Mall and Shopping Center…

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Ruri took in the plethora of smells as she walked the aisles with Alice, Matsume walking ahead, always guarding her. Yuki wasn't the only person who took care of the supplies such as shower gels and soaps, shampoos and conditioners, cleaning products and laundry detergent, so on. As if they'd heartlessly give all of that responsibility to the cool demoness. Even if she wanted it and did things at impossible speeds—Ruri and the other women delegated responsibilities without Clyde even knowing. That was a topic of the first all-girls meeting.

Ruri…had no choice but to be thankful to her mother for putting her through the reform after all. Sure, Clyde made controlling the urges a challenge, but she managed to keep things together. Eventually overtime, she fully befriended the others—but nothing could stop Alice from being her favorite. That is until Clyde's natural gift of comforting a hound took over.

Ruri looked at Matsume. She loved her friend and servant, but hated the babysitting. Ruri was a hellhound, a feared and fierce race. They didn't need bodyguards, but the brown-haired woman always insisted. Princess this, princess that. How long did it take for Alice to get Natalia to stop guarding her?

Abruptly, a familiar scent of deliciousness flowed through the hellhound princess's nose. Her mouth watered, but she maintained her dignity. There was a time where her race had no cares in the world and would openly drool over food and men, tongues sometimes lolling out. But now, she…caused a division among her people. Those who prefer the old way and Ruri's supporters. Among the women that were forced to accompany her just to visit Alice, Matsume was her sole true supporter. A big sister in a way.

Ruri wondered how long she could enjoy these happy times before her people revolted. Her mother kept power by being the strongest, but also a neutral figure among all hellhound clans. If she sent someone to force her back to the main clan house…Or worse, replaced Matsume with one of the old way—Team Stone, her team, would not hesitate to smash that hellhound's face in. But Ruri didn't wish any ill will on the others. The Supreme's influence, succubus magic, is the only reason why they had the urges.

Ruri…went through hell to learn to somewhat control them, but they couldn't be ignored. Most of the reformed would have found mates by now…but…She wasn't sure if Clyde wanted anything to do with her. The imprinting on him…She still didn't understand how and why it happened, other than compatibility. Compatibility with someone else's life mate. She sighed. Madness.

The trio stopped into a Ridout Enterprises store to get Harumi some replacement running shoes. Out of the corner of her eye, Ruri noticed Matsume eyeing a nice frisbee. She almost spawned her tail, eager to wag, but forced herself to be composed. The human world was just, so frustrating! She pictured Clyde tossing the disc and she, catching it with her mouth, maybe after doing a few flips to show off her skills. He'd pet her…Ruri shook away the annoying daydreams. She wasn't the strawberry head.

"I'm ready," Alice said, holding the bag that contained the boxed shoes.

"Why didn't we shop at one of the stores Toru's family owned?" Ruri asked. "His father's the CEO of several sporting goods stores, right?"

"Harumi had specific tastes and the last time I checked, Toru's store doesn't have them," Alice said. "And besides, it's way on the other end of the mall."

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"Well, now that we're done with the shopping, let's go get meat," Matsume said. Ruri almost lolled her tongue out, ready to hoot, but caught herself at the last second.

"Fine, but make it snappy," Alice said. "And suck in your aura, Ruri. You're blasting too much."

Ruri, blinked, just now realizing that she released enough aura to probably cover the city.

"Sorry," she said, smiling sheepishly. "Old habit. Restraint isn't a thing for us."

"I know," Alice said, giving her a blank stare. "I haven't forgotten about our childhood."

Ruri blushed, laughing.

It came as a surprise when Matsume pushed Ruri to the ground in order to take a bullet in the chest. And judging by the scent, silver. The protector of Princess Ruri fell into a pool of her own blood.


Office somewhere in Lot City…

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The Oyabun gave his minion a look of skepticism then sighed.


"Sir, I think she plans to kill off his friends."

"What?" the Oyabun snapped. "Those are not my orders. I told her not to harm them, just watch. I want information. Who are they, how'd they get the people to their side, and if I can get them to work for me. Do you buffoons not get it? Team Stone alive will is a gold mine of money." He smashed his fists against the table. "And there's no doubt, she'll get it done. The crazy woman carries around silver bullets, believing them to be problem solvers to everything. Call her now, tell her to follow orders." The minion rushed off, dialing. The Oyabun sighed. "She may be my elite, but thinking with her gun first before her head is going to cost me a lot of money, partnerships, and reputation. I need to marry her off quickly." He glanced at a picture of his darling daughter Misaka as a child, holding the hand of her mother. He wondered what his wife made for dinner.

His wife who wasn't fully human, not that he gave a fuck. She was a perfect woman and arguably too good for him. While pushing very late forties, forcing himself to stay in shape, his wife still looked to be in her late twenties, early thirties. Aging half the speed…must be nice. He chuckled.

Picking up his phone, he dialed a minion. "Make sure to take my daughter to that anime book signing thing on Thursday. Her favorite author's going to be there." He listened to the response. "Yeah. No…I think its Ming something. Misaka reads a story about magical girls, fighting. She loves it, so take her. And don't be late. Leave her a bodyguard or two."

The Oyabun hung up. So much to do, so little time. His idiot minions didn't make things better.

As if things couldn't get any worse, he still felt the lingering presence of the fallen angel. A being that didn't belong in the human world. The amount of magic she released into the wind the previous night, felt wrong. Did she invite someone or something to Satovia? Fuck. He hoped not.

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Outside of Lot City…

In the backseat of a vehicle…

Hideo chuckled to himself. Sometimes life was just too easy to manipulate in his favor. Paying off, then compelling that yakuza woman to kill monster girls in the name of the crusaders—that's feature one. And if she failed, they'll dispose of her. Win-win for him.

"How far is your camp?" he said to the driver.

"They took control of an Inn, fifteen minutes out," the crusader said. "We had enough in the budget to give the attendant woman some hush money. Although…some of our guys were looking twice at her with ideas."

Hideo glared.

"The only ideas I want to hear is of you louts doing your jobs. Time is money and we don't have enough of it to waste."

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Mansion of Toru's family…

Genzo tried and failed to get in contact with his son. The young man just wouldn't pick up his phone, he wouldn't give him the chance to explain the scenario. He wondered if Hideo got to him already—ignoring his harsh answer. His mood continued to drop as he thought of his son's sweetheart. No matter what species or race she originated from, Fumi was Fumi. A beacon of kindness who changed even him. He was once a cold man who treated everything as a business. But…Fumi continued to be a sweetheart, even when he kept his sentences short and dismissive. And when he fell down the stairs, hurting himself, she was there to help him.

Even Genzo's wife was way more loving toward him after the change. She once told Genzo that he was radiant, maybe even young again.

He opened the front door, staring at the spot that…that…she.

He snarled. To think that his brother showed up to his doorstep after years, is offered hospitality as a way to keep things lighthearted and what does he do with all of this. Rant on about some crusader bullshit and murdered his welcomed guest. His…she would've been his future daughter-in-law. They didn't deserve to be in the presence of someone that kind. A positive beacon and a saint. One of the few people in this world that actually gave a shit about someone other than themselves. Tears streamed from his eyes.

Toru probably knew and didn't want to return. Who could blame him? The police couldn't help. How would he be able to prove anything? His brother was a madman on the loose.

He dialed a number on his phone. One of his bodyguards answered.

"Remember my orders—I want them done now. Track Hideo and kill him."

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