Lot City Downtown…

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Clyde stared at the clothing store for just a few seconds before entering. Alice motioned for the other girls to follow.

"Remember to keep your magic blended with the crowd," she said. "His Mystic senses make following difficult."

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Melody said, a little uncertain. "It looks like he's just buying some new clothes."

"How naïve can you get?" Tear said. "Come, let's go."

Alice figured if Clyde somehow suspected them, Melody would put her illusion magic to good use.

Her love mate spoke with a pretty customer service representative for a minute. She blushed, which pissed the half-demoness off a little. Was he flirting with some random? The others seemed to be somewhat annoyed, except Tear. This amused the succubus. Alice wished she could be as cool as her big cousin. Not that she'd let that tidbit slip.

Then something unthinkable happened. The clerk took her Clyde to the baby section... Now even the succubus was taken aback, eyeing at the girls suspiciously.

"Which one of you is expecting?" she said darkly. They all denied it. "Alice, you?"

"No," Alice said softly. "And after the hell we went through yesterday, I'd be terrified of something happening to my baby. Besides, he didn't act like…wait a minute. Come to think of it, he wasn't in the room last night. Where did he sleep? Who…" The women froze then laughed. "There's no way he'd do that to Harumi. She's too responsible. And probably has no intention of being a mother. Besides, it will be at least two weeks before she could take a test."

"It's actually different for us and the soul sisters," Matsume said.

"What if Clyde got someone else…" Ruri dropped the aloud thought as the others glared at her.

"Nah," the women agreed. Their frowns formed when a familiar blonde walked through a back entrance. She waved at Clyde from afar. Alice pouted when the big-boobed cow hugged him. Noona.

"Relax, you cute bundle of jealousy," Tear told Alice. "Noona's dense enough to sink faster than a boulder to the bottom of the ocean. Even with her b—"

"I know," Alice interrupted. "That doesn't mean I want her around my Clyde."

Chika tilted her head.

"We could always spirit her away."

The other women blinked.

"We don't need to go that far," Ming said.

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"Tsk. Tsk. One day you'll understand the need for it," Chika said, wagging a finger at the prophet girl. "But right now, you're too soft. I'm not sure why you were dragged along anyway."

Ming glared.

"I have you know, I came along on my own. And I'm not soft." Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

Chika grinned. Alice intercepted the bad idea she knew the top student was about to dare the gullible prophet into.

"Shhh," the half demoness hissed. "They're both walking around the baby aisle. We have to make sure that cow doesn't try anything."

Tear shook her head.

"Alice, shouldn't you be working on House Hades affairs?"

Alice stuck her tongue out at Tear, soliciting a good pinch on her cheeks.

Noona left the clothing store with Clyde. And even the succubus's eye twitched with annoyance.

"It wouldn't be so bad if she wasn't so dense," Tear said.

"You just want entertainment," Alice said.

Alice and the others followed what seemed like a lunch date, possibly to make up for the private dinner? The half-demoness honestly didn't care. The baby clothes still held her thoughts. And Clyde looked…rather happy.

"Let's go back," she told the women. "I only wanted to know what made him leave in a hurry."

Before she could leave, Alice heard Noona say, "let's have a sleepover tonight. Just you and me."

Chika's aura manifested a half-second before Alice's. Clyde's next words doused out the anger like rain on a campfire.

"I can't tonight, sorry," Clyde said. "After what happened, you know with the inquisitor attack and all, I just want to relax with Team Stone. Maybe watch a few bad movies. You're always welcomed to come over, of course. You're an important friend to us."

Noona smiled.

"You guys…are my only friends."

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Alice gave an appreciative chuckle.

"Let's go before Yuki drives poor Harumi nuts with her training."

"Or they have a duel to the death cook-off," Ruri said.

"Where's Natalia and Kanako?" Ming asked.

"Over there." Matsume pointed at an ice cream stand.

"Who's up for dessert before dinner?" Alice said. Her plan to become a mother began to unfold within her head. She turned to Chika, eyeing two women tuning electronics and setting up a stage from afar. They were a little past the corner of twenty-third street. A mob of some sort seemed to be gathering. The two women, one with short pale-green hair, the other long, somewhat spiky dark blonde hair grinned at the top student, recognition in their eyes.

Chika sprinted toward them. Alice tilted her head. Were they old acquaintances of the silver-haired girl? And what were these humans about to do, anyway? Then she really took notice of the electric guitars and speakers. Another girl, one with white-blue hair set up drums.

Alice was intrigued.


Downtown Lot City…

On the way home, Clyde asked the system about his chaotic companions, just so he didn't accidentally grin idiotically when thinking about Harumi. She was actually happy. His first slip up, but not mistake.

He was almost a billionaire, so financial support bore no problems. Being a parent on the other hand…well, he'd have to learn before the time came. He'd aim to be a better parent than his own, although they were good people. They would be pleased with his goal of surpassing them.

Fuck, Clyde really did slip, not that it should be a surprise. If one didn't practice safe sex, consequences awaited. Responsibilities must be respected.

The system answered Clyde's query.

[Whether you voiced them or not, there may be promises made to your chaotic companions that they'd expect fulfilled. Chika, your first, was to allow loss of control after the demon lord fell. You've fulfilled that multiple times over without knowing it. Ruri didn't have a vocal promise, but the request to join Team Stone served as acceptable. Kanako is bound by a contract. Naoko is to be your teacher. Keep in mind that in the future, promises could become far more intense and complicated.]

[Chaotic companions have special abilities that could change the tides of battle. Outside of battle, it is always recommended to keep improving your relationship with them.]

As Clyde turned the corner of the Twenty-third street, he took notice of an enormous crowd that wasn't there two hours ago. The music thrummed through the air, people moved to the beat, cheered or even danced. A daylight free concert? When he was into the mix, he finally caught sight of the performers on a somewhat makeshift stage.

Chika skillfully rocked an electric guitar, while singing, two other young women at her side, appealing to the crowd. The drummer in the back made the young man's bones vibrate. He realized this level of skill and sync was insanely good.

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He recalled the first time Chika came over to his apartment. This was her old garage band.

"That's hot," he said softly.

Chika noticed the young man and sang right at him. Clyde tried to blend into the crowd, but they parted, giving him no escape. He was close enough to the stage that she walked over, lyrics pouring from her mouth as if she'd been an idol her entire life. She sure had the skills in Clyde's opinion.

The black skirt she currently wore matched the metal theme, along with her current hairstyle: twin tails.

Clyde took noticed that others such as Alice, Tear, Melody, and even the brat was in the crowd. He didn't see Harumi, Yuki, nor her servants. He didn't care if they had a girl's day out, but sheesh, no invite?

No, this didn't seem like a planned event. Then again, maybe Chika invited a select few? Obviously not. There was no mention of this nor practicing before or after the inquisition attack. This wasn't the idol trope…

Clyde gave up on the thought and just enjoyed himself. After the concert ended, he walked over to Chika. The douche thing to do, which occurred in some idol-boyfriend tropes, would be to leave without acknowledging the idol or singer girlfriend. Sometimes that led into bad scenes and worst of all: netorare. Clyde was truly thankful that NTR avoided him like a rotten plague. Somehow, he felt completely immune to it.

"Chika, that was so bad ass," Clyde said as he pulled her into a hug. She smelled amazing as usual.

"Really?" she said. "I…felt a little rusty."

"You call that rusty?" Clyde said.

"That was amazing!" Alice agreed, approaching the duo. She also hugged Chika. "I didn't know you were in a band?"

"They're old friends of mine," the silver-haired girl. "I took the college route and they went on and got famous."

"Don't sell yourself short," one of Chika's old friends said. A woman with spiky blonde, Final Fantasy-style hair, said. "Making top student and maintaining it. There are tons of companies trying to hire you for executive positions."

Chika giggled.

"Too bad I've got quite the surprise for them."

After Chika said her goodbyes to her friends, Clyde and Team Stone headed home. Nobody brought up some of the problems of Post-inquisitor Lot City. It felt a little unsettling that no one remembered the attack. And the amount of memorial photos… The civilians weren't piecing anything together.


Yusuke awoke from an unpleasant nap. In the dream, he arrived home from school, only to catch some random guy ravishing the hell out of Undine. As if things couldn't get any worse, he blew his load in her. Damn that Ruri, lending him a manga that turned out to be chockful of bullshit. She didn't even want it back, claiming that she couldn't get past chapter eleven. Well no fucking wonder, it was when the cheating first began. Hellhounds mated for life and had no concept of the genre, but that didn't mean pass the damn atrocious work to him!

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Yusuke sighed. He noticed Undine wasn't there, more than likely in the main room or off shopping. He figured he do some self-training, increase the power of his ninja arts, and learn new skills. The young man did not want a repeat of the inquisition again. Maybe he could create an art that would impress even Harumi, his most outspoken critic.

He hoped that she'd forgive him one day. He didn't mean to put the team in danger.

Yusuke half-expected his dream to be a premonition, but when he walked into the living room, Undine was there, watching her favorite soap opera, while munching on a bowl of popcorn. One would expect for him to get mad, call her a freeloader, but in truth, Undine was rich. The house belonged to her. She even revealed a trap door that led to an old safe which contained ancient gold, jewelry, and incredibly rare objects, each worth a fortune. She bought everything using her own money.

Undine gave the young man a warm smile.

"Natoree! Come here," a man on the TV shouted. He witnessed the woman he loved dive into another man's arms, and they kissed wildly.

Undine gasped.

"That came out of nowhere. Poor Gaston. Such a good, hardworking man. Betrayed. She knew the new man for only fifteen minutes."

Yusuke shook his head.

"I'm headed outside to practice some ninja arts."

Undine's face lit up.

"So you're finally going to train the power I gave you."

"Natoree, you bitch! You traitorous wench!" Gaston cried.

"Ugh, I lost interest in this. So I'll help you train," Undine said. "Sazuki should be over in a few."

Sazuki today of all days, Yusuke thought. He wasn't in the mood for guests, especially after the inquisition attack. And the petrification…He shuddered.

He knew of their training of course and how they became friends. Sazuki accepted the woman and more. Surprising for the ice queen. And no lectures.

The knock on the door was most likely her.

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