Clyde's house…

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Clyde held Melody into his arms, staring at a cute face. A young woman with an average bust and beautiful tomato-red hair. In a pink nightgown—skin so soft and well taken care of. The young man was ready to take her if not for one glaring issue.

"She actually fainted," he said softly. His eyes stared at lips that were probably soft and amazing. They seemed to pull him in. He needed her awake. What did Alice and the others have planned? No matter how much he shook and called her name, the redhead just would not stir. Her breathing served as the only indicator that she still lived. He ended carrying the girl to bed, tucking her in. At this rate, he'd never progress with Melody.

And Clyde didn't mean sex. Trying to get her into a conversation or on a date was a chore. What made her so elusive? She surely wasn't like this before. The answer popped into the young man's head instantly, though he didn't give credit to his intellect stat.

Melody was afraid of her own bad luck. Or what she perceived as bad luck, since everything seemed to fall to pieces around her—at least during dates and alone time. The redhead failed to realize that all of the happenings emerged from her own clumsiness.

Even with the sinkhole back in Niyoto. There was a sign clearly warning them—but the young man couldn't stop her in time. Back on the balcony when she attempted to "seduce" Clyde, she didn't take in consideration of the low railing behind them. She dove too hard out of nervousness—maybe even anime-dove.

He observed her room of fluffy pinks and decorative stuffed animals. There was a lot of personality and cutesiness in the large room. Neatly stacked school books with completed assignments tucked into folders, a cellphone on the charger next to her bedside with missed texts from Tear, a closed laptop, and a romance novel on top of a tablet. He wondered if the women hosted some kind of secret reading group.

Clyde gazed at Melody once more before stepping out of her room, quietly closing the door behind him. A feeling of determination surged through the young man as he headed to his room. He'd improve his relationship with the redhead—no matter what it took. A barrier to break.

In his own bedroom, Chika was sleep, but Alice signed and stamped papers under lamp light. She smiled upon noticing the young man, quickly putting away her House Hades workload.

"Test results come out tomorrow," Alice said. "Who do you think will be number one?"

Clyde chuckled.

"To be fair, I hadn't been in this world my entire life."

Stripping to tank top and boxers, Alice gave him a look.

"You may want to take the rest off."

He shrugged, easily complying, then joining her in bed. He kissed his life mate while shoving two fingers inside of her. The satisfying moisture set his erection to maxed heights. He brushed aside blonde hair, staring back into glistening pink eyes. When he entered her, she squeezed and softly moaned.

The aroma of Alice's flowery bath soap hugged his nose as he plowed hard and harder. The faint blush on her face grew redder as the endgame approached. The two were one, friends, soulmates, and lovers. A feat that people in the modern era rarely reached. Then again, Satovia couldn't be fairly compared with mundane Earth. Well, not everyone lived a boring life, but the majority…kind of did. Survival depended on it.

Abruptly, Chika woke up right as Alice climaxed. She seemed to strip instantly, pushing the half-demoness to the side and stroking Clyde. The young man grunted.

"To think you two would go at it with me right here."

Alice shrugged.

"You were sleeping so peacefully."

Chika mounted, riding. Alice continued to kiss him. She grabbed his fingers and plunged them inside herself.

He…was taking on two. That night, he released at least six full loads before ending the activity. They changed the sheets and showered while talking about the tests.

[Ki increased! Soul, Command, Radiance from Alice. Vitality, Speed, and Aura from Chika.]


[Secret quest completed: Have sex with two or more women at the same time. Reward: 1.2 million EXP. Combat level increase and random skill level increase. Your combat skill has increased to Skilled! Note: you must attend the dojo 3 more times to shift from intermediate to Advanced in combat rank.]

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[Quest: visit the dojo. You must take either Kitome or Melody with you. This quest is mandatory and cannot be refused.]

[Congratulations, you have reached level 91! Stats increased.]


Monday. Week 2. Month 2. Year 1. Season: Autumn.

[You have triggered exotic sleep! All stats except paranoia and hidden stats are boosted by 10% You received an endurance boost of 50% for the day!]

The sound of…loud…anime music? No… J-Pop burst through Clyde's room like a cross between a tornado and multiple crates of exploding dynamite. The young man and his two bedmates jumped nearly a foot into the air. Their eyes glared down on a smiling Natalia. The music flickered off.

"It's time for scho…" her voice trailed off as Alice's aura covered the entire room.

As the loli ran, the half-demoness chasing, Clyde shook his head.

"Harumi! Alice is bullying me," Natalia yelled.

"She gets a kick out of provoking us," Chika said tiredly, before rolling on top of the young man. "How'd she get in here anyway?"

"You know, I don't remember actually locking the door last night…or closing it fully," Clyde said. He let out a breath as Chika mounted him, wet. Fifteen minutes of wild riding later—something she named a Chi-quickie—they were in the shower.

[Ki increased! +1 to all of Chika's attributes.]

Everyone sat at the dining room, chatting and smiling. Clyde was involved in nearly all of the conversations, his attention almost demanded, even by Matsume. Alice and Tear surrounded him in terms of seating. Harumi was in his lap, playfully feeding him and teasing his mountain.

He could swear his stimulation reached a new level since the previous night. Ah, this world's poison. He no longer denied the harem—the sex and relationship levels and the fact that they chose to live with him made it clear. However, the young man could not help but wonder what they felt. Was it a competition for his heart or were they okay with sharing?

The answer to that was obvious—Clyde knew that just by observation, but the question became: how? Maybe because they fought, slept and ate together—and truly enjoyed each other's companies?

[The relationship between most of the women is fairly high. Yes, that includes Natalia.]

[There are still a few that must catch up such as Ruri, Ming, etc.]

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[Airi, Hinako, Neko, Matsume, Maki, and Kanako are wild cards. Meaning they have no determined place in your harem, but you may go after them. Increases to your power makes this idea a win-win.]

At least Melody wasn't a wild card. Wait…Melody's not a wild card. That's right, she's in love with me already, Clyde thought. When Harumi got up, to help put away the dishes so that Sofia and Maki could wash them under Yuki's supervision, the young man hurried after the redhead. She forgot something in her room. When she turned, eyes falling on him, Clyde made the gamble. Well, he tried to, but the flushed demi-goddess squeaked, startled, and then teleported to the front room.

"Melody, I just want to talk—"

"It'd have to wait," Alice said. "We're going to be late. Jump us."

Clyde sighed.

"Fine, but Melody, we have to talk. After classes, maybe on a walk."

"We actually need to speak with Melody as well," a familiar voice said. The front door opened before everyone could step out and Tear walked in.

"And it's very important," Natalia said. "You know what it is, Melody."

"Alright, let's stop the cliché right here," Clyde said holding up a hand. "None of this secretive bullshit and jumping around with the pronoun game because it will end up with one of us killed. So what's going on?"

He quickly pulled Melody to his side, promptly causing her to faint.

"Sheesh Clyde," Tear said, "you have to be gentle with her. She's hopelessly in… Never mind. Just be nice to her."

Tear waved a hand over Melody's head, jolting her awake. Her eyes met with Clyde's first before realizing everyone was present.

"Sorry," she said, seemingly meant for everyone, but her eyes were locked with the young man's. He offered her a hand, smile warm. She blushed, accepting it.

"Tear, if you don't mind telling us what's going on."

The succubus nodded.

"It's nothing that shouldn't keep you from going to school," Tear said, "but one of us has to guard Melody."

"Is it my father?" Melody said. "And I don't need guarding."

"You do," Tear said, voice stern. "Matsuko's coming with the Blood Hand."

Clyde noticed the blood drain from Melody's face.

"I'll guard her." Airi emerged from the hallway, dressed in designer jeans and shirt. She handed Melody a metallic one-inch statue of what looked like a dragon. "Keep this on your person. The minute you're in trouble, I will be able to teleport to you instantly. It was in that chest last night."

"Chest?" Natalia said.

Melody examined the object, but didn't pocket it.

"You really shouldn't have to get involved and possibly killed over our problems."

"You really don't know who I am, do you," Airi said, placing hands on her hips. She smiled. "I'm an S-class adventurer for a reason. I live for this." She winked. "Besides, I like you. You've got some good tastes in books. Oh and thanks for lending me the one about the prince—"

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Melody covered her mouth, blushing.

"L—let's stay relevant here." She turned to Tear. "Are you sure? How do you even—"

Abruptly, Clyde felt a strange presence—a multitude of them—smash into the city right as Melody's voice trailed off. Her eyes widened. He mirrored her.

"Matsuko's strong," Tear said. "Even for me." She looked at Airi. "Are you sure you can handle this? The moment you sense fallen angel energy, get her here. The barrier around the house is a little weak, but it's better than nothing. Sure we have Yuki's aura, but it won't help us here."

[Your relationship with Airi has increased to friend level 5, very interested and curious.]

"Whoa whoa, whoa, slow it down," Clyde said. "Fallen angel? What exactly is going on here?"

"With Uncle gone, Melody is no longer serving her unfair punishment time," Tear said. "Her father is sending elite guards to probably retrieve her. Maybe even punish our girl on the spot—I won't stand for it."

Clyde nodded, feeling cold inside. He'd fuck up anyone that tried to harm Melody.

"I'll increase the barrier's strength," Clyde said. "I've been neglecting that."

He recalled the first prompt about the Power Core System.

[You can utilize power core points (PP) to create automatic guards that will engage at your order and keep intruders out. You'll need PP to level them up, give certain abilities and specialized commands, and increase damage capability. You'll need barrier points to increase the strength of the barrier. Use MP to pay the daily maintenance cost. Do you wish to have this done automatically?]

That was done automatically, but he never noticed any guards. The system explained matters.

[Your guards will spawn when needed to defend your place of power. So far, they killed a total of four random monsters that passed through the area. Due to your auto-maintenance cost which happens when you go to bed, your guards are at level 99, the max level until your BCFUS reaches rank 3.]

He recalled the other old prompt, about barriers.

[You may convert free points to PP or BP. Be warned that the value of free points dramatically outweighs all other points. You currently start off with 5 points pre-distributed to each field. It is up to you to make your place of power stronger. Thanks to the combined power of your friends, they've managed to start you off with a level 6 barrier. It won't be enough to keep out the most powerful, but you will remain nearly undetectable.]

Now the big fish were in the city. Good thing he saved up so many free points. Now he'd invest enough to allow everyone to sleep soundly at night. Although…if he had the composure stat at two hundred, he'd be able to project himself to wherever the enemies were located. Maybe scare them?

[Your total *free points*: 215! Incredible.]

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[Current Main barrier level: 6. PP: 25. BP: 25.]

Clyde invested fifty into both PP and BP.

[Your barrier has leveled up!]

[Current Main barrier level: 11. PP: 75. BP: 75.]

The seventy-five bugged him, so he invested twenty-five more into both.

[Your barrier has leveled up!]

[Current Main barrier level: 13. PP: 100. BP: 100. You are moderately protected. Not even deities would easily detect you.]

[Free points remaining: 65]

That was the message Clyde wanted to see.

"Done," he told the others. Natalia, Alice, and Tear swarmed him.

"How did you do that?" they asked simultaneously.

"Long story," he said, "but we've got to go. Can I count on you, Airi?"

"Damn right," she said. "Oh and tell Kitome to punch Toru in the gut for me. Irritating meme…making fun of my br…" she sighed, then hugged Harumi. "Have fun in school."

"I still wanna go to your school," Natalia said then made a pouty face. Alice pinched her cheek.

"Ow! Lady Alice you bully," Natalia said.

Alice smiled.

"Let's go people," Chika said. "Some of us have grades to maintain."

They all laughed until Clyde activated the Jump skill. The stomach-lurching wasn't as bad as before, but it still sucked.

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