[You have entered *fierce combat!]

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Inquisitor Huin

Level: *???* (this power feels extreme….could it have surpassed one thousand?)

Type: Demon

Work under: *Supreme Demon Lord.

Special: Void tier skill: Luck's End. [Warning, this skill negates magic! Has a chance to inflict *Coma!]

Weakness: light.

Resistances: dark.

Secret: blocked.

Clyde gave Titania his last Super Health Potion.

"Take Ashard and go," he said softly. The fairy queen looked as if she wanted to protest, but seeing the godling's eyes changed her mind. "Jump anywhere that's not this city or the fairy kingdoms."

The second the blonde woman left with her son, Clyde eyed the inquisition.

"You were really going to kill her," he said then shook his head.

The inquisitor, Huin chuckled then spat to the side. "I don't care what you are. You will be crushed by the inquisition! Brothers, stand aside. I will end this."

He blurred toward Clyde, sword raised.

[*Ancestral Spirit Lineage.]

Clyde felt the instincts make inaudible suggestions. The feelings and experiences of some of the most powerful warriors in existence, flooded his veins. He pushed Huin's sword to the side with the wind blade. The first of his free hand smashed into the face of the inquisitor. That didn't stop the tall, blue-skinned demon from coming at him with an incredible technique of his own.

Clyde instantly calculated the blade's angle, speed, and destination in less than a heartbeat. He sidestepped accordingly, counterattacking using fists instead of his blade. And he managed to stagger the inquisitor.

Clyde thrust a palm at his prey.

[Clyde activated Special tier skill: Savage death energy ball.]

His hand shook as the orange ball of magic blasted from it like a rocket launch. Shockwaves shattered the windows of the buildings nearby. And when it collided with the demon, it created a mushroom cloud of magic and smoke and bright white light.

[Huin's HP has dropped to 500%.]

The inquisitor's cloak and clothes were full of rips and dust. He coughed then snarled.

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"The inquisition will not be humiliated!"

[Huin has invoked inquisitor's authority. All stats increased. MP increased. Focused.]

His aura seemed to combat Clyde's somehow.

[Huin acted Void tier skill: Luck's Spear.]

Clyde's mystic senses normally would've chimed, but the Ancestral spirit lineage overrode them. He flashed stepped directly in front of Huin, sword sheathed, engaging him in hand to hand martial arts. The two fought fast, but…

The inquisitor teleported away from Clyde, falling to a knee.

[Huin has been inflicted with Echoing blight.]

[Huin has been inflicted with utter agony.]

The inquisitor bled from his mouth as the ghost blows continued to rain on him.

"You'll pay dearly for interfering with the inquisition," Huin said, pointing at the young man. "To act against the Supreme is to act against the world."

Clyde shook his head.

"I am not interested in the politics of your Supreme," he snapped. "She's someone who have fooled you into following her selfish intentions, while fucking up the world even more."

All of the inquisitor's unsheathed their swords. He continued. "From monster girls, to declining male populations, to worsening political affairs, disappearing adventurers, and the list goes on. But I suppose I cannot expect for a Supreme demon lord to be some kind of saint."

The inquisitors took one step toward Clyde, until a voice spoke up.

"Stand aside, my brothers, and I'll take care of him. Insulting the Supreme when you don't know a damned thing about her will get you killed."

Clyde grinned, purple eyes glowing brighter.

"Oh? I've touched a nerve. This Supreme may be worth meeting. And dethroning."

The new inquisitor's sword was at Clyde's neck, drawing blood, before he knew it. Before the passive skill could activate.

[Ki remaining: 80%]

[FP remaining: 445%]

He was a dark man of Clyde's height with long black dreadlocks, piercing glowing orange eyes, and two fangs mixing in with the rest of his teeth. Dressed in the same uniform of his brothers, he had a vampire-like vibe to him. The young man also felt incredible magic surging through the arch demon like a wild tornado. Despite this form….

Leaping backward to safety, Clyde recalled his stats.

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Inquisitor Commander Yahiko

Level: *???* [Future Analyze has revealed the level: 1500.]

Type: Arch Demon

Work under: *Supreme Demon Lord.

Special: Void tier skill: Soul Dying Light. [Warning! This attack will destroy the entire city! Survivors will be petrified.]

Weakness: Purity x 2. Holy x2. Light. Deity x2.

Resistances: dark and all of its attributes (complete resistance). Fire, Earth, Purity, Holy, Light, Angel.

This resistance…. The ancestral passive skill was incredible, but the young man hadn't adjusted to it quite yet. Despite all of the fights, Clyde realized he needed more combat training. This form…overwrote his mystic combat, expecting him to perfectly execute millions of fighting styles, react to millions of situations, even predict and move ahead of the opponent all in a fraction of a second.

Clyde grinned. None of that mattered, except the thrill of battle. Something about this man, made Clyde want to kill him. Well, maybe not kill him—rather face off with him repeatedly. This effect of his War state... Just what did Venus do to him?

The two faced off, swords at the ready.

"Come," Yahiko said.

[*You have challenged the Inquisition*]

[Supreme Quest: Defeat the inquisition. Level: Impossible. Reward: Unknown.]

[Losing this fight could result in a possible game over.]

[Yahiko has invoked inquisitor's authority.]

[You are being confronted with overwhelming power…]


[This may not be a fight you can win…]

As Clyde and Yahiko circled each other, the young man processed the most unreasonable quest ever. The Watchers…were sentencing him to die. After all of the effort he put in…

Yahiko's katana flashed right into the godling's face. Except…Clyde caught it with one hand, deadly calm. It cracked. Blood dripped.

"Time and time again, I keep putting the lives of my friends in danger," Clyde said. "All of this because of the stone-viper games. Deemed safe and now sentenced to die." He chuckled. He didn't intend for a friendship speech, but they…were his family. They kept him from being alone on this planet.

[Clyde's HP has dropped to 300%]

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Yahiko pulled back his blade.

"Take the hand that's dealt to you kid and own it."

Clyde gasped.

[Yahiko activated Void tier skill: Void god's crackling bolt.]

Clyde walked through it, seemingly unaffected. But…

[Clyde's HP has dropped to 150%]

Undeterred, Yahiko swung his blade. Clyde blocked. Then watched as the wind sword shattered. The searing heat of the inquisitor's stab into his chest made him clench his teeth. He spat blood.

[Clyde's HP has dropped to 12%]

Yet, the godling still grinned, dodging Yahiko's lightning-fast swings. Come on monologue.

"You're clearly not at my level," the inquisitor said. "Why do you fight? Supreme Princess Tear will be in great care, married to the empress. The Monster Kingdoms will be theirs. Why waste your time with a fight that you cannot win? Do you not have a goal of your own? Is it worth bothering with this?"

Clyde gazed into the arch demon's eyes and through his soul, which surprisingly existed. He saw that the commander…held back. The godling had abused Stone Mode many times to take on levels much higher than his, but this was…far above the limit.

Even if Stone mode removed Clyde from the leveling system, giving him equal footing with many foes, Yahiko's words implied a threat. One that would cost many lives.

Void tier skills ate through his health like a weakness.

Tear's face flashed through his mind, out of all the times. Her words, her tears, and her heart. But...

"I think we're done here," Yahiko said, sheathing his sword. "Tear has been secured. The Supreme still wants to add a husband into her mix. It will be you or the Viper."

The inquisition vanished via Jump. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

[The battle was canceled.]

Tear was gone…

Clyde laughed. As if. To think the inquisitors fell for such a rudimentary trick. Trained and proficient his ass. He was just a decoy. Give Asu the call by magic and feels, change her to Tear with Melody's magic, and make sure the fairy queen didn't die from his reckless plan.

As if he wouldn't use the goddess he had on his side.

The war transformation winked out.

"All it took was a convincing show," he said. Melody's illusion spell would last at least a day. Every word from the lich's mouth would be something Tear would say.

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A pity though, but the weirdo wouldn't die. After all, she agreed to this back in the cave.

"I will give you a trial and if you pass, I will allow you to become a Stone Maiden," Clyde whispered to her. "We'll call it, Plan B. First, you're incredibly powerful, so no dying. You will be taking a trip to the Supreme's castle. Do whatever she says for a day, then leave my message."

"Kanako," Clyde said, "I'm ready for my third wish. Shoot, I'll have just the extra one you gave me after this."

Kanako peeked from around a flipped car. Her legs shifted to her spiritual tail as she anime-dove into Clyde, hugging his waist, tears streaming. "Can I wish for more wishes?"

"The contract prevents it," the genie said sadly.

Clyde nodded.

"Make it so that the Supreme nor her inquisitors can never find this city again."

"I can only do that for the inquisition," Kanako said, "but I will not grant it due to the flaw."

"Right," Clyde said. "If they figure it out, they could leave the inquisition and come back to snipe our asses. Is there any way to prevent them from returning?"

"I can try…but I need spirit energy," Kanako said.

And so the duo found an alleyway and Clyde gave her that spirit energy.

"Why didn't you tell the others about the plan?" Kanako said.

"Only Melody, Natalia, and Asu needed to know for it to be convincing," Clyde said. "The others would follow the lead of Natalia. And then the stall fest would begin." He sighed. "I Jumped right as I felt the second-in-command take off. My presence there would've ruined everything. Then we would've been fucked. The only miscalculation was Ming recklessly asking Venus for help."

Clyde sat on the sidewalk. "It kind of hurt to not be trusted enough to pull everyone through." Kanako raised a finger to protest, but the young man continued. "I know, it's not her fault. And I'll have access to some sweet new powers. The problem was, I couldn't get rid of this so-called War form in favor of my other stone mode state. I was also too damn excited. Thank god that form covered it up."

Kanako prepared the casting.

"I just received the confirmation that everything is cleared." She showed Clyde his phone.

"Thanks for holding that for me," he said as he read the coded text. Just in case shit hit the fan, and the inquisitor decided to be a coy asshole for some reason.

Clyde knew this was simply a temporary solution. The inquisition was going to be blood thirsty. When they eventually broke the spell, the young man would be ready.

Team Stone would be ready…

The red cloaked being had seen a lot of things in his life, but never a man facing the inquisition by himself and survive. On the outside, it seemed as if the commander spared him, but the red cloaked being saw through the façade. The Stone wasn't actually fighting! He was being a decoy for the main force. Stalling for time, even letting his health drop on purpose.

His freaky new form still produced the weather-affecting chills, but despite his strength, they still had him in numbers. There…was no real guarantee that he'd survive, but anyone of his caliber could simply run. Teleport away, even Jump. With a complete mission from a long and tiring campaign, the inquisition wouldn't have deemed the effort of chasing worth it. This…what kind of intellect did the Stone have to come up with a plan that fooled everyone.

Still, the red cloaked being would not be in this city when the fog cleared from the inquisition's heads. Furious is an understatement for them. Blood thirsty? Judging by the amount of magic that genie cast, they had at least four months to prepare…Not a lot of time…

That beautiful genie was a blessing…

The red cloaked being bowed to the Stone then made his Jump, cackling.

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