[System error 69. You cannot return this item.]

"Enough waiting," Alice said. "You should give it to me—I'm your life mate. And then Tear won't be able to—"

Chika yawned, cutting the girl off, then attempted to pull off the young man's pants, while still asleep.

"Not in here," Harumi said. As she tried to control the sleeping silver-haired girl, her breasts knocked the potion bottle from Clyde's grasps. It spilled all over the genie, chest included. They watched, holding their breaths, but nothing happened.

"She's already huge," Alice snapped. "Ugh!"

"You could always lick her," Airi said as she walked into the room, laughing. "Clyde said he wouldn't change any part of you. Think about that while you're sulking at the missed chance of matching Harumi."

The women sighed, defeated, Airi included—poking her friend's breast.

"She won't tell me her secret," Airi said.

Harumi flushed.

"All of you go to bed. We have class in the morning."

She frantically shook Chika. It took a minute for the silver-haired girl to finally open her eyes to glare. Then she smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry," she said. "I think I was about to talk to Clyde about a crime show, but working on my…project tired me out." She stood, kissed the young man, then strolled past the group, for bed.

"Strange girl," Ruri said.

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"Pot calling the kettle black," Clyde said, chuckling. "Anyway, I'm going to shower." Harumi shook the genie awake and directed her to the bath. The young man didn't miss Kanako's annoyance at waking up covered in breast enhancement potion. He checked his inventory while showering.


$ 70,715,400

-Map of Lot City, Satovia.

-Map of Libado Grasslands, Satovia.

-Map of Ashen City, Satovia.

-Map of Niyoto, Satovia.



-Reminder for practice- note.

- Zelt's printer. Level 1/25.

- Wind blade. (item class: very rare.)

-Melody's note.

- Deed to the Ashfall estates, treasures, etc.

- Honey Potion of Healing (item class: rare.)

-Wind blade. (very rare) +16 to attack. Wind element.

- Place of Power Core (item class: Relic) (item value: priceless)- establish a place of power.

- Super health potion x3 (item class: common)

- Max MP replenish potion (item class: epic)

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- bundle of materials. (Item class: rare.)

- Forger's hammer. Item class: very rare

- Storage ring. Item class: rare

- Exploding blowup doll. Item class: *One of a kind* Unsuspecting enemies will experience a nice surprise. Does dark deity damage.

- Sharpened Crystal Dagger. Item class: uncommon

-3 rubies, 3 diamonds, 3 emeralds, 3 casper-jewels.

- Root Tree seed. Item class: epic.

- Magic lamp. Item class: *Relic*

-Moon Drop Potion. Item class: epic. Unknown effects. It is recommended to take this to an expert before usage.

- Mysterious Harp. Item class: *One of a kind* this special harp is loved dearly by a special type of harpy called the Gandharva. Handing this to her will get you a *World Star Fragment* and another reward.

-Breast enhancement potion x 2. Item class: bizarre.

[Hidden Talent: item duplication glitch has worn off.]

"Son of a bitch!" Clyde snapped. What the hell, System, he thought. Well, he had two of them now. Somehow the night didn't turn out disappointing at all. Well, the sex with Airi did have something to do with his bright mood, but just a little.

When he stepped out of the bathroom, dressed in a shorts and a tank top, the young man bumped into Melody. An attempted peeping girl. She flushed furiously, but he grabbed her arm before she could run.

"Let's chat for a bit, in your room," Clyde said. "You've been avoiding me."

Still blushing, she hugged him, melting into his arms.

"I…sorry. I made a fool of myself and was too embarrassed to own up."

Clyde could feel the warmth of the beautiful redhead through the nightgown. He wasn't an arrogance asshole, but knew it'd be a while before the chance presented itself again.

"You've done nothing of the sort," he said. "Let's talk in your room. And I kind of want to know what Alice was talking about earlier."

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