Tuesday. Week 3. Month 2. Year 1. Season: Late Autumn.

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[School: Off day. Classes: Monday, Wednesday, Friday.]

[Current declared fiancée(s): Melody, Alice, Tear.]

[Card bearers in Lot City: 5. Ming (and her friends.) ]

[Cook-off opponents in the city: 80. Harumi, Advanced chef Yuki, Alice, Kitome. The rest are unknown.]

[Stone mode: still recharging. You must rely on your learned strength for now…]

Clyde awoke, smothered in softness. A feeling that resulted in being the ultimate cure for men and even women alike. This wasn't his room. Oh, the drinks. The previous night…

He was naked in Harumi's room, the fox woman, also nude, wrapped around him in a comforting embrace. The tower of Druaga rose to the occasion. She groaned a little in her sleep and moved against it, without knowing. His boner twitched.

He glided it against her. Her fingers dug into his back. A sleep reaction? It was actually cute, but not as fun as her being awake.

Damn after all of the insanity of the previous day, how could he be so horny? Shouldn't he just chillax a bit? Easier said than done. The kitsune's tease simply wouldn't end. He tried to wiggle out of her embrace, but she held strongly.

"Harumi," he said. She didn't respond, her soft breathing only increasing his libido. Abruptly, the fox girl rolled on top of him. He felt himself grin stupidly. Damn what a great morning, he thought. Harumi's tail suddenly curled around the shaft, stroking vigorously. Clyde's breathing became husky as he clenched his fist. "Oh god, Harumi slow it down. Slow it down!"

The fox girl was still asleep. Or at least putting on one hell of an act. "Harumi, ah shit, fuck." The amount of stimulation overwhelmed the young man, but the moment he neared climaxed, the stroking ceased. The young woman stretched and yawned. Then realized she was on top of the young man.

"Good morning," she said. Clyde's stare was blank. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

"Good morning indeed," he said then smirked at the feeling of wetness. "Here, let me return the favor."

He stuck two fingers inside of the young woman. She quickly covered her mouth, a muffled moan just barely escaping. Clyde marveled at the amount of fluid on his fingers.

Harumi guided him inside her. She clenched and rode.

Sweaty and panting, the duo pleasurably wrestled, switching positions, until at last…

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Clyde was enjoying himself too much. So much that he forgot to pull out. His flow seemed never-ending. Harumi's moan pierced the air as she held onto him tightly, face of bliss, her juices pouring like miniature rivers.

They passionately kissed, embracing the moment, connecting.

Then his eyes widened for half a second. Worries couldn't manifest, because Harumi looked back at him with glistening eyes. Eyes of love.

Still rock solid, he started the ride again. The fox girl responded with songs and challenges. Challenges to go harder. The young man happily obliged.

And once again, caught up in the moment, he released inside. Although, he was more aware of it this time.

"Will you marry me?" he said to her. The young woman's juices gushed out even more…She got turned on by the question?

"Did you really just ask me that?" Harumi said then giggled. "Yes I will marry you." Clyde used the last of his materials and jewels to craft the ring in his head. Just for science, he decided to do the unthinkable. He combined it with the sex potion. He also added the crystal dagger for shits and giggles. It…worked. Why did it work?

[You have crafted a complicated item: Cosmic Ring of Mother Nature. Item class: **Unbelievable** Item value: priceless. Unknown traits.]

As he presented a glowing ring to Harumi, time, space, and even light seemed to bend around it. The glow finally ceased when it slipped onto the fox girl's ring finger. It looked like a band coated in millions of stars. A jewel thief's wet dream.

[Harumi has fallen head over heels in love with you.]

Clyde wiped the tears from her eyes, with a single thumb.

"This…is beautiful."

[Your fiancée, Harumi's current mood: heart-fluttering happiness.]

[Base HP and Ki bonus from Harumi: +100%]

[Perk bonus on hold until you marry her: *God tier skill: God Giga Heal. Fully heal all allies within 10 miles of you. The healed person's defenses will be increased by 700% for five minutes. This can be combined with astral projection for omnipotent healing. This skill could bring back any ally from the verge of death. To avoid getting in trouble, do not attempt to use this on the dead.]

[Harumi only knows of the human way of marriage. Help her rediscover the lost Kitsune culture.]

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Clyde thought that maybe he was given some kind of break. But the following prompt snuffed away such nonsense.

[You have planted a seed in Harumi.]

Careless…Reckless. Did he mess up big time? Why did he not feel remorse over this?

He let out a sigh. How could he feel remorse when he loved the woman?

Clyde needed a drink. Could he break this news to Harumi? Did he have the right?

[She took in two of your loads. She will take a pregnancy test.]

[You are achieving greatness. Kitsune can only mate with deities to birth pureblood children. This is a step in the right direction to reviving the lost race.]

[Congratulations, desu.]

[All skills have gained a level.]

[Harumi's Ki attributes increased by 1.]

Clyde gazed into Harumi's eyes. She snuggled into him. She definitely appreciated the young man taking responsibility…

Clyde had actually done it. He recalled a prompt.

[Let it be known that your strength increases immensely for having a child. Nature reveals how parents will give it their all to protect their children. Being a good parent earns you the Superior Dad Achievement. Unknown special rewards for that.]

[Starting your bloodline in this world may turn out very interesting…]

So, what did it mean for two lost bloodlines becoming one?

[System advice. You are returning greatness to the world. However, your duties as the Stone must continue.]

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Clyde chuckled. He'd take care of Harumi. He thought back to their first meeting and her hospitality. Despite losing all but one of her family, she pushed through each day with a smile. His attraction to her heart manifested on day one.


Lot City mansion…

Misaka could not understand this world. After the previous day…after that dream and somehow recognizing the man behind the strange form, she needed answers. The young woman stared at the picture of her deceased father… Everyone acted as if he passed some time ago. They didn't remember that nightmare. And now…

There were no more tears to cry out. Her mother, who also did not forget, embraced her from behind.

"You have my blood, my daughter, so survival of a cruel inquisitor attack was inevitable. And the Watchers have committed a grave crime by attempting to erase the knowledge of this event from us. They who abandoned this city to die. Something is happening in Celestial, that is not meant to leak into this world." She sighed. "You are not surprised." She chuckled. "Funny thing, your father suspected something was off but his love for us never wavered. Mine for him never." She smiled. "Daughter, you have the blood of a strong man and…"

Misaka's mother sat next to her daughter. "I am not as great as I used to be, which is how I ended up meeting your father. A wounded phoenix."

Misaka finally looked her mother in the eyes, flinching at the glow. "I only retain a small portion of my power now. Once, I planned to just end it all. Strip away my immortality…until your father picked up this helpless woman and carried her back to his house. Misaka…you have my blood, dormant within. You probably sensed something of it…" She smiled, "but got the wrong idea about it from your anime addictions."

Misaka said nothing, as the previous day still processed in her head. The dream…And now everyone acting as if it didn't happen. Her mother's approach brought back her will to live. "You know of the man in that dream. The Stone. It will soon be time to go to him. His quest is your quest. Find the lost phoenix clan, retrieve the world star fragment for his sake."

Misaka gulped. But she knew it. And now lady Destiny was finally ready to send her on her way…Except.

"How do I use my power?" Misaka said, staring at her right hand. Her mother grinned evilly.

"We shall start your training on the use of phoenix fire immediately," she said. "But you will approach the Stone and become his disciple. It's your calling. Now come girl. And I apologize in advance, because the training will be…painful."

Misaka groaned. On the shows, the heroes effortlessly received or discover their powers. Why couldn't she be like them?


Airi intercepted Fuyoko and nodded toward the front door. The woman followed. When they were outside and off to the side, Airi spoke, her voice neither hostile nor friendly.

"Fuyoko Hata, veteran adventurer, who eventually formed a famous cult among the higher-tier adventurer community. You called yourselves the Blood-seekers. And despite the warnings of many fellow adventurers, your cult searched for some of the most dangerous treasures of all time. You were even crazy enough to go after the rumored forbidden objects, some supposedly guarded by the most dangerous creatures of all time. Don't get me wrong, I am grateful for what you've done for us, but what's someone like you doing here?"

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"We're not a cult," Fuyoko said, her voice tinged with defensiveness. "We're just different. We seek something beyond the typical chest drop. Maybe the secrets of our world and the untouchable treasures. You may call us extreme treasure hunters. And even if it's against the supposed supernatural law, we still have to know. You of all people Airi, the number one adventurer, should know. You who have been accused of being a goddess numerous times. You who may be more than human, yet deny this. You know the craving."

"That's fine, but it still doesn't answer my question," Airi said. "Why are you here?"

"I had some business in this city," Fuyoko said, "but I walked right into the apocalypse. Besides…if I leave, I'll be killed."

"By who?"

"I…don't think I'm in a position to reveal that," Fuyoko said. "Not with Watcher eyes on us."

Airi sighed.

"I'm the number one adventurer for a reason. And yes, I'm a bit more than just human, but that's all I'm going to say about that. I will know when you intend harm against my friends, minutes before you know it yourself. All it would take is a thought and you're gone. Punishment Squad be damned. I make this promise here because I love them." She turned. "I took away your ability to petrify as the price to knowing even one of my secrets is high."

Fuyoko laughed.

"You haven't changed, but your threats won't deter me from following the Stone."

"Because he's the only one that can keep you getting bit from the Viper?" Airi said, then shook her head. "Your condition for staying among us is to no longer pursue Julius."

"What?" Fuyoko snapped.

"Julius will not tell you the codes to that vault, no matter what. He's a heartless bastard who deserves to be hit by a truck and sent to another world, but the guy knew what he saw. He heard the threat of the thing that guarded it. If something like that could actually terrify Julius and he's willing to take the codes to the grave, then it's best to leave it alone. Forcing him to be your Right hand will not create some romantical bond between you two. He's not going to speak of it."

Fuyoko said nothing, just glaring at the woman. "Remember what I said." Airi started back into the house, leaving the woman there to think.

"But…I have to know," she whispered. "All of my life as an adventurer, I dreamed of seeing what's behind that vault." She clenched her fists. "I will find out. I didn't form the Blood Seekers just to give up."

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