Lot City Hotel…

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"I am Dark, the silent shadow of the night, the ultimate life form!" He thrust his right hand to the side while gazing into the mirror. "He who breathes the moon, he who—"

"What are you doing?"

Blushing furiously, Dark turned toward his now-open door at lightning speed, where Myriad stood, smirking.

"So, the great and mighty Leaf is the shadow of the night, the ultimate life form," she said sarcastically, then chuckled. She made an exaggerated motion, placing her hand on her heart. "He who breathes the moon!" She burst into laughter as Dark slammed the door in her face. "Ow! I was just kidding."

"Go away, you bird brain," he snapped.

"Don't be like that," Myriad said. "I'll even call you Dark-kun like in the manga you keep reading."

Dark said nothing as he laid back on his bed, annoyed. Selkie opened the locked door, letting the thunderbird in, marching toward the chuuni.

"Are you really going to the culture festival dressed like that?" Selkie said. "A Pokémon t-shirt and jeans? Really Dark?"

Myriad dove on top of Dark, knocking the wind from his lungs.

"What's a Pokémon?" she asked.

Selkie sighed, plucking the monster girl off him with a single hand.

"That's not the point."

"The lord of the dark wears what he wants," Dark said.

"Even a shirt from Earth? Did you not want to forget—"

"Let's just go before I fall asleep from your nagging," Dark interrupted, gaining a comical snarl from the entity.

"And this is why you'll be single forever," Selkie said, then held up a hand to interrupt Myriad. "Don't you even dare remind me, rapist."

Dark hopped off the bed, dialing up a cab company.

"And text Clyde," Selkie said.

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"No, I want to surprise him," Dark said.

"No duels please," Selkie said. "You're already embarrassing enough. We don't need public declarations."

"I'll do whatever I want, woman," Dark said then stormed out of the hotel room, muttering to himself.


Lot City Hotel...

Tessa finished brushing long green hair. She was dressed in a designer skirt with a cute shirt to offset her hair. She decided to hide her elf ears as to not draw unnecessary attention at the cultural fair. She couldn't believe after seeing them in anime, she'd actually get to attend. Sure, it wasn't one hundred percent what she had in mind—but not all of the students were snobby rich kids. There should be enough normal people to make the event fun. Plus it was open to the public, so they'd be in big trouble for embarrassing the most powerful college of Yaponiya. And the highlight in which she looked forward to the most: the food. For some reason, this nation served Japanese cuisine, straight from the human world, which was awesome. No…it wasn't just Japanese or Asian cuisine—but anime food in general. Sure, the entire dimension technically had it, but this nation was famous for theirs.

"This is going to be sweeeet."


Lot City Grand Hotel…

Chizuru took a sip of delicious hot tea then let out a sigh of bliss. She just happened to be in the area where a cultural festival was being advertised and got permission to attend. Sure, most of the crusaders in her group were going, but with mandatory casual clothing. She'd get to blend in and be normal. No dresses with crosses, that for some reason highlighted her breasts.

Unfortunately, the researcher woman with them, demanded that the group still took their swords, especially Chizuru, wielder of the holy sword, Apollo.

The young woman really didn't want to lug around the weapon. She wanted to fit in, which is why she bribed one of the men to carry it in return for a date. He wouldn't take money, so she had no choice. She'd get out of that somehow or if he demanded to walk with her at the cultural festival, unleash a million excuses.

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Chizuru was also…a little socially inapt. Sure, she could put on an act, be the crusader champion role model that everyone wanted her to be. That meant no personal friends or girl talk—not that she found anything wrong with that. She sometimes didn't like people. Ugh! Not today! She was going to force herself to have fun and eat enough to pop. No caretaker to force her to eat healthy or….She froze as she heard heavy breathing outside of her door.

"Onee-sama, hang out with me today."

"You…you dishonor the great ones, you pervert!" Chizuru snapped. The attempt to remind that perverted girl that she was a crusader grew more difficult each day. Fortunately, the young woman had an escape route planned. That's why she chose to be on the very first floor. And just like that, she got away through the window.

Food and fun, here she comes!


Clyde's house…

As Clyde walked down the hall, he failed to come up with a way to break the harem news. Well, there were no other men present—maybe that served as a hint. Sure, the others had their own rooms, but Alice and Chika were his bedmates. If any of the parents demanded a tour, they'd be busted.

In the end, the young man decided that it wasn't worth instant death. He stopped at Harumi's room. Melody did too, a hint of panic in her eyes. She had no intention of going out there without him. Too bad the fox girl wasn't in her room, most likely called by her friend, Sazuki for an early meetup. Clyde longed for her warm and soft embrace, accompanied by kindness.

[Talent Main character stuff. Hidden Skill. Tier 1 skill: Foresight.]

Natalia walked through the door as Melody's mother took another swig of Yuki's brandy. A drink that the demoness didn't give her permission to touch. Laughing hard, she said,

"Hold my drink. I'm going to send her to the Loli saga world."

But what she did to Natalia looked like murder—one hand on her forehead and the witch's eyes rolled to the back of her head, blood pouring from her mouth. Chika's mother screamed.

Alena pulled out a glowing sword from nothingness and plunged it through the heart of Melody's mother, causing blood and silver goo to splatter everywhere. Yet, it was an instant-death to She Who Dawned Time. Chika's mother burned, being in contact with the silver goo. While the angel looked as if she could revive anyone, she simply bowed and left in tears.

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[Warning: this is but a possible future, among many futures.]

Natalia. He sure as shit had no intention of letting anything happen to her. The image of her dying that way made him tremble. As much as he hated seeing these futures, getting them shoved into his memory, they always saved his friends. And woke him up.

Clyde teleported to the kitchen, right as Melody's mother reached for Yuki's brandy out of what appeared to be curiosity. He quickly snatched it away and silently dared her to object.

"It's a pleasure to see you again," he said to no one in particular. "Let's not have any alcohol when we're headed to the school grounds."

Clyde passed the bottle to a relieved Yuki, who quickly took it out of sight, presumably to lock it away somewhere. Natalia walked in.

"Good morning everyone!" She hopped on Clyde's shoulders. "Who's ready for some food, games, and watching Team Stone interact with the mundane."

Clyde sighed. The mothers blinked. He took the time to observe them. Impossibly beautiful—of course they would be and…Oh god, they're my mother-in-laws, he thought then gulped. At least Alice's mother was confirmed to be kind and the easiest to talk to, so he started with her.


Alice, Chika, and Melody took that time to emerge from the hall. The three mothers stood. Alice dove into Alena's embrace.

Chika couldn't shy away as Madrian let out a stream of questions. Her glasses turned anime-white and Clyde was sure that he wasn't the only one who felt the perverted vibe in the air.

"Are you two sleeping together? Are you pregnant? Do you want the pill?"

Melody's mother snatched her daughter up in a hug, although his fiancée clearly wanted to be at least one hundred miles away.

"Well, at least you have me, pervy-nii," Natalia said, kissing his cheek.

"You're not wrong," Clyde said.

"Is it because I'm your Right Hand?"

"It's because you're You," Clyde corrected, his voice quiet to keep the conversation private. "Look, sometimes it's fun to make FBI jokes, but I know you're not really a kid. Your real form and all. And I love you just as much as I do Alice—even if you're a pain in the ass sometimes."

Natalia didn't respond, motionless on his shoulders. After seemingly deciding something, she whispered,

"Do you really mean it, onii-chan?"

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"Damn right and don't you forget it," Clyde said.

"Son-in-law," Madrian said, breaking the moment.

"He's my son-in-law," Alena said.

"No, mine," Melody's mother said.

"Mother," Melody said, desperately trying to change the subject. "Let's start with the introductions, before we go to the festival."

"The other parents are waiting at the festival to discuss Team Stone," Yuki said to Clyde. He nodded, giving her hand a squeeze.

And so the introductions came and went and at last, Melody's mother name was revealed as Amaterasu, instead of the dawning time title.

[Your relationship with Natalia has evolved to cherished, friend closer level—]

Clyde switched off the prompt as Natalia said,

"I'll never forget it. I love you way, way more, onii."


The group turned to see a smiling Tetra, let in by Yuki.

"I'm kidding," she said. "I'm just dropping by to visit but I can see that I may have come at a bad time?"

Alena was in a human guise, her wings hidden. Amaterasu's eyes didn't glow and give off an unsettling vibe. The supernatural women had plenty of experience exploring the human world without being caught.

"So…I didn't want to believe it, but I can sense two soul-oath vibes," Amaterasu said softly, causing Alena to look at her daughter. "It is a—"

"We've got to get going now," Yuki interrupted. "Sazuki and Harumi are gathering everyone."

"We'll talk about this later," Alena said.

Clyde gulped then Jumped them all to the academy. This was going to be a long, clusterfuck day. And he was going to personally keep an eye on Melody's mother.

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