Unknown City…

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Chizuru, the great crusader champion, the maiden who walks in the light, defender of the weak and helpless, blah blah….was hiding from her nun caretaker. Stuffing her face with potato chips and watching anime on her tablet, the young woman melted in her happy place. Even if it was just some random closet.

The nun went on about health and fitness, living for the weak, and noble things that Chizuru just couldn't find herself caring about during her off time. Too bad she couldn't bring her secret collection of Loli saga books. The others wouldn't approve her anime and manga addiction …ugh…She couldn't be obsessed with potato chips. That was a thought she had while shoving another handful into her mouth.

"Lady Chizuru!" her nun called out, eyes probably teary. "We have the meeting with the priests."

The crusader champion continued to ignore the call. They were about two days or so from Lot City. Of course if they ignored the dumb stops, they'd get to the place faster, take care of the problem, and move on.

Normal girls didn't have to deal with this. She hoped she'd at least find a worthy person to talk about anime with…or Anything that didn't involve stupid fighting or being an empty heroine of justice. Why did superheroes have to lose their lives and motivation to have fun just to deal with the problems of the public? Shouldn't the paid authorities be trained for this? Trained like her?

Stupid special powers! Stupid goddess proclaiming her a prodigy.

She…did love to save people though and didn't want to be "rewarded" for it. She opened her bag, shaking her head at the thirtieth love letter of the week from one of the male crusaders. Was it from arrogant Joe or the way-too-admiring-and-groveling, girl? She shuddered when that annoying girl basically tried to bed her. How many kicks to the face will it take to get across her point? She even mocked Chizuru with her "onee-sama" obsession.

The crusader champion shuddered then pulled out a hand mirror. The reflecting image…Long wavy blue hair with matching eyes and a bust that will always keep the endless stream of love letters coming. She shredded the current one.

"Why are people such idiots?" she said then grabbed the bottle of juice next to her. Ten minutes of struggling to opening it later, she chugged and binge-watched her favorite animes.

As she got up, the young woman painfully stubbed her toe against the corner of a small table. A tear dropped from her eye. "Ow..."

Corners were dangerous. Meanie corners. She pouted until the pain left.

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Sato Academy…

Student Council room…

Clyde watched Ruri look around in wonder, sniffing things, wagging her tail in excitement. Her eyes were wide at the thought of attending a human school and eating all kinds of foods, though mostly meat.

He got a kick out of watching her at first, but Sazuki killed the mood with a text stating she and Kiko were going to be an hour late. Conveniently, most of his party members came up with one excuse after another for tardiness. Even Alice, claiming she had House Hades business and would drop by within the hour.

"These motherfuckers," Clyde said, shaking his head. He took a seat, wondering if he should just leave. Ruri suddenly straddled the young man. She licked his face then kissed him.

"Since they're going to be late, let me lose control of my urges…please." She blushed, tail wagging.

Clyde's erection answered for him. Ruri's eyes went lusty as she first pulled off her gym shorts then panties, shoving the blue-striped goldmine in his pocket, then unzipped his pants. He didn't get the chance to tell her that maybe they shouldn't have sex at the school during the day, but the hellhound wasn't listening.

She drooled upon the mount. The mount that felt incredibly good, tight. And it awakened the beast within.

She squeezed and rode wildly and a little awkwardly. Virgin awkwardly. He gave her a suspicious look, but she just continued the dance, juices seeming to leak everywhere. She snuggled against him after the climax, cheerful.

[Your relationship with Ruri has increased to Friend, Closer level 7 and endearment.]

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Eventually Sazuki arrived to work Clyde and Ruri like slaves. There were other students around, assisting. A lot of the men wanted to gut Clyde at the sight of yet another strikingly beautiful girl. Ruri kept out her dog ears and tail—but the perverted men thought she was cosplaying. The female students muttered choice words at them.

"Clyde, could you help me carry these boxes," Sazuki said after twenty-minutes into the festival-setup activity.

"Sure," he replied. "Ruri, I'll be back."

She cheerfully waved then resumed assisting the others.

He heard someone say,

"We should do a maid café!"

"No way, pervert," one of the girls said.

"A cosplay café and Ruri could be our idol," another said, voice dorky.

Clyde just shook his head. Matsume was on her way. Oof, he thought. Maybe he could make it back in time to see the ass-kicking.

As he lifted a heavy box to place on a shelf, a pair of blue-striped panties fell onto the floor. He and Sazuki stared at each other for nearly a minute. The young man gave her a sheepish smile.

"There's a perfectly good explanation for this," he began.

"Yeah-huh," Sazuki said, unconvinced, arms folded. She tapped her foot repeatedly against the floor.

"You see, this is just a prank," he said. "You know how hellhounds are."

Sazuki's eyes widened then she softly facepalmed. Clyde wasn't fooling anyone.

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"So beneath the gym shorts, she's…"

"Well…yeah," Clyde said. "I forgot to give her back her—"

"This isn't adding up," Sazuki said. "No…you two had sex—"

"President!" a girl said. "Misaka fainted."

Sazuki sighed.

"I swear. How can a girl be so pretty yet frail? We'll continue this later."

Clyde sighed.

"Just try not to overstep your lecturing," he said. "I am your leader."

She flushed, as if just now remembering.

"S…sorry. Still, you shouldn't…in school." She hurried off. Who the hell was Misaka? Clyde shrugged. Just another rich girl at Sato Academy.

The rest of Team Stone's students arrived half an hour later or so. Somehow Sazuki and Clyde ended up alone together, chatting.

"So, you can use your metal elements to summon little steel golems?" Clyde said. Sazuki nodded.

"Toru helped me grind as much as possible at the Libado Grasslands," she said. "If I get stronger, I should be able to bring out some interesting creatures. I can also make objects." She sighed. "But I'm not very good at that yet."

Clyde nodded twice.

"So you're the team summoner. That's awesome." He stood and looked out the window of the student council room, admiring the late afternoon scenery. "Before you become full members, I will give you one last test." He walked over to Sazuki, almost pinning her to the wall. The black-haired, gray-eyed young woman blushed. "How does Tuesday sound? You and your sister pass it, you'll be full-fledged members."

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A look of determination flashed into the student council president's eyes.

"Whatever it takes," she said.

Clyde smiled, breaking the tense mood.

"Good. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to go make sure Alice isn't stuffing her face with cheesecake while everyone else is working."

"Wait…" Sazuki started to say.

"Hmm?" Clyde was halfway out the door.

"N…never mind. Go help the others."

"You got it, pres," he said then hurried off.

Sazuki bit her lip. She…she'd never been that close to a guy before, especially one as attractive as the leader. He gave off an unnatural vibe, yet…she felt curious. Adventurous…She shook herself. Student council president, not horny schoolgirl. She didn't have time for things like that…

But…He. Was that some kind of invite? But the other girls. Sazuki wasn't a fool though. Within Team Stone, many of the girls loved that man. A harem and she actually considered joining it. How did they get along knowing they had to share the same guy? Did he somehow make time for all of them? She sighed.

Pointless thoughts. She was about to become the team's summoner. Undine told her she'd one day be able to summon giant metal dragons—ones that would make even gods tremble, whatever that meant.

Sazuki nodded, determination in her eyes. She'd do her best…And maybe…get as close as possible to her team leader. She blushed.

"That idiot…he'll need to take responsibility…"

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