The Cultural festival had at last, started. Clyde knew there were going to be a lot of people, but holy shit did it feel like more than half the city poured in. He sighed. Sazuki assigned her own leader to patrol the area until the events started. And as much as he considered telling her where she could shove those orders, the new dean was there and the young man didn't want to damage Team Stone's reputation. They were law-abiding citizens like the rest of the world.

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Ruri and Natalia were with him. The loli-witch ooh and aah'd the massive display, impressed by the tremendous effort, even though most of it was simply due to money—the reason why the teachers would even allow just a one-day setup. The hellhound sniffed the air a lot, her tail wagging in excitement, ears perked high.

"Takoyaki—ooh, it smells so good," Ruri said, practically bouncy. "I'm trying everything, but especially takoyaki."

Clyde gave the hellhound a head pat.

"You go have fun, don't let this boring ass patrol keep you—"

Ruri grabbed his arm.

"Wherever you go, I go."

Clyde shrugged. He wasn't complaining. Then from afar, Noona spotted him.

Her face brightened, waving as she ran toward him, huge boobs bouncing.


Men around seemed mystified, jealous, or both—some with nosebleeds.

Clyde really looked at her and took notice of her current persona. A magical girl. An ecchi one. Red and white with strawberry decorations and even a wand.

"Why are you grinning like an idiot?" Ruri said, pouting. Clyde blinked. Before another thought could manifest, the demoness hugged him. The sweet aroma of expensive princess-grade perfume tickled his nose, almost enhancing the feeling of large breasts.

"It's good to see you," Clyde said.

"Likewise," she said then held her wand up. "I'm here in the name of truth, love, and justice. My mission is to recruit Kitome and Ming into my group."

Clyde laughed.

"What about Yusuke?"

"Who? And this will be a girl's only group," Noona said. "That's how it is in the Loli Saga—I mean, that's how things are done."

"Ah, well Kitome's in Room thirty," he said.

"You really are evil," Natalia said to Clyde softly.

"Thanks. Oh, and I will be watching your events," Noona said. "If you come in first…hmm, I'll invite you to a private dinner at my home. My cook makes this amazing pie that makes you tingle with joy the moment you caress it with your tongue. And I'll let you try some of my melon—"

"We want in too!" the surrounding male students said as their eyes seemingly blazed with fire. Clyde could feel strength like never before, thirst that could never be quenched.

"Oh fuck off, this is a—"

"You can't have a challenge without a competitor," some class B young man interrupted. "It's only fair that you share this opportunity." The fucking perverted idiot turned to Noona, who was more than likely too dense to sense the thirst. "Please let us join too. The winner gets a private dinner with you."

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"We'd like to prove ourselves to you," another man said, interrupting the demoness. "We'll outwit this guy in any contest."

Noona sighed.

"I…guess. Whoever gets first overall will win the private dinner with me."

They cheered.

"I'd like to participate too," Ruri said, tail wagging. "Food as a prize…"

Clyde let out a breath, annoyed with the other men.

"Sorry Ruri, only students can take place in the events," he told the hellhound. "But—"

"That's not fair," she said, folding her arms, longing in her eyes.

The male students hurried off to prepare, auras surrounding them.

"Well, what was supposed to be a fun dinner between friends," Noona said then sighed. "I guess there's nothing wrong with making more…but try to win, okay?" She winked and waved her wand over the young man's head. "I give you Magi-Magi Noona's magical blessing of fortune!" She walked off, her trailing words being, "now to find Kitome."

[Challenge: Place first in the cultural festival events. Reward: private dinner with Noona. Think carefully about what it would feel like to lose this. This challenge is mandatory and cannot be refused.]

[You have somehow received Noona's blessing. Unknown benefits.]

[Your relationship with Noona has increased to friend level 4. Losing this challenge will make increasing this much slower.]

"Let's finish up this little hall patrol and switch out with someone," Clyde told Natalia and Ruri. "Then we can eat."

Ruri nodded.

"Now we're speaking the same language. You can't keep a lady waiting for her meal, much less a princess."

Natalia blew on Clyde's neck, causing him to shudder.

"That really works," she said, laughing.

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He wanted to stare blankly at her, Toru-style, but pushed on. After they made sure everything was up and running, the trio set off for the food stands. The young man didn't eat, knowing that he needed to be in top condition to destroy his competition.

Seth, Tyrone, and Kazumi joined them at a set of bleachers, snacking on various foods.

"I don't know how Toru managed to do it, but the bikini contest is on the schedule," Seth said, excited.

"It's called waving the wand of money," Clyde said with a chuckle. He quickly texted Tear and Yuki, challenging them both to win the bikini contest. He silently thanked Mother Nature for having the temperature in the seventies.

Kazumi glared.

"I knew something seemed fishy."

"Someone has no confidence she could win," Seth said. She rolled her eyes

"I don't have to enter to prove myself. I have a boyfriend," she said, leaning on Tyrone. He sighed. Kazumi's assets weren't lacking but neither Seth nor Clyde felt like seeing how her boyfriend would react to their words.

"Pervs," Natalia said as she bit into her yaki dango—a shish kebab-like contraption made of delicious mochi balls, covered in a sweet sauce. She aimed it at Clyde. "Aaah."

He stared at her blankly.

"How cute," Kazumi said. "Well, don't be an asshole. You—"

The scolding wasn't needed as Natalia shoved it into Clyde's mouth right as he opened it to protest. He chewed.

"Oh, that's good," he said. "But—"

Natalia stuffed another mochi ball into his mouth, causing him to take the time to chew.

"Look how cute he looks when eating," Ruri said, giggling. "I want to feed him."

Clyde didn't dare open his mouth this time. He opened a program pamphlet and pointed at the first physical event. Natalia and Ruri just smirked. Stars seemed to gleam from their eyes.

The young man stood. So did they, ready to jump him, evil grins on their faces. Clyde waved at Seth and the others, then took off.

"Wait!" Natalia and Ruri called, chasing. Within seconds, a teary-eyed genie also joined the chase to tell Clyde some minor happy news, but he kept running. He managed to elude them by flash stepping. The hellhound's nose wouldn't matter if he was far off.

To his luck, no one was in the locker room, so he changed into a T-shirt and gym shorts, as well as some comfortable running shoes. He could not afford to lose. When he exited to the hallway, someone blew on his neck from behind. He turned slowly to see a starry-eyed Kiko, breathing sexually, grinning. Before he could protest, she pulled him back into the locker room with surprising strength.


Cultural festival…

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Girls Locker room….

In Kitsune form, Harumi stared at the fifth love letter dangling from her locker, then shook her head. Either this was some kind of prank by a jealous girl or the senders were idiots. Love letters in college? Sato Academy of all places. She sighed, making her fifth locker room trash hoop in a row. How many times did she have to make it clear to these buffoons that she wasn't interested? If a girl is taken, she is taken. She heard the door creak, but didn't have to drop her form. Alice, Melody, and Matsume walked in.

"Hi soul sister," Matsume said, pulling the pink-haired girl into a hug. Harumi hugged back, genuinely happy to see her.

"Where's Ruri?" she asked.

"With Natalia and Kanako," Matsume said. "I think they're looking for lover boy."

Alice sighed as she sat next to Harumi.

"We have a problem."

"Is it about the mothers?" Harumi asked.

"No, they're fine," Alice said. "This one's a bit silly, but…for Melody and I, kind of sensitive."

Matsume chuckled.

"I can smell quite the jealousy on these two."

Melody shot her a blank glare, which had no effect on the hellhound. Harumi giggled.

"What's the problem?" she said.

"I overheard something between my Clyde and that…cow Noona," Alice said. "There's a bet between the guys. Whoever wins gets a private dinner with her."

"But…you know how it is with Clyde, that could mean a lot more than we think," Melody said. "Alice said she said something about licking her pie and trying her melons. As Clyde's Soothess, I can't stand by and let that happen."

Matsume burst into laughter. Harumi managed to hold hers, but only because she felt a wave of concern too. She planned to knab her time with him that night—there was no way she'd let Noona steal that from her.

"So cute," Matsume said, "but you're misunderstanding things."

They all blinked.

"What do you mean?" Melody said.

"Noona is as dense as mercury," Matsume said. "And more virgin than Matsuko."

"I still don't like it," Alice said, folding her arms.

Harumi gave her a sad smile.

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"We could get in on that bet," the pink-haired girl said. "She didn't restrict it to just boys, right?"

"No," Melody said.

"Let's do it," Alice said. "We're going to take down my Clyde, for his own good."

Harumi sighed.


Cultural festival…

Main fair grounds…

Dark downed his third helping of incredible anime food. A suitable meal for the lord of the dark, really. And now all he had to do was find the normie and his mission would be complete. He wanted the world star fragment out of his group's hands as soon as possible. He figured like the dragon balls or chaos emeralds, the fragments would attract serious trouble.

He glanced at a group entering the festival, led by a beautiful blue-haired girl. He forced himself not to look at her breasts as she passed by, her eyes locked on the food stands. If only he didn't suck at picking up girls. Oh well, the lord of the dark didn't have to do such things anyway. That didn't stop him from staring. The people that followed were intimidating as hell—they were well-toned and fit, like fucking gymnasts or…fighters?

Dark sighed, not caring. Myriad ruined his quiet eating moment.

"Ooh, so that's your taste in human woman," she said.

"Could you give the great lord of the shadows some peace," he said. "Where'd Selkie go?"

"I think she left to go find this Clyde and the others," Myriad said. "I think she also said something about not wanting to be spotted near the pillar of embarrassment." She poked Dark in the cheek.

"And so I get stuck with you," Dark said.

"You should be thankful to have a beautiful thunderbird like me by your side," she said. "By the way, what's a chuuni?"

"I am not a chuuni!" Dark said. "Now, go out and have fun or something. I'm looking for people."

"Yeah right, I'm not getting stuck in a crowd of humans," Myriad said then took another bite out of her Takoyaki. "Mmm, so yummy."

"Right?" Dark agreed.

After this task was done, they could focus on killing as many crusaders as possible while helping Selkie. He may even strike them down indiscriminately, but the entity only stressed the researchers and their factions.

Dark personally believed them to be all evil, backstabbing traitors to humanity.

He shook away the thoughts. This was a festival, a place to have fun, not to think of twenty thousand ways to murder a false defender of humanity.

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