Lot City Outskirts…

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Asu stared down at the five vaporized inquisitors. She bowed to the air twice.

"Oh, great Stone! My master! My love! I know I have proven myself." She snuck into the prophet's tent. Ming's eyes widened.

"Shh." Asu sliced off her ropes without even touching them. "We've got to go, go, go! Master's here and he's angry. I met him on the way. He said to free you."

Ming nodded, grateful.

"We'll leave this to Clyde."

"Praise the Stone! All hail the Stone! And when I get him in bed, he'll ask me to wed! Doo-da-do-dumm."

Ming sighed, deciding it was best to ignore the lich's annoying singing. At least she had some clothes on.

"By the way, how were you able to get past the inquisitors?" Ming asked.

"I made an invisibility potion," Asu said, then smiled. As Ming glared, the lich knuckled her forehead and stuck out her tongue. "I'm just an adorable alchemist."

"Don't try to make this all cutesy," Ming deadpanned.

"There's something Master kept from the others,"Asu said as she hurried Ming from the camp.

"And that is?" Ming asked.

"He believes that it's simply impossible to bring back those who died," Asu said. "The Watchers themselves allowed it to happen and still don't care to do anything about it."

"Thousands upon thousands died…" Ming said softly. "The Watchers surely couldn't…"

"It's a shame," Asu said, then pumped a fist. "I would pay to see my master put those Punishment squad jerks in their places too." Asu let out a cheerful sigh. "It doesn't matter. Everyone in this city will have a nice dream. Even its dead. In that dream, they will see my master fight the inquisition for their sakes. Well, just the stupid grumpy boss guy. The other guys will probablyyyyy get torn to pieces."

Ming blinked.


"It's in the air," Asu said. "It took me a few hours to set it up, channel the spells to the grumpy boss man. Other stuff I can't tell you. Of course if he loses, I will have to take my own life for shaming him."

Ming facepalmed.

"Let's just keep moving."


A rematch after losing…

Approaching the Inquisitor Camp…

Clyde became one with death, the desire to kill, and the ghosts of the city, screaming for vengeance. The one attribute missing from war stone mode was the blood thirst. The dead couldn't return, but they'd be fucking avenged. Two million, died for no reason at all. The god would not allow this to happen again.

One eye became purple, the other crimson. Large bat-like wings sprouted from his back. Short claws replaced his nails. His hair grew long. He took on a calm poise that would've felt like a spring, holding back a giant trap, to onlookers.

Blood-like black and crimson aura surrounded him. The sky became red with midnight cracks down the center of it.

The true Stone of War mode had awakened…

[*God of Blood and Vengeance.]


The inquisitors were baffled, but drew their swords and charged at who they should be running from.

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[You have entered Slaughter combat…]

[Immense unstoppable pressure.]

[Enemy HP reduced by 80% due to Clyde's pressure.]

[Enemy attack and defense has been reduced by 80%.]

[All enemies charging are now inflicted with mute.]

[All enemies charging you have been inflicted with Utter Supreme Terror.]

[All enemies charging have been inflicted with paralysis due to terror.]

Clyde drew his blade then sheathed it, five hundred times the speed of light. Ninety heads rolled off their bodies. The purple flames of despawning reflected in the young man's eyes.

The last four inquisitors, which included Axem rushed out of their tents, having no idea what happened.

Their visions split. The bodies cut in half exploded into purple flames before hitting the ground.

"Unbelievable." Yahiko stepped out of the darkness, beneath the moon light, surrounded in the aura of inquisitor authority. "My men…" He took a deep breath, eyes glowing. "When I avenge them, I will destroy everything you love. No one will survive this time. Come! Let's settle this!"

[Prompts delayed…]

Inquisitor Commander Yahiko

Level: 1500

Type: Arch Demon

Work under: *Supreme Demon Lord.

Special: Void tier skill: Soul Dying Light. [Warning! This attack will destroy the entire city! Survivors will be petrified.]

Weakness: Purity x 2. Holy x2. Light. Deity x2.

Resistances: dark and all of its attributes (complete resistance). Fire, Earth, Purity, Holy, Light, Angel.

[You have entered a Showdown.]

[*The Inquisition has challenged you*]

[FM: 492%] [Ki: 94%]

Yahiko, coated in his inquisitor authority, took a stance, blade facing Clyde.

Clyde didn't move, seemingly unguarded. Judging by his focused expression, the inquisitor commander wasn't fooled. He slowly approached, then swung. But…

The inquisitor commander made a mistake. A mistake that he wouldn't have ever predicted. As Clyde's sword plunged and twisted in his heart, the Ancestral Spirit Lineage recorded. One should never challenge someone with the passive skill twice.

Not even the god realized it. Yahiko teleported back, coughing blood, and chugging what the god assumed was a potion.

[Yahiko used Hyper potion!]

[Yahiko is unable to heal due to Clyde's unstoppable pressure.]

[Yahiko's HP has dropped to 200%]

[Yahiko has been inflicted with Fatal bleeding.]

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Clyde blurred over and backhanded him into a tent. Lamp oil spilled. When the god's bloody aura touched, the oil ignited.

"This…this can't be," Yahiko said. "How…"

Tear's magic continued to jet through Clyde's veins. He almost felt as if she was with him. And she would not tolerate living in fear of her abductors. These murderers.

Yahiko aimed a hand at Clyde.

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[Yahiko activated Void tier skill: Soul Dying Light. Inquisitor's authority has made this an unblockable attack.]

Clyde's eyes widened, realizing that this man had decided to be a sore loser. He…

Suddenly, an incredibly intense sound made Yahiko cover his ears. It was like thousands of fire alarms, juiced on steroids by magic, and set to destroy the world's hearing.

[Alice used Natzo Sound Bomb.]

His life mate just saved the city. Acting on the opening, Clyde looked as if he barely moved. All Yahiko could see were flying arms.

<<<You have requested to delete Yahiko from existence. Proceed?>>>

The horrible sound finally faded.

Clyde stared at the screaming man with cold eyes. But he did not delete. He could make an example, however, giving this one an easy death after….

The screams of two million ghosts erupted from the city. Men, women, and children. Even a few Sato academy students, professors. People of many professions, living their lives, innocent, yet condemned to death.

He picked up Yahiko by the throat and faced the enormous horde of bitter spirits.

"You are rightfully angry," the god said. "And you will not be damned for taking your revenge."

He hurled the inquisitor commander at the masses. Purple flames and spiritual screaming painted the night.

Seconds later, the mass simultaneously gave Clyde a bow. He returned it. They rose into the air, bursting into sparkles of white light.

"Rest in peace," Clyde said softly.

Mortem watched, preparing the magic required to fix the physical structure of the city. There was nothing that could be done about the lives lost. The Genesis Omen Director maybe. Clyde himself, maybe one thousand years from now, would have the ability to restore entire planets of people with a thought.

Mortem glanced at the ruined city.

"Clyde, you will have to do much better than this if you want to get through the next day. But hey, at least Ridout Enterprises remained untouched."

Abruptly, Mortem's eyes widened. He followed Clyde's sudden upward gaze. It couldn't be…

He bellowed a laugh.


Clyde watched a woman, watch him. She was an interesting one. Her wings were of two different beings: fallen angel and demonic. Yet despite having two different types, she made it look elegant. One purple eye, one gray eye, complementing a beauty of tan skin, long silver hair, with a height similar to Harumi. Her clothing resembled that of a belly dancer's—the dress itself being an expensive array of purple and silver.

When the woman landed, her wings vanished. She licked her lips.

"I must say, that is quite a way to introduce yourself to the nations," the woman said. "So mystery warrior, who are you?" Clyde said nothing, just watched, expressionless. "Ah, a man of few words. No matter." She stepped toward the god.

"I have an offer, one that would certainly help our world."

Clyde tilted his head, eyes still cold. The woman seemed amused. "Join me." She teleported in front of the god. He didn't miss the flicker of surprise in her eyes, probably realizing that worthless seduction magic did not work on him.

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"A demon…no, you're not a demon. I don't know what you are."

The woman caressed his chin, lust shining in her eyes. She whispered, "to think I'd get turned on by the way you moved your sword."

Licking her lips, she spoke again. "Join me, warrior. I'm on a mission to make this world a better place for everyone, every sentient being who only wishes to live a peaceful life among society."

Clyde looked at the city. The woman continued, not quite desperate, but maybe hopeful. Or overconfident. "You do not have to answer me now. I will come again."

She pressed her body against the young man. "If we team up, tragedies like this will never happen again."

Clyde threw back his head and laughed.

"Mystery woman, who by the way is suspicious as hell. If you're a watcher, then tell me. How do you prevent supernatural beings from destroying civilization at will."

"And that's why you must join me," the woman said. "I'll even pay you for your service. I need a sword that can—"

"I decline," Clyde said.

"I'm afraid I cannot allow you to just go," the woman said softly. "I want you. A husband with the punishing hand of a god as well as the courage to take on the entire inquisition by himself. A woman's wet dream." She licked her lips. "I want you more than…her."

That hint confirmed Clyde's suspicious.

"So…you're her."

The woman smiled.

"You know of me. Good. You've proven yourself by taking out a bunch of disobedient fools."

"Disobedient?" Clyde said. "You mean you don't give inquisitors orders to wipe out civilizations that won't bend to your will? Don't lie to me. I can smell lies."

The woman sighed.

"Such an annoying stereotype for anyone with my title. I do not give orders that hurt people or society. I just want to save it—both human and monster. Unfortunately, a spell of mine went wrong some time ago. Day in and out, neither I nor my trusted circle have found any ways to reverse it."

"Your influence, huh?" Clyde said.

"It's not my influence, just a spell that went wrong," the woman said then let out an exasperated sigh. "Come at me with your sword. I feel the need to tone down your arrogance."

"You're a bossy one," Clyde said. "First demanding me to join you and now wanting a fight."

"That's Empress to you," the woman said. "Show me your strength. I'll even go easy."

The god analyzed the woman.

-Supreme Demon Lord Lilith-

Level: *???* (This power made even deities weary of her…)

Type: Royal Succubus

Work under: N/A.

Special: ???

Weakness: none.

Resistances: ???

Secret: blocked.

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Abruptly, Lilith looked up, then placed her lips next to his ear, as if to nibble. Damn did she smell good. He didn't need to analyze to immediately figure out the woman was no ordinary noble succubus.

"Unfortunately a direct representative of Them is here. Remember my offer, for I shall return. And I'll make a fine husband out of you, mystery warrior."

"I told you I—"

The Supreme demon lord was already gone.

Clyde sighed.

"Show yourself."

Mortem clapped three times.

"You really are the ultimate ladies' man." He laughed.

"You're just jealous." Clyde shook his head. "Shouldn't you be reporting this to the Watchers?"

"I'm here to fix this damn city," Mortem said.

"You know it's impossible to bring back the lost lives," Clyde said. "There are just—"

"Oh it's possible, just not by me," Mortem interrupted.

"Why didn't the Watchers stop this?" Clyde snapped, his god chant returning.

"You're yelling at a simple messenger," Mortem said. "I don't ask them questions, just complain about the work behind their backs. You should realize that the Watchers do not directly interfere with the world. They have entities for that. Lot City was marked by Lady Fate. Word spread that Selkie simply delayed the inevitable."

Clyde felt like hitting Mortem, but restrained himself. He was actually glad the pointy-eared ass sugarcoated nothing.

"Inevitable? INEVITABLE?" Clyde's bloody aura raged.

"As much as I'm terrified of Lady Venus," Mortem said, "she did try to stop it. Unfortunately, Morrigan and Odin cut her influence off from Satovia. She was pissed." The entity pointed at Clyde. "Heed my warning again, godling. There is a conflict among the gods that you should do your best to stay out of. I can see that you took my advice and avoided seeking Venus. But now she knows where to find you."

"All of you are dangerous," Clyde snapped, "but if it wasn't for her, I'd be dead. Why should I continue avoiding her?"

"Because she's too horny," Mortem said. Clyde blinked. "Not only could she drag you into the conflict, but into her personal affairs. She's a highly sought-after goddess. If any of those men find out about you, her obsession, you'll be squashed like a bug. Then I'll be next just for serving her. Jealousy—"

"I thought so," Clyde said, releasing the transformation.

"What? You—"

"My guess was a husband, actually," Clyde said. "I don't want him going after mine and doing horrible things from the stories, out of spite."

Mortem blinked.

"So you have grown a bit wise." He nodded. "Get back to your friends, godling. Oh and the next time you see Selkie, tell her to stop calling me Pippy. Lady Venus is calling me that now and it's getting really annoying."

Clyde chuckled.

"I'll suggest some more colorful names to her."

Mortem sighed.

"You mortals. Annoying, the lot of you."

The entity teleported above the ruined city. With just a wave, magic poured across the destruction, reversing time for it. An efficient repair. "Tell that girl to undo the petrification."

Clyde made the Jump to his friends, a lot on his mind. And he was considering Lilith's offer, just to spite the Watchers. She may prove to be a useful asset.

The delayed prompts awaited him.

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