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Clyde, Tessa, and Ruri raced to the front doors of the academy. The young man swore if this was Amaterasu again, he'd break a bone, make it unfixable until she begged. He really didn't want to do that to anyone, but enough was enough. Seriously. Why not sit back and relax? She knew he was the Stone, right? Why provoke him? Then again, he didn't sense the woman make any significant moves. He checked his inventory just to give his brain something else to think about.


$ 571,295,400

-Map of Lot City, Satovia.

-Map of Libado Grasslands, Satovia.

-Map of Ashen City, Satovia.

-Map of Niyoto, Satovia.



-Reminder for practice- note.

- Zelt's printer. Level 1/25.

- Deed to the Ashfall estates, treasures, etc.

- Honey Potion of Healing (item class: rare.)

-Wind blade. (very rare) +16 to attack. Wind element.

- Place of Power Core (item class: Relic) (item value: priceless)- establish a place of power.

- Super health potion x3 (item class: common)

- Max MP replenish potion (item class: epic)

- bundle of materials [2 uses left]. (Item class: rare.)

- Forger's hammer. Item class: very rare

- Exploding blowup doll. Item class: *One of a kind* Unsuspecting enemies will experience a nice surprise. Does dark deity damage.

- Sharpened Crystal Dagger. Item class: uncommon

-3 rubies, 3 diamonds, 3 emeralds, 3 casper-jewels.

- Root Tree seed. Item class: epic.

- Mysterious Harp. Item class: *One of a kind* this special harp is loved dearly by a special type of harpy called the Gandharva. Handing this to her will get you a *World Star Fragment* and another reward.

-Breast enhancement potion x 2. Item class: bizarre.

-World Map. item class: *legendary*

He did not expect to see what he saw upon stepping outside. Clyde's eyes widened. He couldn't help but facepalm.

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Maya rapidly gained on Seth. Clyde swore they set records at the track. A white-haired girl in a black skirt cheered the hungry toad girl, from just ahead. She turned to Clyde.

"Sorry but I can't let you interfere," she said. The young man analyzed her just out of curiosity.

Half-pixy, Nuri

Level: 79

Type: half-breed.

Work under: Maya Nowie, CEO of Nowie's.

Special: Super Adorable Wink + light strike combo.

Weakness: fire and ice

Resistances: electric

Secret: she watches hentai videos for the story. She cannot stand the thought of anyone finding out this embarrassing hobby of hers.

Clyde laughed.

"Do you really watch them for the story?"

Her eyes widened just a little then she folded her arms.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Yeah sure you don't," he said then gave her a dismissive wave. "Ruri, just let them go. I'm not getting involved with this."

"That's not what I'm talking about," the hellhound said, pulling him toward the eating area. Ashard awaited, seemingly uneasy about something. His territory prompt fleshed out the rest of the story.

[-Territory- Alert! Level: *EXTREME*. Fairy Queen Titania is entering the city! ]

[If you were in possession of a *Heart Core,* all attack, magic and non-magic, defenses and other stats would be halved for any major power/intruders entering your city without permission.]

"You've got to be shitting me," Clyde said softly.

Selkie raised a finger to protest, but was cut off. Seemingly annoyed, she folded her arms, deciding to let things play out.

"Onii-chan," Natalia said, running up to the young man. The worried intone in her voice made him curse more. "We're in trouble."

"Fuck…What was your plan again, Natalia?" the young man said.

Ashard gulped.

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"He was actually hundreds of miles away, but someone lied to her about him being in this city," Natalia said.

"Then why come back?" Clyde snapped. "We could—"

"He came back to warn us," Natalia said. "And you must understand, there is no reasoning with Titania. Not this queen."

"Where's Amaterasu?" Clyde said.

"She left an hour ago as the festival ended," Tear said.

"Mother's gone too," Alice said.

The young man glanced around to see several students cleaning up, some just happy to be released for the night. They were among the many innocent—people who just wanted to fucking go about their lives. And yet, another supernatural entity threatened them.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," he said softly. "Who told her this bullshit?"

"We're not sure," Alice said, "but…we…I don't want to run." Tears fell from her eyes as the half-demoness wrapped her arms around him. "I wouldn't be able to live with myself if anything happens to this city."

Clyde racked his brain for any solution, but he simply didn't know enough about the fairy queen to come up with anything.

"I've tried to ask Venus for help, but she's not responding," Tessa said.

"This is a Watcher hotspot," Selkie said. "Even I don't like being here. If Venus so much as poked her finger into this city, she'd probably bring down the entire punishment squad on her. Anyway, just let me—"

"Punishment squad?" Tessa interrupted.

"I never seen the punishment squad, but I think of them as some kind of inquisition," Clyde told her.

Tessa nodded.

"Let's not beat around the bush. You'll have to turn back into—"

"I can't," Clyde said.

"WHAT?" everyone yelled.

"We're fucked," Toru said softly. "Even if I get my dad to contact the mayor, there won't be any time to evacuate a city this big."

"What if I hold back the strain inside of you again?" Natalia said.

Clyde slowly shook his head as he let the thoughts of his limitations remind the group that he was just as mortal as they were. Fuck this, he was going to prioritize the world objective of receiving special training.

Wait a fucking second… Didn't Natalia instruct him? The loli-witch knew so much. He asked the system about it.

[Inquiry sent to the Watchers. You shall receive an answer within a week.]

He sighed. This obviously wasn't enough time…

"It won't do any good, not while I'm unable to reach the same level of power." He turned his gaze to Ashard.

"Alright, start spilling your mother's weaknesses. Lives are at stake," Clyde said.

"None," Ashard said simply.

"Then we'll be giving you up," Natalia said.

"That would work if she wasn't enraged," Tear said.

"Just fucking great," Clyde snapped, glaring furiously at Ashard. "You run away from home to here and we get to pay for your cowardness. Millions of lives."

"I'm…sorry," Ashard said. "You're right. I'm just a coward. I didn't think of the consequences of my actions."

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Clyde sighed.

"If we make it out of this, you will be working for me. No negotiations." He looked at Airi who have smiled at him nonstop this entire time. "It's been a long day, so you can't blame me for forgetting. But…I'm unsure if that will be enough—I'm still untrained with it."

She shrugged.

"I think we're way past the regretting point here. It's either do or die."

Clyde nodded.

"Fuck it, let's do it. We're not going down without a fight."

"Listen, I can—" Selkie tried to say, but was cut off by the group bickering right over her.

Abruptly, Clyde felt a vicious presence enter his city with enough pressure to rattle the bones of his body. This…just couldn't be happening. The fairy queen felt so much stronger than what he predicted. No wonder why she and Amaterasu had the same threat level.


"Why the fuck is your mother going so far?" Clyde snarled.

"An adverse reaction to the Supreme's influence," Ashard replied, his voice just not feeling it. "Her element drastically clashes with—"

"Tear, Jump us somewhere near her," Clyde said, holding back his extreme desire to choke the shit out of the fairy prince. So many lives, including theirs—played with like toys. The young man could relate, being entertainment for the Watchers.

Tear nodded.

[Tear activated—]

[Tear's magic has been cancelled by the pressure of the fairy queen.]

[Tear activated—]

"I…can't," Tear said right as the city began to shake. The sky shifted from a brilliant night to a fiery red. The exclaims of students and civilians in the area became prominent. Some of them even looked toward Team Stone as if for the answers to unspoken questions. "Her pressure is too much."

Just then, a feminine voice roared through the sky.


Selkie sighed.

"I let this go on long enough, now stop ignoring me."

She walked over to Clyde, grabbed the back of his shirt, and suddenly they were downtown and right in front of the fairy queen herself. A woman with glowing long blonde hair and butterfly wings, looked as if she charged some kind of attack.

Selkie walked over to her and bitched-slapped her with little effort. And just like that, the incredibly attractive woman fell into a heap of unconsciousness.

"You do realize that it's my job to deal with things like this," the green-haired entity said, "but noooo. Let's just not ask the entity for help. I thought we were friends."

Clyde finally allowed his eyes to stop widening.

"Why the fuck did you let us panic like that? Clyde said. "Never mind, that's not important. I'm sorry. And thanks for saving our lives."

Selkie smiled.

"You're welcome. You know, you're the one who should be thanked." She pulled Clyde into a hug. "You stopped Amaterasu from killing us and probably saved the lives of these people countless times while I was away."

She let him go and eyed the fairy queen.

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"The fairy man was wrong. The Supreme's influence had nothing to do with this," Selkie said. "She's under a spell. In fact, she's been under this for some time now."

Tear and the others appeared and were shocked at the sight. Even Noona was in the party, most likely ready to help fight anyway she could.

"And here I was beating myself up for not training Sazuki and Undine enough," Tear said.

They all gathered around the unconscious fairy. Selkie knelt to her.

"It'd be a lot easier if she had a husband to channel power through," the entity said. "No spells would touch her and the Supreme's influence...hmm…would probably be limited."

"Spell?" Ashard said.

"Your momma's been under a spell, boy," Noona said in her cowgirl persona. Ashard gave her a flat glare before turning back to his mother.

Selkie shook her head.

"I'll have to take her into custody. Clyde…just keep a heads up that my masters may consider putting that marriage burden on you. Then you'll be responsible for the entire fairy kingdom."

"And Ashard would become your fairy-step son," Dark said then laughed, until Harumi whacked him on the head with a solid fist.

"Ow! Sorry!" He moaned.

Clyde shook his head.

"Yeah, no, fuck that."

"It's just a friendly warning," Selkie said softly. "You could always find a male fairy, entity, or a minor deity to marry her instead but that will be very difficult. I say you've got about four months before they decide. And you're as good as pickings, even if you're already married."

Selkie inspected the fairy queen again. "It will take a few minutes to explain this, so you guys go on ahead."

She vanished, along with the blonde woman.

When Clyde and the others Jumped back to the academy, Seth dove behind them.

"You guys are assholes for leaving me!"

"We're not going to babysit you," Kitome snapped. "You got yourself into this, now get yourself out."

Maya and Nuri walked toward him, grinning evilly.

"We'll take good care of him," Nuri said.

"Tell the helicopter pilot to start the engines," Maya said, wiping away a little drool from her lip.

"Yes maam!" Nuri cheered, hurrying to comply to her master's orders.

"Tear, hurry, Jump me home," Seth pleaded.

"Do I look like your servant?" Tear said then walked away. "Insolent humans."

Clyde and the others joined her, some shaking their heads. And as Seth took off toward an approaching city bus, everyone wrapped up the festival cleanup, exhausted.

When Clyde was alone, tossing a garbage bag into the dumpster, Noona approached him.

"Congrats on winning the contest," she said. "I hereby reward you with an invite, say, Friday?"

Clyde smiled. He had to push for this one.

"Friday it is."

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