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Aunder gazed at the giant white mansion-like building and then the scene as a whole. He couldn't comprehend any of it. In front, a woman tended to a rose garden, humming peacefully. To the right were more cheerful women handing out fliers while dressed up in maid outfits and with either cat ears or some other animal. More maidens, cheerful and carefree, dressed in pinks and whites, came and went. There was even a sign—these idiots were giving out his location! It stated…the Viper's Temple of Peace, Harmony, and Love.

"We're definitely at the wrong place," Aunder said, but before he could turn around, a woman dove into him.

"Nooo, you can't just look at the building and leave," she whined. Olivia, Su Yang, and even the driver nearly fell backward.

"I'm pretty sure I'm at the wrong place," Aunder said, struggling to get the pink-haired woman off him. "Just let me be, woman."

"But wouldn't you like to come in, maybe enjoy lessons from our great Arch Priest?" She said her next words quietly, "and maybe leave a donation." She continued in her cheery voice. "Someone of your status with a limo and three servants has to be looking to improve his life. Surely you would want to know about the hero who liberates nations, but also has a fist iron enough to keep the bad guys fearing him." Aunder started back toward the car.

"Who is she calling a servant?" Su Yang and Olivia muttered.

"Come on. Please—we're going broke here. You must at least come inside," the teary-eyed girl said as she held onto Aunder as if for dear life. "Please!"

"Let me go woman, I'm at the wrong place," Aunder said.

[You are at the correct location.]

[About two hundred years ago, the Viper Maidens received new leadership, which ultimately divided them into two factions. You are at the main, larger section known as ML. Maidens of Love…The small section, which calls themselves the True Poison are in an unknown location, which may be known by the leader of ML, the Arch Priest. ]

"I see," Aunder said softly then looked at the groveling girl. "Take me to this Arch Priest."

The clinging girl smiled.

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"Sure! Right this way."

She hummed an unfamiliar happy tune as she led the way down a stony pathway with pink roses on the sides. She struggled to open the main building's doors for a few seconds before it gave in.

As they approached the main hall, they heard a passionate voice deliver her message to a small crowd which ranged from a few elderly men, a dozen or so young women, including a college girl with her kid sister or maybe daughter, cousin?

Something about those two made the man pause for just a second. The kid had pointed ears for one—an elf.

"Do not listen to the lies about he who saves lives," the Arch Priest preached. Aunder tuned her out to admire her beauty. Long white hair, glistening red eyes, perfect breasts. She had a nice voice, but on the edges of it was desperation. He analyzed her.

Name: Viper Maiden Yuriko, Arch Priest of the Maidens of Love

Level: 325

HP/MP: 100%

Spirit sign: passionate soul.

Useful: yes.

He turned, deciding to analyze the college girl and her kid elf…whatever, too.

Name: Fuyoko, "Master of Stars," leader of the Blood Seekers.

Level: 98

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Spirit sign: unknown.

Useful: unknown.

Insight: she has the ability to petrify opponents.

Aunder evaluated the kid elf too.

Name: Naoko, Blood Servant of the Master of Stars.

Level: 450

HP/MP: 3000%

Spirit sign: directionless

Useful: very, but she is devoted to the Master of Stars.

Insight: immune to physical and most magic attacks.

Aunder smiled. Somehow, he was sure these two led Julius's former cult. He was right to input the need to flee into Julius's head. His number two recommended giving Momo the same suggestions, so that there would be double the chance of them stumbling into something interesting. Plus, Momo being far stronger than Julius as a Venus sister increased his chances of not doing something stupid and dying. Dire of course would report any findings through telepathic means, including a way to get out of the stone-viper games.

He'd remove the anti-god miasma and allow the planet to be revived if the Watchers let him go. A harsh but necessary bargaining chip. Too bad he had no way of directly contacting them to make the deal. And if they kept him waiting, Aunder would consider doing something so much worse. No one contained him.

He was about to take a seat, but the pink-haired girl, Ran, held his arm. The murder he felt from Su Yang was palpable.

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Yuriko, the Arch Priest grew silent as her subordinate took Aunder to the VIP guest chair. Her pale face spoke volumes. She knew what the others didn't.

"Don't stop on my account, Arch Priest," Aunder said. "I am but another guest, insisted by your lovely servant here."

Yuriko looked as if she was ready to cry, but took a deep breath and pushed on with her message of complete and utter bullshit. Well, it wasn't untrue, but the Arch Priest probably made everything up for the sake of donations. His maidens…were desperate for money and decided to profit off his title. Not that he cared for it. He already determined at least six of them to bed, including the Arch Priest.

Without Dire to keep Su Yang away, bedding would be even more of a challenge. But those rewards would come later. First, he'd fix what the poor excuse of a leader, Arch Priest, had done. Viper Maidens were supposed to be anything but this… This was like Satovia's sweet food called cookies and cream. In his world, non-fruit sweet food was consumed only by the royal women once a month. That being a tribute to the goddess…

Too much on the pinks and kindness. One would never be able to tell this is a temple of the Viper. Maybe that was the point, but…this….this just couldn't be the answer.

Aunder pulled out a flask and drank in front of all of the wide-eyed people.

"Ah!" he hissed, "hits the spot."

Su Yang softly facepalmed.

"Master, you really should consider respecting holy grounds."

Aunder took a second swig.

"I am the holy ground."

When Yuriko ended her lesson, a few donated, bringing her a hopeful smile. It dropped when she forced herself to look at Aunder.

The man noticed that Fuyuko, and the kid remained in their seats, watching him. He allowed himself a grin.

"Please allow me to introduce myself," Aunder began. The pink-haired girl, who had no idea, leered at him, almost as if stars were in her eyes. She probably saw a huge funding opportunity. "I am Aunder. Let's just say, someone in a high place sent me here. And I am not pleased to see…what this is. So…" He stood. "I want an explanation. And then Su Yang will be taking over from here because you clearly have no experience in real leadership."

All of the maidens stared at him, open-mouthed.

"Sir…you can't—"

Yuriko held up a hand.

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"It's him."

They all paled, dropping to a knee, bowing. Aunder sighed.

"Now don't start that, get up," he said. "And Yuriko, start explaining why my temple is…in shambles. Olivia, you'll be in charge of redecorating it."

"I like it," Olivia said. "It's so cute."

She laughed when Aunder glared at her. "Fine, fine, I'll get started. You!" She pointed at Ran. "You'll be showing me around. And send one of your minions to start up my bath."

Aunder teleported by Fuyuko, gazing into a smug face.

"Do you want to trade information over some nice love-making?"

Su Yang blushed furiously.

"Master, learn some manners." She smacked him with a paper fan.

"Ow," he said, chuckling. Fuyuko burst into laughter.

"You know why I'm here, but I don't see him in your group," she said. "Fine, let's make a deal."

"You'll make a deal with the Viper?" Aunder said.

Her eyes only made the slightest twitch, but she nodded.

"Julius belongs to me," she said. "And no matter where he goes, I will find him, even if it takes forever."

Aunder smirked.

"He can't have two masters," Aunder said, tilting up Fuyuko's chin. "And no matter how much you want to turn me into stone, you know it won't work. Now, joking aside, we will discuss this matter over a drink."

"What, no love-making?" Fuyuko said, smirking.

He took in large breasts, blue-green hair, and knew he'd definitely bed her, but his real mood wanted no games.

"The Arch Priest and your kid sister will be joining us," Aunder said. "We'll drink right in here, so my companions can get a grasp of the situation."

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