Downtown Lot City…

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Hiroshi glared at his two companions.

"So let me get this straight," he said, folding his arms. "You've got the spirits of warships inside of you?"

"Yep!" a girl with short silver hair said. Her annoying never-ending cheerfulness made the man's eye twitch. Seriously, what was up with bubbly-types and their endless enthusiasm? Where did they get it? Could it be quashed?

"Sir!" the other girl with long black hair said, saluting. "We hope to support you the best we can."

Hiroshi facepalmed. So bubbles the cheery happy girl and the stoic motivated one. Just his luck. Get tasked to do something simple. They shove two pests to follow him. What a fucking drag,

"You're only useful on water, during battle. Why are you here?"

"Commander's orders, Section Leader, sir?" the black-haired girl said. "And we're perfectly capable of land-based combat. We will protect you—even take the bullet. Duty is life!"

"And I have a bow that fires airplanes!" cheered the silver-haired girl. Her innocent, maybe childish smile almost caused the man to sneer.

Hiroshi shook his head, wondering what god he pissed off to get shoved into this situation. Silently debating with himself, he decided to just row with it. Do his job, get it over with, get back to base for a drink.

"This is going to be a long day. State your names, soldiers."

The cheerful girl saluted.

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"Ayu, section leader, sir!" she smiled in a way that was meant to make Hiroshi blush, but only served to secretly piss him off. How dare she find happiness from doing the military's bitchwork. Oh who was he to crash her party.

The not-caring, no-fucks-to-give, vibe took over the man again. He considered taking up smoking again, but Aiki beat that habit out of him until he cringed at every smokable thing he laid eyes on.

"Maho, section leader, sir!" the black-haired girl said.

"Make sure your things are stowed away in your hotel rooms," Hiroshi said with a little section leader authority in his voice. "I want you back here by ten hundred. Check?"

"Check!" the girls said.


When the young women scurried off to follow his orders, Hiroshi frantically pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed Aiki. She took her sweet ass time to answer.

"Hello, Ace Aiki here?" she said, though he could tell she was smiling in her voice.

"Aiki, what the fuck?" he said. "Why didn't you send me hardened soldiers?"

"Aye and Maho are quite good at their jobs, mind you," Aiki said. "Don't insult them."

"Girls with warship spirits inside of them? How much of a fool are you people going to take me?"

"Oh get over yourself, Hiroshi," Aiki said. "You're always in denial of anything you can't understand with science. They were a secret squad, just like our gifted, for a long time before the barrier between human and supernatural disappeared."

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"Okay, I get that much," Hiroshi said, "but I'm only here to find this Rodger guy and invite him to teach. Why do I need these…ship girls?"

"Just another part of the buddy system," Aiki said, laughing. "They will protect you, whether you want it or not. Besides, there have been many happenings reported in Lot City. We can't possibly send you alone." Hiroshi sighed. Aiki continued. "Just lead them. Give them orders, whatever. Maybe they can find this Team Stone and get them back to base."

"Fine," Hiroshi said, unenthused. "You owe me for this."

"I'll treat you to some beef bowls," Aiki said.

"Whatever," Hiroshi said. "Anyway, I've got to go."



"Take care." Aiki hung up.

"What a pain in the ass," Hiroshi said softly.


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Maid Café…

Ming finished off her third donut, while doing her best not to think of the calorie intake. Her friends sat in front her, stares blank. Han, Tyrone, Zack, and Peng. Zack broke the ice.

"How's your new life with your husband?" he said, grinning evilly. "Are you living together? Did you get pregnant yet?"

Ming chucked a doughnut, nailing him in the face.

"I don't want to hear grown-up talk from Mr. Emo," she snapped. "Did you find a new ice queen to replace your last?"

"No need to be so feisty, I was just messing with you," Zack said.

Peng sighed.

"Just don't, emo-boy. Ming, why did you call us here? I mean if it's to give us the release date of the next Loli Saga, then let me hug you."

Ming's blank stare turned into a glare.

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"We're still the number one team in the region—can we not hang out as friends every once in a while?"

"Tell us what's bothering you?" Tyrone said. "Besides the obvious fact that going after a guy with a harem is nearly impossible without becoming a part of it."

Ming bit the bottom of her lip.

"So many things," she said softly. "My powers have become very active as expected, but there are so many other girls. Not to mention, some living with him." She poked at the forth donut in the box in front of her.

"Let me guess," Han said. "You can't get him to notice you." He cackled and made a terrible Ming impression. "Notice me senpai." Han shrugged. "I wish I could call the guy bad news, but I was down there that day when he saved the city. I…felt the heat of the lava. I've never been so scared in my life. Shit, I ended up throwing up my lunch." He chuckled.

"Let's not circle the main ordeal here," Tyrone said then looked at his watch. "Almost time for classes. Anyway. Once again, I'll have to pick up the phone and make you invite him to hang out. I'm not the harem expert, but if you're trying to compete, then you'd better make yourself noticed. We won't judge your choices."

"I have to be honest with you," Zack said. "You should drop the idea of being romantically involved with this guy. You're beautiful. You'll have no trouble finding someone who'll give you the time of the day. Just stick to being his prophet. You know, a business relationship. The other girls don't really talk to you much, right? So fuck it."

Ming did not feel better as she hoped. She really didn't want to give up so easily.

"That look in your eye," Tyrone said then nodded. "So my idea it is then,"

"You could always move in with him," Peng said. "If you're so-called going to marry the one who contracted with Amina."

Ming was seconds from grabbing the donut box and giving the jackass a piece of her mind when the vision struck.

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