Temple of Aunder…

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Surrounded by four Viper Maidens attempting to guide him to bed, Aunder continued his drunken song. Some of the words were slurred.

"If you bed a-woman with twenty beeeerrrs, raise-those-arms-up and give those cheers. Steak and beef, while she massages my feet, oohhhhhh. Yeah, yeah!" Aunder almost tripped, wiggling away from the maidens.

"My lord, please."

"SECOND VERSE!" Aunder continued. "Where she walks, heads turnnnnnn, what she touches, turns to golddddddd. In her hand, is my-heart she stollllleeee."

Fuyoko glanced at her new female party members. Su Yang seemed as if she lost the ability to be embarrassed by her lord. Olivia on the other hand looked as if she'd rather be dead. The Master of the Stars had a hard time believing they were real Venus Sisters at first. Olivia revealed the story to her during a walk behind the temple. He truly broke past all of Venus's protective barriers, enslaved the women, and cloaked them in his essence. A terrifying Soul Bond.

Fuyoko was glad the Viper didn't demand that. He seemed like an honorable man though—apparently the sisters attacked him first. Goofy while drunk, especially that stupid smile. Very handsome, with long black hair and mysterious red eyes, a dark tan which complimented his muscles. She sometimes felt herself acting like a childish schoolgirl, even attempted to get into his bed, but the Maidens of Love never left his side. She wasn't sure if it was because he funded the nearly broke idiot women or if they too were sucked into his charm.

Fuyoko however was no fool. Aunder and a nuclear bomb were one and the same to her. The only question that tinged the air of curiosity defaulted to: when would the bomb explode. That vision she had not too long ago…A shadow executing an entire planet for the foolishness of its ruling dark god. A planet who didn't support such a tyrant—victims. The Master of the Stars did not for a moment consider herself an ally of such a man. She also refused to show any weakness, show any terror. He'd be used until she captured Julius.

If Julius actually cared for his family, she would've used them as hostages for his return, with a blood-oath to tie things permanently. There was work to do. This cat-and-mouse game burned precious hours. Maybe…he purposely kept himself separated from his family for this occasion, Fuyoko thought. She met Julius when they were young teenagers with dreams. She told him about the gift inside and that… Could it be that the man actually cared for his family? No… if he did, that idiot wouldn't have given his brother that tainted Omen's sphere. Unless…This was yet another ploy.

Fuyoko had two days until the True Poison arrived from whatever nation they hid in to greet their master. Just the thought of them gave the young woman chills. The darker faction of the Viper's maidens. They would no doubt overshadow the sweet and kind rulings of the Maidens of Love and change this place into something unpleasant. Maybe a preparation of war. Hell, they may even kill the Maidens of Love, whether by poison or some other shadowy method. Fuyoko would strengthen her personal wards and have Naoko, her Blood Servant, keep an eye on them. Her tracker was sure taking her time picking up Julius's new trail.

Fuyoko stood, deciding she'd go back to Lot City and observed Julius's family. A good psychic callout while holding them captive should have him rushing.

"We will return soon," Fuyoko said. "Come Naoko."

The young girl at her side nodded.

"You'd better noooottt stay go long," Aunder sang. "Two daysss baby! Two! Two!"

"Please Lord Aunder," the maidens said.

She shook her head. How many did he screw? Fuyoko started out the door, without turning around to look at Olivia's longing expression. She didn't know the woman well enough to trust her not to be a Viper watch dog.


Julius's house…

Late night…

Princess Dire stood outside, predicting that within the next ten minutes, the bed squeaking would finally be over. Momo tossed her virginity into the wind along with her loyalty to Venus. Not a bad idea, since she belonged to her Master Aunder, anyway.

Dire…had made the mistake of liking them as a couple with an exception of the sex that kept her up sometimes. In two days, all of that was going be ripped apart. She wasn't sure if Aunder would summon them or not, but with True Poison showing up, he'd most likely require their presence. Then the next step to whatever her lord planned could finally see the light of the day.

Except…she didn't want him to go from funny to war crazed.

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The vision of what he'd done was shown to Dire by Venus a few moments ago, in a dream. Should they be people the princess should care about? After all, the savages here in Satovia were about to kill her for simply existing… Aunder rescued her, gave the princess a reason to live. A purpose.

Dire looked at Julius's house again. A nice place, perfect for retiring from adventuring. A place to get married, have children. A life that she herself would never get to obtain. Not that she minded following her Master.

Abruptly, Dire took notice of two Rock imps hopping over a fence, entering a neighbor's yard, armed with wooden spiky clubs. She knew the middle-aged couple had three young children.

She aimed a hand at the sneaking monsters.

<Dire has accessed Heavenly Ki>

<Dire channeled Bolt of the Heavens!>

A golden bolt of lightning, that wasn't lightning, fell from the sky. It burst the imps into ashes. Dire let out a sigh of relief. Rock imps were worse than monster girls. They'd eat and violate anything. She closed her eyes, feeling for any additional imps. Fortunately, the others were friendly and far off. Fruit eaters too.

She wondered if Aunder would find her attack from behind dishonorable. Oh well. What he doesn't know, won't kill him. She flinched. Such a thought… It felt a little daring, almost as if she was a woman again.

Dire hurried to explore the town. Sure, not many places were open except the bad ones, but she didn't have to follow any orders from Momo nor Julius. They should be following HER orders. She was number two. But that didn't matter to the princess—she didn't want to be the hated bossy meanie anyway.

A figure ahead, standing in the shadows halted her.

"You really shouldn't be out here alone." The Arch priest of her master's Maidens of love smiled at her. "It's too dangerous."


Lot City, Satovia…

Lot City Investigations Bureau…

Tetra tried to ignore her annoying friend, Ling, but the woman continued to stare.


"Ugh, for the love of Morrigan, spill it out," Tetra said to the brown-haired woman.

"Oh nothing," Ling said. "I'm still not over the excitement from you announcing yourself as a dark elf. Almost every man in the office is coming out as a secret fantasy nerd. They want to nibble your ears, take you to town, pull out the ring, put it inside, give you babies."

Tetra glared at the woman then continued the typing of her report. She didn't have time for Ling's insistence of teasing the men of the office. They were too pathetic to realize the other woman was the type to lead them for as long as she could. They'd get dates, but nothing more, except the teases during working hours. The dark elf wanted no part of that.

"You're going to collapse one day," Ling continued. "Every single day, working very late, never taking some off. Why? Are you trying to prove something? Everyone already knows you're the best of the best. When promotion time comes around, you will be asked first. So why push your health?"

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Tetra smiled at her friend.

"I truly appreciate your concern and I hate to…what do the kids call it these days…play the species card, but I'm just fine," Tetra said.

"Fine, you've got superior energy, whatever. That's meaningless if you don't have a life," Ling said. "Such a beautiful woman, rotting away in this office. Please consider taking a break. You've got so many vacation days that you could probably retire while getting paid. Seriously…"

Tetra typed the last words of her report, feeling…a bit touched by the concerns of her human friend. Nothing changed at all between them upon revealing her true nature. The men were still a little intimidated to approach "Strict Tetra" which was for the best in the dark elf's opinion. She had so much work to do, little time for play. The Yazuka still ran the government in all but name. Ironically, the territory actually belonged to Clyde, in the supernatural sense. The man who risked his life, barging into a crusader camp, just to rescue her. If any man were going to have a shot with the detective, it was him.

But the secret fight against the government still raged on. She'd let her feelings for Clyde be admiration and nothing more. He was the Stone. She'd have faith in his ability to save their world from utter doom.

Tetra closed her computer.

"I'm leaving for the night, okay," she said then hugged her friend. "I know you're worried, but you've got to trust me. I truly care for the best interests of the city and cannot…live with myself knowing that a corrupt government would rather sell its citizens to soul-eating demons than protect them. I will continue to do everything in my power to fix this. If you're truly my friend, which I know you are, you will continue to support me."

Ling took a long look at the hardworking detective and then sighed.

"At least take a drink with me on Saturday nights or something," Ling said. "I won't even bug you about getting a man. Even if you should."

The two women shared a laugh.

"We'll see," Tetra said.

When the dark elf took the first step out the door, she froze, sensing a familiar presence approaching the city from many miles away. It'd be here in the morning… "No…" She trembled. "Not them…please no. Why the inquisitors…"


Heavily guarded palace…

Imperial Master Bedroom.

The Supreme wiggled a tongue on the large breast of her maid, gaging the soft moan of her reaction. She sucked the other before slipping fingers inside the servant. A rub-rub there, and a rub-rub here, and the other woman's voice was at the level that aroused the Supreme the most.

She almost pulled off her own nightgown, ready to join the fray when a knock crushed away the mood.

"What?" the Supreme said, while still on top of her partner. "Can't you wait until I finish my afternoon snack?"

The juices seemed to increase on the fingers she had shoved in her maid. So, she liked being watched, huh? The Supreme chuckled. What an interesting catch.

"Your Imperial Majesty, an adventurer has challenged you to a fight and he won't go away," the guard said.

The Supreme sighed.

"Great. Just bloody great. Another annoying nuisance who will probably get himself killed when I send him away with a few bruises. Then it will be another death blamed on me. I HAVEN'T KILLED ANYONE! THE NERVE OF THESE HUMANS TO TREAT ME LIKE A FILTHY MURDERER!" The Supreme crawled off the maid, causing her to pout. "Don't get ahead of yourself, servant. I still prefer men. They're more fun to play with. Come back to me with your pouting after having one deep inside you."

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She said those words aloud just to mess with the guards outside. The maid giggled then followed the Supreme's lead, quickly dressing.

Instead of putting on a nice dress, the empress chose trousers and a shirt fitted just right. She made sure her shoes were nice and sturdy, but beautiful too. She could do that. She also had no need for armor or any of the sort, just the sword to make things fair. How fair would depend on the skill of the loser who dared challenge her.

Fully dressed, the maid opened the door. The guards at the door bowed as their empress stepped out of her bedchamber.

"Take me to the adventurer," she ordered.

"Yes, your Imperial Majesty. Please follow me."

As he led the Supreme, the guard barked orders. "Make way for the Supreme. Make way for the Empress. Make way!"

The maids and servants bowed and moved out of the way. The guard took the shortest route as possible, fearing the off chance of driving the Supreme's patience. Then at last, they were outside.

"Greetings, adventurer," the Supreme said. "I'd like to give credit where it's due for making it this far. Even past—"

"Your reign of terror ends today, demon lord!" the adventurer began.

"Great," the Supreme said softly. "A monologue. Why do I always get them close to lunch time? I may have to give permission to rough up adventurers again."

"You've killed countless people, destroyed many homes, villages, towns, even cities. Sent countless horrors and abominations onto the people for your sick amusement. But now it ends. Today, I will slay you! And the world will become a better place."

"You know, sometimes I think I should kill myself just so I wouldn't have to deal with this anymore," the Supreme said to her guard.

"Imperial Majesty, would you like me to deal with this pest of a man?" the guard asked.

"No, let me vent," she said.

"Hey, stop ignoring me!" the adventurer said. "I've got maxed out gear. Prepare to pay for all of your crimes, evil doer."

"You do realize none of that's true," the Supreme said, shaking her head. "Has anyone actually pinned these crimes on me? Did they describe me? Any proof? Nope. Of course not. They'd associate any misfortune to my title and boom! I get idiots like you, knocking on my door. Oh great, now you've got ME monologuing."

"Why you!" the adventurer drew his sword and charged the Supreme. She didn't bother unsheathing hers, which probably seen more battle. She easily sidestepped and dodged, ducked, leapt back, all while maintaining a playfully calm demeanor. She even had her hands behind her back, like some of her old teachers. She wondered what happened to the hags.

"I won't let you mock me—for I'm the hero of the Singcon Village. Eat this, hell spawn."

He aimed a hand in her direction.

[Gradicus activated: Viagrow Cannon.]

When the pathetic ball of magic got close enough, the Supreme leaned over and blew it. The magic immediately reflected, smashing into the adventurer with the force of a falling building.

"Oooh, someone's at a loss of bravado," the Supreme said.

Gradicus stood up.

"I won't give in. All heroes will struggle against the final challenge, but me, the lone man who fights for his friends—"

"Alright, stop, no, I will not listen to another friendship speech," the Supreme said. "Nope, I refuse. Look, if this is all you've got, then turn around. I've got other things to do. You know, like running this empire. What do you think, by the way? I know I shouldn't care about your opinion, as you illegally snuck into my boarders and past any of my guards. I suppose I'd better listen to Haruko's advice and upgrade. Guard, pass the word. Boarder upgrade."

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"Stop ignoring me!" Gradicus pointed his sword at the woman.

"Are you going to get the random power boost?" the Supreme asked.

"My ultimate attack! Sword Beam!"

[Gradicus activated Sword Beam.]

"Sheesh, I swear the name of these attacks are getting worse." The Supreme stepped to the side and then at last, started toward the adventurer. Shaking with fear, he ran. She shook her head. "Nothing keeps them out, damned pests. I walked all the way out here for no reason."

She could've cum twice by now, but the mood would probably not return until later, when she could stare at a picture of Tear.


Clyde's house…


The house finally settled into quietness around ten. Most lights were out, although some rooms still held the glow of personal TVs, computers, and smartphones. Chika switched to lamplight to continue her studies while Alice called it a night. Melody slept in her own room, seeing no point of staying if Clyde wasn't around. Tear read under lamplight, deciding that a conversation with the silver-haired girl was just impossible while she studied. She took it very, very seriously.

Yuki sent her subordinates to bed early, allowing an hour of TV time for Maki. She played a few videogames with Natalia, beating her in all, before taking off to her room for bed. Natalia took her frustration out on Kanako. The genie ended up rage-quitting, changing her legs to a spiritual tail and rushing out of the loli's bedroom.

Ruri and Matsume ended their conversation. Same for Airi, Ming, and Kitome, engaging in what first started off as a Loli Saga conversation, which eventually turned into romance, TV shows, and even tips and tricks about fighting monsters.

"Do you two sniff each other's asses?" Natalia said to Ruri and Matsume before they departed.

"We're not dogs," Matsume snapped, but the loli already took off, laughing. She bumped into Seth.

"Matsume, this way," he called.

"You dummy blonde! Traitor! Anti-girl—waahh," she whined as she dove into her room, locking the door just before the hellhound could make the capture.

Eventually the excitement and conversations died down, plunging the house into silence. Clyde felt Harumi's tell wrap around him. The pink-haired girl really did cuddle against the young man. Her softness didn't allow any sleep. Natural anime-girl beauty, large breasts, and fox ears and tail. This tease should be illegal.

Harumi smirked, waking up to stare back at the young man with golden eyes. Her tail yanked off Clyde's boxers then stroked him. He felt his strength diminish as he gave off a soft grunt. The fox girl only had on a t-shirt. He confirmed no panties from a brief flash. She began the kiss while still giving him what he could only classify as a kitsune tail job.

Clyde couldn't take the teasing anymore. He pulled Harumi on top of him as he turned up the intensity of the kiss. She still held control, teasing his manhood, licking his neck, his face, and moving at a deliberately slow pace.

The tease still felt amazing. And when she mounted, the dance began. She rode intensely, almost like a monster girl, but not quite. The jiggling breasts took his manhood in the realm of the diamond. He tried to take over the ride, but she didn't allow it. There were at least three or four more rounds before he was allowed to rest.

That morning, the territory prompt kicked Clyde into motion.

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