Clyde's house…

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[Naoko has joined your party! Know this, a chaotic companion on your side could dramatically alter the battle in your favor. Remember your vows. Anything promised to them will serve as motivation while they eagerly await the award.]

[List of chaotic companions: Chika, Ruri, Kanako, and Naoko.]

"Clyde, say aanhh."

Clyde was powerless against Harumi's assertion. Fortunately, the other women only spared a brief glare as the pink-haired girl's chopsticks shoved rice and fish into his mouth.

"No matter how many times we do that, he's always embarrassed," Chika said.

"My turn, pervy-nii!" Natalia said. Before Clyde could object, the loli stuffed his mouth with a block of coffee jelly.

The young man quickly devoured it then dodged away from the next set of chopsticks gunned in his direction.

Harumi dabbed her finger at the whipped cream spot on Clyde's cheek then briefly put it in her mouth. The other women were watching this time, shocked. Kissing was one thing. But now, this seemed to take boldness to a new level. Kitome snorted.

Alice sighed, finishing her last spoonful of pudding.

"Lady Alice, feed him too," Natalia said, but the blonde girl waved away her request.

"Harumi, you seem cheerful today," Airi said. "Is it because of your sister? Or? Come on, spill it."

Clyde gulped, and he felt himself sweat.

"Kun kun."

He turned to Ruri.

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"Why are you sniffing me?"

"Because you smell of anxie—"

"You want a meat date?" Clyde quickly interrupted. "I think there's an all-you-can eat steakhouse not too far from here. It will give Yuki a break."

All eyes were on him now. Even Kanako's stare was Toru-style blank.

"You know, I feel kind of insulted," Yuki said. "I am capable of making steak that outclasses some of the most famous restaurants in Satovia." She stood and motioned for Sophia and Maki to collect finished plates. "Ugh, now I'm thinking about the hellish training I went through to make it perfect."

Matsume licked her lips.

"I don't care where we're going, a meat date is almost like a proposal."

"I could start preparing the meat...hmm," Yuki said, then jotted down a few things on a notepad. "Sophia."

"Yes!" Sophia reported, saluting the demoness.

"Start the search for these seasonings. They're labeled. Maki, find a few cast irons. Then prepare the onion! Harumi."

The pink-haired girl flinched. Yuki grinned. "My student, you shall be assisting me today. Up-up-up, let's get going. I want the steak to marinate in some Messalayian spices for a few hours."

The fox girl groaned. She gave Clyde an apologetic smile before joining her cooking tutor in the kitchen.

"Sheesh, you two don't have to make it so obvious that you've done the deed," Airi said.

Clyde looked at a watch that wasn't there.

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"Oh look at the time, I've got somewhere to go."

He downed his glass of ice water, thanked Yuki for the meal, and hurried outside.

Little did he know; his actions peaked the curiosity of the women.

"I'm following him," Tear said, licking her lips. "Also…did you notice Harumi's new ring?"

"It's so pretty," Kitome said. "Oh and count me in for the following."

Asu tilted her head to the side.

"I'm in!"

"I'll pass," Fuyoko said. "I'd rather not pester him." She eyed the Loli Saga book sitting at the edge of the table. "Such a good series." She picked it up. Ming blushed but said nothing.

"I'm in too," Natalia said.

"Just don't ruin it for us," Ruri told her.

"Oh shut it, ass-sniffer," Natalia said, which goaded the right response for a chase. "Harumi! Ruri's bullying me!"


Temple of Aunder

Aunder shook his head.

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"Wow, that didn't take long. But if Fuyoko wants to miss out on great opportunities, then fine. Let her. I'll expect True Poison to deal with her later, yes?"

The group of thirteen women, dressed in silver cloaks, bowed. Their leader, Hibiki, did not wear one, instead sporting a fine black silky dress, hugging her curves, and revealing an ample amount of cleavage. Long red hair, matching eyes, and a devilish grin made even Aunder feel uneasy about her.

A vibe that emitted a lack of trust from the first meeting. Excellent. These women were killers, down to the bone. They even had vastly high levels to back up their show of competence, along with impressive passive skills. Unlike the Maidens of Love, the True Poison trained themselves to death for his arrival. None of them were arrogant enough to test Aunder, each acknowledging his intense aura as they sat. Respectful, disciplined, and subservient, these women…. were boring as fuck.

Aunder was off-put by the Maidens of Love at first, but they were sweet, hilarious, and sometimes so incompetent that they were downright adorable. He could learn to trust the ML. He memorized their names and often befriended a target just to learn more about them. And eventually, the women no longer felt outright intimidated by the man. Now if only Su Yang would stop giving them the death glares and silent threats. He wouldn't have to worry about waking up and finding them either in tears or worse…hanging, stabbed, or mutilated.

On the other hand, True Poison consisted of a bunch of arrogant flowers that would serve, but expected power or some new world order seat. They would probably stab Aunder in the back at the first chance given. Even Su Yang were weary of them. The Maidens of Love hid their distaste and pretended to welcome them as fellow sisters, though True Poison didn't acknowledge their existence—except to the Arch Priest, Yuriko. More than likely a requirement. A show.

"True Poison, let me say again, welcome to my temple," Aunder said. "Your sister maidens still have a way to go to finish up the renovation, so don't mind the occasional out-of-place fluff of pink and love. And let's discuss what you believe the Viper's supposed to do."

Hibiki grinned.

"Master Aunder, I'm glad that you ask and I humbly offer my opinion."



Titania watched Ashard go, fighting the urge to stop him. Fighting the raw desire to drag him back to the Fairy Kingdom to be seduced by countless women. Seduced wasn't the correct word, but she did not want to think about her actions under both a spell and the Supreme's influence. The phone call from Team Stone was a whirlwind of relief. She…wasn't sure what to do with herself, except return to her Kingdom. A lonely place that lacked men. Titania didn't want to go back to that. She didn't want to see her fairy subordinates stalk human men. She didn't want to fall back to the lust of the influence. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

That demoness, Yuki warned her that the protective spell she placed on Titania would shatter upon reaching home. Fairy Kingdom…was smothered with the Supreme's influence. Almost an alien kingdom to the woman, it once boasted as a place that even made the elves jealous. Adventurers called it a golden achievement upon reaching the sacred place, praised it and wrote amazing stories.

Fairy Kingdom was once an important stronghold to defeat an ancient Viper. And now with it weakened to this point, things continued to spell doom for her magical home.

Titania snarled. She needed a way to kill the Supreme. Should she team up with the Stone? Offer her service in exchange for the restoration of the Fairy Kingdom?

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She'd have to ask a deity for advice. Ugh. Who would give her the least amount of scrutiny? Morrigan?


Unknown City…

Each day, Liru grew even more uncomfortable with the thought of an ancient enemy living only twenty miles from her home. In fact, there were two of them now, the other being fifty miles away, not that this mattered. Incredibly fast flight or instantaneous travel made the distance pointless.

The pink-haired woman knew just a little magic, but didn't practice nor participated in combat like her younger sister. She embraced the life of the mundane, somewhat, but not without doing her research about her clan.

Liru…couldn't deny that she was extremely powerful in Kitsune form and probably more than her sister. She didn't have…the courage of her sister nor the will to fight. She didn't like fighting.

She hated the thought of her sister rushing into dangerous fights with monsters and possibly getting hurt or worse. But no matter how many times Liru asked, Harumi would not live with her. Harumi…didn't want to give up her unsafe lifestyle.

Liru respected her sister's courage and wished every day that just a wick of it would spark from herself. Yet, the thoughts of creatures and vessels of the unknown attacking her sister, attacking the world, made the woman tremble. Fortunately, Harumi and her friends were planning to visit the area. She had so many questions. And very high hopes.

After Liru left the orphanage, she started toward her home, which was not too far away. Helping out with the caretakers warmed her heart and she'd never take money from them. She hoped that one day, the children would find a dream and chase it.

She greeted a few elderly men and women that waved at her in passing. She also fed a few stray cats.

The peace-loving woman had no idea that someone followed her.

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