Julius's house…

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Julius gazed at the naked woman who slept peacefully in his bed. The thrill of being free from the Viper made him smile. He and Momo may have had a little too much to drink… While she was beautiful, the woman wasn't his type. She lacked breasts. Not that he minded the previous night. Or the night before when she somehow convinced him to drink again, they argued, made out and had wild sex. A lot. He chuckled. She was definitely frustrated beforehand.

Julius just hoped they didn't wake the kid. While his moderately sized home in the nation of Alon blocked sound quite well, that didn't stop the bed from squeaking.

Julius actually let others live with him. Why didn't he just ditch them? This was sure to bite the man in the ass.

Wanted by both Fuyoko and the Viper. Why did this shit happen to him? Should he return to adventuring? At least then, the man could improve his reputation throughout the adventurer community. Well, with what little of it remained.

"This is what I get," he said.

"You shouldn't dwell in the past." The white-haired woman sat up and laid on his shoulders, as if they were a couple. Somehow... Julius actually didn't mind. His instinctive, but self-preserving selfishness didn't make him react. "I will do the same. From now and on, I'm just Momo, not of the Venus sisters."

Julius sighed.

"You're stronger than me."

Momo shook her head.

"Don't sell yourself short."

"Don't lecture me," Julius said, laughing.

Little did they know, Dire relayed their coordinates to her master. She'd let the two play house for a little while longer, but only because it was adorable. She felt bad about doing this, they looked so good together, but orders were orders. And she would never disobey Aunder. The man who saved her from death's hands.

She'd follow him forever. The Forgotten Party was what he formed. And whether the others wanted it to or not, they would stay together.


A Night in Lot City…

The relaxing waters of a luxurious tub running…

The muffled sound of a young man tied up, tape on his mouth, and naked in the tub…

Maya walked into the bathroom, dressed in just a towel. She smiled at Seth. Clasping her hands together, almost as if praying, the woman chanted, "Itadakimasu," before diving into the bath with him.

A reunion was formed that night…


Clyde's house…

Saturday. Week 2. Month 2. Year 1. Season: Autumn.

[School: off day. Classes: Monday, Wednesday, Friday.]

Something felt soft atop of Clyde. He gulped upon opening his eyes to see Tear smiling slyly at him. In fact, she was also underneath the covers. The feeling of skin meant nakedness. Chika and Alice were still asleep. In fact, judging by the low lighting provided by the window, the only people possibly up were Yuki and her subordinates.

Clyde's boxers were pulled away and soon the amazing feeling of being inside Tear took over. He held her ass as the ride gently rocked, the succubus's breathing seemingly filled his ears. And they passionately kissed, exchanging a heart to heart that made the young man happy to be alive. He even treated himself to a feel-up on soft, large breasts.

One intense climax later, the duo found themselves smiling at the glares of Alice and Chika. Beneath the covers, his manhood rapidly re-erected itself, causing the succubus to smirk. She pulled it back into herself, although if the other women suspected the undercover activity, they didn't say anything.

"Don't mind me," Tear said to them. "Just a woman spending time with her lover."

She laid forward, closing her eyes, but beneath, rode. Alice sighed, then got up. Seconds later, Clyde heard the sound of running bathwater. On the other hand, Chika simply turned to the side and fell back asleep. The young man and the succubus looked at each other, laughing.

That afternoon, Clyde took Tear to see a movie, lunch, and then they went to see Dark and his party off.

"Duel m—"

Myriad interrupted Dark with the whack of a paper fan.

"Sheesh, you're making me seem as abusive as those tsundere girls you keep reading about in the mangas. No one wants to watch your stupid card game. We have to go."

Selkie gave Clyde and Tear an apologetic smile, then she hugged the young man.

"It was great seeing all of you again. But there is one more thing you should know. The Viper's name is Aunder and while on the move, he's caused a lot of trouble. Even the head of the Watchers is nervous about him. He's killed a lot of entities, tracking their long-distant jumps. So the Watchers restricted that from us, which is why we took the train. Clyde, you cannot simply stay in this city—I don't care what Pippy told you. This is your home territory, but you must see the world. Gain the trust and assurance of the people. Did you know, Aunder's doing that. Ironically, it's not intentional. He's planning something huge, according to my master's sources." She sighed. "I know they've made it harder by forcing you to attend the academy. The Viper was supposed to be a professor, but he refuses to follow any rules."

"Thanks for the head's up," Clyde said. "But…you're not breaking any for telling me this, right?"

"No," Selkie said. "My master is the one who urged me to tell you. She's kind of a fangirl." The green-haired woman whispered, almost conspiratorially, "I was supposed to show you how entity women are in the bedroom."

Clyde wiped away the nosebleed that he hoped Tear didn't see.

"I thought you were joking about that."

Selkie winked.

"Maybe next time." She giggled.

"By the way, nice bitch-slap," Clyde said. "And again, thanks for saving our lives."

"Of course," Selkie said.

"You won't get in trouble for it?" Tear said.

"Quite the contrary," Selkie said, smiling. "My master commended me. The usual, no Stone, no games bologna. The Watchers tried to promote me to Supreme Administrator, but I managed to avoid answering. I…want to keep traveling. There's a quest for Dark and I want to see it through." She placed her hand on Clyde's shoulder. "Satovia's a big world with many people to meet and things to see. And hey, maybe we'll meet again at some random tavern in the northern nations. Who knows?" She eyed Tear. "Let him experience the Monster Kingdoms too."

"Certainly," Tear said.

"Until we meet again." Selkie gave a short bow then turned to leave.

"You three stay safe," Clyde said. She gave a backward wave, just like they did in the animes. The young man chuckled.

As he walked with Tear, the young man mentally skimmed through his objectives.

One: complete the finals and take number one for himself. Two: travel. Three: special training. Four: take Yuki and Ruri on a date to at last complete his quest. He had to do that before reaching level one hundred.

After thinking about what Tear said that morning, Clyde made his decision. There was no particular order, anyway.

The first thing he did was buy Melody a ring, online of course. He didn't want the succubus to catch onto that. Rushed delivery from a local store. Nice.

[Quest completed. - buy Melody a ring or something that symbolizes your proposal.]

If the quest didn't state for him to specifically buy the item, the young man would've crafted it. But for Tear, he did so in his head using the emergency ring of magic, gems and jewels, and other crafting materials.

[Talent. Main character stuff. Soul crafting multiplier. Would you like to invest 50% of your MP into the ring?]

Clyde selected yes and fought through the brief moment of dizziness to at last finish Tear's ring.

[You have successfully crafted the complicated item, **Ring of Satovia's Dance**. Item class: *Unknown*]

Holy shit. Clyde decided before he traveled anywhere, he was going to upgrade all of his equipment through crafting. Maybe with decent gear, he wouldn't have to rely on the power at all. At least until the training commenced.

At this point, his level served as a skill notification system. He'd have to remedy that, put his stats to use. He sure did at the festival, blowing the students out of the water, not that it was a fair competition. He wasn't exactly human.

Clyde stopped and pulled Tear into a kiss that she didn't expect. This awarded him with one of the greatest sights he'd ever seen: the succubus's flustered face.

Presenting a ring that looked as if it was made from pure diamond, he asked the question. He would've gotten on his knees if he hadn't done his research on demon culture. And of course asked Yuki questions.

They were only a block from his house at this point with few people and traffic.

"Are you…are you sure you'd have a Supreme Demon lord candidate," she said, eyes glistening. "Will you take the risk with me?"

"You are worth the risk and more," Clyde said truthfully. And he wasn't worried. With the threat of the Viper on the horizon, the young man knew he always had to be prepared to fight.

Tear melted into his follow-up kiss as he slipped the ring onto her finger. The prompts auto-delayed themselves, but…he could not deny the surge of strength that flooded through him.

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"Tear, I want you to live with me."

The succubus hugged him.

"As your fiancée, that goes without saying," she said. "But there is one more requirement to fully engage to a succubus."

Tear Jumped them right into the master bedroom of Clyde's house. And no one was around.

"Love-making is the soul of the ring."

This has been volume eight of The Anime Trope System. The episodes will remain in order.

The next story arc is underway! More fun approaches!

Fate is a mysterious string.

Hello, you amazing anime, light novel, fantasy, and manga fans. I'm Alvin Atwater and I would like to take the time to thank everyone who read and support the series. Please consider leaving me a review on I could use as much help as possible. My goal is to expand the Anime Trope System into other forms of media such as manga, artwork, and even games. If my following hits the millions, I may even attract the attention of the anime overlords.

At this time, the manga is indeed in production. I uploaded a few pages of what's done so far on

In the meantime, I will get back to work as this series is very fun to write!

I can be found at , Twitter, *******, Facebook (Syr456).

And until the next volume, have a good one.

Clyde's Stat sheet. You may skip to the next Volume.

Name: Clyde.

Level: 99

Type: Main character/ Stone. Mystic.

HP: 300% (+110%)

MP: 300% (+80%)

Ki: 100%

Attack: 164 (+16)

Defense: 166 (+16)

Speed: 206

Luck: 196

Will: 202

Intellect: 338

Form: 1/1.

Special: Tier 1 skill: Omen's Desolation. [Does almighty, spiritual, and sound damage. Chance to cause hopelessness and despair. Triple, super-severe damage against entities, deities, spirits, and darkness-type enemies.]

Special Abilities:

Flash Step: Briefly move at the speed of light. A high, speed stat will increase the critical chance of any attack combined with this ability.

Acrobatics: able to run and jump swiftly. Can leap from building to building.

*Mystic senses: whether in or out of battle, you will be connected to nature and its spirits. Unknown benefits. Ability to sense abnormalities.

*Skill Fusion- legendary special ability- combine skills and see what happens. You could unleash death on your foes! [Can be very draining to your MP. Use seldomly.]

Jump: You can warp to area you've been to or picture in your mind. You can also open and close portals, but not create them. You can also warp with a party.

*Astral Projection level 1: project an image of yourself to an area you know. Raise the level to be able to move around in this state as well as increasing the range. Your body will be vulnerable. At the right level, you will learn to be simultaneously aware of both your astral projection and your true self. Warning: it is recommended to have a composure of 200 or more before projecting yourself.

*Radiant aura: all defenses increased.


The Man Who Shatters the Balance. Reckless Abandonment. Man of the Impossible. Millionaire and Again. Slave driver. Entity Destroyer. Vampire Slayer. Massacre Man. Ladies' man. Tactician. Eavesdropper. Godling's Path. *Legendary Beast Slayer.* Leader of Team Miracle. Welcome to the Darkside. Robbing the Snake. Luckiest Man Alive. Star collector!

Hidden stats revealed:

Special Defense: 164

Paranoia: <varies>

Charisma: 214

Composure: 291

Evasion: 188

Reputation: level 5- you…I know you!

Endurance: 264

Regeneration: 97

Haggling: 84



[Harumi: Life: 2. Lightning: 2. Heart: 5.]

[Kitome: Strength:1. Passion:3. Energy: 1.]

[Alice: Soul: 7. Command: 7. *Radiance*: 7.]

[Chika: Vitality: 9. Speed: 9. Aura: 10.]

[Yuki: Heart(above), Mystery: 3. Power: 3]

Maki: Ambition: 2 Command(above), Submission: 2]

[Neko: Unpredictable: 1 Spark: 1 Rain: 1]

[ Tear: Spirit: 2 Passion (above) Love: 2]

[Kanako: Sweet: 1. Magical: 1. *Range*: 1]

[Airi: Leadership: 1, Defense: 1, Nature: 1.]

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[Melody: Purity: 1, Romance: 1, Command(above)]

[Ruri: Control: 1, Agility: 1, Lust: 1]

[Matsume: Fierce: 1, Fire: 1, Composure: 1]

[Kiko: Acceleration: 1, Trust: 1, Vigor: 1]

Ki-based skills:

Dragon Breath level 1. Unleash Ki-based dragon flames from your mouth or combined it with your fist for a dragon-fist. Dragon breath does Ki and fire damage which cannot be blocked by magic.

Ki-based ultimate attack: none.


-Free points: 265.

-Wanted rep Harpy clan: 5/5.

-Omen's spheres (some call them orbs): 7. (2 of 5 super)

-Sato Academy Crafting Permission.

-*Word Star Fragments*: 1/7.


- Athlete: 10% bonus to speed and Will. [Passive].

- Mystic Calm: 100% resistant to fear, despair, discomfort, and shock. [Mystic Passive.]

-Hostile Detection 5: detects hostiles within a certain range of you. Detects enemy information. [Passive]. Can now see weakness. Can now see resistances. Can now see secrets.

-Heart Protection 5: you're 53% less affected by unwanted mental magic or skills from enemies. You gain a 41% bonus to your ability to convince others to do anything that would protect their hearts. 46% chance to break from any magic or charismatic hold. [Passive].

- Secret sword and martial arts combination. Random unknown increases to speed, defense, and will during battle. Chance to critical increases by 2%. [Passive].

- Crafting 5+: enables you to craft items using everyday objects. Can craft complicated items and a 1% extra chance to successfully craft one. [Passive].

- Dagger combat 6: does physical damage. Enables dagger combat. Chance to critical at 32% [Passive].

-knife throwing 6: does physical damage. Enables knife combat. Chance to stun at 27% [Passive].

Trap Detection 5. You will be warned by the system automatically on things your mind would consider a trap. Your will stats dictate this! [Passive]. Range: 25 meters.

Party loyalty: Your party will know if you're in danger and need help. A boost of stats will be given to anyone who's able to provide you assistance.

Unarmed attacks:

-Roundhouse kick. [Attack] – does physical damage. Chance of knockdown at 5%.

-Mystic punch/kicks. [Attacks]- does physical and spiritual damage. Chance of stun at 1%. 50% stun if catching enemy by surprise.

Sword attacks:

-Precise Slash 9. [Attack] – does physical damage. Chance of critical at 45%

-Deep Slash 9. [Attack]- does physical damage. Chance to cause bleeding at 43%. Chance to stun at 11%.

-Spirit Slash 9. [Attack] – does physical and spiritual damage. Chance to cause dizziness at 34%. Chance to cause spiritual blight at 40%.

-Shatter Strike 7. [Attack]- does physical and fire damage. Chance to break barriers at 38%.

-Tier 3 skill: Sound Slash [Attack]- does physical and sound damage. Chance to cause deaf at 1%.

Defensive skills:

Spirit shield: [Defense] – invoke a magical shield around you for a few seconds. Will shield you from magic and block physical attacks. Chance to invoke Spirit Counter at 1%.

Special skill:

Quick meditation: once per cooldown, you can boost random stats. The buffs will last for up to two hours.

Mystic meditation: once per cooldown, you can boost speed, will, and composure. This buff will last up to 2.5 hours.

Power Up [charge]- Once per cooldown, you may recharge 30% of your MP and slightly increase attack and speed.

Combat level:

-Intermediate level 5. Combat style: Skilled.

-Mystic combat level 5.

Magic-based skills:

-Energy Blast [evolution 1]. Type: spiritual. Class: mysterious. (Mystic counterpart is available.) Now does scorch damage.

-Six Hand Skill [evolution 1]. Type: spiritual. Class: mysterious. Shoot a flurry of energy balls at multiple enemies. 8% chance to stun an enemy. Now does gun, metal, and glass damage. 1% chance to instantly kill enemies ten levels or more below you. (Mystic counterpart is available)

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- Holy Spirit Wave [evolution 1]. Type: spiritual. Class: mysterious.: Shoot a wave of concentrated spiritual energy. Chance to cause spiritual blight at 7%. Chance to do double damage on dark creatures: 35%. Now does holy and purity damage. (Mystic counterpart is available.)

-Spiritual Fire. Type: spiritual. Class: very rare. Unleash special fire at your enemies. Chance to cause spiritual blight at 9%. Chance to cause burn at 4% Chance to agony at 3%. (Mystic counterpart is available.)

-Binder's hand 4. Type: spiritual. Class: mysterious. Bind your enemies with tendrils of spirit energy. 44% chance to bind 1 enemy. Does no damage unless you will it. If willed, will do 5% damage per second. Able to will it to hold allies. Cannot damage allies.

- Charm 4. Type: spiritual, mental. Class: uncommon. Once per cool, you have a chance to take control of 1 targeted enemy. At this level you can only charm 1 enemy at a time and only those with lower levels. Be wary of enemies immune to charm.

-Mystic Omnipresent Aide: invoke the power of nature to assist you. Does nature damage. 150% attack increase everywhere.

-Mystic wrath: Enter mystic mode. This form lasts for a short time and drains magic points, but all physical and magic attacks increase greatly. You will be able to cast Mystic Lightning. Due to the strain this form does on your body, it is highly recommended to use if needed.

-Mystic Lightning- can only cast during mystic mode. Does spiritual, electrical, and holy damage. Change to cause spiritual blight at 34%. Chance to blind.

- Trust Bond Skill Mimic. Type: mystic. Class: very rare. Once per day, you will be able to randomly activate a skill from any of trusted friends. If you do not wish to activate the revealed skill, you may store it for later use; however, if not activated that day, it will vanish from storage. This can be used outside of Mystic wrath.

-Summon Mist: Type: water. Class: uncommon. Summon a thick mist that can cover an area the size of a small town. You and your allies will be able to see 40% better than any enemies. Warning, this is useless against enemies that do not rely on vision.

BCFUS lv. 5. Rank 2: You can only present a temporary speed and jump boost. You may make only some changes to their appearances, heal moderate injuries, and sense their whereabouts at a better range, all using Free points (also known as Soul Points). You can now increase present temporary attack and defense increases. All women married to you will now have the deity and divine element attributes embedded into some of their attack skills. Chances of inflicting status alignments and heavy or more damage increases.

You can now rank up your prophet and unlock special abilities.]

Tier 2 skill: Blizzard: Type: ice. Class: very rare. Unleash a portable blizzard on your foes. Does Heavy Ice damage.

Summon: Tear- 2 remaining.

Tier 2 skill: Neptune's Water Edge. Type: water, holy. Class: very rare. Unleash a sharp blast of water blessed by Neptune himself.

Tier 1 skill: Star Storm 1: Type: light, earth. Class: very rare. Summon a shower of light and earth energy upon your enemies. Chance to inflict repentance at 2%. Chance to paralyze at 1%.

Special Tier Skill: Energy Materialize. Type: light, deity. Class: epic. Form weapons and objects made of energy in your hands. The more MP invested, the larger the object. Chance to inflict light blight at 4% Chance to burn at 2%.

Ki Exchange: Type: neutral. Class: epic. Convert unused Ki to HP or MP.

Bronze Tier Skill: Holy Wind Storm. Type: wind, holy. Class: very rare. Unleash a storm of wind and holy energy on your enemies! Chance to stun at 13% Chance to inflict confusion at 1%.

Telekinesis- Object control level 1. Type: mental. Class: rare. You may move small objects through telekinesis.

Silver tier skill: Meteor. A powerful skill with highly destructive capabilities. Send down a giant meteor to destroy your enemies. Just…don't accidentally blow up a city with it.]

Life's breath. While in Stone Mode, your presence will begin to heal those that need it in the area. [Passive.]


Main character stuff.

Mystic languages. [Can read and speak old and unknown tongues.]


10% boost to relationship stats with Harumi and her friends.

+5% damage for a physical attack.

Marriage System.

Bravery noted to someone of great power.

Ruthlessness noted to someone of great power. (Demons killed.)

10% boost to all stats- mystic bonus.

Good favor with Cupid, god of love


CKP: 0

Recipes: none.


Lot City: [Current Main barrier level: 13. PP: 100. BP: 100. You are moderately protected. Not even deities would easily detect you.]


$ 571,295,400

-Map of Lot City, Satovia.

-Map of Libado Grasslands, Satovia.

-Map of Ashen City, Satovia.

-Map of Niyoto, Satovia.



-Reminder for practice- note.

- Zelt's printer. Level 1/25.

- Deed to the Ashfall estates, treasures, etc.

- Honey Potion of Healing (item class: rare.)

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-Wind blade. (very rare) +16 to attack. Wind element.

- Place of Power Core (item class: Relic) (item value: priceless)- establish a place of power.

- Super health potion x3 (item class: common)

- Max MP replenish potion (item class: epic)

- bundle of materials [2 uses left]. (Item class: rare.)

- Forger's hammer. Item class: very rare

- Exploding blowup doll. Item class: *One of a kind* Unsuspecting enemies will experience a nice surprise. Does dark deity damage.

- Sharpened Crystal Dagger. Item class: uncommon

-1 ruby, 1 diamond, 1 emerald, 1 casper-jewel.

- Root Tree seed. Item class: epic.

- Mysterious Harp. Item class: *One of a kind* this special harp is loved dearly by a special type of harpy called the Gandharva. Handing this to her will get you a *World Star Fragment* and another reward.

-Breast enhancement potion x 2. Item class: bizarre.

-World Map. item class: *legendary*

Plants and herbs:

- Uni-plant. This plant can be used in medicines and potions. An alchemist could make use of it.


- Wind blade. (very rare) +16 to attack. Wind element.

-School uniform or casual clothes.

-School shoes or casual shoes.

- Necklace of Her Devotion. Item class: *One of a kind* This necklace was made with love. Unknown benefits. Has a 1% chance of triggering Enlightenment mode 1 during battle. All stats will increase by 100% during the mode.


- Steel-set armor (Rare). +25 to defense.

- silver dagger- +ice and earth damage. (rare.)

Stone-Tokken Deck:

The Sorcerer's Creed.

Classes: (year1).

-Satovia History 1.

-Romance Literature 1.

-Sciences 1.

-Crafting 1.

Phone numbers:








- Melody


-Hinako [professor.]




Quest log:

Main story.

-Defeat Dark in a Real game (Stone-Token quest.)

-Get to know Sazuki over time.

-Take all female party members on one date.

-Investigate the Dragon threat.

- kill 10 enemies using Ki skills during the day. (MS)

- visit the dojo. You must take either Kitome or Melody with you.

- investigate Hideo's secret laboratory

- assign Airi the job as Dungeon Finder.(MS)

*World Objectives:

-Slay the demon lords: 3/15. Reward: *World star fragment*.

-Receive special training. Reward: Stone magic line access.

-World side objective: learn more about this world. Current knowledge of Satovia: 1.8%

System opinion: you suck! Get on it, godling.

*Challenges: 1/3.

-Challenge: Attempt to get Noona into your party.

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