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Kitome and Yusuke's house…

Yusuke and his reaperess were still out. Clyde and Kitome quickly packed her clothes, personal items, and trinkets.

"Come on you stupid bag, zip!" Kitome snapped, but the tiny bag's zipper would not budge. A golden necklace fell out. She quickly snatched it. "It's not finished."

"Who are you making it for?" Clyde asked.

"That's a secret," Kitome. "I can't risk having you accidentally blab over sex."

"So it's for one of the w—hey I won't blab," Clyde defended, voice playful.

The magical girl's room was a bit on the small side, but very tidy. While her room felt slightly warmer than the rest of the place, the young man could not deny the cold temperature. The outside air warranted a cup of hot cocoa. So why did they keep the AC on? He didn't bother to pursue that particular mystery. Maybe Undine had something to do with it. "Where are your parents?" Clyde filled the last suitcase.

"Work," Kitome said. "They won't be back until after midnight." She looked at the young man's chest. "Are you…still wearing it?"

Clyde untucked the necklace, allowing it to show.

[Necklace of Her Devotion. Item class: *One of a kind* This necklace was made with love. Unknown benefits. Has a 1% chance of triggering Enlightenment mode 1 during battle. All stats will increase by 100% during the mode.]

[Your relationship with Kitome now includes endearment to go with friend closer level 10.]

The white-gold necklace with a well-crafted homemade charm attached to it was one of Clyde's prized possessions.

Kitome hugged the young man.

"Are you…sure it's not uncomfortable?" she asked, eyes twinkling.

"It's fine," Clyde said. "I even shower with it on."

Kitome's rare blush, made him start the passionate kiss. He could've sworn he felt the young woman's heart beating fast.

[Kitome wavers, unsure of what love is. But she has very strong feelings for you.]

Clyde knew this was a gamble, but he slipped two fingers beneath Kitome's blue skirt and into her panties. She let out a moan. Good thing her door was closed.

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The duo passionately kissed for seconds more before he laid her back then slid down the woman's panties. He entered tight wetness. And the feeling of bliss overtook both of them.

Hearing Kitome moan, blush, and show vulnerability tripled, maybe quadrupled his boner. He almost lost himself, but pulled out in time. They laid together for a bit, panting.

"I think…I may…I don't know." Kitome buried her face into the young man's chest, blushing heavily.

Clyde said nothing, taking in her comforts, refusing to allow anything cheesy to come out of his lips that would possibly melt away this side of Kitome.

Then he decided to man up.

"What if…I love you," he said. Kitome softly gasped, looking up to him.

"But the others."

"Is it wrong to love more than one person genuinely?" he asked.

She thought for a bit, blush still full. Clyde continued. "Is it wrong to fall in love with those who you fight for and with? With death snapping for us every day, is it wrong to speak the truth?"

Kitome nodded, as if confirming something internally.

"No, it's not," she said. "One of the most popular sayings in our nation is that the heart knows what it wants." She looked him the eye. "And I know who I want."

[Kitome has fallen in love with you!]

[Kitome's Ki attributes have increased by 1!]

The duo made love once again, before gathering up the things they could carry. When they stepped outside, they were met with a fiery surprise.


Clyde's house…

Alice scowled as Harumi claimed her last piece. Checkers were just not for her.

"Oah, she won again," Titania said. "Three wins in a row. That means Clyde is hers tonight." The fairy queen pet Alice. "You're still one of the best players I've seen at these games. And you looked so cute, trying your best."

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Tear grinned at the photos, taken on her phone.

"So, so cute. That's my baby cousin for you."

"You're only two years older than me," Alice said then pouted.

She was just so close in both chess and checkers, but Harumi's strategy changed every single game. The half-demoness could not understand how her pink-haired sister from another mother, did it.

Harumi pulled Alice into a hug.

"You're twenty-times better than Clyde."

Everyone laughed. Smiling, Yuki finished serving the meals on the plates of the table.

"Where is he, anyway?" Chika said. "I'm already starting to miss him."

"He's helping Kitome pack," Alice said. She and Harumi put away the checker and chess pieces.

"You're lucky the goddess of luck didn't play you," Matsume said, shaking her head. She placed her book to the side. "She's so good, it almost feels like she cheats."

Melody sighed.

"After Yuki crushes her foes, she now offers to teach them how to play."

Yuki shrugged.

"It's only fair. Or will Harumi be the only one worthy of my companionship."

Titania laughed. "I hope Clyde hurries up," the demoness continued. "I make these dinners with love."

"I can tell the love is well received," Titania said. Yuki chuckled.

"It will take more than that to get a blush from me," the demoness said. "Now everyone, at the table."

Alice took her spot next to her life mate's chair, but nobody touched their food. Not even Yuki. They looked to the half-demoness.

"He Jumped but…why isn't he coming in? Wait…something's wrong. My Clyde's in distress. Tear, we have to help him."

Titania stood.

"I will annihilate anyone who lands an ill-hand on my host. Take me to this Kitome's quarters."

"Wait...Uh oh," Alice said. "On second thought, never mind. We don't want to go there."

"Why?" Titania said.

"I can take a wild guess," Tear said.

"Scary blue lady," Kanako said, prompting the succubus to grin.

"Kitome's mother," Melody said. "I hope they're alive."

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Abruptly, Clyde and Kitome burst through the door, panting, suitcases and bags in hand. They let out a sigh of relief, looked at each other, then laughed.

"She almost barged into the Jump," Clyde said.

"Are you two going to stand there all day or join us for dinner?" Alice said. "Leave the bags there."


Unknown town…

Dark bowed to his audience.

"Like I said, I am Dark, lord of the shadows and the future ruler of this world! What you saw, my good people, was just a taste of my true power."

The audience laughed.

"This guy is great! Best comedy ever!"

"Yeah, I love him!" some woman said, wiping tears from her eyes. "I've been here all day."

"What I show you is no laughing matter, for your generous lord of the dark is here to deliver a revelation. I am he who breathes the moon. He who—"

The crowd roared with laughter. Another sermon where Selkie switched the signs again to You Can't Miss This Comedy Show! Free. Dark only wanted to warn people about the Viper and the upcoming disasters.

He snarled.

"When I get my hands on Selkie, I'll show her how the lord of the dark is no one to be toyed with! I'll make her skull—"

The crowd laughed harder. Dark felt the searing heat of volcanic rage. Calmly he said, "that's the end of the show."

The women from before laughed, "He said end of the show!"

Then the crowd threw more money and flowers at him, before getting up to leave. A mob of people rushed to shake his hand and hug him, annoying the young man even further.

"Thank you, thank you," Selkie said cheerfully. "Keep in touch with the wind and don't miss the lord of the dorks—I mean Dark's next show."

"Wow, you made over twelve thousand vinnas," Myriad said. "I think you at least owe us a vineberry pie for the help."

Dark gave them a tired look.

"I'm going back to the hotel," he said, sending the money the girls didn't grab to his inventory. "Enjoy your pathetic night lives."

"Oh don't be like that," Selkie said, grabbing his arm. "This nation has the worse currency exchange rates, but this town is known for having people that will laugh at anything. Official comedians have a hard time getting here because their managers aren't so eager to potentially lose money. We're going to be traveling for some days, so do understand our expenses. Thanks for covering them by the way."

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Selkie ruffled Dark's hair. Myriad kissed his cheek.

"I'll give you some rocking later for your hard work."

"I don't want your rocking," Dark comedically snarled. "And don't thank me for this. The lord of the dark—"he lowered his voice as some of the audience passed by, discussing how much they loved the "show." The young man shook his head. "These people need to be warned about the Viper."

"It is not something we're allowed to go public about," Selkie said. "You'll have to trust in Clyde."

"Even if the normie becomes…whatever that was, he may still get a shocker, finding out the Viper does the same thing," Dark said. He sighed. "I'll be watching the Loli Saga movie."

"Chuuni," Selkie said as the young man stormed off.


Clyde's house…

"What do you mean you bet me?" Clyde said. "I mean I'm flattered, but over boardgames? I feel cheap." The women glared at him. He smiled sheepishly. "Fine, fine. What do I have to do?" He looked at Titania, the fucking fairy queen herself and a clean plate. Even she couldn't resist Yuki's godly cooking. Clyde turned back to the women. "I'm not doing anything embarrassing from a bet I had no part of."

"You get to sleep in Harumi's room tonight," Alice said, almost bitterly. "Have fun being her hug pillow. I'll just cuddle with Chika."

"The hell you are," Chika snapped. "You'll be cuddling with these textbooks. Off to studying! And I will hear no excuses."

Alice stuck her tongue at the silver-haired girl then bolted upstairs. "The freedom of rebellion! Down with studying!"

"You," Chika said, then shook her head. "How did I let someone like that match me on the midterms. I've been slacking." She looked at Clyde. "If you weren't taken by Harumi tonight, I'd refuel."

"Refuel?" Tear said, then grinned. "Tell us more."

"Alice! Get back here," Chika shouted, running up the stairs.

Titania giggled.

"You make an art out of intimidating other women, eh, succubus?"

Clyde noticed that the only women remaining in the dining room were Yuki, Harumi, Matsume, Kanako, Sophia, and Maki. He gave a moment of silence for Natalia, who had the ability to compete, but saw no worth to shift back to her adult form and stand her ground.

Clyde almost sat, ready to just enjoy the view, but Harumi grabbed his arm.

"You're my cuddle pillow tonight, let's go."

Tear's nosebleed made Harumi blush, urging her to move faster.

"I'm going to shower," Clyde said.

"I'd join you if I hadn't already bathed," Harumi said.

Somehow, he ended up showering without any girl walking in or joining. He was using a random shower this time. Talk about a strict bet! He made a mental note to reward Maki and Sophia for their hard work. At one point, everyone got the house to themselves and probably took mean number twos. Or maybe not. The cleverness was too strong. He stopped stalling with the thoughts and wrapped up his showering.

Harumi was brushing her fox tail when he entered her room.

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