Clyde's house, after classes…

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Clyde and the others gathered in the large backroom where Ashard awaited, reading some book.

"You know, I was skeptical about any suggestions from that evil little girl, but this isn't half-bad," he said, then set…the Loli Saga on a small table next to him. The meeting room was composed of a large table and chairs, similar to a boardroom. A TV that the young man, playing the news on silent, was mounted on the right wall. The room hosted just one window, tiled floor, and even couches with cup holders in them. All in all, Clyde liked the new decoration. When did Yuki have time to get this done?

He told her not to bother with cooking or serving. And while it was her passion, he wanted the demoness there as a member of Team Stone. She still didn't change out of the maid outfit. She just loved to mess with Clyde or simply loved the uniform. Still, he couldn't imagine the household without Yuki.

Alice sat on Clyde lap, instantly triggering something that reminded him that it worked. She gave him a smirk. The others took their places, pretending to not notice "love birds" preparing for after-meeting sex. Alice was Alice and with her share of Clyde's heart, continued to radiate her presence.

Ming and Airi were the last two to enter the room, behind Kiko and Sazuki. Kiko's look at him was brief, but in it, rested promise and invitation. She still had a way to go to control the vampire sexual urges—that prompt about her didn't lie.

Sazuki still moved and acted like an ice queen, but the young man didn't interact with her much. He needed to fix that eventually. One of his quests even demanded it. And getting to know Sazuki meant also getting to know her sister. That promised to be interesting. What kind of magic would they produce for the team? Toru's training for them neared completion, which included combat and grinding the young women's levels in Libado Grasslands, magic training, and the battle formations.

He gave the entire group one last quick once-over. Nina, for once tuned in, though looking at Ashard with hungry eyes. Yusuke seemed focus and a tiny bit more muscular since the last time the young man closely looked at him. Melody held a neutral expression, but deep within those gray eyes, housed worry. Harumi, on his left, Tear on his right, gave off a tense vibe that he felt through his mystic magic.

"First off, what can you tell the group about the fallen angel," Clyde said, his voice without much emotion. He couldn't eye anyone in particular, not with Alice on his lap. He felt past her panties—school uniforms consisted of the cliched skirt and blouse. She moved slightly. He could tell her breathing deepened—and wanted nothing more than to just rip off her clothes….Focus, Clyde. Focus. This was his life mate's ultimate control test, though not officially. "Anyone."

"She's rude and cares for nothing other than booze," Melody said, eyes flashing.

"Sometimes she's loud and obnoxious while drunk," Tear said.

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Everyone glanced at Airi.

"What?" Airi said. They turned away without saying a word. "What?" Toru texted someone, so the purple-haired woman dodged the blanked stare. The young man somehow knew she was waiting for it.

"Okay, so she's the bitch of the hour, we get that," Clyde said, "but I need more information here. I'm not trying to be reactive for this."

He glanced at the genie. She returned an adorable anime smile. He grinned. "Is there any immunities I should know about? Strengths, weaknesses."

"She's afraid of turtles, snakes, lizards, roaches, any reptile really," Natalia blabbed. "Oh, pervy-nii, she's also a virgin."

Everyone shot the loli a blank stare.

"Look, the virginity gag is starting to wear thin on me," Clyde said. "And to be fair, I don't think angels get to do much." He almost said, "well besides my own." He didn't want to explore the jealousy route of declaring Alice his own angel, right in front of the others. The young woman didn't need an ego boost, anyway. Not that she flaunted much of it. And Tear seemed to smother her with CEO paperwork daily. How she did that and attended the most difficult university in the nation was a miracle within itself. His manhood seemed to grow even more from the thought. The restrictions of the school uniform he still wore set its boundary. He considered undoing the zipper—but had too much respect for his fellow teammates to lose control. He'd have to consider standing for the upcoming meetings, so that they'd truly take him seriously. "I'm asking because we've won."

Everyone looked at him as if he went mad. "That's right, we've won. But it won't work if she's immune to everything. I can't risk wasting—anyway, if she has no known weaknesses, I'll be doing this blind."

"You could always do recon," Yusuke said. "Or let me do it for you."

Clyde nodded.

"I'll see about that, but I don't want any of you going near her. Oh and invite Undine over for the next meeting."

The ninja blushed. Ruri didn't react. Ever since the reaperess-kidnapping incident, she data-dumped Yusuke. Clyde's petting of the hellhound seemed to increase her sexual treatment toward him, during the activity, more and more. It was only a matter of time before she lost control again. Clyde considered a preemptive strike, but with his thoughts clouded of Alice, he put it off for later.

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"There's something else I wanted to share with you all," Clyde said, then patted Alice's leg. She allowed him to stand. His current thought caused his mountain to descend in time. "It's another reason why I called this meeting." He internally shuddered and then told them about the vision. "I'm giving you each a day to think about this. Don't say anything right now, just think. And tomorrow, let me know if you would like to leave Team Stone." Everyone's eyes hardened. "Think on it. The Viper is my problem, someone I'm meant to face. I know we fought against our odds plenty of times, but this man casually destroyed a planet with a wave of a finger. Is it worth your life to get involved with this stone-viper game business? It's only a matter of time before they find out I told you guys everything. Who knows what will happen then."

Clyde stalked out of the room, his last words being, "Seriously think on this. Then come to me tomorrow."

Melody sighed as Clyde left. Her heart went out to him. She wished she could follow without fainting of embarrassment.

"So, am I here for nothing?" Ashard snapped. "Because If I am, we're going—"

"Silence, fairy," Melody said, her voice cold. Pink aura surrounded her as she stood. She spoke, voice powerful. "Our team leader thinks he can do this on his own. Let's get that annoying notion out of him, shall we?" She placed her hand in the center of the table. "Team Stone?"

Everyone except Ashard followed her lead.

"Team Stone!"


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Smoppy Bar. Lot City, Satovia.

Matsuko laughed as she chugged her…second ale. Yes…definitely second. She smacked a Blood Hand babysitter on the back, which for some reason knocked him onto the floor. Woops, she forgot her strength.

"Oh get up, ya stupid weakling," she said. "I told you to stay at the hotel, not to come, but you imbeciles insist on 'guarding' me. Well newsflash, I don't need babysitting." Her eyes blurred for a second as she sat her empty mug onto the floor. She whispered, or at least tried to whisper, "Lord Platus gave us a couple million human world dollars to live in comfort until we find the brat in this huge fucking city. Why are you rushing this, wimpling?"

"Lady Matsuko, with all do respect," the Blood hand guard said, "it's not about rushing, but making sure you don't get yourself into a pickle while…drunk. While I do have someone I'm trying to make mine, the honor of the Blood Hand comes first before all."

Matsuko frowned.

"You're no fun."

Abruptly, she waved a finger, releasing magic.

[Matsuko activated Sleep.]

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She caught the idiot guard and gently laid him down, then left, but not without paying the bill. The babysitter's name was…Nero, she thought. She shrugged, not giving one fuck about some random dumbass guard. She was here to have fun, baby, and no one would rush her back to bend the neck to some stupid dark god. Fuck 'em.

In fact, she'd find some handsome man to seduce and show that stupid blacksmith that she wasn't a purist. Well, maybe not… She had dignity to maintain. And more booze to acquire.

And maybe more food, after…She bent over, holding her stomach and vomited on someone's shoe.

"Sorry about that, old chap," Matsuko said at the glaring young man. "Let me make it up to you. I'll buy you…a drink. And since you're handsome, maybe…" She couldn't bring herself to wink, nearly stumbling over. The young man sighed.

"Can we talk, fallen angel?"

Matsuko pointed at a bar ahead.

"Let's go there. Unlike the last world I visited, the age limit here is younger. I can drink without puny natives telling me I'm too young! Twenty is not young, fuck faces."

She vomited again, missing the shoe. "Sowwy," she said, but when she looked up, the young man was gone. "Must be the drink and spirits. Damn that's good stuff…or is it true that no man wants to be with me for more than a minute. Oh fucking well, I'll drink myself!"

She started toward the bar, raising a fist, and singing drinking songs from Utopius. Of course, she modified the words to insult Platus as much as possible.

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