Strongly Guarded Throne Room…

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Lilith was actually having withdrawal symptoms. What did that warrior do to her? She tried to mimic the way he moved with his sword, but…he…was just too fast! Too fast for HER eyes to detect. Someone like that, avenging an entire city by himself. The inquisition could make even deities, at least of the mid-tier, think twice before engaging. They were created to be her ultimate enforcers. Taken down with one attack… The ultimate symbol.

Lilith clapped twice. A guard answered her call, entering the room slowly.

"How could I be of use to you, Imperial Majesty?"

"I want you to send a message to the Queen of Hearts for me," Lilith said. "I may need that Jabberwock sooner than I thought. Tell her to join me for some tea."

The guard bowed.

"As my Imperial Majesty ordered, it shall be done!"


Clyde's house…

The smell of perfect steak massaged Clyde's nose as he entered his house. Ruri's tail began to wag, but suddenly she growled. The young man blinked. He followed her as she hurried down the hall only to stop right in front of a…white tail that stuck out a few inches from beneath his door. The hellhound princess was seconds away from stomping the shit out of it, but the young man placed a hand in front of her. As a great man with a dragon familiar once said, "don't start shit, won't be shit."

He opened the door to see a cat girl, peacefully napping on his floor. Long white hair, cat ears and cat tail accompanied a slender frame.

Alice groaned as she walked into the room.

"Did you call for the cat?"

"We should toss her in a box and ship her home while she's asleep," Ruri said. Alice patted her on the shoulder.

"Or send her on a boat to some unmarked island in the middle of the ocean."

Clyde chuckled, then knelt down to Neko's side. He couldn't resist playing with her ears. Ruri glared at him.

"You could play with mine, you know," she said. "And a head rub or two. You know it's how you treat a lady."

Clyde couldn't stop himself. Something about Neko's ears brought a sense of kid-like, amusement to him. However, when he squeezed the catgirl's tail, she let out a short moan. Blue eyes gazed into his own. Clyde realized he still held the young woman's tail when she purred. Ruri harrumphed then stormed out of the room muttering something about skinning cats.

"Nya, I'm not sure how I feel about a public show."

Clyde shot Neko a blank stare.

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The catgirl leapt up into his arms, delivering the young man a flowery scent.

"Nyann. I'm so glad everyone's safe. Yuki told me what happened yesterday. Nyasty inquisitors, no one likes 'em."

She pulled back, still straddling the young man. She licked his face.

"You have gotten ridiculously stronger. Nya, you better not be taking lewdnoids. I heard it's nyaaaa-sty stuff."

Clyde laughed.

"I don't even know what those are. I've increased my level with old-fashioned training."

"It's not about power level, nya," Neko said. "It's all about your techniques, team, and how you apply yourself during battle. Of course I don't need to tell you that, since you were smart enough to always have a large team to gang up on one foe. Or Stone mode."

"What brings you here, cat?" Alice said. She barely got the words out before Neko anime-dove into her for the hug, snuggling against the half-demoness's face. "Get off me you stupid cat."

"Nya, Lady Alice, you're as lovely as always."

One thing that Clyde noticed was that Neko never, ever licked anyone else's face. This was the first time he'd seen her show any kind of affection to the others, though doubted it'd go beyond the hugging.

"How long will you be with us?" Clyde asked.

"I've got a few days off, but I am permitted to go as long as you need me," Neko said as Alice wiggled out of her embrace. "Besides, Gram Gram sensed that you required us."

"Us?" Alice said.

"My sister Ako is here," Neko said. "Yuki showed her to her room so she can go be a boring samurai all by her lonesome. Try not to go in there or sneak up on her. She'll gut you like a fish."

"A samurai catgirl," Clyde said, laughing a little. "Now I'm kind of curious."

"Curiosity always killed the cat," Alice said, almost with a dangerous gleam in her eye. Of course, that washed over Neko, unaffected even by questionable threats or hints.

"Are you hungry?" Clyde said to the catgirl, changing the subject.

"Nya, sure am."

"Then let's go have what is probably going to be the best-tasting steak in our lives," Clyde told her. "Let's go Alice. And stop pretending to hate Neko."

"I'm not pretending," the half-demoness folded her arms and harrumphed. The twin tails only enhanced the tsundere effect. The young man wiped away the tiny nosebleed.

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"Yeah, yeah, don't go all tsundere on me," Clyde said. He kissed her. Alice melted in it. This restored her mood. The young man thought for a second. Was she mad about something? He decided not to worry about it.

When he entered the living room, Naoko nodded to him.

"Good afternoon, onii-chan. Who's she?"

Natalia almost appeared out of nowhere to hop on Clyde's shoulders.

"This is Neko, a friend of Team Stone's," Clyde said.

"Nya, I don't usually see elves in the human nations," Neko said then froze. "Nyyyaa, you're definitely no elf. I smell holy. Are you an entity?"

"I am Naoko, his teacher."

"No, I'm his teacher," Natalia said. "No one's calling me an assistant. The nerve of her. Tell her pervy-nii, I'm not some dimwitted intern. In fact, I'll prove it! Tomorrow, you'll be surprised." She hopped off Clyde's shoulder's and hurried off in the back. A half minute later, there was mini-chaos.

"Waah! Onii-chan, help!"

In a mad dash, Natalia dove into Clyde. A catgirl, dressed in a short kimono emerged from the hall. Long beige hair fell to her back, accompanied by cat ears. She also had a cat tail. The young man tried to keep his eyes off them, but the breasts were as big as Harumi's. Neko's sister…wow. The white-haired catgirl was nowhere near flat, above average, but Ako seemed to have gotten the better genes from her family. Clyde almost laughed at the subjective thought.

"So, you are him," Ako said.

"She's scary," Natalia said. "Save me pervy-nii."

Ako's eye twitched, but she remained composed, holding out a hand.

"I'm Ako. It is an honor to meet you, Stone."

"I'm Clyde."

"Clyde," Ako said, as if testing the word on her tongue. She had an air of dignity about her that made her sort of majestic or maybe like a queen. "Nya. Why do you have so many women in your living quarters." Everyone nearly fell backward. Of all the things to ask… The catgirl continued. "It is tradition that the Stone could have his way with the Stone Maidens or observers, so that he isn't clouded by enemy temptation during trial." She looked around. "I suppose it is far too late for that."

"She's serious, isn't she?" Airi said. Harumi was already holding her curious friend back—no one who knew the purple-haired woman could miss the stars in those eyes. "Oh come on, just one question."

Ako sat on the couch, just an arm's length away from Melody. Clyde half-expected her to take the floor. Samurai anime girls, sometimes even the ninjas, took their duties far too seriously.

"I thank you for your hospitality," Ako said. "Nya." Even the way she made the cat sound had a trace of dignity in it.

"You're welcome," Clyde said. Scary? Natalia exaggerated quite a bit. Ako continued.

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"If you come to ravish me tonight, please knock twice so that I can prepare, nya."

Everyone fell backward. "Anyone else that intrudes without permission, may suffer injuries. Don't take it personal. It is training in—"

Neko whacked Ako on the head with a paper fan. The entire room grew silent, surprised that just happened.

"Nya, no threats or traps. Clyde's place of power is considered holy grounds, anyway," Neko lectured.

Ako gasped.

"You're right. I've acted completely out of line. I shall commit seppuku to correct my mistakes."

"No!" the room shouted the moment she pulled out a dagger. Neko snatched it away.

"Nyyaa, why did Gram Gram insist on raising you like this."

"It is you who do not follow our family's traditions, nya," Ako said, her voice taking on a tone of reminder.

"Nya, I do, just not the unnecessary samurai stuff attached with it," Neko said. "An observer's job is hard enough. Do you know how many times I've almost died."

While the two sisters continued to bicker, Clyde joined Yuki in the dining room. Her minions were setting up the table, both dressed in maid outfits.

"After today, I'd better not hear anything about eating out," the demoness said. "I'll outmatch them all."

Clyde chuckled.

"Without a doubt." He took a seat. "Sometimes it's nearly impossible to give you the day off."

Yuki smirked, taking a seat in his lap. The boner shot into maximum overdrive. He thought about learning to control it, but the women loved the tease. Especially Alice. The half-demoness often drove him to the edge of release and then pulled away. Repeat.

"Harumi's really cheery today. What did you do? And I want it done to me."

The young man couldn't tell if Yuki was messing with him or dead serious.

"Harumi's always cheery," Clyde said. "I've—"

"I can tell something happened," Yuki said. "And it's not because of that mysterious ring. She reminds me of a newlywed. Just do to me, whatever you did to her. Was it a new sex technique? Did you—"

She paused at Kitome's blank stare.

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"Oh, don't mind me," the magical girl said. "I want to hear it too."

Clyde knew at this point, the entire room would start listening in, so he changed the subject.

"Never mind that, we're going to relax today. Where's Chika? Did you know she's got the skills of a Rockstar?"

Thinking about Chika's sexiness on stage rose his boner even further. Yuki pretended not to notice.

"It's not quite dinner time yet," Yuki said, "so I'll take the time to show you a troublesome room that could use repairs."

The others were engrossed in their conversations. Kitome would've followed if Sophia and Fuyoko hadn't initiated a conversation about magical girls.

Clyde didn't realize it until it was too late. Yuki shut the door behind him and warded it. The young man wasn't complaining, but he'd pretend that he immediately caught the woman's hint right away. After all, she could repair things at will with just a wave of magic.

Yuki wasted no time—she got to her knees and pulled Clyde's pants down. She teased with a tongue on the tip. Even that threatened to make him blast off. When she used her breasts, the young man could no longer hold back.

Yuki grabbed his balls before he had the chance to coat her face.

"Ooh!" Clyde said, weakening.

"You can't be the only one enjoying yourself." She laid back-first on the bed, pulling up her dress. "Come, spread that love."

Clyde happily obliged. Starting with a kiss, which quickly grew passionate, he moved lower. Kissing enormous breasts, playing with a hardened nipple with his tongue, and then finishing up with his meal before dinner.

Clyde entered the tight woman and they rocked. The young man didn't forget to pull out in time. After finishing, the duo snuck to the showers.

Needless to say, the steak dinner that evening tasted even better.

As everyone prepare to leave the table, Clyde noticed Harumi's good mood was gone. She typed something in her phone, but from the look of things, hadn't received a reply.

"Harumi, what's wrong?" Clyde asked.

"Liru hasn't replied to my texts or answered any calls all day," Harumi said. "This is strange behavior for her…She's usually the one worried about me."

"Shall we pop in on your Onee-chan?" Natalia said. She looked at Clyde expectantly.

He nodded.

"I'll be buying a house in her nation soon, so we may as well take a look first hand."

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