Sato Academy…

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Clyde and his housemates, including Maki, met up with Toru, Seth, Kitome at the front gates before proceeding inside. Sounds of admiration poured from the other students. Curiosity and possibly envious vibes flowed through the air—the young man detected it all with his mystic senses.

"Here we go with this," Toru muttered.

"Sounds like someone's already missing his Fumi," Seth said.

"Would you two just shut the hell up," Kitome said. "Admire your fan girls while you still have them."

"They're back, Team Stone's back!" someone whispered to his or her friend. This being the most powerful college in the nation, there were plenty of rich students. Some of those rich women attempted to push their way past the others to swipe the men out of the party, but the sole glare from Kitome and then one look at top student Chika herself, made them back off, likely to scheme.

Despite being a school for the rich, Sato Academy looked like an anime high school. Sure, there were differences—one could tell that this place had too much money to spend. Expensive statues and decorations, fine material for the uniforms, rich student privileges (even if they didn't admit it), a cafeteria with impressive, but expensive food, and the list in Clyde's head went on.

"Man, he's got all the girls, even Maki. Maki!" someone said. "Who was the dumbass that thought him a nobody."

"You," another student whispered.

Clyde could see the storm cloud of male jealousy aura and gave his silent pity and condolences. The system basically cheated him in the position to "woo" all of the women. Sure, he fought and bled with them, comforted and gave them an ear without Satovia's inherit bias, yet, he figured the man that worked up the courage to confess got shat on. Ah well.

During class, Hinako frequently called on Clyde to answer questions, especially when Alice or Chika attempted to whisper something to him.

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It got so bad, that he excused himself to the restroom—something that a professor couldn't deny a college student. As he walked, received a picture and text message from Hinako. It was her winking.

Hinako: Forgive me? I'll treat you to lunch today to make it up. *Kissy-face emoji.

So that was her game. She could've simply asked. Maybe…his "harem" was getting too big for him, but he'd be lying if he said this wasn't the most fun he'd ever had in his life.

Clyde stopped at the large test board hanging in the middle of the Literary Hall. Test scores. He wouldn't be surprised if he was far down on the list.

Unsurprisingly, Chika held the number one spot. Surprisingly, tied with…. HE AND ALICE. WHAT THE FUCK? He laughed. He made a perfect score, somehow. But the tests were quite difficult. Well, not the last one. All of the studying forced by Chika came in handy. Sazuki had number two, Maki third, Harumi fourth, Toru fifth, someone named Misaka took sixth, Seth seventh, Melody eighth, Kitome ninth, Naomi tenth, Yusuke eleventh and so on.

He nodded once then continued his way to the bathroom. Among thousands of students, Team Stone took the top. Not even Seth's impressive score surprised him. A non-rich student would have to work extra hard to get into Sato Academy.

The young man would congratulate Naomi at lunch. He remembered from a conversation during lunch that her last score was mid five-hundreds. Clyde believed Chika intervened…possibly.

As he turned the corner, he nearly bumped into Melody. She still dropped her large stack of papers. The young man scrambled to help the poor girl pick them up. They ended up walking together to Administration.

"I heard they were going to select a new dean this week," Melody said.

"Hopefully it's someone who knows the difference between doing a job and being an asshole," Clyde said.

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After turning in the papers, the young man walked Melody to class. She hugged him before walking inside.

[Your relationship with Melody has increased to Absolute Endearment, friend closer level 3.]

Clyde still had a way to go with her, but he wanted to know more about the demigoddess. What's it like in her world. Is her realm in this dimension?

[There are about other worlds in this dimensional space, including Melody's home world, affected by the rules, but Satovia is the only one protected by multiple light-aligned deities. The others are far away and to this day, no known records of exploration exist. Not even for Melody's world.]

Clyde felt taken aback. So there were multiple worlds in the dimensional space that were also anime worlds? Didn't that contradict with Mortem's first words to him. "This is THE anime world."

He read the prompt again. No known records. Satovia being sheltered by multiple deities. Light-aligned. Melody's father was a dark god. Maybe these unknown worlds were also run by dark gods, even other beings that had powers as strong as a god's, maybe stronger. Clyde had so many questions, wanted to know so much, but other than the system, no one was there to give him a direct answer.

A text message followed by a phone call caught the young man's attention. Ming? He answered.

"Don't go outside," she said, her voice a warning mixed with a little fright.

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Clyde's game face took over as he made his way to an isolated corner of the hall.

"What's going on?"

"You need Natalia," Ming said. "Well in truth, I don't have Tear, Alice, or…anyone else's number—and Natalia tricked me into trading numbers. But you can't go outside. There—"

"Alright, slow it down," Clyde said. "Why do I need Natalia?"

"I had a vision," Ming said. "In it, there were dark forms passing by your school—in fact, they're doing so right now. I think they're looking for someone. Just stay inside. I saw what happens…if you don't."

"Loud and clear," Clyde said. "Don't have to tell me twice. Anyway, I'd better—"

"Would you mind hanging out with me when you're free? Anytime is fine. Never mind—forget I asked. I shouldn't have asked, I'm just useless on the—"

"Ming, chill," Clyde said. "Let's hangout. You choose the time. And never call yourself useless in front of me again, because you're not." Silence. "When do you want to hang out?"

"T—tomorrow," she said, voice flustered. "If that's okay."

"It's fine," Clyde said. "Tomorrow's an off day for me. Do you want to stop by at my house? We can go to the—"

"Your house sounds great," Ming said. "But, I don't want the other girls to interrupt. I'd like to really get to know you."

"Me too," Clyde said, knowing damn well that the other girls were out of his control.

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After ending the call with Ming, the young man could not resist the urge to peek outside a window.

First, a wall of…something smashed into his face. Power, aura, ruthlessness. Darkness. There were normal citizens passing by, yet his eyes feel to a group. In it was a woman, followed by three or four men, who somehow just didn't fit in with…anything. And that probably wasn't the entire group.

This group…had to be them. Melody's pursers. Holy shit they were strong. The pressure of their magic made him unsure if even the power would do him any good against them.

Abruptly, the woman looked right in his direction. Clyde ducked, hopefully in time.


Sato academy rooftop…

The red cloaked being wasn't sure if he ducked in time. To think that fallen angel spotted him at all—she was powerful. He decided to call off the day's observation due to the risk. First the crusaders and now fallen angels. Why did he have to do this? Why were the annoying women taking so long to prepare the trip? Just come to Lot City, scoop him up, and go. You can train him and lose virginities or whatever at the same time.

He Jumped, grumbling about the women's poor definition of maiden.

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