Sato Academy Classroom…

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Melody let out a relieved breath as she felt a familiar presence fade away. To think that her idiot father really sent the Blood Hand after her. She internally shuddered. He really did. The Blood Hand were more than just her father's assassins, but represented some of the strength of her home world. Her world…Utopius. Named after an ancient traitor who promised that even dark gods could have a eutopia. That lie caused a war that many still hadn't recovered from.

None of that mattered anymore. Until she could find a miracle fix for the realm's core, her father would continue to pursue her, promising eternal punishment. Accident or no accident.

Yet, she didn't want Clyde to be involved in her mess. Why should he get hurt or possibly die for her mistakes? The young woman wouldn't stand for it. That didn't go for just Clyde, but…her friends to, whom have become precious.

Alice, Tear, and Natalia were the first she made in this world, before meeting Clyde and the others. They were the only friendly faces in the palace. Tear especially. Maybe she had an answer. If not her, it'd be Natalia. The redhead WOULD NOT sit back and let Matsuko do whatever she wanted.

Maybe if they found a way to banish her…she'd muster the courage to give her heart fully to…She shook off such childish thoughts. Now wasn't the time! It wasn't!

Maybe she should use the dragon figure to call Airi? No… She'd have to do this herself, even if half her power was still dormant.

Prince Clyde pulled the beautiful daughter of the Moon, Melody into a warm embrace, beneath the full moon. She stared into his emerald eyes, taking him in. He spoke kind, smooth, soothing words. Then moved towa—

SMACK! The feeling of a rolled-up newspaper bounded her from the desk, nearly a foot into the air, and staring right into the glare of the professor. Some of the other students either sighed, knowing her habit of daydreaming, or snickered. Almost all of the men glared at the professor, perverts furious that they can no longer stare at her unperturbed.

"Melody, I really don't want to be angry with you today," the professor said, then placed her hand on the redhead's shoulder. "I'm proud of you for topping the test charts. Really girl, you surprised me. I certainly didn't expect our chronic daydreamer to get the eighth spot. Everyone, give her a round of applause."

Melody blushed furiously as the class clapped, men hooting and declaring their love as a group. And the professor seemed to eat it up.

"You're too cute," she whispered. "You remind me a lot of my daughter. Now if only you'd stay awake in my class. I have plenty of paper fans and newspapers waiting." The professor took her spot back at the front of the classroom and taught as if nothing happened. She did smile warmly at Melody, a lot, almost like a protective…

Melody really looked at her and saw through the illusion…

Who she saw made her gasp.


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As Clyde walked to the cafeteria, intending to meet up with the others like usual, he recognized someone wandering around. Before the young man could take another step, the genie recognized him, smiled, and teleport-dove, hugging his waist.

"Kanako, what are you doing here?" he said. Thankfully, the other women helped her out with clothing and other things such as a toothbrush, combs, proper clothing, and the works. She couldn't go back into the lamp, which acted as a transportation device to her home world. Clyde noted that her lack of reaction to this world's appearance meant that the genie realm was a part of Satovia's dimensional plane.

"I got bored, so I came to see you, Master," Kanako said.

"It's Clyde." He looked around to make sure no one heard that. The last thing he needed was rumors going around stating his kinks. He lowered his voice. "Call me Clyde. Okay?"

"Master Clyde it is," she said.

He sighed, trying to get the genie off him.

"Okay, look, I'm going to be late for lunch, let go," he said.

"Oh Master Clyde, I'm feeling the need for spirit energy," Kanako said in a low voice.


"What are you two doing?"

The two turned to see Kitome staring at them with a raised eyebrow.

"You have no idea how happy I am to see you," Clyde said. "Could you help here?"

Somehow…just somehow, Kitome yanked the genie off with a single hand.

"What's she doing here?" Kitome said.

"She got bored and followed us," Clyde said.

Kitome fixed the pouting genie, who reached for the young man, with a stern look.

"Enough playing around, Kanako," she said. "Clyde, why don't you just make the three wishes so she can go back."

Kanako burst into tears.

"Nobody wants me around—waaahhh."

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"Hush—that's not true," the blue-haired magical girl said, attempting to walk back her statement. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that."

The genie's crying stopped, though she sniffled.

"Pfft, I'm not wasting my wishes," Clyde said. "Relic things aside, I like Kanako."

"Really, Master?"

Kitome sighed, shaking her head.

"Just stop with the waist thing," Clyde said then addressed the magical girl. She made the mistake of releasing Kanako, but Clyde was ready for her. Engaging his mystic senses and feeling the airflows, moods, vibrations without thinking, he sidestepped her. "What do you think about the text I sent earlier? Crazy shit, right?"

"We'll have to make the Jump from the back entrance," Kitome said. "They're after Melody mostly, but if Ming called you, that means—"

"They can feel my magic or the power, whatever," Clyde said, dodging the genie for the fourth time. Fed up, Kitome whacked her on the head.

"Now isn't the time for being childish," she snapped.

The genie held her head, teary, but said nothing. "I say we hold a team meeting to figure out how to deal with these guys."

Clyde waggled his finger, grinning.

"Kitome." He grabbed the genie, allowing her to hug his waist again. "We've already won."

Kitome's eyes widened, then she grinned evilly.

"Let's get to lunch," Clyde said. "Coming Kanako?"

"Can I really?" she said.

"Of course," he said. "The food is good here, although not fun for the wallet."

"You're spoiling her," Kitome said, shaking her head.

The genie let go and flanked Clyde's left.

"Let's get to know her," he said. "I mean all my life, I've wanted to meet a genie or Shenron."

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"Shenron?" Kitome said, confused.

"Long story," Clyde said. "Anyway, I decided that Kanako's going to be trained for Team Stone. Well, that is if she wants to. If not—it's fine. I'll go back to—"

The genie anime-dove into the young man.

"You mean it? I can be on the team?" her eyes were starry. Clyde wasn't sure if he could handle anymore cuteness. And the amount of breast that pressed against him.

[Your relationship with Kanako has increased to Hopeful, friend level four.]

[Kanako has joined your party! She is a chaotic party member.]

[Challenge: Attempt to get Noona into your party. The chance of failing this is very high. You only get three chances. It is not recommended without a boost in charisma. Reward: chaotic party member, Noona. Challenges are optional and can be deleted from your menu…for a price. You can only hold 3 challenges at a time.]

Kitome nodded. Clyde almost lost words to the prompt, but set it to the side for later viewing.

"Congratulations, Kanako, though I'm not sure if it's a good thing. I won't sugarcoat the fact that we fight monsters and other scary things."

Kanako flexed.

"Don't take my kindness for weakness."

Clyde grinned. So did Kitome.

"Maybe I should replace Natalia with you for my Right Hand."

Kitome laughed.

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"You know she'll have a fit."

"Maybe she and I should duel for the position," Kanako said.

"No offense, but genie or not, I highly doubt you'll scratch Natalia," Clyde said.

"I have to agree," Kitome said. "Annoying brat, but she'll wipe the floor with you."

Kanako pouted, then harrumphed, anime-girl style, folding her arms.

"Let's go eat before we end up with a tsundere genie on our hands," Clyde said.

When the trio arrived to the cafeteria, the young man did a quick scan but saw no sign of Melody.

"Where's Melody?" he asked.

"I think she's still in class," Chika said.

Alice frowned.

"I'm not even going to begin to ask why the genie's here. Come, sit next to me, Kanako. My Clyde gets the other side."

"You know, I'll let you have today," Seth said to Clyde, "though you still should jump off a bridge." He smirked at Kitome. Toru sighed.

"Seth, how many punches to your face and groin do you need before you realize that rubbing your score in Kitome's face is like snorkeling in a volcano," Toru said, stare blank.

Smiling smugly, Seth pointed to a spot two tables away. A spot occupied by a known strict professor. The Maki Slayer.

"I'll still—"

"And feel his wrath," Seth interrupted Kitome. "He set a new record with student suspensions this year."

Kitome let the words die on her tongue and joined Clyde to ordering food.

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