Clyde paced back and forth, nervous. His party members were strong, which is why he trusted them to do things without him around. His policy from the beginning treated everyone as adults—they weren't a perfect party. Although…the power gains.

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It came as a shock to see Ruri, Matsume, and Tear return with Toru and Nina. Melody emerged at that moment, worry in her eyes.

Clyde saw an eternal blankness in Toru's eyes and flinched. The loli vampire was asleep.

"I'll go get Alice," Melody said then hurried off.

"What happened?" Clyde said.

"They were attacked by that man from before," Ruri said.

"Toru's uncle," Tear said.

Clyde's eyes began to glow.

"What else," he said, sensing that the worse hadn't come.

"Hideo…" Ruri's ears sagged. "Hideo killed Fumi." Tears fell from the Hellhound's eyes. Clyde…felt himself freeze over within. Toru found his love and bothered no one. Fumi was a girl, from another species, but with the heart of a saint. Everyone enjoyed her company. She didn't like fighting nor participated in any violence whatsoever and made Toru happy. A positive, hard-working woman, a civilian. And an example toward peaceful coexistence between human and nonhuman.

The glow fell out of his eyes as he looked at his friend. Blankness wasn't the only thing off, but something stirred within the noble.

Eventually Melody turned with a hard-eyed Alice. The half-demoness wasted no time, casting All Calm on everyone. Matsume relayed the news after the entire household gathered.

The party looked at Toru, who stared at the wall, despite being cured of the poison. Clyde opened his mouth to speak, but suddenly the noble chuckled.

"I suppose this is what I get," he said. "Before I met you Clyde, I had the typical one-sided view against monsters, demons, you know, paranormal things. The gift was always there, but I truly had no idea what to do with it. Airi was perhaps the first I met who knew about the abilities. She introduced me to another magic user, that is Harumi. Chika didn't want anything to do with the supernatural at the time so that left us, not doing much but going on with our lives, Airi deciding to leave. Eventually I lost interest in the gift, bogged down with my father's companies." He locked eyes with Clyde. "When you came along, carrying out patrols, the thrill returned, and I decided to become a new me. Decided, but not pushed forward. Not until I met Fumi. An accountant…well, more than just an ordinary accountant. I…" He snarled, tears trailing. "It's my fault. Knowing what I fight, I should've taken in the possi—"

"It's not your fault," Clyde interrupted, voice soft. "I honestly don't understand why someone would want to harm…but…" Time and space shimmered briefly around the young man. Toru's hurt seemed to merge with him. "I fucking swear man, that motherfucker will not get away with this." Red aura outlined Clyde and didn't show any signs of vanishing. He looked at the others. "Do—"

A hand rested on his shoulder.

"Clyde, it's okay," Toru said then smiled. "It's fine. Do you mind lending me a room? I can't go back. I'll have one of my trusted maids secretly bring me some clothing and belongings in the morning. Just a temporary stay in case he's still there."

Clyde nodded.

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"You're welcomed here anytime, man," Clyde said. He…saw the fire in Toru's eyes. He could only support his friend, back him up. And the aura that raged inside of him… It was like Zen mode switched to a new setting.


Toru finally understood Fumi's teachings. Zen in his martial arts represented peace, calm, and harmony. His lost love…always coached him to use it defensively, not offensively. Its full power was for protecting others, protecting the peace. If only he realized it sooner. Now…he reached for Zen's other half, pandemonium or Zang, the Alethian term for it.

Fumi only told taught him Zen and warned him of Zang. Zang was supposed to be lost but Toru secretly researched it behind her back, out of curiosity. He…wanted to be the first to balance the raging sides. Zen and Zang were a direct concept of Yin and Yang, adopted by some unknown group.

Now, Toru just wanted to crush him. Even if using Zang would cost him his life, he'd break every bone in Hideo's body before killing him. He'd rip his throat out. Maybe force him to beg for her forgiveness before death. To…kill Fumi for no reason at all.

Crusaders…They all needed to die.

Toru wondered just how he was going to live with himself, with the young woman's death on his shoulder. He appreciated the words of Clyde, but could not push the responsibility elsewhere. He would make this right, even if he had to die trying. No, that wasn't going to be enough. There can be no rest until Fumi's avenged.

The young man gave his thanks to Yuki for showing him the room and the showers. Nina volunteered to sleep at his side or even at his door, but he turned her away. The maid demoness plucked the kid by the back of her collar and took her to her sleeping quarters.

After making the phone call, he laid back and stared at the wall. His eye color shifted from blue to yellow, pulsing, capturing light. The room felt too large without…

He clenched his fists, snarling...Don't go charging blindly, Toru. Plan. Be patient. She'd scold you for charging in, guns blazing. She'd…scold you for using Zang over Zen.

Tears slipped from his eyes…he missed her already. What was he going to do with his life? Someone who didn't see him as a bank account, the rich man's son, or the rich pretty boy. That's why he had a deep respect for Chika, daughter of the most powerful man in the city, and didn't flaunt riches whatsoever. Sometimes he wondered what Clyde did to attract someone like that.

His thoughts rolled back to Fumi. She may have been Suraimu, the official name of the slime girl race, but she was no doubt wise, denouncing all stereotypes, possibly a queen slime. She talked about her hometown every now and then, somewhere hidden in the monster kingdoms.

So much he wanted to learn about her…He wanted to create a legacy with her by his side. All of it taken away from him because of someone else's flawed beliefs.


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Kitome and Yusuke's house…

11 P.M…

A knock on the front door, took Yusuke's eyes off the TV. Undine was about to get up, but the young man beat her to the leap. Just who the fuck could be at the door this late? His mom and dad were out of town until Thursday—everyone in their circle knew that. Delinquent persona switching on, he walked to the door, scratching his balls a little along the way, as if enhancing the effect. He opened the door, intending to give venomous words to the uninvited guest. A woman with long silver hair and purple eyes stared at him. And she had large black angel wings.

Yusuke smiled then closed the door, locked it, shook his head. The fallen angel kicked it down.

"How dare you close the door in my face," she snarled, almost comedically, fist raised at his face.

"How dare you break down my door, you lousy robber," Yusuke yelled back, radiating his delinquent attitude for all it was worth. "Do you have any idea how much it's going to cost for repairs? Well, do you?"

Matsuko waved a finger which instantly repaired the broken door.

"There, happy now?" She shoved past him.

"Why are you here?" Yusuke said.

Undine emerged, eyes intense. The ninja looked at her.

"Well, well," Matsuko said, grinning. "I didn't take you for the settling type."

"Someone who's never had a man inside of her wouldn't," Undine said.

"There's nothing wrong with that," Yusuke said. "She's her own woman."

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"What he said," Matsuko quickly said, placing her arm around his shoulder. "A human with real intelligence. First time for everything."

Undine shook her head.


"I'm not a," Matsuko started to say but then sighed. "If you still remember that stupid nickname, then you hadn't lost the vigor to drink with me. Old rival."

Undine laughed.

"Yusuke, bring us what's in the third cabinet. Two cups. You have class in the morning."

He sighed, muttering to himself as he marched to the kitchen.

"What's up with the noise?" Kitome said, emerging from her room, dressed in nightwear.

Yusuke snapped back to himself, realizing who was at the door.

"The fallen angel's here," he whispered. "And apparently she and Undine are old rivals or something. They're about to have a drink."

Kitome's eyes widened then darkened.

"The fuck?"

"That's my line," Yusuke said. "So what should we do?"

"It's your fault for keeping her here," Kitome hissed.

"How is it my fault?" Yusuke said. "She lived here before any of us. Look, we don't have time to point fingers. Should we call the others?"

"Wait, she's just here to drink, right? Maybe she'll leave. It's not like we matter," Kitome said. "We'll have to trust in your stupid reaperess girlfriend."

"You should stop the hate," Yusuke said. "She's the only powerhouse we—"

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Kitome closed her door in his face.

"Fuck out of here," she said. "I'll relay this to the others just in case."

"Maybe I should've taken Natalia's advice and go all anime on you," he said. "Start calling you Onee-chan."

"And I will rip out your tongue and shove it—"

"HEY! Hurry up with that booze," the fallen angel yelled. "And you call yourself a man, keeping a lady waiting."

Yusuke snarled.

"I'm not a goddamn butler, bird brain!"

"I'll turn you into ashes, mortal," she snapped.

"You're a terrible house guest," Yusuke shouted while on his way to the kitchen.

"Why you—"

Undine laughed.

"Sit, Matsuko," she said. "And maybe you can tell me how you ended up tainted, bound to a dark god, and here of all places."

Yusuke reemerged just in time to see the fallen angel's widened eyes. They were sitting at the table in the front room.

"Just give me the damn drink," she said with defeat in her voice. "I'm pretty sure you don't want to talk about how you ended up bound to this place. Let's drink away those memories and catch up."

Yusuke poured them the non-ordinary, super sake. The duo took the first drink and sighed.

"You could say that I have the worst luck, ever," Matsuko said. "And I'm here on a job to hunt down a brat. I think I'll be dealing with her tomorrow."

Yusuke shook his head, but said nothing. He didn't want to risk her finding out that he knew Melody.

Tomorrow was going to be a longggg fucking day. And here he thought he could just enjoy a normal school day, go to his favorite store, maybe beat up a few idiots that attempted to "claim" his territory, and pick up a few new light novels. Ruri still hung out with him on occasion, with her hellhound companion, but only if Undine was busy. Sometimes Seth tagged along.

If only things could be normal for once.

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