Clyde needed to try out Ming's rank up system before they set off to intercept the nerfed fairy queen. Ashard was long gone, back to some temple, but Titania still returned to the city, anyway. He just wanted a peaceful afternoon with Team Stone and instead they get yet another supernatural fuck trying to interrupt everyone's lives.

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The young man could feel the power, just out of his reach, calling for him. All he had to do was grab it.

"Ming, do you mind standing in front of me for a second?" Clyde said then he sat down, lotus-style.

"Sur…sure," she said. Blushing, she asked, "what for?"

"I'm going to power you up," Clyde said. He willed the system to pull up the BCFUS.

[Would you like to pay 20 free points to increase your prophet to rank two?]

Clyde selected yes.

[Free points remaining: 125.]

A giant geyser of purple energy fell from the sky, smashing into Ming's aura. The young man almost thought it was an undetectable preemptive attack from Titania, but the energy quickly mixed with Ming's own magic. Also, the others didn't react, as if…they saw nothing.

[Your prophet has reached Rank 2!]

[Ming has learned passive skill: Seer Combat. She will always see an attack half a second before it happens.]

[Ming has gained your Mystic senses.]

[Marrying her will bring forth frightening power. And the child birthed from your seed will be a great seer, greater than his or her mother.]

[To increase Ming's rank any further, you must meet the following requirements: 1. Have sex with her to establish an intimacy. 2. Increase your friendship level to 9. This may not be easy, but it is just another challenge to overcome.]

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"What…what did you do to me?" Ming said softly.

"Do me too, onii-chan!" Natalia said as she hopped onto his shoulders.

"I'm afraid I can only give that boost to my prophet," Clyde said.

[Due to boosting your prophet, the strain using the power has been reduced by 2%]

[You gain a 50% attack boost for the rest of the day. Your wives would've gained this too.]

Clyde was getting a little annoyed at all of the awesome benefits he missed, but he needed to gain the love status before proposing. Otherwise, what could stop the girl from simply rejecting him? He certainly wouldn't blame them. Also, nothing really stopped the women from declining him anyway.

"Who's ready to go meet a possibly deranged fairy queen?" Clyde said. "Her power is cut in half, so we may stand a chance."

Tear Jumped the party to the meetup location at the bus stop to pick up the others, then they followed his mental navigation system to the woman of the hour.

The fairy queen…was laid out on a bench with a bottle of booze in her hand. With a shaking finger pointed at a small group of pigeons, she spouted curses.

"What the fuck, Natalia, contact her son," Clyde said.

"Don't bother," Titania said. "I foolishly took the advice of an advisor, attempting to suppress the Supreme's lust with alcohol. Then I realized I'm not good with it."

Clyde could relate, but kept his mouth shut. The fairy queen gave an alcoholic laugh. "I raised Ashard, but we're not related by blood. I tried to give him the task of keeping the bloodline pure and he ran away. But…I can't blame him. A mother is a mother, even if she found the baby in the middle of a forest, crying." She chugged more of the drink. Kitome marched over to her and snatched the bottle.

"Go home," she snapped. The fairy burst into tears.

"Nobody wants me," she cried. "My pride, my kingdom was ruined by the Supreme. My own stepson hates me. Even the deities in Celestial lost all respect for the once great queen of the fairies." She suddenly grew angry. "Let's see how they react when I kill myself! That's right! The harvests of my kingdom will die and it will rest on Celestial's head."

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"Oh shit!" Clyde dove on top of the drunk.

"Someone put her to sleep."

Tear curled a fist and delivered a knockout punch that made Clyde glad that they were getting married.

"She makes Mike himself look normal," he said softly. He addressed the team. "I…apologize for dragging you guys here for this shit."

"It's not your fault," Toru said. "But as the team lead, she becomes a guest of your house for the safety of the city."

Clyde sighed.

"Seth, do you want—" He paused and really looked at the blonde. "Are you alright?"

"No, I'm tired as shit," he said. "I've got no sleep last night. NONE."

"Well fuck, do you want me to Jump you back—"

"No, I can't risk her finding my house," Seth said, interrupting Clyde. "I've booked a hotel a town away. Just Jump me there. I'll take the train back in the morning."

"You've better not be late," Chika said. "Exams are coming up. I will not have failures among us."

"Yeah, yeah," Seth said dismissively.

Tear and the others Jumped the unconscious fairy queen to Clyde's house, while the young man took Seth to his hotel.

"You sure you'll be okay here," Clyde asked. The hotel door opened, and a froglike tongue snaked out of it. Seth tried to run but it wrapped itself around his stomach and quickly pulled him. The hotel door open by itself and the blonde disappeared behind it, hand outstretched, pleading for help.

Clyde sighed and went inside. Using telekinesis, he picked up a basket and smashed it against the side of Maya's head.

"Ow! What the hell?" the toad girl whined.

"Did I not tell you back at the hot springs that Seth is human? He cannot handle your type of sex without rest," Clyde said.

Maya fell to her knees, bowing lowly.

"I'm sorry! Please don't kill me."

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"I won't, but you will remove the tracking devices from Seth. He's so tired, he can't recognize the obvious bracelets, among other things. If my friend dies because you're pushing your inhuman standards upon him, I will come for you. And you will never be able to hide." He let his eyes glow for the desired effect, which he received.

After they got rid of all one hundred four tracking devices from Seth, Clyde took the blonde to Harumi for a shock bath, just to make sure. The final two devices were destroyed. The young man accessed his menu, setting the guardians to attack Maya on sight.

"Just take a random room," Clyde said. "The bath's down the hall to your right. There's plenty. And knock, just in case someone didn't lock the doors."

"Sure, sure," Seth said with his last breath. Yuki took him to his room.

Clyde peeked in on the fairy queen sleeping spread eagle. Dressed in a silky, almost transparent, provocative purple dress with visible lingerie beneath it. Butterfly like wings with elf-like ears and Harumi-level breasts—the young man once again wondered just how the fuck someone like this had no significant other.

"Would you like me to wear that?"

Clyde flinched and pretended to look elsewhere as Tear walked in.

"What do you think we should do with her?" he asked. "Selkie said she was under a spell last time. If we let her go, I won't put it past the perp to try again."

"Natalia said Ashard will drop by in two days," Tear told him. "Until then, she's under your care." She poked the blonde woman on the cheek. "Are you thinking about marrying her?"

"It won't matter what I think if she isn't hitched within four months," Clyde said. He looked at his fiancée. "Since when did gods arrange marriages?"

She shrugged.

"You're not fooling anyone, my Clyde." She kissed him. "I can see it in your eyes, and I feel sorry for the Watcher that comes down here to try to make you do anything."

Clyde chuckled.

"I should stop letting my emotions be plain on my face."

Tear waved that idea away.

"Don't even think about it. And I like your sense of humor. Not everyone's cut out to be a boring ninja."

"I have you know, I would definitely like to be a ninja," Clyde said, wagging a finger.

"Why? Many of the stories depict them as cannon fodder for some feudal lord."

"Elementary my dear Tear," Clyde said, pulling her close, taking in her enticing perfume. "Ninjas were respected warriors of the shadow. And let's not forget a certain story that had them wielding exotic super powers."

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"They always have super powers in the stories," Tear said. "But exotic super powers? What story is this?"

He sighed.

"Let's just say, it's about a ninja in an orange jump suit killing enemies with the power of friendship. He also chases after some dude who wants to kill everyone."

"Sounds like the writer of that had too much opium," Tear said.

"Maybe," Clyde said. "But the point is, ninjas are awesome."

Tear poked his cheek. Pinning Clyde to the wall, she nibbled at the bottom of his lip. The young man squeezed her ass then smacked it with both hands. A long throat-clearing startled them out of what was sure to be wild sex.

The queen sat up, glaring.

"The nerve of lovers these days—show off will ya. Just because I can't find a husband doesn't mean I won't kick your asses," she snapped then sighed. "Where am I?"

"Clyde, you go help Kitome," Yuki said as she stepped into the room. "Let us worry about her." She whispered, "Natalia and I still have a bit of alcohol to get out of her system."

"Oh shit, I almost forgot about Kitome," Clyde said, hurrying out the door. "I hope she's not pissed yet."

He felt glad that Yuki took the burden of pleasantries off him. He knew nothing about fairy queens and simply expecting one to sit around without stirring up trouble for two days was quite unreasonable.

Kitome awaited him in the living room, chatting with Harumi, Chika, Kanako, and Alice. They looked cheerful. Maki and Sophia were setting up the long table for dinner, talking amongst each other. Sophia had no liberties revoked from her, yet still chose to stick with her friend. He'd eventually allow her to start performing some Stone Maiden duties, whatever they were. Eventually. Damn did she change. She looked so happy.

Sophia blushed, catching the young man's gaze and averted her eyes. Maki giggled.

"Are you finally ready?" Kitome said to Clyde.

"Yep, let's go," he replied.

A peaceful evening with the promise of the next day growing deadlier. The Inquisitor Scout approached from afar…

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