Boys locker room…

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"Kiko wait, now's not a good time," Clyde tried to explain, but the dark-haired girl continued to stroke him, eyes full of lost control. She wore a short black skirt, contrasting with a long-sleeved designer white shirt. Why did the two vampire teeth make the anime-girl look so…The part of him that rose to the occasion, finished that thought.

Kiko smiled as she pulled off her flowery panties and mounted the young man. Tightness. In fact, she winced at first, but smiled when he finally made it all the way inside. "You're a virgin?"

"Don't pretend like you didn't know whom I wanted for so long," Kiko said as she engulfed Clyde's manhood deeper inside her. "And finally, you've let your guard down. Or…do you not want me?"

"Way past the bargaining point here," Clyde said with a laugh, "and I'm not complaining."

Kiko the vampire held the natural anime girl beauty with the added poise and dignity of the vampire tropes. "No biting though. My blood would probably burn you up."

"That's what makes my crush so exciting," Kiko said. "A holy being, rescued me from the bad guys, and now he ravishes me with the temptation test." She licked his neck while riding harder, although a little awkwardly.

"Can't say it's me doing the ravishing," Clyde said but enjoyed himself, anyway.

[Kiko's Ki attributes obtained! Acceleration, trust, and Vigor!]

[Delayed prompt. Ki increased, Yuki's attributes +1. Heart, Power, and Mystery.]

After they finished, Kiko was all over him. He knew anime logic dictated a lot of things, but not a single sister—between Sazuki and Kiko—taken? Rule number something, don't question a gift horse.

The moment they reached the doors, Clyde heard an argument. Chika and a man.

"Dad, you should go sit," Chika said. "Enjoy yourself. See what the academy you've sponsored for so long has to offer."

"I already know it offers the best, girl," he snapped. "I'm just going to take a look around. Besides, I could've sworn I saw that Team Stone man run in here. Since you won't answer my questions, I'll just ask him."

Clyde flashed stepped down the hall, not ready to deal with the most powerful rich man in the city. Shoot, to think he banged his daughter the entire time and even prepared to prop….He sighed. The dizziness faded from Kiko's eyes.

"N—next time warn me before you…do whatever it was you just did."

"Flash step—oh that was meant for my get away," Clyde said. "You're persistent as hell, hanging on like that." He gave the girl a head pat.

Kiko sighed.

"As if I'm planning to just let you screw and run."

They looked at each other for a second before laughing. Clyde wasn't sure if his compliance was a factor there, but let it go.

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"Alright, I've got some events to win," he said. Kiko sighed.

"I've heard about that stupid bet," she said. "Along with the classes betting Team Stone like poker chips."

"I told Sazuki to just let them have their fun," Clyde said. "Class C's got this. But knowing the damn cliché, I can bet your ass that Class A's going to try to cheat somehow. Maybe with an unfair advantage." He nodded, the calculations and probabilities running through his head like an endless swirl of equations.

Kiko looked as if she was moving in for a goodbye kiss, but the young man had already started off. The voice of Chika's dad echoed through the halls.

"Coming?" Clyde called out to her.

"Oh—sorry," she said then hurried to catch up, cheeriness in her mood.


Cultural festival…


Kitome allowed herself to relax. She liked Noona—but of all the personalities she chose to role and cosplay, why, just why a magical girl? She would strangle Clyde later for giving away her location. The blush on her face was faint now. One hour or so until the physical events started. Plenty of time to make sure Team Stone's leader does NOT win that bet. To think Noona blabbed it—dense—and not understanding the innuendo of her words. Knowing Clyde, he'd get the dessert anyway and she could not let that happen.

She tuned into Class B's musical, which had a Rock-and-roll rhythm to it. Her little brother was in it as well as Melody. The young woman was thankful that Seth got put on outdoor duties. That stupid pervert would find some way to doom the entire experience.

The lights went out, and a spotlight beamed on stage. There stood Melody, dressed beautifully in a pink skirt and cute sandals—her costume for the lead character. A Y-Pop tune picked up—which reminded Kitome of her favorite idol. Melody was a great singer, moving around with the grace of a…well, goddess.

"A-bright 'n sunny day," she sang, "I'm just making my way-ay. Then I see, him, go."

A spotlight popped on the right side of the stage and there stood Yusuke, dressed in what Kitome could only describe as punk rock clothing. Fortunately, he was a decent singer, probably beat by the onslaught of rehearsals.

"A-fog 'n gloomy day," Yusuke sang, "and I'm just making my way. Then, hey, I saw her move."

And so, the musical romance went on, both of the main characters' families disapproving of the couple. Fight scenes and impressive coordination that only money could buy, drew claps. Further into the story, the female lead character was accidentally shot by one of her own family members, a major opposer of the romance, who loved her. It was then that the families opened their eyes and realized that the fighting would only lead to more tragic deaths. They came to a truce. But the male lead couldn't bear to live in the city any longer, disgusted by the sight of the families.

He left and was never heard from again…That implied one thing, which doubled the sadness of the tragedy—the leads were funny, adorable, and at first, had no real idea of how to be a couple. In fact, they comically bickered during the first contact.

Kitome wiped tears from her eyes as full lighting returned to the auditorium. The audience applauded the performance of Class D and probably the money they spent, but that didn't take away from the fantastic show. She decided not to embarrass her brother by hooting and cheering his name. Her parents were late, so they couldn't carry on the tradition anyway.

"Less than thirty minutes left," she whispered as she glanced at the time on her phone. She figured Melody, Alice, and some of the others would be finding a way to influence the results of the competitions. Maybe even win themselves.

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Taking a deep breath and putting on her game face, Kitome hurried off.


Alice sighed, a little annoyed that Melody got pulled into doing her play. She did enjoy the performance, which ticked her off even more. That redhead would end up known as her Clyde's talented wife, while she'd…she'd be doomed to be the one that sinks to the background. The talentless wife.

Ugh. Alice thought back to that early morning—at three—when she had to confront Melody about feeling a tiny bit of her, through the bond normally reserved for she and Clyde. Apparently, it was the same for Melody—feeling both Alice and her love mate.

Then the redhead finally confessed to Alice about getting him to take a soul-oath without even explaining a thing about it. At first, the blonde wanted to smack the blood out of her—entrapment was dishonor. But she took a full minute to think about it, realizing that she just wasn't mad. They already shared his love.

Alice told Melody about the proposal, but kept the ring to herself. She figured Clyde still wanted to give something to the redhead, so there was no need to set that moment up for failure. This ring…made from his essence was special to her. A beautiful object symbolizing the emotions of the man who loved her. To think he did something so elaborate…. She couldn't fathom how he managed to do it. Something like this should be impossible.

[Moon Goddess Ring of the Heavens and Valhalla. Item class: **Symbolic** Unknown benefits and abilities.]

Alice felt real power thrumming on her ring finger. She giggled. Talk about one hell of a wedding ring, right? None of the women on TV could match it. Of course, if it hadn't come from Clyde, the object would be meaningless to her, a hollow casket of power. It'd probably remain in the drawer for the rest of its days, if that was the case.

The young woman peeked into a classroom to see Class D students working a maid café. Kazumi served customers with smiles and then forced her lover, who was actually in class A, to assist with preparing certain orders.

"Alice!" she said, before the half demoness could step away. "You've got to try the peach cheesecake."

Alice's face lit up.

"Well if you insist," she said. "I'll let you serve me."

Kazumi scooped the half-demoness into a hug.

"So cute. You've been even cuter lately." The blue-haired girl with glasses pulled Alice in and served her.

The sweet and delicious cheesecake was heaven on Alice's tongue—it's coldness, creaminess, and the peach highlights, made her create a mental note to take caution if she joined the cooking program. The training had to be brutal for the culinary students to make something so amazing. This put the demoness in her other happy place—the land of sweets, sweets, and amazing sweets. And Tear and Natalia weren't around to nag her about health and fitness.


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Cultural festival

Outside of the academy…

Clyde felt like a heavy burden was pulled from his back when he stepped outside, eyes on the track. An angry dad avoided…

Young men from various classes stretched and prepared, some of them with looks of real determination. The only thing that bugged him was some of the rich snobs from Class A. They were passing what looked like gadgets between each other. Some of them, not just men of course, were gathered around a large map, pointing out various locations. For some reason, they erected a billboard with Misaka, dressed in queen cosplay, to represent Class A like some kind of mascot. He noticed her sitting in a fluffy chair that probably costed more than the average Joe's rent, looking uneasy, faint blush on her face.

Kiko at first did not want to leave his side, and he did keep in mind that she was a monster girl, not human. The thought processes and "mating" rituals of society did not apply to them. Eventually, he convinced her to join Ruri on the bleachers to represent Team Stone. The vampire was sweet but not even that would deter him from his challenge.

Another part of him knew that allowing humans to go to a house of demons was probably a bad idea.

Clyde chuckled. If this challenge spread as a rumor, his women would probably think that he was in it for the bang, no matter how dense. That somehow he'd find a way to achieve it. The others would probably try to stop him from winning.

Pfft, good thing that won't happen. Let the rumor stay in his imagination.

Sazuki and another Class A girl took seats in what appeared to be the judges table. She turned on a megaphone which squealed loudly enough to make guests cover their ears. The student council president actually looked adorable, frantically getting the device under control. He chuckled.

"Ladies and gentlemen," she said, "we are about to start our first event within the physical department, so come on down for some fun competition. Event one will be the…Mystery Bag Foot Race. Contestants must run to the bags, open it there and show it to the world. Hold your mystery item high then bring it to the judge. Players may grab any of the jelly-filled balloons on the sidelines and toss them at opponents. If hit, the contestant can only run to the sideline for a balloon or stand still for five full seconds. Refs will be there to countdown. I hope you're ready folks!"

Sazuki looked worried for some reason. The young man gulped, guessing it was because she forgot to actually check the challenges. Most of them seemed normal on the schedule, making it very easy to miss the more skeptical ones. Oof. Seth and Natalia were in charge of….Seth….Seth and Natalia, a diabolical duo of perversion and evil—how did they managed to convince anyone to let them create the games.

Clyde's only guess was that while very busy, Seth asked Sazuki to do the job. Since he came across as someone who could create fun activities, she gave him the greenlight without thinking. Even though she knew the blond longer than even Clyde…

Ah well, things were definitely going to be interesting in the game department.


Cultural festival main fair grounds…

Ming wanted to hug Noona and cry in her chest. Unlike her agents, the blonde demoness actually brought her food then waved off her massive line of fans.

"If she dies from hunger, we'll never get our next issues."

Bless their hearts for understanding, Ming thought as they headed off, waving, snapping photos, and for some parents, having their toddlers say, "bye-bye."

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One of the babies nailed her in the face with a beanbag, which prompted a mother to profusely apologize. Ming assured her that everything was okay, but…she could've sworn the baby grinned evilly as it was carried away. The hunger causing the hallucination. Babies were sweet and harmless.

Noona sat by Ming as she ate.

"Thank you so much," she said softly.

Noona winked.

"No worries. This magical girl protects her own."

"You're…cosplaying as—"

"Yep, Platia," Noona said. "Although…so many people are calling for her nerf in Loli Saga Fighters three. She's not broken, they're just bad at the game." The demoness folded her arms tsundere-like, prompting a giggle from Ming. She joined the prophet in the laugh.

An announcement from Sazuki caught her attention. A mystery bag race with jelly-balloon fighting.

"That's quite the bizarre race," Ming said.

"It may be a fun watch," Noona said. "Good thing we're close enough to the track to not miss anything."

"They do have those large screens above," Ming said, pointing at giant monitors straight out of a sports game. This school had so much money to spend. How did Clyde deal with the elites every day like this?

Sure, he had a lot of money through monster-killing and adventuring, but it wouldn't change him. This type of money, earned by risking one's life and soul, built character, strengthened bonds, and is generally invested back into equipment. Even with Ashfall's acquired funds—which he gave control of to Yuki to manage his home—he still didn't speak of money. There was also a chance that he was saving up for something really useful. Ming didn't earn as much as he did from monsters, but she offset that with her writing.

She let out a sigh.

"Noona, is that rumor about your challenge true?"

Noona blinked.

"Rumor? Oh you mean the…challenge. That was originally supposed to be for Clyde, but the others wanted to compete too." She waved a strawberry wand over Ming's head. "But unlike the others, I gave Clyde a lovely-lovely blessing." She winked.

Ming sighed, believing that a rumor like that could only set off innuendos in the eyes of so many people. And since Noona wasn't a student of the school and rich, no one would stop the challenge.

Ming took another bite out of her crepe. As the creaminess of the filling caressed her tongue with passionate flavors, she blushed, face radiating bliss. Noona shared the expression. She could eat these all day.

"Ming," Noona said.

"Hmm?" Ming wondered.

"Join us," the demoness said, eyes seeming to glow.

"Eh?" Ming said, getting a bad feeling in the pit of her innocence.

"You could be a lovely-lovely magical girl too," Noona said then she sighed. "Kitome ran away."

A trickle of sweat fell off the back of Ming's head.

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