Clyde's house…

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Wednesday. Week 2. Month 2. Year 1. Season: Autumn.

[School: active day. Classes: Monday, Wednesday, Friday.]

Clyde read and reread Kitome's text, then called. Fortunately, she, her brother, and the reaperess were fine. The fallen angel even left.

"Old friends, huh," Clyde said after hanging up. Chika yawned, turning to the side. He watched her for a few more seconds, knowing that one touch could spiral into an epic start for the morning. He turned only to see Alice and Yuki glaring at him, arms folded. He stretched. "Get up Chika, we've got class." He almost made it to the bathroom, but the demoness grabbed the back of his shirt in time.

Holding him perhaps too tightly, expressionless, Yuki asked, "So what do you think about Kitome's text? Should we make a move now or watch people sleep with the desire to do perverted things right in front of everyone?"

"Ow, ow, too much—we'll have a meeting after classes tomorrow," Clyde said. Yuki let him go, his face falling into her chest. Soft pillows of wonder, the young man thought.

"What's with the commotion so early in the morning?" Chika said tiredly, then sat up. She yawned. Alice poked one of Yuki's boobs.

"Cow." She folded her arms, harrumphing anime girl style. Or tsundere style, his new name for the gesture. It even fit with the twin-tails.

After early morning activities—he couldn't get away with swiping Alice's toothpaste this time—Natalia, Tear, and Saki popped over. Saki, the dark priest succubus stood by Tear's side in a maid outfit, awaiting orders. The genie anime-dove into Clyde, wrapping her arms around his waist.

"I wanna go," she whined. "Don't abandon meeee—"

Alice whacked her with a paper fan.

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"Who's making these?" she said. "Never mind. Anyway, you can't just show up at the college—you're not a student." Kanako raised a finger to protest, but Alice continued right over her. "And no, you can't be a student. Not that it'd make any sense, since you're gone after three wishes." The genie gave her a teary-eyed look and after a few seconds, the half-demoness folded her arms. "Don't give me that look. We can't have them calling security for unauthorized entry."

"She's got a point, Kanako," Clyde said.

"But I'll be lonely," she said.

"You could either hang out with Yuki or Natalia," he said.

"Wha—what, I've got things to do, pervy-nii," Natalia said, flustered.

"Like what," Clyde said, stare blank.

"First off, I've got two mangas to catch up on," she said, raising a finger, giving the young man a smug look. "And the Loli saga special edition should be coming in the mail today."

Alice, Tear, Harumi, and Melody all had blank stares.

"Is that why you're even here?" Chika said.

Natalia harrumphed.

"I came to visit of course. It's not like I enjoy being here, baka!"

"Don't suddenly go all tsundere," Clyde said, delivering the paper fan of justice. "Anyway, I've got a meeting with the military guys this afternoon. We'll have the team meet afterwards. And Natalia, share some of your annoying light novels with Kanako."

"Never!" Natalia said. "I told you I'm busy."

"It's fine, I don't want to babysit some child anyway," Kanako said, walking over to Yuki.

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"Why you—"

"You could always explore the city," Harumi said, interrupting Natalia.

"I…don't have any money," Kanako said, sagging.

"Why didn't you just ask?" Melody said.

"I'm already freeloading," she said, eyes teary.

Clyde sighed.

"You're my genie," he said. "And you're a part of Team Stone. Your job is to grant my…" He looked at Toru, idea blazing. "Kanako… bring Fumi back to life. That's my first wish."

Toru's eyes widened.

"Toru's lover," Clyde continued.

"I can't," Kanako said softly, then sagged onto the couch. "I'm…sorry for being useless. Forbidden magic like that is monitored by Celestial. An angelic being could probably get away with it once, if lucky, but…not only would the spell be blocked, but I may even bring down the punishment squad." Tears streamed. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine," Toru said. "And Clyde, I appreciate the thought, but please don't bring up resurrection. I…Fumi would want me to accept what's in front of me. And while I'd give anything to bring her back, sell my soul, we both know there will be always some form of consequence standing in the way."

"But she didn't deserve it," Alice said. "Maybe Kanako could give Clyde the same magic Mother used—"

"No," Toru said. "We don't know what a punishment squad is, and I'd rather not have them focused on this city. Or us." He started out the door. "I'll be waiting outside for the Jump."

Ruri and Matsume's ears sagged.

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"There has to be a way to bring her back," Ruri said. "There just has to be…And I…I don't smell any trace of happiness on him anymore…"

Alice pet her friend, then pulled her close. Clyde would punch the shit out of anyone that stated demons didn't care. Well, Team Stone's demons were different.

"I'm…sorry," Kanako said.

"Don't be," Clyde said, placing his hand on her shoulder. "It's not your fault. And no one saw this coming. There is only one man who will take responsibility for this. Fuck with mine and I'll rip their soul into pieces and send it to hell." The young man took a breath and let it out. "Everyone, be strong for him. I ask this as your less than perfect, team leader."

Harumi grabbed his hand and squeezed, causing the tension to fade away like magic.

The students stepped outside to see their friend, arms folded, staring at the empty streets. Clyde patted his shoulder. "We've got your back." He initiated the Jump.

That afternoon, Clyde met with Hiroshi and his group at the ramen shop as planned. He took Ashard, an insistent genie, and a reluctant Toru with him. Apparently, the fairy boy could detect lies. He wasn't sure how he felt about his scouting abilities—the moment the young man flew off, the enemy attacked. Toru was Toru, although out of it. Clyde wanted more ears but Alice and Ruri went shopping, Tear and Natalia were busy at the palace working on the supposed next big project, Yuki couldn't do so, supervising Maki and Sophia, Melody and Ming were surprisingly hanging out, and Seth was apparently on a date. Everyone promised to be ready for the team meeting. He sighed. If he called an emergency meeting, would they come?

Kanako and Ayu carried on a side conversation, filled with giggles, blushes, and whispering while looking at people. Hiroshi gave up on the head-whacking.

"Let's just cut past the niceties and you tell us this threat," Ashard said. "The human military's presence across the Nation's cities seemed to be minimum or dwindling. What could you possibly be fighting?"

"The Supreme demon lord's hidden forces for a start," Maho said. "Our section leader did regular military things before the barrier shattered. Everyone had to be brought up to date about the true threats. If the Supreme demon lord takes over, we will all be forced to acknowledge her as empress. We may even be bound to a magical contract and the world will never be the same again. Monster girls will feast. While the human race isn't vanishing, the males of others are, which is a concern for balance and nature. Men might become hunted, wars might sprout, the works." Maho folded her arms, shuddering. "Some monster girls don't have a wick of real intellect—they're fine with raping any man on sight. But if the monsters believe they're just going to stomp over the human race, they have another thing coming."

Clyde almost hummed the song, but held it at bay.

"So, you're fighting the Supreme demon lord," Clyde said then nodded. "This is the first time I heard something that made sense with the human side of things. Any other threats?"

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Maho looked at Hiroshi for permission. He nodded.

"Sea threats are ours. Some water-type monsters get big in their heads, develop a superiority complex," Maho continued.

"And we beat them away," Ayu interjected.

Maho cleared her throat before continuing.

"Then of course are the demons and devils that want to take over some areas and expand their territories, many of them from other realms, many believe themselves to be above the Supreme demon lord." She shrugged, eyes hard. "This is probably the only thing we have in common with the crusaders. The need to keep the takeovers from happening. Normally adventurers handled these threats but an unknown phenomenon had set them on the decline."

"With all of that being said," Rodger said. "We could truly use your team's help. The more gifted we can enlist, the better."

"As the Stone, I cannot," Clyde said. Maho and Ayu's eyes were the only ones wide. So they heard of the Stone. "The gifted may be on the decline too, due to the demon lords taking over cities. I plan to liberate as many as possible, while gaining intel on this Supreme demon lord."

"Can you believe it's a girl," Ayu said.

"Considering the amount of monster girls. Never mind," Hiroshi said, "not the point." He offered a hand to Clyde and his party, which they shook. "I'd like to thank you for meeting with us. I'll do my research on…whatever a Stone's supposed to be. In the meantime, we'll probably take off in a day or two, back to the base."

Clyde nodded.

"It's been a pleasure, especially meeting a human as tough as nails."

Hiroshi sighed.

"More like an alcoholic," Ayu laughed, earning herself a whack on the head. "So mean."

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