Sato Academy…

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Clyde stepped outside into the evening for some refreshing cool autumn air, a can of hot coffee in hand. He decided now was a perfect time to address delayed prompts and buy something from the weekly ID Store. Hopefully, he'd get something game-changing.

[Current declared fiancée(s): Melody]

[Quest: buy Melody a ring or something that symbolizes your proposal. This quest is mandatory and cannot be refused. The priority set is to: ASAP.]

[Congratulations for using your head and accepting Melody's soul-oath. Your next step is to set a wedding day. You could always follow the traditions of Melody's home world. Get her pregnant first then have the ceremony the next day. Keep in mind that it is not like a human wedding.]

[Your fiancée, Melody's current mood: heart-fluttering happiness.]

[Melody has fallen head over heels in love with you.]

[Base HP and MP bonus from Melody: +100%]

[Perk bonus on hold until you marry her: *Tier 0 skill: Soul Illusion*. You will be literally invincible for 3 minutes; however, your attack will be down by 20% unless you invoke Mystic wrath. Warning: Tier 0 skills will drain an enormous amount of MP at once. Be wary of that when combining it with another MP drainer such as Mystic wrath. ]

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[In Melody's world, a fiancé is called the Soother.]

Clyde spit out his coffee like a dragon breathing fire. SOUL-OATH MEANT FIANCE? He gulped, pacing, heart pounding. He wasn't ready for this.

[Your readiness for this is currently at 101%]

You evil system, he angrily thought.


Why was the universe's AI so… Clyde let the thought drop. He planned to give himself at least a year to think about it and weigh it against the chances of being thrown back into his timeline as Mortem promised. Just because he was growing into the power of a god didn't mean he was the most powerful.

Was that why Melody was practically all over him earlier? He wiped the blood from his nose. If he was being honest with himself, he'd—the young man shook away the perverted thoughts. Think, Clyde, think.

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[If you attempt to "undo" your soul-oath, you will be given an instant game over.]

I wasn't thinking of undoing it, you evil system, Clyde thought. Truthfully, he just wanted to process everything. Melody knew about the girls and their feelings—they discussed it, clean and briefly. Yet, she took the head-jump over his life mate, Chika, and even Harumi. But why didn't she explain the soul-oath to him?

Could she be waiting for the other women? Clyde just didn't know, except that Melody was his fiancée.

Mom, it seems like I'm getting married, he thought. Ironically, society on Earth always demanded a wait period, which he believed reasonable. If you still had strong feelings after a few years, then she had to be "the one." In Satovia, that logic was bullshit and ignored.

His plans were to get all the relationship levels to at least closer level ten and in love first. How could there be a marriage without actual love?

[You are still on the right path for this; however, that won't stop any of the girls from getting a proposal out of you. Due to not learning much about the realm of your fiancée, you accepted a proposal without a second thought. Congratulations. It is wise to be confident about your harem. +20 to charisma and intellect]

System, I'm going to kill you, he thought. Why didn't he receive the prompt asking for an answer like it did with Ming?

Melody clouded his thoughts. The sweet smell of goddess-grade perfume, strawberry panties, her blushes—he wiped the blood from his nose again. Stupid nosebleeds.

Her personality was just adorable. The young woman proved time and time again to be reliable, even during the Nezerath raid when she ripped through his mansion's barriers like tissue paper. Smart, sweet, strong, and also clumsy, pure, a hopeless romantic—he still didn't forget her daydream—the young man realized that he didn't mind the early proposal.

He still felt like Alice should've had this first…But did it matter? Not really.

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Seeing that it was pointless to get angry at the system, the young man accessed his ID store, available to him every Thursday. This would allow him to purchase potentially awesome, broken, whacky, or completely stupid items. The system forced most of his choices by selling many items at unreasonable prices, while having one specific item discounted.

[Items available: Ass blaster 4000 (4.2T). Book of infinite sex positions + weird ones (99T), Sun drip potion (24M), Loli whistle (905T) Super Health Potion (1200), Super MP Potion (1250), Recipe of Love (50,000), Ultra Super mega special awesome equipment set (250 quadrillion), *Book of telekinesis*. (10M).]

He thought about buying the Sun drip potion to compliment the Moon variant he owned, but decided to go with the book of telekinesis. His mind played all of the super hero shows that featured telekinetic heroes doing epic shit. This would be a nice feat to add to his power pool. Astral projection and telekinesis! He'd be feared in no time.

[You have purchased Book of telekinesis!]

[Balance remaining: $ 61,255,400]

He wasted no time using the item. As it glowed and burst into a million golden sprinkles, he knew.

[Congratulations, you've unlocked the telekinesis magic line.]

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[You've learned Telekinesis- Object control level 1. You may move small objects through telekinesis. This skill has 3 levels. Practice and EXP will strengthen it.]

Clyde aimed a hand at the trashcan ahead. With just a thought, he made it rise into the air.

"This is hilarious. I can't wait to level this thing up."

He sat the trashcan back down. A girl, he believed was Misaka went pale then hurried back into the school. "Ah, she saw that." He shrugged. Nothing he could do there. She was pretty cute though.

Clyde saw Harumi walking out of the building. Smiling, he waved at her to join him.

"Why are you out here alone?" she said.


Miles in the air….

Tessa's spirit beast, a giant eagle with snow-white feathers and piercing gold eyes, soared against the cold winds. With just an hour or so left on the trip, she couldn't wait to get into a nice, warm bath. Maybe have a cheat day, order pizza. Watch this world's shows, which were all anime to her. She thought of the old world for just a second then snapped the mental lid as if it contained a wild animal. She let go of Earth some time ago. Satovia was her home…

If it weren't for the Viper, she'd be a queen. Golden statues would've been erected in her name. She'd lead her people into an age of awesomeness. Maybe.

Still, what was her purpose for being the Wind? Lady Venus seemed to direct her toward a heroic path. It also felt like she prepared something for the Stone. What did she mean by this trip being weird?

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