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Lot City Investigations Bureau…

Detective Tetra once again delayed Clyde's investigation, setting his nearly empty folder into a stack that normally got ignored. Someone kept putting his file back onto her desk—and she was getting fed up with it. She tried to call off the case at least three times, but the higher-ups wouldn't listen. They had no idea what they were up against. Fools.

Tetra would protect Clyde even if it costed her life. She'd thwart every attempt to go after him, every meeting request setup, every agent sent to tail him. She ended at least twelve operations so far. That man…would probably never know. The shameless government had no right to bother him. How fucking dare, they. After leaving the people to fend for themselves every night—so many disappeared. Tetra may be Alethian, but she cared for citizen's lives, regardless of race. She considered herself a true Alethian—a proud race that didn't bow to some demon lord.

The Supreme. A controversial subject among all non-human women, even the elven. Alethian cousins. Elves were supposed to be the original authors of not taking anyone's shit, yet Tetra just knew they gave themselves over to the Supreme. The male elf was in danger of going extinct. Half-elves from the birth of a male elf and a human woman would become abundant, burying the pure blood. Another disaster among the others. Just like the disappearance of the mysterious magic that made all super natural events and entities invisible to humans. It even prevented people without magic or the "gift" from going to non-human nations.

The detective shut off her laptop, weary of research on the Stone. A hero or what some ancient documents called, the Protagonist. There were even references of him being a god—his crests, Life and Eternity.

Someone knocked on her office door.

"Come in," Tetra said.

Her co-worker and friend, Ling, walked in. She was a short woman with wavy brown hair, a bust somehow exceeding even Tetra's, and a somewhat sexual-flirty vibe about her. The detective assumed that's why all the men in the office tried so hard to impress her. Tetra wasn't Jealous. She wasn't!

"You really should call it a night." She handed the detective a cold Isaki-fruit soda. The dark elf gratefully accepted it.

"You're right," she said.

"You still never told me about your…encounters with Team Stone," Ling said.

Remembering how she was pretty much rescued by Clyde, Tetra blushed, then waved off her friend.

"Maybe later," Tetra said.

Ling smirked.

"You could always let the leader fondle your huge breasts."

Tetra crossed her arms, glaring at her friend.

"It's not like that," Tetra said, although she realized she sounded like a high school girl with a crush. She cleared her throat, putting on a stern expression to counter her smirking friend. "Just know that he's going to be intertwined with our lives for something greater than we could ever imagine."

"I don't know about that," Ling said, "but he did save the town. Strange how no one's officially recognizing Team Stone. Why aren't they wearing medals of honor? Why are they not on every fucking billboard in our city? The people won't stop talking about them."

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"I know," Ling said, interrupting her friend. "And it irritates me. First, our mayor was working with unknown clients, although rumors said them to be mysterious Hades family. Bow now underneath it all, they made a deal with the yakuza." The woman shook her head. "Can we really call ourselves enforcers of the law anymore—letting criminal organizations be a part of this because we're quote on quote lacking officers. The truth is, many of the officers were just pathetically afraid of being caught up with the missing people ordeal, rumors or not. To me, the lack of evidence for any of the supernatural claims pointed at the possibility of a serial killer at the time. The mayor didn't so much as try to find the root of the problem."

Tetra sighed, then stood, placing a hand on her friend's shoulder.

"The mayor may be something worse than we know, but that's why I believe Team Stone will change things," Tetra said.



Hade's Estates…

"Tear, I'm home!" Natalia said, cheerfully skipping through the halls of the palace. She greeted some maids, butlers, network succubi, and some monster girls who hadn't fled after Lady Alice's stupid father got his just dues.

She peeked into one of the succubi rooms and frowned. The minion was simply reading a romance novel. What happened to succubi doing pervy things? So much for the silly string prank. Except…well, Natalia sprayed the unsuspecting minion, anyway. She bolted, laughing as the angry monster girl yelled curses at her.

She eventually found Tear, eating with Saki and a few of her networkies.

"Hi Tear," she said, waving.

"Hello Nattie," she said. "Care to join us for dinner?"

"Nah, I've already eaten at pervy-nii's house," Natalia said then sat in the succubus's lap. Tear smiled warmly, protective arms on the girl. She caressed the kid's head like a caring mother.

"My blood friend, you may hide it, but something's worrying you. You're here to talk about it." Natalia leaned back. Tear looked at her succubus dinner companions. "Please excuse us. I'm going to talk to Nattie."

Natalia followed her friend to her room. As they walked, she recalled an old promise between the two—a pact formed and an unbroken bond. The witch would give everything to protect it, Tear, and Lady Alice. Alice who was more than just a half-demoness, half-angel—also the only one in existence. A forbidden union. Her precious lady was a seraphim—something Natalia shortened from the full ridiculous name of seraphim-relinquim.

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If that wasn't enough, Harumi's friend, Airi, hid her true self beneath words unspoken. Good thing the adventurer-nut was friendly. Pervy-nii seemed to attract quite the variety of beings.

"Go ahead and spill it," Tear said when the duo entered her bedroom.

Natalia took a breath, let it out, and then looked her precious friend in the eye, serious. That made Tear listened carefully.

"The notice-me-senpai girl somehow managed to link with me—a feat that's supposed to be impossible," the witch started. "But two seconds after she did, she collapsed, saying that she's worried for Melody. That's why I'm back so late. I watched for hours, but nothing happened. Which means something is approaching. And we both know who."

"He who we cannot name wouldn't show himself," Tear said. "No, he'd send the Blood Hand first, led by the bitch-of-the-hour."

"I bet she's still afraid of turtles," Natalia said, wagging her finger. Awkward silence, then they laughed, remembering good times. When she first dropped Melody off to live with the Hades family.

"I bet she's still a virgin," Tear said. "All of that angelic beauty, but gets so shy when a man touches her. She's purer than Melody. At least Melody has hope."

Natalia giggled.

"I love our pure demi-goddess."

"I know, right?" Tear said. "But she'll never blossom into her true power until she gives her virginity to a god that she loves."

"Pervy-nii," Natalia said then shook her head. "Why can't she find some other way to unlock her powers. That's just stupid."

"She can," Tear said. "Just the act of first time sex is the easiest—her body will be in a state to break all the locks without even trying. Who wouldn't go the easy way out, it's just sex?"

"Still," Natalia said.

"You humans and witches, making a big deal over biological necessities," Tear said then pat the witch's head.

"Easy for the succubus to say," Natalia said. "I'll never lose my…never mind. I'll get him eventually—I've got a plan. Anyway, now's not the time for that. If the prophet girl's vision is correct, the fallen angel will more than likely be in the city tomorrow morning."

"Damn," Tear said. "I hate to admit it, but she may be too strong for me."

"I'll summon the fairy boy for some extra help," Natalia said. "He owes me a favor anyway."

"How did you get a favor from Titania's son?" Tear said, eyes wide. "Never mind that—you know the risk of bringing him here. If Titania discovers that he's in Lot city, none of us will stand a ghost of a chance. We'll have to run."

"Pssh—we'll just give him up right away if she somehow comes here of all places," Natalia said.

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"That's betrayal," Tear said.

"Ah who cares," Natalia said. "It's either him or us, along with the entire city."

"You're more ruthless than me," the succubus said.

Natalia laughed.

"The things I do to protect those that I care about. Besides, what good am I as the Right Hand if I can't make tough decisions."

Tear nodded.

"You know, come to think of it, if we train her enough, Sazuki will eventually learn a skill that could enable Clyde to bind the fairy queen to him."

Natalia shook her head.

"I don't want that burden on him. Not my pervy-nii."

"Controlling the fairy queen without using any of his magic is not a burden," Tear said.

"Ohhh, you mean THAT skill," Natalia said. "That's really hard to learn. She'd have to specifically train with the pervy reaperess."

"Way ahead of you," Tear said. "They've actually started to become friends. Although, I think Sazuki kind of hates Yusuke."

"Dummy-ninja?" Natalia said. "He's not so bad. Somewhat. If he continues on his new leaf, he'd start becoming attuned to chakra."

Tear gasped.

"Are you sure? Because that's one of the hardest essences to obtain."

"Indeed, but what's weird is that pervy-nii can't learn it until he marries us," Natalia said. "Sadly, that includes the prophet girl—she's the one that's actually going to turn on his capability through…the nasty." Natalia grimaced.

"How do you even know all of this, my little bloody?" the succubus said.

Natalia giggled.

"You keep forgetting that I'm a witch of the lost path. It'd be an insult to my covenant if I didn't know this basic information or how to sense a few upcoming skills. Well, the skill sensing, I copied from you then modified it."

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Tear sighed.

"It's not really reliable, but better than nothing. Anyway, let's work out the plans to protect our Melody. We'll worry about declaring husband and all that stuff later."

"Are you really going to do it?" Natalia said.

"I'm kidding," Tear said. "Do I look uncivilized to you?"

"It's not whether you're uncivilized or not—it's just currrent demoness and monster girl culture," Natalia said. "Actually, we're already pervy-nii's, so it doesn't matter."

Tear shruggled.

"Did you know that his heart already considers me a wife?"

Natalia grimaced.

"It's not fair."

"You'll be fine, Nattie. His right hand, right? Virtuous life?"

Natalia fell backward on the bed.

"Pervy-succubus monster."

Tear laughed, scooping Natalia into an embrace.

"I remember a time when I would fall apart without you, Nattie."

"That was a LONG time ago," the witch said. "You're so strong now. If they came after you again, all of our friends would step up to fight with you. Maybe kick their butts before you knew it." Tear smiled. Natalia yawned. "I still don't understand why they put supposed Supreme demon lord heirs in stupid battle royale trials like that."

"The brutality is supposed to harden the next ruler or so they say," Tear said. "Make them live in cages, fight each other to the death, live in the wild without magic, beat them, break them. Five years consecutively. If you hadn't rescued me with the summon…I wouldn't be who I am today."

Natalia wiggled out of Tear's embrace.

"Let's not think about those old times anymore. Melody first."

Tear nodded.

"Sorry. I'll call for a servant to make us some tea and cookies. This is going to be a long night."

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