Clyde's house…

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Friday. Week 2. Month 2. Year 1. Season: Autumn.

[School: Cultural Festival day. Classes: Monday, Wednesday, Friday.]

[Current declared fiancée(s): Melody, Alice.]

[Your fiancée, Alice's current mood: heart-fluttering happiness.]

[Base HP and MP bonus from Alice: +100%]

[Perk bonus on hold until you marry her: GOD tier skill: God Omen's Complete Obliteration. Does Super Extreme Damage to foes caught in its blast. Does deity, demon, angel, and all base elemental damage. This is an unblockable and undodgeable skill. Has a 0.5% chance to instantly kill a foe and reincarnate that soul into a human incompatible with magic. Chance to inflict deity, angel, or devil blight at 1% Chance to inflict super burn at 1%]

[Warning, God tier skills will drain a tremendous amount, maybe even all of your MP upon use. This attack will drop all of your stats by 25% after using it for eight minutes, unless you trigger Mystic wrath, assuming you have the MP to pay for it. Use sparingly. You do not have to train this skill.]

[In Alice's culture, the fiancé will continue to be known as life mate or sometimes love mate. Demonesses will crave more sex from here on out, even when married.]

[Ki increased! Alice's crests: Soul: 7. Command: 7. *Radiance*: 7.]

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[Your aura now contains the radiance attribute. All defenses increased!]

[Card bearers in the immediate area: 2. Ming, Unknown.]

[Cook-off opponents in the city: 122. Harumi, Advanced chef Yuki, Alice, Kitome. The rest are unknown.]

Bickering awoke Clyde from his incredible slumber. For some reason, Alice and Melody were arguing.

"I told you, I'm going to iron his shirt first!" Alice snapped. "You've already made his bathwater."

"Why don't you attend to his needs tomorrow, while I do today," Melody argued back. "You're in the way! And I must greet my Soother with a morning kiss."

"Well, he's my love mate, and he needs my morning kiss more," Alice growled.

"Ugh, shut the fuck up!" Chika snapped then nailed them both in the face with a single pillow. She snuggled into Clyde.

"Up-up-up." Yuki swiped the blankets. "You've got a cultural festival to attend."

Yuki kissed Clyde, gaining sags of defeat from Melody and Alice.

[Yuki would make a fine wife. Picture it, a morning brea—]

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Clyde cut the system off. The universe was enjoying this too much. He couldn't lie, so was he, but in a different way. Waking up to a morning like this.

Before he could move, Alice and Melody anime-dove into him, giving the young man a flood of love.

Chika stared at them blankly.

"What the hell's gotten into them?" She asked Yuki.

"I suppose they decided to step it up," Yuki said.

Clyde thought about the prior night, realizing that…Melody slept with them too. In fact, the redhead was on top of him before he moved her to the side. Three bedmates now…uh oh. If this kept up, all of the rooms would be empty. Also, the bed could hold another, but it sure as shit wouldn't be the best sleep for them. For him, he'd be a king every night—but that was beside the point. Fortunately, Melody didn't move her stuff into the room, but he wouldn't be surprised to see it happen.

When Clyde went into the bathroom, his bathwater was indeed ready and toothbrush with toothpaste on it. He first brushed his teeth, showered, then entered the tub. The Japanese method of cleansing oneself before entering a body of water was also used in America, typically at any public pool. It only made sense when sharing a giant rich person's bathtub.

Although…he felt like the water was too goddamn hot. The young man didn't bother complaining and just relaxed. Chika entered first, followed by Alice and Melody—but he already expected that, hearing the shower run, the women switch from normal conversation to bickering, and of course the highlight: Yuki massaging sore shoulders and then offering to wash his back. The kuudere demoness defeated his fiancées, even against Clyde's protests of her not being a maid, not his servant, but a complete equal. And as usual, she ignored him and acted as a head maid, anyway. Long dark hair, glistening purple eyes, and Harumi-level breasts—perhaps even bigger, Yuki ran the household with perfection. Her magic even coated the giant house with her protection.

"So, about that family meet," Clyde said to the group. Melody groaned.

"I hope Mother forgot."

"She's…actually sitting at the table, being served by Maki and Sophia," Yuki said. "While she wanted it to be a surprise, for Master Clyde's safety, I'm spilling the beans."

Melody looked as if she wanted to die. Alice and Chika gave her looks of sympathy.


"Alena's also downstairs," Yuki interrupted the half-demoness. "Apparently she's an old rival with your mother and knew enough people in high places to get the message passed."

"Great…two scary mothers," Clyde said, then laughed. Chika didn't say anything as if it would trigger Yuki to interrupt her too. But it didn't matter.

"Chika, your mother was hellbent on waking you up, but the other women managed to convince her to sit." Yuki switched to washing Clyde's back with two soft…He felt bliss. His horn was already maxed, so even the others looked, no one would react to the demoness being amazing. He wanted to rip her clothes off and—Clyde shoved away the thoughts, focusing on the conversation. "They raised an eyebrow when your mother demanded to see her son-in-law."

Chika slumped, face reddened with embarrassment.

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"Look, Chika's blushing, it's so cute," Melody said then sighed, joining her in the position. "I can't believe Mother's here."

"So three scary mothers," Clyde said. "Well fuck. I knew this meet was coming but damn."

"And let's not forget that Chika's father will be at the cultural festival," Yuki said.

"And he's probably going to be in one of his Yakuza-like moods," Chika said. "My parents are so embarrassing."

"No use wasting time, finish bathing and let's go." Yuki nibbled Clyde's ear. "Your clothes are waiting for you. Hurry, you don't want to keep your mothers waiting, now do you?"

As soon as the others were gone, the demoness stroked in way that made his load hop a foot into the air before crashing back down. All of this done while making out with him.

She wasn't done. As soon as he pulled the level to drain the water, Clyde stood and was immediately pinned to the wall.

Yuki guided Clyde's horn to her insides, initiating a quickie, while standing. The young man wasn't sure how the demoness managed to keep the others distracted for fifteen minutes, but somehow, she did. He came very close to filling up her like a balloon, but pulled out by at the last second.

"Come, you will be late too if you don't hurry." She kissed him.

[Your relationship with Yuki has increased to cherished, friend closer level 10.]

The last relationship gain Clyde remembered was cherished level nine. That's when it hit the young man. The real reason why Yuki insisted on being his maid, despite his protests and what being one meant. He didn't want to think arrogantly, but it made sense…

She wanted to remain as close as possible to him, no matter what hoop she'd have to jump through. Being head maid allowed her to bypass any barrier without the other girls getting in her way.

Her kisses held so much passion in them. And she seemed to want to say something, tell Clyde something, but was afraid of his answer.

He spent a ton of time with Yuki, getting to her know her and vice-versa, while speaking with having finance meetings with her, chatting at every moment he saw the demoness—as she was always available while committing to her maid duties or tasking Maki and Sophia.

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His thoughts of not being able to imagine a household without Yuki weren't random, but a tribute to his own growing feelings.

He pulled the demoness into an embrace which seemed to have caught her off guard.

"Will you be at the festival today?"

When Yuki gazed at him, blushing slightly, he kissed her. His super-erection made things a bit awkward, but the young man committed to the moment, ignoring his beasty side.

"I will indeed be at the festival today," Yuki said. She teased his erection by sliding herself over it a few times, let Clyde enter, and then whispered, "we won't be able to keep the others waiting longer than ten minutes."

Then she let him all the way in anyway. Somehow they finished within her time limit through a rhythm that could put even hammers to shame.

After a quick shower, Clyde rushed into his clothing. Yuki adjusted his shirt and kissed him, right in front of Melody. Normally her kisses were hidden from the others, so this upfront display definitely surprised the redhead. She sighed.

"They're waiting," Melody said softly. "And I'm not ready to face Mother without you there."

Clyde sighed.

"You're not facing her in combat or anything," he said with a laugh. "Lighten up." He kissed her. "You'll be fine."

"I will contact Tear," Yuki said. "We shall be at the festival within an hour of it starting."

Clyde pulled her to his side.

"You see, I can't do this parent meeting without you," he said, grinning. "No maid duties or maid duty excuses for the entire day. No questions asked. Please?"

Now it was Yuki's turn to sigh.

"Fine. It will be quite entertaining to see how my adorable brides-in-training react around their mothers." She pinched Melody's cheek.

"So mean," Melody said playfully.

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