Sato Academy….

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Early evening….

Clyde loved talking to Harumi. Thanks to fighting by her side in many life or death situations, he overcame the need to accidentally look at her breasts during a conversation. He always maintained eye contact. Well, he became a master at doing both.

Harumi's interests were wide and vast, but her passion for being a chef outshined them all. His own overall goal to save this planet and end the stone-viper games for good felt too large for a conversation. When the system announced the territory ordeal, the idea of being a ruler came to mind. Sure, politics sucked, but the government let demons roam free to devour humanity and now teamed up with the Yazuka. What a fucking mess.

"How long do you two plan to laze around?" Kitome snarled from the door.

The duo hopped from the bench, laughing as they hurried to join the others.

A couple of hours later, Clyde could see everything coming together as stand after stand was erected around the school's track.

Somehow Seth and Natalia were in charge of the footraces and games. Clyde just knew they were going to be ridiculous. Sazuki oversaw the process of all construction, except the stage. Most of the girls gave it no more than a passing glance, but the guys. They definitely knew the plan.

Despite everyone working together on such a beautiful evening—starry skies and slightly cool breezes—there was a rivalry brewing amongst the classes. Class A acted superior to everyone, starting off the division. Soon following up was B and D. Clyde's own class eventually left the "no fucks to give" zone to join the war. Team Stone didn't seem too interested, but the young man couldn't help but overhear one of the bets.

"If we win, you'll have to fork over your Team Stone members to our class," some rich girl said then did the unthinkable. The rich anime girl laugh with the hand gesture and all. "Ohohohohoho."

"Yeah, Class C will be winning this one," Clyde said. He knew damn well that the wealthy asshats would pull strings and ruin his class schedule.

"Kun, kun, I smell fighting spirit." Ruri wagged her tail. "It makes me want to try that howl Natalia keeps bugging me about."


"Awooooooo!" the hellhound howled, gaining Clyde's blank stare. Fortunately, she wasn't loud, and no one paid attention to them, other than Naomi, who walked toward the duo.

"What's up Naomi?" Clyde said.

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"Hi, uhm, Harumi needs you," she said.

"She didn't just text," Clyde said.

"Her battery died," Naomi said. "I told her I'd relay the message."

"Are you headed out?" Clyde asked.

"No, I'm taking pictures and assisting my class," she said.

"You smell really tired," Ruri said. "Are you sure you don't want to rest?"

"Smell?" Naomi said looking at her in confusion. Seconds later, it hit her. Since the blush was cute, Clyde let Ruri off the hook. "I'm sure everyone's tired."

Clyde decided to say the old cliché anime line, which was true in most cases. He doubted the journalist would listen without his insistence.

"Don't push yourself," he told the green-haired girl. She smiled.

"I won't."

He didn't get the chance to watch her walk away—Ruri was all over him.

"Clyde, you shall treat your hellhound princess waifu to some meat." She placed her hands on her hips, looking pleased with her declaration.

"Since you didn't ask nicely—"

"Pleeasee," she said, teary, holding onto the young man.

"You don't need my permission to—" He halted his words, instantly realizing that he…was Clyde, not some dense buffoon. Sheesh, what was with him? It had to be the awe of knowing that his upcoming marriage included a super-hot goddess. "If you want to eat together, just say so."

Ruri blushed.

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"I…you know, never had a mate. No guys for friends. So I don't know how."

"You ask the same way as always," he told her.

[Talent, main character stuff: Head pat.]

He didn't trigger that, but went with it. The hellhound melted into it, her tail wagging faster.

"Let's finish this up here first," Clyde said, "then we'll eat afterwards. Do you see how hard everyone's working? Let's not be the slackers. Tomorrow, you'll be able to eat as much as you want."

Ruri's tail wagged faster.

"Ooh, I can't wait. Awooo!"

"Okay, let's squash the howling thing," Clyde said.

"Party pooper," Ruri said.

Clyde felt a tap on his back. He turned to see Airi, dressed in a casual skirt, smiling at him.

"Since you convinced me to stay, are you going to ask me to marry you like in the movies?" she said jokingly.

"Maybe," Clyde said.

"He's going to marry me first," Ruri said, then giggled. "So, what do you think of our setup so far?"

"Fancy," Airi said. "I can't wait to try the food tomorrow."

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"Oh, Clyde you shouldn't keep my soul sister waiting," Ruri said.

"Your soul sister? Oh, Harumi," Clyde said then nodded. "A hellhound and a fox. Fox and the hound. It all makes sense now." He chuckled.

"Care to share your magnificent revelation, oh great god of wisdom?" Airi said, doing exaggerating hand motions in the air, along with finger wiggling.

"Just something from my world," he said. And an Easter egg he somehow revealed.

"Let's go get beef jerky, Ruri," Airi said, pointing at a nearby vending machine. "Sorry Clyde, I'm taking this cutie away."

Ruri wiped away a little drool.

"I left my money at home and Matsume can't be found."

"She's napping in the classroom closet," Clyde said. "Start using your nose on targets other than me." He winked then started toward the building.

As he headed to the main classroom where they conducted their work, a thought popped into his head. He collected a variety of Ki crests, including Ruri's Control, Agility, and Lust and Matsume's Fierce, Fire, and Composure. Among all of them, there were two highlighted words. Alice's Radiance and Kanako's Range. Range's rarity matched the color of a relic…If he boosted it, how far could he go?

[This crest has no limit. It is also dependent on the skill. In theory, boosting range to an extremely high level would enable you to target planets and even other universes. However, this would be simply impossible with sex. Sex increases Ki once per day. You'd need 10,000 or more consecutive years of daily sex with the genie to pose a threat to your intergalactic neighbors. Not that you are considering it.]

Clyde sighed. He knew from the beginning that sex's limitations and slow Ki increases, would eventually become a problem. Ki items never drop. He needed…a lot of chests.

The idea came to mind. Airi. Her job on Team Stone could be to locate dungeons and report them to him. He'll limit the party to just four people to make tracking health and magic easier—his party had plenty of power to spare—and take down whoever guarded the rewards. The Super Druid would probably auto-reserve a spot for herself, which was fair enough. Tear's network should be able to assist the purple-haired young woman with digital maps, terrain, and anything else.

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[Quest: assign Airi the job as Dungeon Finder. This quest is mandatory and cannot be refused. Reward: 12,000 EXP and 1 *Sun drip potion*.]

An item for a reward. Fuck yes. The EXP was meager, possibly a randomly selected number. In the hall, Clyde waved down Alice.

"Where's Harumi?"

"I think she's sitting in the cafeteria," Alice replied.

"Let's go check on her," Clyde said. His life mate nodded.

[Good! You've enabled quest path: see Harumi. Alice must be present.]

Uh oh. He hoped the pink-haired young woman was okay. Protect her that definitely applied to everyone's favorite fox girl. Everyone loved her, but he did on a deeper level.

Maybe after the festival setup, he'd go spend some time with Tear. Maybe both. Somehow…he knew that he could do that…

[You should consider rest because you clearly keep forgetting that you have a harem. You do not have to spend time with just 1 girl at a time; however, to give credit where it's due, it is sweet. Each girl wants your attention. For thinking of Tear, you gain +10 intellect.+50 endurance.]

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