Very early in the morning…

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Monday. Week 3. Month 2. Year 1. Season: Late Autumn.

[School: Active day. Classes: Monday, Wednesday, Friday.]

[Current declared fiancée(s): Melody, Alice, Tear.]

[Card bearers in Lot City: 2. Ming, Unknown. *Alert, there is a dark card bearer in the city.]

[Cook-off opponents in the city: 110. Harumi, Advanced chef Yuki, Alice, Kitome. The rest are unknown.]

[-Territory- Alert! Level: *VERY HIGH. An inquisitor scout of the Supreme Demon Lord has entered your city. This doesn't bode well. There is a chance that an entire force of them are coming.]

[Heart core activated. All attack, magic and non-magic, defenses and other stats are halved.]

[Due to Chika's passive stat: Protect My Love, the inquisitor's stats are halved again.]

Clyde kissed Harumi before leaving her room. He took his sweet ass time brushing his teeth and then dressing into his school uniform. Nice and pressed by Yuki. What a thoughtful person. Clyde decided that after taking care of this problem, he'd do all the chores so the woman can have the day off. He didn't want to embarrass himself with a subpar dinner, so the young man would practice on campus. And of course order food that night.

Clyde stepped outside, breaking his own rule about going alone. Ah well.

"I will show Tear that she will not have to live in fear of these clowns," Clyde said with a god chant as he touched the edges of the power. He Jumped directly to the Inquisitor scout.


Quiet Street…

Despite having his power cut in half twice, the scout was still quite strong.

He was a blue-skinned tall man with a build more buff than a runner. He sported short green hair and a black Tang suit. Interesting attire. Who inspired the uniform choice?

Inquisitor Ike, the Supreme Demon Lord's Scout.

Level: 590

Type: Demon

Work under: *Supreme Demon Lord.

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Special: Double All mighty shield.

Weakness: fire.

Resistances: ice and all of its attributes

Secret: blocked.

[All of Ike's stats have been halved twice and will remain this way until he leaves the city.]

[Chika's aura has removed all of his Compressed bonus power.]

Clyde wanted to marry Chika right now.

"You may want to turn the fuck around," Clyde said to the inquisitor scout. "This is my city and you're not welcomed here."

Ike looked at him then laughed.

"Big talk coming from a puny weakling with a measly power level of one hundred."

He teleported in front of Clyde and threw a punch. The young man blocked it with a single finger, causing the inquisitor's eyes to widen.

Clyde laughed.

"Listen here, Iky boy, I'm not trying to start a pointless war with the Supreme, but Tear's off limits. She's mine and we're getting married too."


By the look on his face, and that reaction, the young man had a choice. Kill this guy so that the news couldn't get back to his force, risking pure wrath. Or let him go. Both were bad paths.

Ike pulled back his fist.

"You're not that good at lying." He shook his head. "I'm the least of your worries. How will you handle my Imperial Majesty's full force of Inquisitors? They will know about this barrier that weakens us." He laughed. "And they'll destroy it long before entering."

"It's not a barrier," Clyde said, "but my own presence." He suddenly threw a heavy punch at Ike's gut, then another at his face. Within seconds he was down and unconscious. "Titania, I can sense you. Come out, so I can ask for your advice."

"I've never seen someone with such a low level take down a bloody inquisitor before," Titania said as she materialized in front of the young man.

[The inquisitor's passive skill activated. Till the Last Breath.]

[All status effects eliminated.]

[His stats are still halved twice over due to Chika's passive skill aligning with the territory system.]

Talk about harem power, Clyde thought appreciatively.

[You have entered *fierce combat!]

[Ike has invoked Inquisitor's authority]

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Crimson aura surrounded the man as he leapt to his feet. Clyde just barely blocked a curved blade that materialized from nowhere. He reached for the power, but something strange happened.

[Strain effect. Agony.]

Clyde pulled away from the power as if it was the sun's own flames. He blocked more and more of Ike's strikes, which seemed to get stronger and stronger. Titania watched, fascinated, gauging the fight.

Abruptly, a sword flash and a long cut on the young man's arm filled with an intense burning. Somehow it didn't cut his uniform but he felt that burn. The natural barrier protected his body from being wounded or deformed, but even that could be shattered. Magic wasn't perfect.

[Ike used Ghost slash.]

[Clyde's HP has dropped to 450%]

[Clyde's MP has dropped to 400%]

[Your increased defenses had reduced damage!]

Clyde's eyes widened. That attack…it cut MP. Fuck! The young man wanted to commend himself for having such an inhuman percentage of HP, but now wasn't the time to celebrate. These were low numbers compared to Selkie and Mortem. He wouldn't be surprised if the real bosses were in the millions. Raid bosses in the games commonly had this much health.

He sheathed his sword and pulled out his staff. Normally, the young man wouldn't dare do such a stupid rookie move, but risks had to be taken for crazy plans.

Ike swung for him, but Clyde felt the vibration through his mystic senses and dodged accordingly. Then he flash stepped a distance from the enemy, drawing a confused look. Ike seemed to just realized that Clyde had switched weapons.

[Executioner Staff of Merlin. Item class: *Legendary, One of a Kind*. Does Dragon and Volcanic damage. You may trigger its special attack: Balinor's Havoc, after filling the weapon's soul bar to 100%.]

[Soul power: 0%]

[Clyde activated Trust Bond Skill Mimic]

[Trust Bond Skill Mimic. Type: mystic. Class: very rare. Once per day, you will be able to randomly activate a skill from any of your trusted friends. If you do not wish to activate the revealed skill, you may store it for later use; however, if not activated that day, it will vanish from storage. This can be used outside of Mystic wrath.]

[Random skill obtained: Yusuke's Super Precise Sight!]

[Skill stored: Tier 1 Skill: Super Precise Sight.]

[Super Precise sight: For the next minute, all of your attacks will be critical hits! You have a 3% higher chance of landing Crucial attacks and a 1% chance higher of landing Devastating hits.]

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The cooldown for this was insane, so Clyde would hang onto it until needed.

[Clyde's MP has dropped to 330%]

[Clyde activated Giga Death Scattershot]

His staff hummed as it channeled the magic. Ike couldn't make it to him in time. At least one hundred energy balls surrounded him.

[Ike activated Bronze Tier skill: Double All mighty shield!]

[Damage is required for an increase in soul power.]

Clyde decided not to go with this idea—not against this guy. He'd just block it. He switched back to the wind sword and charged. Ike parried his strikes. Abruptly, a glow emerged around the inquisitor scout's sudden spin kick.

Clyde cough blood as he was launched backward several feet.

[Clyde's HP has dropped to 300%]

[Ike used *Dragon Kick.]

"Fuck that hurt," Clyde said. Thoughts of Tear made him remember now wasn't the time to be playing around. He jumped back to his feet, which seemed to have surprised his foe.

"That usually take most people right out of the fight," Ike said.

[Clyde activated Trust Bond Mimic Skill]

[Tier 1 Skill: Super Precise Sight.]

Purple aura surrounded him. He lurched forward and when Ike put up a defense to block, the young man flash stepped to his left.

[Clyde activated *Tier 0 skill: Eternal Soul Wind.]

Sure enough, Ike tried to block it. Clyde laughed.

"I've got a nice surprise for you, you son of a bitch."

The agonizing screams of the inquisitor made the young man wince. So much wind and magic covered him, almost in a blanket of solid gray. Pieces of the road lifted in the air. Some parallel-parked cars were pushed onto the sidewalks.

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[CRITICAL! Ike's HP has dropped from 800% to 1.]

Ike fell to his face, clothes full of tears. He didn't move.

"Holy shit," Clyde said, then viewed his skill.

[*Tier 0 skill: Eternal Soul Wind. Summon an extremely destructive storm upon your enemies. Does severe damage. Does Wind, Dark, and Almighty damage. Chance to paralyze enemies at 3%. Chance to cause Soul blight at 3%. Soul blight damage has a chance to instantly send an enemy's HP to 1%. Souls become vulnerable for the taking while inflicted with this blight. *Due to your high relationship status with Chika, this is an unblockable attack.]

[Ike is paralyzed!]

Clyde was now in a tough position. He could kill this guy and gain a shit ton of EXP or let him go with a message that he and his party should not be fucked with. Both plans were awful, even downright unfair to the young man.

"Let me send him back," Titania said. The young man let out a breath. "My magic will be on him, so they'll think twice before pissing off the fairy queen."

"You know where to send him?" Clyde asked, curious.

"I can sense them, maybe a day away, waiting for the report," Titania said. "The scout is the weakest of the bunch. And you just used way too much MP. Clyde, the real inquisitors may destroy this city with just a wave of their fingers. Not because they're searching, but only to intimidate the local supernatural community. Show their might. They'll set up a magic block to prevent Jumping, warps, any escape. Your home's barrier is strong, but not at the right level for this."


Miles away from Lot City…

Yahiko observed his inquisitors dismantling the camp with the precision of someone with OCD. He just didn't understand the Supreme. Why waste them with such mediocre bitchwork? The entire inquisition! As the leader, who personally trained his brothers, even he knew this was a level of overkill that made him question the sanity of their own empress. For a little bit. Maybe that's why she wanted Tear quickly captured then trained so that she could replace her. The arch demon felt like their current Supreme was irreplaceable. Her power rivaled the gods. She accomplished a lot—and ultimately want a land where humans and monsters live together in a single society. A foolish, giddy dream, but Yahiko supported her regardless. She's perhaps the strongest of their kind alive and that amazing power was worth following.

Tear, however, was the least of Yahiko's worries. In fact, the succubus replacement didn't even make his list.

He could sense it, roaming this plane, possibly confused or incredibly angry. A legendary creature in which its name never left the tongues of anyone with even an ounce of wit. A being with an extraordinary ability to sense magic would not be able to miss, what the deities label World Bosses. The Thousand Year Dragon had succumb to the empresses influence, but that didn't mean the safety of this world. Such a creature knew nothing about sex or succubus mindsets. Hell, she might even take orgasmic pleasure in killing. Nothing unexpected for a creature that only knew destruction. Right in their homeland.

The empress should have the inquisition working out a way to secure her, not wasting time on petty missions. This felt like an insult to he and his brothers. They who defended the name of the Supreme should not be treated like fetch dogs.

As if things couldn't get any worse, rumors of the Fallen God being on the move continued to spread. A goddess who called herself a god and continues to do to the point where it gained her an unbreakable reputation. Her religion is famous among monster girls. Why was she moving? Could it be due to the stone-viper games?

"What is taking the scout so long?" Yahiko barked. They were an inquisition of order. An example to the Supreme Palace. An example to the Monster Kingdoms. An example to the world. Such sloppy work was not allowed, not even dreamed of. They were trained to be efficient.

"He's almost an hour late," an inquisitor named Axem said. "Should I go check things out?"

"You know just as well as I do that—" Yahiko's voice trailed off when magic surrounded the entire camp. A fog appeared in front of the two men. A second later, it formed into a brutally beaten Ike.

Rage like never before blasted through Yahiko's eyes. No one would insult the inquisition like this and expect to live another day. The magic he felt…

"Why in the Supreme's name would the fairy queen commit such treachery?" Axem said. "Sir—"

"This is a declaration of war," Yahiko interrupted. "But I'm not going to bite the bait. The Supreme's orders mean everything, but we have our own code for a reason."

"Are we really going to put that to use and ignore the Supreme's orders?" Axem said. "Sir, that code can be interpreted as treachery. And you know she'll rebuild the entire inquisition without a second thought. Look. He's still breathing, so calm yourself, Commander."

Yahiko nodded. He wasn't given this power to make hasty decisions that could get his own brothers executed by the empress herself. This…The fairy queen knew, didn't she?

But to insult the inquisition in such a manner and for no reason. The inquisitor leader could not let this go unpunished. Still, wiping out the Fairy Kingdom is not something the Supreme would approve. He was only given this position a year ago, after their previous commander vanished without a trace. A logical choice: select the one in charge of training the force to succeed.

The inquisition did ruthless searches without the Supreme's authority to keep fear stuck into all who knew of them. If they didn't, the world wouldn't take the brothers seriously.

"Fine," Yahiko said, "the mission continues, but with an additional objective." He turned to his gathering men, dressed in white cloaks, black Tang suits beneath them. "Kill Titania. She has foolishly brought down the wrath of our inquisition. We will teach those who believe themselves to be our equals, not to fuck with us."

They cheered. "Axem, lead this charge. As the commander, it is my place to observe and keep an eye out for the heavens or adventurers who get too big in their heads."

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