Unknown town hotel…

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Aunder awoke, eyes glowing purple in the darkness. He looked at the naked serving girl next to him and smiled. He was so happy that he found a way to utilize the taint—he celebrated with enough beer to serve a nation. The bar owners were probably filthy rich now.

His new weapon, given to him by a crusader researcher. Well, he killed him—but that was beside the point. The bastard not only figured out his identity, but tried to take control of Aunder. The man really knew nothing of this lot who called themselves defenders of humanity. And he really didn't care.

He smiled at his sheathed prized sword. To think some random faction member carried it around—supposedly made of a dragon's tooth and a god's heart. He believed Olivia exaggerated that one too much. There was no way some random crusader could casually walk around with such a blade.

He crawled out of the bed and walked over to the fancy hotel mirror. Long black hair draped down. Maybe he could get it cut, but the ladies loved the style too much. He looked at his lovely naked guest from the corner of his eye, grinning. He'd have to reward the kid for getting rid of Su Yang and then placing a soundproof, unbreakable ward on it to top things off. And at last, his sexless month ended. An unnatural release amount in this world, but he didn't want to think about it. Or how the hotel staff had to carry off the bedsheets. That made him chuckle.

Ever since he fought Mortem in such a fun fight, the man had kept his hood down, revealing himself to all.

The Fallen God's sword. Princess Dire, an incredibly powerful child who he felt was not really a child. The three Venus sisters. An ex-member of one of the most powerful cults in the world. He should be happy to have such resources at his disposal. And only three hundred miles remained until he reached his maidens.

Yet…this wasn't enough. The game moved too slowly. Wait… His eyes widened. Why was he playing this game? The accursed gods were planning to trap him into an endless loop, interfering whenever he had the chance to get home. He looked at his lady guest. Well, being in Satovia wasn't all bad, but Aunder was no one to control. No one will drive his destiny. He glanced at the time. Five of the goddess's morning.

Speaking of goddesses, he considered praying to the one of his own world. He didn't believe in her at first. Satovia changed his mind. She probably wouldn't show anyway, afraid of providing a proper explanation to why she allowed him to be cast away. A king or queen that can't protect his or her people is worthless. That logic applied to emperors and empresses and shouldn't be any different for beings that claimed divinity.

Aunder allowed this thought to ponder him as he showered and brushed his teeth. In the end, he decided enough was enough. He dressed in Satovian casual clothing, then covered it all up with his favorite cloak.

Three hundred miles left on this trip, traveling by limo. How Su Yang arranged this was beyond him. He needed the Forgotten Party to be known.

Abruptly, the sound of glass shattering, caught Aunder's attention. A man dressed in all yellows had actually broken into the Viper's chambers. His lady guest screamed, holding herself in the covers.

"Relax woman, I'm not here for you," the intruder said, eyeing Aunder. "The nation of Polodia has offered five million palos for your return. They want you to make you king, buddy-boy. And I don't intend to lose this bounty."

Aunder looked at his lady guest.

"Last night was fun," he smiled. "Hurry and get out of here. A pretty lady shouldn't see the violent side of me."

She actually smiled warmly at Aunder before running off with her clothing.

"How sweet," the intruder said sarcastically. He pointed a pistol at Aunder. "You'd like this the hard way."

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"Are you choosing not to fight honorably?" Aunder said.

"Oh please," the interrupted said, laughing. "You may have pulled some bullshit to trick the Polodians into believing you killed a dragon, but that's not going to work on me, buddy-boy. Now let's go or I'll put a bullet in—"

Aunder kicked the gun into the air then grabbed the intruder by the throat.

"We're on the sixteenth floor," he said as he dangled him over the air. The intruder begged for his life. "I'm impressed that you took the time to scale this with such poor equipment." He chuckled. "In the next life, pray that you're reincarnated into a better assassin."

Aunder released him. The scream lasted only a moment. "I suppose killing this way isn't that honorable." He sighed. "I've been contaminated with the taint, interfered with by the Watchers, pointlessly sent from point A to point B. I can't even get to what will be the greatest fight of my life."

Suddenly, Aunder heard a voice respond to him.

"The Viper, lone wolf, lord of all blood. A man without the support of the gods aligned with the light. Abandoned by his goddess, a war goddess who's responsible for your world's…unique ways, mind you." A chuckle echoed throughout his room, before a transparent …being appeared outside of Aunder's window, hovering. His glowing red eyes could captivate all that peered into them. All but the Viper.

"You want to offer me something, but is too cowardly to show yourself," Aunder said, aiming a hand at the figure. "A dark god who foolishly believes he can win me over by association. By false promises and sweet talk. He who does not know me."

The dark god gasped, holding his throat, choking. Aunder laughed.

[Aunder used Dimensional hold.]

[Aunder can now travel to the Hellfoam Realm.]

"There's a price to pay when you attempt to buy me without showing yourself," Aunder said as the transparent figure dropped dead, a projection of what showed across the dimensional planes. "A shame. I'm not interested in killing your kind, just the Watchers. But…"

[Aunder activated FORBIDDEN MAGIC: Illegal dimensional warp.]

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"I think it's time I show you what happens to those who insult me."

Aura mixed with taint burst around the man as he Jumped, finding himself in front of a city. A rift remained behind him, only able to be closed at his will. So…it actually worked. Too bad he couldn't use it to get home.

He observed his surroundings. The grass and leaves were red. Five blue moons paraded the purple sky. Perfect. He raised his sword high, as if mocking them.

"I will kill them all and if I have time, their worlds too. Starting with this one."

Red, black, and gold aura swirled around his hand like smoke. The cold breeze brushed across his face, bringing with it the smell of wet wood and pine. He cast.

[Aunder activated an Almighty tier skill: Gravitational Disruption En Grande.]

The five moons began to fall.

"If you want to blame someone, blame your foolish ruler," he said then hopped back into the rift. With a thought, he closed it, but not before hearing the panic and screams of the world's inhabitants.

[You have killed all the life forms of the Hellfoam Realm, but the gods and goddesses that ruled live on an unseen planet above it. They were unable to stop your magic fast enough, however, they may be able to reverse time. Do you wish to cover the planet in anti-god miasma?]

Aunder selected yes. One benefit of the taint is the useful new abilities it brought him. Even a system on his side. The miasma blocked all magic cast by divine beings indefinitely. Sure, he could easily ask his system to remove it, but why would he do that?

Three hundred miles left… Then immediately mobilize the Viper Maidens. Or at least see if they could give him the insights of crushing the stone-viper games.

[Number of worlds destroyed: 1]

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Low numbers bugged Aunder. He couldn't wait to increase it. His honor, gone with the taint, howled like a lost lover. He shrugged.

"He shouldn't have come here."

He set off to wake the others. It was time to make progress.


Sato Academy…

Something about Melody not showing up to lunch bugged Clyde. Sure, the redhead was sometimes subjected to meetings with the student council or errands imposed on her by some professors, but she still ate lunch with them.

"Chika, do you know what class Melody's in right now?" he asked.

"I think chemistry," she said. "I can take you there if you want."

"Sure, let's go," Clyde said. "Coming, Kanako?"

The genie nodded. Chika shot her a micro-glare, but off they went.


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"Mom," Melody said in a neutral voice. She who dawned time pulled her daughter into an embrace. The smell of well-made, pricey perfume tickled the redhead's nose. She wished she could be happy to see her mother, but in truth, her heart raced a thousand miles per hour.

"You're getting sloppy, Mel," she said. "You took twenty minutes too long to illusion-break." She kissed her daughter on the forehead.

"…What are you doing here?" Melody said, managing to hold a cool and calm voice, despite the situation.

"Can a mother not visit her daughter?"

"Don't pretend you care," Melody said. "Drop the act, it's not working."

"I'm hurt," she who dawned time said, making a feigned pose as if she was some damsel in distress. "Mel, Mel." She poked her daughter's nose. "Just because we're strict doesn't mean we don't care. Well, I care. I can't say the same for your father, not after what you did. If I hadn't stepped in, you'd be dead, so be grateful, okay?"

"Weren't you the one who suggested the death and ironically Father declined, saying he didn't want to overreact," Melody said, ice in her voice. She held down explosive rage, refusing to show the heartless bitch in front of her any emotion.

Her eyes widened.

"Who gave you that idea?" Melody's mother said.

"Then you brought the Ashfall to our world, giving Father the horrid idea of making me do his favor as punishment," Melody said. "So why are you here? You're not some grunt—Father already sent Matsuko to drag me back to his hell."

The older woman laughed.

"I'm curious to know who told you these ludicrous tales. Mels, Mels, use your head or I will not let you call yourself my daughter." She lightly chopped at Melody's head, but it still hurt. Just a little. Melody pretended not to feel anything.

"Wake up, my daydreaming number eight girl. Why would I do any of that? Tell me, what would I gain? If I wanted you dead or in pain, daughter, I can just wave a finger. Now, let's chat before I go. But I won't be helping you. That will teach you for blindly pointing fingers, girl."

Melody's eyes widened.

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