That evening at Clyde's house…

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Clyde closed his textbook to stare blankly at the loli sitting next to him in the library. He gathered his study materials and calmly walked downstairs into the living room to sit by Melody. They both watched the TV without emotion.


Clyde and Melody turned to glare at her. She continued to go at it with her handheld game. In unison, the duo stood and walked all the way to the library. There was a TV in there too, normally used by Maki when Yuki permitted it.

The young man opened his textbook, just an inch then stopped himself. He grabbed a chair, took it to bookshelf row three to hide and study. Seconds later, Melody joined him in the corner, bringing the loli like sweet revenge.


Clyde held back his tremble of rage. There was only one place he could go where Natalia's trolling wouldn't be tolerated. He grinned evilly, closed his textbook, and walked to his room, while humming.

Chika studied at the desk, Alice read in the bed, TV on low. He joined the half-demoness on the bed. Melody followed shortly, taking the spare chair, a romance novel in hand.

The second Natalia peeked around the corner, she was met with extremely cold looks from both Alice and Chika, daring her to disturb them. Clyde stuck his tongue out at Natalia, flipped her off with two fingers, and grinned evilly. The loli pouted then ran off.

"Harumi! Pervy-nii's bullying me."

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The feeling of outing Natalia motivated the young man to study like never before. Even Melody seemed cheerful.

Too bad the fallen angel he tried to talk with earlier was trashed beyond comprehension. Throwing up on his shoe, slurring some speech, speaking nonsense. There was no telling how early she started drinking. He left when he felt her companion from earlier approach to presumably retrieve his boss.

And to top that off, Tear, Natalia, Melody, and Alice postponed their announcement for the next day.

Tuesday. Week 2. Month 2. Year 1. Season: Autumn.

[School: off day. Classes: Monday, Wednesday, Friday.]

Despite trying to sleep in that morning, Yuki dragged Clyde out of bed.

"Just five more minutes," he said, but she pointed at the bathroom.

"Our team will be here with their answers," Yuki said, although, she made no move to wake up Alice and Chika. The young man understood seconds later when she pinned in the corner. He rose to the occasion, gaining a face full of breasts, taking the demoness in a standing position. And she was amazing. Her breathing, her tightening, and longing. The duo waltzed for fifteen minutes, maybe longer before Yuki squeezed, holding onto him, covering her mouth for the climax. He pulled out to release into the toilet. Yuki hugged the man afterward.

"I don't care about the stone-viper games," she said. "I'm not going anywhere."

Clyde held onto her, eyes thoughtful.

"I'm glad," he said after some time. "I'd probably be a wreck without you." He kissed her.

After the morning activities, which included waking up Alice, he headed into the dining room where the others awaited. Every member of Team Stone grew silent when the trio walked in, determination in their eyes. Undine sat at Yusuke's side, cheerful. Ashard was standing, arms folded, leaning on the wall.

Clyde nodded.

"Knowing that my counterpart has the capabilities of casually wiping planets, you all still choose to stay," he said then smiled. "Team Stone is full of nuts, led by a nut." The team returned the smile, some chuckling. He looked at Tear. "So what's this grand announcement you've been holding back?"

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Tear walked over to Clyde and handed him a red scroll.

"This is the scroll of Lot City, magically translated into your territory," she said. "No demon or any supernatural being can take root here and spawn their armies. I'm a very busy girl, so it took some time to complete." She grabbed Clyde's hands with both of hers. "Please accept it."

A prompt flashed gold in his mind's eye. What it stated, filled him with excitement, ideas, and well, blew his mind. He didn't know such a mechanic was embedded into magic and his system.

[You have received Scroll of Lot City. Item value: priceless. Item class: *one of a kind,* *Legendary*]

[Do you wish to make Lot City your territory? You are free to accept and abandon it at will, but if you do abandon it, your reputation will lose an entire level.]

Clyde nodded to Tear, selecting yes. A territory system? Interesting. It did make him feel a bit overwhelmed, considering the other systems. He had yet to really do much with them: the cooking and barrier. He did win a couple of duels, but he wasn't at the point of going around and challenging card bearers. Truthfully, he just didn't give a shit about a deathly card game. Tyrone, one of Ming's friends, said something about a reward. He was offered jack shit. Not so much as an uncommon-class item. At least the barrier protected his home from Melody's capturers and if he got around to cooking, the food would serve as the reward. If the women would ever let him cook.

He'd invest in a man cave, not to necessarily get away from them, but to practice crafting, cooking, magic, and other things without being pulled away or distracted. Anime girls …were distracting. Yep…his old friends at home would definitely slap the weeb—no, the weaboo title onto him, whether the situation was out of his control or not. Although, the edge lord still topped in that regard.

[You have accepted Lot City as your territory! Congratulations, Lot City is yours and any supernatural being that is currently in the city or enters will know that there's a new power at play.]

[If your city comes under attack by anything normal humans cannot handle, you will be alerted..]

[You will be alerted if any major power enters the city. If you were in possession of a *Heart Core,* all attack, magic and non-magic, defenses and other stats would be halved for any major power entering your city without permission.]

[Current Lot City stats. Crime rate: 4% Emergency: none. Citizen happiness: decent. Current concern: Blood Hand and fallen angel. A marker has been placed within your Mental Navigation System.]

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"Thank you," Tear said softly. "With you in power, even I can sleep soundly."

"So, this is his territory now?" Toru said. "Explain please."

Tear guided Clyde to a chair and sat next to him like a wife.

"This is a territory in the supernatural sense," Melody said. "No other demon lord will be able to take root. Natalia, Tear, and I forged it to be better than the standard scroll—making possible to sense any supernatural threat to the city."

"That's fucking awesome," Kitome said.

"Hell yeah! Fuck demons," Seth said. Everyone turned to stare at him. "Lords. Fuck demon lords I mean." He grinned. "You know what I meant."

As the stars appeared into Airi's eyes, Harumi whacked her on the head and poked her cheek.

"You promised not to flood him with a million questions."

The Super Druid playfully pouted, but the young man could tell she wanted to anime-dive into him or even the women responsible for developing the scroll, eager to pound in question after question.

Clyde warped the scroll to his inventory. Kanako gave him a warm smile.

"Meet here this afternoon. We're going to come up with a plan then vote. Should we patrol against the Bloodhand, perhaps even go after them or not."

"Is there anything that can be done about them?" Matsume said.

"Maybe, you guys should stop underestimating yourselves," Sazuki snapped. "I've heard the stories, saw your powers. That's what motivating me to push through Toru's sadistic training."

"Same here," Kiko said, "though I suspect Toru's getting revenge on me for some other reason."

Toru hid behind a blank stare, but Airi burst into laughter. She smacked his back.

"Or maybe it's because of that time with the goat—"

Toru covered her mouth.

"Remember what happened at the beach with you know who."

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Airi pushed away his hands, laughing.

"Yeah, yeah, I won't let you embarrass her. Truce?"

"Truce," Toru said.

"Are you two done yet?" Clyde said.

"Sorry," Airi said.

"Anyway, as much as I hate to say this, but Melody, you still can't leave by yourself, or by normal means," Clyde said. "So if Tear's busy, just come to me for the Jump."

"Or me!" Natalia said.

"I'll be going to you," Melody said to Clyde. Natalia harrumphed like a tsundere, folding her arms.

Alice gave them both a Toru-approved blank stare. Clyde sighed.

"You're good to go," he said. "I've got a few things to take care of today." With one hand, he grabbed the loli by the back of her collar and lifted her up. "And you're coming with me. I've got a job for you." He grinned evilly. "Can't have you clacking your games on me, now."

"Tear, Harumi," Natalia reached for them. They gave her apologetic smiles.


As everyone parted ways, Ming watched him go. Their time to spend together…forgotten. Unnoticed. She just knew she didn't belong here. Just as the hurt began to manifest, Clyde turned to look at her.

"Give me about five minutes to do away with this." He held up Natalia.

"Sure," Ming said, giving him a smile. He didn't forget her. She hoped she wasn't blushing.


Clyde shot Natalia a micro-glare. This one would for sure ruin his date with Ming if he let her run loose. Preemptive strike! The loli continued to whine, but there was nothing to get her out of being his Right Hand, unless she quit. That wouldn't happen.

"Come on, squirt, I've got orders to give you. And hey, if you do well, I'll give you any reward, within reason."

Stars shined in her eyes and the young man wondered if he'd regret this. Still, the young man relied on Natalia, despite her desire to basically troll. And as one of the strongest members of his party hands-down, she'd be perfect for this.

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