Last time on The Anime Trope System, Clyde and Team Stone successfully warded off the Blood Hand and even defeated Toru's uncle Hideo, a major crusader researcher. And an asshole. The team would remain on guard just in case Melody's father decided to show up in person. In the meantime, Clyde gave his party a well-deserved break.

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The school cultural festival approaches and…. Unbeknownst to the crew: the Crusader champion herself.

Welcome to….

The Anime Trope System Volume 8:

Stone of Culture…

Thursday. Week 2. Month 2. Year 1. Season: Autumn.

[School: off day, but Cultural festival preparation day. Classes: Monday, Wednesday, Friday.]

[Interdimensional store available…]

Clyde's house…

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Harumi's room…

Clyde got this far, managing to convince the women to return to his house under the guise of saying goodbye to everyone. That only left one itsy, witsy, tiny problem and that was somehow convincing the purple-haired druid to stay. Fuck. He hadn't actually put much thought into it. And with Harumi giving him a look, the entire ordeal just felt awkward. Still, he pushed through.

"Airi, you can't go yet."

Airi and Harumi blinked. Melody sighed.

"Kay bye," Airi said.

"Let me explain," Clyde said, smoothly taking a seat on Harumi's bed. "There are a lot of reasons why I want you on Team Stone. As the number one adventurer and treasure hunter at heart, you need something to work toward, right? Something more than just Omen's spheres and random enemy drops."

"Enemy drops?" Airi said, the stars beginning to form in her eyes. He may have seen her wipe away a little drool. Often enough, the young man was reminded that chests only dropped for him. An alien event to the others.

"Sometimes upon killing a monster, they spawn a literal treasure chest," Harumi said. "But only when Clyde's around."

"And I thought the whole inventory thing weirded me out," Melody said.

"I wish I had one," Airi said, stars growing, forming a small pulse, but it wasn't enough.

"Anyway, that's not the point," the young man continued. "Sure, the treasures we received were great, like gaining everything the Ashfall family owned, but there's something bigger at play. That's not even counting whatever world star fragments are. There has to be some kind of reward at the end of all of this. Now that I'm thinking about it, what do the Watchers—"

Airi anime-dove onto Clyde, eyes gleaming, and the mountain of questions erupted. He placed a finger over her lip.

"I can only answer those for Team Stone members," he said. "And again, I'd like to offer you a spot. No one's forced to stay onboard of course. Breaks and even departures are allowed." He laid back, thinking and doing his best to ignore the massive tower that rose to the occasion. Airi smirked until Harumi pulled her off with a single hand, annoyance in her eyes. Clyde continued. "Your skills will be better off here than anywhere else, Airi."

"Is that all?" She said, folding her arms. "Bribes and my skills?"

"No," he said, sitting up.

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"Oh?" Airi's eyes twinkled.

"But that's a secret," Clyde said. "If you leave—"

"You want me that badly," Airi said with a humorous tone.

The other women blushed, taking the innuendo to the peaks of their minds. Clyde laughed.

"You know what, I do want you badly," he said. "Airi, you've got a lot of questions. I've got a lot of questions—"

She jumped him again, eyes starry.

"Are you going to answer them? What's an enemy drop? What kind of power do you use to make chests appear? Can you share it with others? What kind of loot do you have? Do you want to plan some raids tonight, maybe alone and naked? What's it like being—"

"Airi," Harumi said tiredly, plucking the young woman off Clyde again.

Airi cleared her throat, blush bright and visible despite her brown skin. Anime logic. The young man was sure that even bluest of monster girls wouldn't escape the anime-girl blush.

"I still have a lot of things at my apartment," she said then held up a hand, forestalling the young man. "Yes, an apartment. It doubly served as a place of storage, being on the go all the time."

"That's not what I was going to say," Clyde said. "I mean I started off with an apartment and a measly hundred bucks because the Watchers wanted to be cheapos. Anyway, either Tear or I could give you the Jumping power needed—"

"You've never been to my city," Airi said, "but I'll accept Tear's hospitality. You're just trying to sneak a peek into a girl's room. Although," she gave Clyde a poster anime girl smile, "you're welcome every night."

"Perve," Melody said. Airi laughed.

"There's nothing wrong with asking for a drinking buddy," she said then whispered, "and more."

Clyde offered her a hand.

"Welcome to Team Stone."

She seemed taken aback at first, then accepted the handshake.

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"You forgot to welcome me to the harem," she said in a joking manner, though the young man somehow knew it wasn't. The other women sighed. Harumi didn't bother to yank her away again, but she didn't look displeased.

Clyde wanted to hi-five the entire team for permanently gaining a super druid. They'd have to work on the God of Wisdom mode thing, coordinate and train. He realized it the prior night that it wasn't anywhere close to full power. Nothing unexpected, since the transformation was fucking unheard of. Ah well, he'd worry about that later. One cannot promise his team a break then pull the rug from under their feet.

Airi suddenly kissed him, causing the others to blush. Even Clyde blinked, but kept himself composed. His policy of not being an infuriating harem main character still held strong. The only women that still made him nervous were Tear and Yuki. Well, not nervous, but it was always a thrill to interact with them. Especially Tear.

"That's the welcoming kiss, right?" Airi said.

"Alright, someone's trolling too much," Harumi said. "Let's go call Tear."

"I'm not trolling," Airi said, laughing and hugging the young man. She grabbed his boner. "Shouldn't we do something about this—"

"Let's go." Harumi yanked her up and away the trio went, leaving Clyde there, sitting. He glanced at the delayed prompt.

[Ki increased! +1 to Purity, Romance, and Command, crests of Melody]

[You have started to learn Cloaking, level 1. Requirement: Aura at 10 (Met), Speed at 5 (Met), and Spirit at 3. You need two more Spirit.]

He gulped upon inspecting his Ki chart.

[Harumi: Life: 2. Lightning: 2. Heart: 4.]

[Kitome: Strength:1. Passion:2. Energy: 1.]

[Alice: Soul: 6. Command: 9. *Radiance*: 6.]

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[Chika: Vitality: 9. Speed: 9. Aura: 10.]

[Yuki: Heart(above), Mystery: 2. Power: 2

[Maki: Ambition: 2 Command(above), Submission: 2]

[Neko: Unpredictable: 1 Spark: 1 Rain: 1]

[ Tear: Spirit: 1 Passion (above) Love: 1]

[Kanako: Sweet: 1. Magical: 1. *Range*: 1]

[Airi: Leadership: 1, Defense: 1, Nature: 1.]

[Melody: Purity: 1, Romance: 1, Command(above)]

Chika's horniness saved him a crap ton of grinding time—Ki skills too FOREVER to learn naturally. Then again, his dragon breath one-shot some strong enemies, so it was nothing to sneeze at. Leveling skills were the best. Approaching Tear, his undeserved…

"What is she to me?" Clyde said as he left the pink-haired girl's room. A miracle he went undetected, because that would be surely the moment someone…

Sniffing caught his attention. And not just any kind, but the anime girl/ manga variant.

"Kun, kun."

Clyde turned to see Ruri smiling at him.

"Really?" he deadpanned. "Well, since you're here, my favorite hellhound friend ever." His smile shifted to evil, gaining the desired teary-eyed anime expression. The drooping ears almost made his nose bleed. "Guess who's going to meet Sazuki with me."

He'd check the ID store later. Hopefully it gave him something good this time.

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