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Clyde took the time to somewhat appreciate the setting of an anime classroom. Hinako and the rest of the teachers were gone of course, leaving the students to do all the work, but the idea of the event still made the young man excited. His home world had pep rallies, which sucked ass.

Currently, he worked on signs with the men. Alice and the girls were creating pamphlets, food menus, and schedules.

"I still say we should do a bikini contest," Seth told Clyde. Clyde grinned, agreeing.

"Toru," he said. The noble's returned evil grin confirmed him being onboard with the plan.

"I can convince a few people in some higher places to make it happen," Toru said.

"Hell yes," Seth said. "Clyde, I know they're your girls, but." He whispered. "Invite Tear and Yuki for this, so it will serve as a motivator for the other girls. Even Maki."

"And if Maki participates, they all will," Yusuke said as he approached. "Why am I not surprised, Seth? You're a fucking genius."

Seth laughed.

"But wouldn't your reaperess of death girlfriend be really pissed if she finds out—"

"Ah, she'll be fine," Yusuke said.

"Are you going to get her to participate?" Clyde said.

"I think she'll be curious enough to do so," he said.

"It's all good with me," Seth chuckled. "Just leave the kids at home. We don't need Natalia and Nina to ruin the show."

At that moment, a chill glided up Clyde's spine. He shuddered, sensing a familiar presence approaching the classroom.

"You guys deal with the brat," he whispered, gaining confused looks from the three men. "Drinks or food on me if you can keep my location hidden."

He nearly flashed stepped into the room's closet, lightly shut the door, and peered through the peephole while in darkness. He could've sworn he heard snoring, but tuned that out to his imagination.

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Natalia skipped in.

"Where's pervy-nii?" she said loudly and embarrassingly, while everyone else spoke in hushed tones or amongst their groups. Clyde softly facepalmed as the entire class looked at her.

"Don't know," Seth said. "What are you doing here anyway?"

She ignored the blonde and poked Yusuke.

"Dummy-ninja, have you seen him?"

Yusuke comically snarled. Some of the classmates snickered.

"Who are you calling dummy-ninja?"

Natalia looked around.

"Maybe I should have a certain someone sniff him out."

"She's so cute," one of the girls said. "What's your name?"

A group of girls surrounded the loli. Clyde grinned evilly. Snoring… He turned to see an impressive view of Matsume. He internally begged his horn not to rise, but it did of course. Large breasts, legs open revealing…bear panties. He snickered, causing her to wake up. He placed a finger on his lip. The hellhound grinned evilly, pulling the young man onto her and she took a huge whiff.

"Not now," he whispered. "The others—oohf."

Her tongue curled around his horn and the blowjob took over. Arousing a fully adult hellhound monster girl. Clyde shouldn't have expected anything less. She didn't stop there. Matsume laid him back, ignoring his attempts to reason with her and quietly, but wildly rode, as if she was sex starved for years.

It finally ended when she convulsed. He quickly covered her mouth until she finally relaxed and laid on top of him. Sensing that he didn't release yet, the lust returned to the woman and she remounted, juices oozing.

"Aren't you satisfied?" Clyde whispered. "I really should get out of here, before the others start to get suspicious."

Natalia's blabbing finally stopped, conclusiveness at the end. If she left, he'd have to come out of the closet. The problem was…

"Never," Matsume whispered, riding harder. He almost burst, but strained to hold it in, not willing to impregnate the woman or make a mess all over the closet. He put strength into wrestling the monster girl off him, as well as zipping his pants and fixing his uniform.

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"Can this not wait until we get home?" Clyde said.

"Oh," Matsume said, sense returning to her. "There are plenty of empty rooms I could pull you into." She licked his neck. "Still, why wait when the closet is more fun?" He sighed then listened for Natalia's "chao." It didn't come. She sat on a desk, awed and adored by the other girls. Seth and Toru snickered. Yusuke sighed.

"Where's Clyde?" Alice said.

"He probably left, dudette," Seth said. "Doing leader stuff and what not."

"I doubt he'd bail," Chika said. "You guys completed most of the signs."

"We'll be fine until he gets back," Toru said.

"He obviously left to take a leak," Yusuke said to Clyde's relief. The sensible man with the most convincing lie. Stars seemed to emerge in Chika's eyes, causing the young man to frown. Matsume attempted a ****, but he held her back with a single hand. She pouted.

"I'm going to step out and make a phone call," Chika said. Alice sensed her bullshit right away.

"Oh no you don't!"

Alice chased the silver-haired girl. Natalia, to his relief ran after them, her trailing words being,

"There's no way I'll miss this! I'll get to see pervy-nii's pee-pee."

Clyde felt like killing himself at the embarrassing comment. Instead of laughing, Toru, Seth, and Yusuke cringed.

"I swear, Clyde's going to prison," Yusuke said.

Clyde quickly wrestled Matsume to the floor, pinned the horny woman, then tied her up using rope made from his Energy Materialize skill.

"It will despawn shortly," he said softly. "Now go back to your nap."

He made sure everything was smooth uniform-wise then smoothly exited the closet.

"Do you understand why I had to hide?"

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The others' faces were blue, mouthing, "you fucking idiot."

Natalia, grinning evilly, anime-dove into the young man, her spot from behind the door…not so obvious from his closet angle.

"Pervy-nii really, you're terrible at hide and seek," the loli said, snuggling into him. "No one saw you leave and your three idiot friends are terrible liars. Especially dummy-ninja." She stuck her tongue at Yusuke, soliciting a glare. "At least lemon-head sounded more convincing."

Seth shot the loli a blank stare seconds after Toru did.

"One job," Clyde said to the men. "One job and you—"

Natalia almost kissed him, but his mystic senses allowed the man of nature to move in time. And six of their classmates were watching, eyes wide.

Clyde laughed sadly and softly, attempting to pass the ordeal as a joke.

"All of the gym training improved my reflexes."

This fucking loli's going to get me arrested, he furiously thought while glaring daggers at her.

"Onii-chan," Natalia said. "You promised to…deflower—"

"Alice," Clyde said as he bolted out the door. "Help!" The loli chased him.

"She's going to end up pinning him one day," Toru told Seth and Yusuke.

"How will he explain the situation to the cops," Seth said, laughing. "Rapey loli keeps sexually harassing him."

Yusuke whacked him on the head.

"Are you still going to take us to whatever place you had planned the other week?"

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Seth grinned.

"Are you sure you two can get away from your girlfriends?"

"I'll pass," Toru said.

"Oh come on," Seth said. "Fine, I'll just ask Ashard."

"Is he still here?" Yusuke said.

"He's at the palace," Seth said. "I think he's leaving on Sunday. Natalia still needs his help with something."

"Replacing me at the first chance you get," Toru said, feigning hurt. "I see how it is."

Seth shrugged.

"Where we're going will have a lot of girls. You wouldn't be able to face your sweet, sweet Fumi anymore if you go."

Toru rolled his eyes.

"I'm a busy man."

"Ashard it is, then," Yusuke said.

"What are you idiots talking about?" Kitome said, barging in between them.

"Nothing," Seth said. "If you want to know, then transform right here—"

Toru and Yusuke winced as Kitome punched him in the gut then delivered a formidable German suplex.

The other girls in the class shook their heads or sighed, silently declaring that the idiot pervert had no hope.

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