Strongly Guarded Throne Room…

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Tear's photo was facedown, as images and fantasies of that warrior clouded the Supreme's thoughts. Lilith pulled the fingers from herself as she came for the fourth time. Something about him, a menace, created a thrill that drove the succubus into lust. She had so many questions, but the presence of the Watchers on that city was just too strong at that moment. To think they'd actually allow her disobedient inquisitors to destroy a city. Very, very strange behavior for the watchers. They were guardians of humanity, frustrating the hell out of demon lords with their entities, but ever since that awful segregating barrier vanished, the Watchers began to take their eyes off Satovia. Just…what was going on in Celestial?

If Lilith was an evil demoness, she would've jumped at the opportunity to conquer the world instead of saving it. Her dream—for all monsters…monster girls and humanity to live together in the same society, felt so far away. However, not all hope was lost. She'd rebuild the inquisition later, under new principals.

That mysterious warrior…was he a part of the stone-viper games? If so, which crest could he be… Stone or Viper? Or maybe the Leaf, Wind, or Falcon. What if he was the rumored sixth one? Pfft, as if that existed.

Lilith blinked. That city was where Tear lived…and that mysterious warrior. The empress just knew he and Tear were acquainted. He swung his incredible blade to protect her from the face of the inquisition, by himself!

"Damn that's romantic," Lilith said. A pity though. Her inquisition had one job. Bring the successor back without harming her…The empress quickly check the city for Tear's power signature. Perfect health. "Good. When Tear's ready, she'd unleash a power that would make mine seem weak."

She just hoped Tear wasn't lovers of the sort with that warrior. Lilith wanted him! And his power could be useful. He declined her offer, but she'd let him think on it.

She walked over to her pile of treasure. Men liked swords, right? What if she gave the warrior something irresistible in exchange for a…partnership? Be her public symbol.

She faced her fair share of deities back then, but never the Stone or Viper. Lilith was powerful, but not a fool. Protagonists and Antagonists are in their own realm of ridiculous power that outsiders like her couldn't compare to.

She thought about her armies and then the failure of the inquisition. Shameful. Her original inquisitor commander was an angry bastard of an old man, but did things right. Tear's father. Why did he feel so dispassionate about his daughter? He even borderline hated her. Demons and power.

Lilith sighed. So many thoughts barreled through her head, but she at last knew of Tear's location. Well, she knew of the city, not of her dwelling. She could send a spy to figure that out. She looked at Tear's facedown photo. She had betrayed her by falling into lust for a…But…why?

"Is he the Stone or the Viper? And do I really want to involve myself with the stone-viper games?"

Lilith blushed heavily as thoughts of the warrior came into her head. "Dammit! This is frustrating."


Walking home...

[Battle completed! Incredible Victory! Reward: 500M EXP. 400M dollars.]

[Your outstanding achievement, defeating the inquisition by yourself has been noted in the *HALL OF FAME.]

[You have earned the title *Grim Reaper. People will think twice before angering you…]

[You are no longer considered a godling, but a god. And an unpredictable one at that…]

[Congratulations, you have reached levels 101-123. You have learned the special ability, *Fly! You may use this outside of combat.]

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[Your reputation has increased to level 7… Your reputation has increased again, to level 8…I believe in you.]

[System alert! Some Watchers are truly fearing you. These particular people believe you are no different from the Viper.] Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

[Due to witnessing your fight, through a spell from Asu, the people of Lot City believe you to be more than what meets the eye. Some believe you to be a god sent to save humanity, others call you a superhero. You have unlocked the *Faith system.]

[Someone has attempted to block the adaptation of the Faith system. Your natural barrier has blocked the mental attack from above. Warning, someone in Celestial has broken the law. The system has auto-reported this. An investigation will be launched on your behalf.]

[Faith system: an unpredictable system that could level you up based on acquired faith, give you access to faith-based skills, or trigger random events, similar to that of your talent. Hidden stat increases and bonus. The more followers you draw in, the stronger you become, as well as your influence. Think about how heroes tend to have so many followers and legends about them… ]

[Faith level has jumped to level 20 due to the new believers. Unbelievable! You have been awarded 50 free points and 50 faith points.]

[Faith level 20. Faith points: 50.]

[The faith store will appear on your menu every last Sunday of the month. Like the ID store, you can only make one purchase.]

[You have learned faith passive skill: heavenly aura.]

[Defeating the inquisition by yourself has caught the interest of someone incredibly powerful. The watchers are in disarray, calling a sudden meeting.]

[The tales of your achievement will be spread far and wide! You are on your way to becoming a true legend.]

[It is recommended to take some time off from combat and handle your studies, before setting off on your adventure quest. ]

[Tear has fallen head over heels in love with you.]

[Alice's pride for you has increased!]

[Severe strain has locked off your Stone mode for a while. You will be notified when it is available again.]

Clyde felt overwhelmed by the prompts, but took them in one stride at a time. First, he had to deal with the hard fact that the Supreme demon lord herself appeared, but then left. Why? Even if the inquisition followed their own orders, she was ultimately responsible for sending them. Clyde did not forget that. Why the sudden change?

She asked of his identity, as if the young man would be foolish enough to just fork over that information. While his anime trope senses didn't tingle on that one—there were plenty of myths and legends about powerful beings using the hero's name, even a hair or two with blood to track him. The name seemed to be among the most important things needed for them

As Mortem restored the city, Clyde explained everything to his friends, including the Supreme demon lord's appearance. That way, if some bullshit occurred, like the strain rendering him unconscious, they wouldn't be lost and in the dark about things. The team would develop more plans to outsmart enemies of overwhelming power.

He wondered… Winning a fight wasn't about the level—he and his team took on many stronger foes. Skill, strategy, sometimes numbers, and will power determined the outcome of a battle. So what did a level truly mean? Personal progress. Reaching a certain level meant the possibility of having the stats to obtain a new skill…There could be more to it, but Clyde lived in Satovia for more than two months. He still had much to learn.

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Ultimately, Clyde needed a break from Lot City and he knew exactly how. He wouldn't make any of his friends go, but the young man no longer felt as if he had a true place here. All of the death, was his fault. But going emo and filling himself with self-doubt wouldn't solve a damn thing. He had to push forward, no matter how tough things got.

He wasn't some hero of justice or knight of the light. But the system…acknowledged him as a god. That was still a lot to take in. Just two months on Satovia, he went from being a human to a deity. Sure, he knew this was an anime trope—but…what did that make his family back on earth?

Something about that thought gave him chills. He pushed the ridiculousness aside. Even Arisa…Tessa remembered him from childhood. Maybe being "born" with this power was metaphorical. Like, the moment Mortem pulled him into Satovia.

Otherwise, where was this power when he needed it on earth? Did he actually though…for such a mundane life. Of course not. Even Spiderman could teach him a lesson or two…He blinked.

Great power, comes great responsibility. Still, he wasn't a hero of justice.

Clyde turned to Harumi.

"Let's go to your sister's house after the exams. While we take a break…from this city, we can come up with a way to do something about the dragon threat. Hopefully without bloodshed."

Those last words came out of Clyde's mouth, but he knew damned well that in addition to being the God of Life and Eternity, he was also the God of Blood and Vengeance.

[With more than one crest, which is very abnormal, there is a chance of you being a Supreme god, one step beyond a High god. It is recommended not to tell anyone, other than Selkie, Alena, and your friends. An observer may have some answers.]

"I'll let Liru know," Harumi said, already texting away. "There aren't enough rooms for everyone though."

"I plan to buy a house in her area," Clyde said then addressed his team. "After the exams, I'll be leaving Lot City for a while. I won't force anyone to go with me. As I said, Team Stone is a place to come and go."

"Is Team Stone a place accepting new recruits," Fuyoko said.

"Why?" Airi said, giving her an unreadable look.

"To atone," Fuyoko said. "And…I can't live without Naoko." She pinched the kuudere loli's cheek then scooped her up in an embrace, like an older sister caring from her younger.

Clyde didn't trust Fuyoko, but she did undo all of the petrification to save the rest of the city. He looked over to Sazuki and Kiko then pointed at them.

"Those two graduated Toru's training program," Clyde said. "Do that and we'll see. But of course." He grinned evilly. "We need to get to know each other."

Fuyoko folded her arms around her breasts.

"I'm not that kind of girl."

Clyde sighed.

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"I don't mean it like that, ya pervert."

Fuyoko flushed. Everyone laughed. Matsume patted her on the back.

"We can't just let anyone in Team Stone," Ruri told Fuyoko. "A select number of people, in which I cannot tell you, have the ability to detect lies. Even sniff them out."

Fuyoko shrugged.

"I've got nothing to hide."

"Ah really," Seth said. "Then you should be fine."

"Yuki, prepare the drinks," Clyde said. "I need to get this nightmare out of my head. But…so do you guys, huh?"

"I don't even want to think about it," Toru said. Alice shuddered.

"Don't think about it," Clyde said. "Let's move forward. Mortem is more than likely going to erase the memories of this event from the city." He looked at Asu and Ming. "Asu, do you promise to help Team Stone to the best of your ability?"

"You know I will, Master!" Asu said cheerfully. She grabbed Clyde's left arm, allowing plenty of breast to smother it. Harumi was on his right.

"Then you will be the leader of the Stone Maidens."

"What? But—but—I wanted that honor," Sophia whined. Maki patted her friend on the back. "It's nothing personal."

It wasn't. Having a lich monster girl as his Stone maiden will began the first line of his message to the world.

"She had given up everything to serve," Clyde said. "Saved my prophet, took down five inquisitors somehow, and is some kind of alchemist. Sophia, you will continue to assist Maki, but divide your duties into getting to know your new leader."

"No offense intended, but why is she devoted to you like that?" Fuyoko asked.

"Because I have seen the light!" Asu said. "The Stone is the man I will follow until he discards me like used trashed. Ahhn!"

"Great, she's also an M," Clyde said sarcastically, shaking his head.

"Y—you're the Stone?" Fuyoko said. "It hadn't crossed my mind to even think of the possibilities. I just wanted to survive… But you really had defeated the inquisition by yourself."

"We'll talk about that later," Clyde said as they approached his repaired house. It was strange to see people out and about.

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When Clyde opened the door, Mortem was sitting on the floor in a lotus position, aura surrounding him. He opened his eyes, allowing his shark-like grin to return.

"The Watchers are doing things to the people's memories," Mortem said. "And so the deaths will be blamed on one thing or another. The civilians will believe they've already thrown funerals. Memorial pictures may be in a lot of houses."

"That's just fucked up," Clyde said.

"For once, I agree with you, mortal," Mortem said. "Anyway, as harsh and unforgiving as this is going to sound, let this be a lesson to you. The Watchers don't give a shit about any of us. At least, not anymore, but that's classified information. I don't know what the hell's going on up there to be honest, but you'd better watch yourself, hu…Team Stone. But you don't need me to tell you that. I can see that you've came up with a decision. So don't disappoint me. You'll make me look bad." The entity rose into the air without another word, vanishing in a rift of black sparkles.

"What the fuck was that?" Fuyko said seconds later.

"Mortem," Clyde said. "He's the bastard guide who brought me here. He may be an ass, but he's right about one thing. The Watchers have no fucks to give."

"But that's something we established already, Clyde," Alice said. "The fact that they let the city go boom, only further confirms the truth."

Tear sighed.

"I need a bath and a drink."

"Me too," Melody said. Yuki nodded her agreement.

"I'll find a bath without the likes of the succubus or any boob-cow in it," Kitome said, sparking the group to burst into laughter at her expense. Kanako pouted. Clyde pet the genie.

"I'm glad we didn't have to use that last wish," he whispered to her as she dove into his arms, then of course hugged his waist, legs shifted into a spiritual tail. Airi knew enough about her, but the stars in her eyes still had a million questions. He also saw the exhaustion there too.

"Alright, Team Stone, bath and we're taking a break. Tomorrow's Tuesday anyway. So we don't have classes."

"Lucky for us, all choosing Monday, Wednesday, and Friday," Seth said.

"That's because only the upperclassmen can choose Tuesday and Thursday," Sazuki said. "Most students get stuck with all five days."

Clyde sighed.

"You teach, Miss President."

Sazuki giggled then whacked Clyde with a paper fan she picked up from the table.

"Who's making these?"

Everyone looked at Natalia.

"What?" the loli-witch said.

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