Limo ride…

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Roughly one hundred miles from the Viper Maiden Worship Hall…

Julius just wanted to go. Jump, be free again, get back to the outside world. How did he get stuck in this situation—bonded to the Viper, forced to do his will. The Momo girl understood the gravity of the situation. Olivia seemed to hate Aunder, but hid behind a neutral expression most of the time. Su Yang had no hope. Sure, Aunder has saved more lives than anyone he'd ever seen in his life. He liberated some nations from giant monsters, freed slaves, fed many hungry, even ended wars but the man was ruthless too. That motherfucking night, Julius possibly witnessed the peak of it.

The dark god came with an intention to help him, even if at a price, the Viper still wanted to go home. He could've turned the god away…but he took it one step further. Julius knew what it was like to do what must be done to further yourself, but he'd never wiped out all life on an entire fucking planet. Those people didn't deserve to die because of the ruling god acting on his own accord. At least Julius believe it was on his own. He never heard of a dark god giving a shit about what their people thought. They…didn't deserve that.

Julius observed the group, the Forgotten Party. A stupid, insulting name. The adventuring community couldn't forget someone as impactful as him. It was Fuyoko's fault for acting as if her own party was some kind of cult. Such a bossy bitch with a goal that the man wanted no part of. He did for himself. A real adventurer.

Julius knew that many of them vanished over the years, snatched up by militaries, a few cults, and other toxic groups. Just like he was currently. The rumor that they were taken by monster girls was just stupid. Any competent adventurer could deal with a single monster or even a group of them. This is why they are seen as higher tier than gifted. Gifted, who don't go out to put their abilities to use. Idiots.

Princess Dire perhaps frightened Julius more than Aunder. At least the Viper had a sense of humor and honor, which insured the group that he wouldn't suddenly backstab the party. The kid on the other hand, was virtually unreadable. That cheerfulness couldn't be real. Did she not know what the Viper's existence meant? He knew the kid that was not a kid had real power, but come on. Then again, the general public really had no idea about the stone-viper games.

Adventurers travelled the nations, some the globe, learning and exploring, discovering treasure. They pass important information through the community. This included the title known as Hero. The hero's the ultimate adventurer and the only one capable of taking on the Supreme. Too bad no one wanted to do so anymore. With the numbers dropping, it was no surprise that speculation of the Supreme having something to do with it, floated around.

He painfully wished for anything to happen. Squeezing and holding, face red, he wiggled a bit then finally, the man just couldn't take it anymore.

"Fuck! Aunder, can we pull over," he snapped. "I've got to take a piss."

Aunder looked at him with a blank stare then chuckled.

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"Alright, but next time, hold off on the cola. Driver, pull off at the gas station."

"Yes sir," the man said, obeying the order.

Julius strained to not roll his eyes.

"Food! Food!" Dire chanted then hopped into Aunder's lap. He tossed her back to Momo with a single hand.

"Buy her whatever she wants," he said. "And of course that goes for anyone else who's hungry. Then again, there's a fancy restaurant fifty miles from here."

"Do you have a problem with my cooking?" Olivia snapped, eyebrow raised. The Viper put up two hands, laughing. A bead of sweat fell from the back of his head.

"Not that I don't appreciate the healthy living, but where I come from, meat is a must," Aunder said then poked the woman's stomach. "Red meat. Not fish. There aren't any Norosaurs or Horus birds or Death-Slitters in this world to make a good meal." Everyone cringed, giving him the disgusted stare, even Su Yang. "You outsiders wouldn't know a good meal even if it bit you in the ass. Which Double-bladed Flying Octo-gators are known to do." He laughed. The party continued to stare at him blankly. "Oh get out of here and take care of your business. You've got fifteen minutes."

Julius dashed to the bathroom, Momo following him for some reason. He almost made it inside, but she grabbed the back of his shirt.

"I will piss all over you if you don't let go of my shirt," he said darkly.

"Judging by the way you've been acting all morning, you know what he did," Momo said.

"So what," Julius snapped. "It's not going to change anything."

She shook her head.

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"We've got to make a getaway while we have a chance," Momo said.

"We can't, idiot," Julius said. "Do you have any idea how difficult it is to bind me. I'm one of the best when it comes to mental magic, yet this guy stole my will like it was nothing. And we won't be able to drift off more than a mile from him."

He shook her hand away and almost took a step, but Momo's next words halted him.

"Do you not know where we are?" Momo said.

"In a gas station wasting precious minutes," Julius said.

"No, moron, we're in the dead zone," she said. "Feel closely. His contract is dormant, magic is at its weakest. I locked the soul bind in a secluded corner of our magic to deal with later. We can always find someone capable of dissolving it."

Julius forked everything he had into activating a Jump. He'd finally be free. Eat whenever he wanted, sleep whenever. No one over his head. No Fuyoko, no Aunder, no one! He could catch up on some missed shows, browse the internet for off-brand shows—whatever. HE was done with this shit. Out! No more magic, nothing. As soon as he got Aunder's mark erased, he'd throw in the towel, become a normal human. Find a job. Ironically, he had a degree in teaching, for science…Nothing happened, his heart breaking. He almost wanted to howl. Momo flicked his nose.

"What part of magic at its weakest do you not understand?" she said. "Let's go, now! You can pee later."

"Are you leaving your sisters?" Julius said as he bolted for the back exit, Momo trailing.

"They'll be fine," she said. "I'll have to find the Stone and get him to help."

Julius said nothing. He knew the location, but had no intention of revealing it. This group held him hostage. Well, two can play at that game.

When they were outside, the two noticed Dire, picking daisies. She looked right at them, innocently smiling.

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"I'm getting her out of this," Momo said. Julius saw the trap or at least what seemed like a trap and sprinted with all of his might.

"Only the fools divert their own goals," he said, spotting his query ahead. A man starting his motorbike. One quick kick later, he hopped on, laughing. Someone got on the back of it.

"You ass, leaving me behind like that," Momo said.

Julius shrugged.

"I play for myself."

He was annoyed as they drove off with a kid who kicked and cried, calling for her master. Just what kind of sick shit was this. She…actually brought her. Fuck! The idiot.

Well, it didn't matter. He…he was finally free. And they had to get as far away as possible.

Aunder chuckled.

"They took the bait." He sighed. "This is what happens when you try to do everything in the name of honor."

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Clyde's house…

Melody covered her face with the pillow, stomach full of butterflies. She was so happy, so nervous, but so happy. Now if she can just break her own shell…She felt thankful that Clyde didn't bring up the embarrassing thing she said. Marriage. They still had to give each other soul-oaths. If only her mother could be trusted, she'd go to her for advice. Tear. But what if she told her to do something weird again. Melody was no good at the seduction thing. Maybe Yuki. Maybe the demoness could teach her everything she needed to know about making a man happy. And best of all, her goddess powers overrode her trickster side. She'd be so useful to the team, bettering herself. Goals, goals.

To spend so long with him, even hold his hand. She blushed.

She'd love to indulge in her happiness, but the bad feelings she got could not be ignored. Were her friends okay? Toru, Matsume, Ruri, Nina? Clyde sent them to trail them as a safety measure, but what if they encountered Matsuko? The fallen angel could go toe to toe with Tear, a candidate for the Supreme demon lord, and win. Melody…just wanted everyone to be safe. This was her family.

She crawled out of bed, unable to take the nagging feeling any longer. Her active goddess half came with so many senses. Despite being born from her father, Platus the dark god—he who people are afraid to name and her mother, She Who Dawned Time, Melody didn't carry any dark alignments. Maybe traces of it in some of her magic. But the dark element didn't mean evil. Even the Leaf carried way more of the dark element than she did. Same for Harumi, though…the fox entity—maybe borderline deity—carried many mysteries that she herself probably didn't know. The kitsune were a well-respected race of deities and entities, all flowing with the bloodline of the Nine-tailed fox.

Melody hurried to the living room, where Clyde said he'd be. He wouldn't sleep until Matsume, Tear, and Ruri returned with the news. The redhead hoped it'd be good, but her gut told her something happened. Her goddess senses were tingling. If only the prophet was at full power. She'd befriend Ming, let her know that she was loved too. Maybe then, she'd open up to everyone.

What she saw in the living room confirmed her bad feelings ten times over.

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