Clyde's house…

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"Thank you, my husband…for protecting me..." words of hope from the heart…

Tears of the succubus… The look of hope… A worried expression…The words of submission… Time spent together, the first meeting, the battles fought together against incredibly strong opponents. The true, from the heart smiles—symbolizing her love for having Team Stone as her family. To have all of that ripped away…

When Clyde took on a new form, Tear felt him connect to her heart and soul. The intensity of seeing his past, his earth form, overwhelmed her to the point of collapsing. Yet…her cousin dreamed this on a weekly basis due to a bond that no one could understand. Her cousin told no one, not even Clyde about this. And as she knew him more, her love increased.

Tear experienced it and found this other life fascinating. Signs of his powers were from the man's knowledge and athleticism. Everything else seemed sealed, enabling Clyde a normal existence among the civilians of a world called Earth. Why did that match the name of the element, Earth? Tear would ponder on that later.

She needed to process what just happened. Using her magic as a vessel, someone or something helped Clyde achieve a form that took on demonic features rather than angelic. War Stone Mode also known as War Mode or Stone of War. He…really changed himself into some kind of deity of war just to protect her.

Tear felt incredibly moved to the point of…tears falling from her face. Emotions she didn't think still existed within her. Emotions that were supposed to have been beaten out of her many years ago. Alice placed a hand on the succubus's shoulders.

"You know, don't you?"

Tear nodded. There was one more vision in Clyde's past, a tragedy that not even he remembered, but it remained buried in his subconscious. Tears poured from the succubus eyes as the dreadful details flooded back to her. His blood family…She shook away the thoughts. What right did the woman have to invade?

"Are you okay?" Ruri asked. "I've known you for many years and…" Her ears sagged. "Sorry."

"It's okay," Tear said softly. "I…saw something in which I shouldn't have."

"So, should we follow?" Toru said. "I mean… I feel so lost."

"Yeah me too dude," Seth said. "Clyde's always turning into things that I don't understand."

"Tsk, tsk." Natalia hopped on the table. "Simpletons. Isn't it obvious? The power he calls it, stone mode consists of a few separate states. His normal form looks closer to the angelic side of things, while this new state appears to be more demonic. The white-haired form he did with Airi was for nature. So…Celestial, Hell, and then the living planes."

"That literally cleared nothing up," Seth said. "But three forms."

Natalia smacked the young man with a paper fan.

"Don't pretend like I'm speaking nonsense when you got it, dummy-blond head. Baka!" She folded her arms and harrumphed.

"I say we go after him," Airi said.

"What if we get in his way?" Ming said. The room turned to her. Tear sighed.

Just then, the succubus had a feeling of wrongness plunge through her like an arrow. The barrier which surrounded her fiancée's house shattered. And then the feeling of terribly strong power vibrated through the air. The others noticed too, but it was too late. Too late for all of them. A hole burst through the roof and a man leapt down, his grin wide.

"Well now, I should learn to believe in our commander more," the inquisitor said. "To send me off to retrieve you, while they deal with pests." He chuckled then bowed to Tear. "Allow me to introduce myself, Supreme Princess Tear. I am Axel, second in command of the Supreme's great inquisition. I am a man who will be pledging his loyalty to you once you marry the empress and ascend the throne. I will lay down my life to fight for you."

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Axel was a pale man with gray hair. Despite the cloak that covered his body, he was well-muscled and intimidating.

"I decline," Tear said. "I'm happily engaged and will be getting married soon."

Axel chuckled.

"Sorry, Supreme Princess. Do not take this personal, but your compliance isn't a factor here. You already know this, so let's go. No need to keep your future wife waiting."

"The Supreme's marrying?" Melody said. "Why?"

These words bought the team time to compose themselves and ready their weapons. Axel regarded them, nonchalant, unconcerned. Rightfully so.

"Of course," Axel said, "although she still wants a husband for some reason. I think she's going to choose either the Stone or the Viper. I think the burden on saving this pathetic world has finally caught up to her." The man sighed. "Listen, I'm not happy about dragging you off against your will. I respect you, Supreme Princess Tear. You're a legend, lasting the longest in the succession survival initiation. Even if the witch somehow rescued you from the impenetrable dimension. A miracle that no one has figured out yet. A pact that shouldn't be possible."

Natalia walked in front of Tear.

"That's right," she said in a deadly voice. "This is your only warning, inquisitor. If you value your life, back away. Because I will access things that will make even the punishment squad blush, just to protect her."

Axel laughed. Team Stone surrounded him, fighting stances ready, weapons aimed.

"What drives this? You know you're greatly outmatched, yet put on this brave face to give false hope to your friend. Listen, I'm just doing my job and hurting such a cute little face would be quite shameful. It's not like you're going away to die, Supreme Princess. Just for training and a political wedding. Then the Monster Kingdoms are yours. Think about it. You could do whatever you want. Even marry that fiancée of yours into the family."

"You think I'd betray him?" Tear said.

"That's not betrayal, girl," Axel said. "It's called being practical. No one dies, no one gets hurt. Other than the two fools who attacked us first and without provocation. Supreme Princess." He flashed Tear an easy smile. "Seriously, think about it. There's no need to be on bad terms with the inquisition."

"You won't be taking Tear," Natalia snapped. "I'll gladly put my life on the line to defend her happiness."

Axel chuckled, hand raised slightly.

"You can't do much if your power's sealed." He shook his head. "The Supreme thought very highly of you, Princess Tear. To send no one short of the inquisition."

Inquisitor Axel

Level: *???* (this power feels extreme….could it have surpassed one thousand?)

Type: Demon

Work under: *Supreme Demon Lord.

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Special: Void tier skill: Soul Stop. [Warning! Inflicts Magical Seal. All magic and skills will be unusable for a day. Effects all foes within a ten-yard vicinity.]

Weakness: light.

Resistances: dark and water.

Secret: blocked.


Outskirts of Lot City…

Titania could barely breathe. Out of strength, beaten and bruised. Lying next to her in a slightly worse condition…was the young boy she raised. Despite finding the abandoned fairy kid in the middle of the forest, Titania still considered him her son. If only she had the power to block the Supreme's influence. She once asked Celestial for help. They sent down a healing angel named Matsuko, only for the poor woman to succumb to it herself. Ashamed at being sexually crazed, she ran away, and got exposed to taint—some believe from the Fallen god.

The people around this area thankfully were smart enough to run. The inquisition put up a barrier to prevent any further human interference.

"Ashard…" Titania whispered weakly. "I'm truly sorry."

Titania watched in horror as Ashard forced himself to stand.

"Mother, even if we're not related by blood, you still are the one who raised me," Ashard said.

"You know?" Titania said.

"You taught me a lot of things, but being a fool wasn't one of them," he continued. "Unfortunately, I'm plagued by misfortune. From getting hypnotized in Niyoto, to getting caught up in summoning contracts with evil little witchlings, to almost dying constantly. Despite all of that, I hold my head up high. I face whatever life throws at me."

The inquisitor foe ahead gave Ashard a short bow. The others stood to the side, not concerned with interfering. Titania's eyes widened.

She'd give up her soul before allowing her son to die in front of her. She would not!

[Titania invoked Fairy Kingdom's Heart.]

Surrounded in magic that belonged to her kingdom, Titania lurched herself at the inquisitor and actually landed a solid hit. Steam emitted from the tall man's cheek, like the burnout of a tire, but he didn't budge.

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Thrusting a palm forward into his chest, the fairy queen prepared to access forbidden magic. The inquisitor's long sword flashed. She saw the crimson fountain, yet he stood in front of her, refusing to fall. Her son.

"INQUISITOR!" Ashard's rage shook the area as he quickly pushed both palms forward.

[Ashard activated Gold tier skill: Unlimited Steps to the Planes of Styx.]

[Ashard's magic was negated.]

[Inquisitor Huin used Void tier skill: Luck's End.]

Titania saw Ashard drop, and he didn't move.

[Ashard's HP has dropped to 1%]

[Ashard has been inflicted with Coma.]

A burst of extreme pain rattled Titania's face and all she could feel is herself floating backward. When she hit the concrete of the sidewalk, she realized that she took a booted kick to the face. As if things couldn't get any worse, the heat of volcanic magic washed over her and she screamed. Oven-searing heat. Her own natural barrier that prevented her hair, clothing, and skin from catching on fire began to crack.

The inquisitor pulled the weakened woman up by the hair.

"All of this could've been avoided if you simply stayed out of the way. We are quite proficient at our jobs and not even some fairy queen can stop us. You may be considered a deity, but you do not have the full power of a mighty one." He smashed his fist into the woman's face, drawing blood, then again and again, tossing her to the side at the fourth swing. Another wave of magic seared Titania and she just wished for death.

[Titania's HP has dropped to 0.8% ]

[Titania has been inflicted with Hopelessness.]

The inquisitor spat to the side.

"Wouldn't this be the part where we reveal ourselves as barbarians and volunteer her up for some fun?"

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"Don't even joke like that," another inquisitor said. "Our title was bought with blood. Anyway, kill her so we can move on."

"No, I like the idea of turning her into a maid. Let's disable her magic and make her a pleasure woman."

"I said enough joking," the inquisitor said. "I don't feel like getting my ass chewed out by the commander today. It's already bad enough that the Supreme's using us like fetch dogs."

"You're right, but I still want to fuck her," Huin said as he walked over to the hopeless fairy queen. "Why must the beautiful ones die?" He plunged his blade down….but met concrete? "What the hell? Who's that?"

"I don't know, but he creeps me out," an inquisitor said. "His magic…it feels so chaotic."

"Is he a demon like us?"

"Hey you, drop our prey," Huin said to the being. That man….grinned. "Pssh, the cocky son of a bitch has no idea who we are. I'll take care of him."

For some reason, the sky darkened. The winds picked up in an unnatural manner. What was this pressure? An inquisitor of the Supreme did not feel nervous. Maybe excitement. Still…not even an inquisitor had the ability to make the weather act strange…

Glowing purple crackles etched through the skies like shattered glass. The atmosphere felt…red.

But…an inquisitor was excellent at eliminating any threat. No matter what this man's magic did, they were still superior magic-wise, training, and strength. They were trained to be unstoppable… But something about this…felt different.


Nearing Clyde's house…

Asu had at last pinned down the trail of her master. For some reason, whatever it was that blocked his place of power, vanished. Shattered barrier? Maybe he unleashed too much power, unable to measure his own strength. Her master's awesome like that.

"Praise the Stone! Praise the Stone!" she sang, cheerfully. Dressed in a black dress, cloak up so no one would spot her out in public, Asu pushed on, determined to get her favorite master to take her in. She had to serve. She'd do whatever it took to prove herself.

Asu was a lich, but not just any kind. She knew things that could bring the punishment squad of the heavens down on her head. "I wonder what kind of Y-pop I could get him into? I wonder if he likes sweet bean paste. It goes great on Lewdlands phallic plain cakes! She couldn't wait to introduce him to such deliciousness.

Asu walked up to the door, unchallenged, which put her on guard. Something felt….off. For a lich, that was alarming! Should she turn around? No. She came all this way—a trial by her master—that's what this had to be!

"Oh great Stone," she said, blushing. "I'll overcome anything you set before me!"

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