Clyde had no idea that the news of a single man destroying the entire inquisition spread like a wildfire. The Watchers who viewed the event had expressions ranging from awed, to excited, to worried. Some wondered if they'd get blamed. But the situation in Celestial continued to get trickier.

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Every corner of the world would soon know the inquisition was annihilated. Even the crusaders. Even Chizuru, who carried out her new master's orders. Even Tessa, his childhood friend.


Clyde's house…

Clyde took a moment to realize that all of Team Stone's female members lived with him now. He thought about creating a men's only chat, but realized he'd never use it. Why the hell would he want to text them anything outside of Team Stone business. Sure, hanging out wasn't bad, but he'd rather just spend time with the women.

As Clyde waited for Toru, Yusuke, and Seth to arrive—Ruri left to retrieve them, he contemplated on his actions for the day.

The others knew of his abilities, but not the system, something in which he couldn't reveal. He would tell everyone the news with Liru, Harumi's big sister present. Her only relative. The young man only knew his kitsune fiancée was pregnant, but nothing beyond that. Did the Supreme's influence affect her? Maybe he should get in touch with someone who could drop a magical nuke on the Supreme's home and call it a day. Then again, knowing the anime tropes, it wouldn't work. Otherwise, Alice's father would probably be a dead man.

Clyde was a little nervous that morning, but for some unexplainable reason, very happy. He still wanted a few pointers, maybe some advice, but Hinako was teaching, Toru ran errands for his father's company and Seth responded way too late. He decided to ask Noona to accompany him for a serious talk, no personas allowed. She reluctantly agreed. When he told her the truth, she insisted on them meeting at a clothing department.

Clyde didn't know a thing about choosing baby clothes, especially before the baby was actually born, yet Noona, having been exposed to situations of pregnant and motherly servants knew way more than him.

The woman's sense of humor helped Clyde learn fast. She even taught the young man during lunch. Noona wanted to be the baby's aunt or even godmother. Clyde had no doubt she had personas waiting for the role.

Ultimately, that morning bought him a little knowledge and time to prepare for the reveal. After all, suddenly coming out with, "hey guys, I just fucked Harumi this morning and now she's four hours pregnant" wouldn't work. Harumi did know and it warmed the man inside to know that she was happy too. The challenge would be to not spoil the kid…A difficult challenge. The baby would be spoiled.

A hand squeezed his, pulling him out of his revelation. Harumi. Despite knowing her sister could be in trouble, the pink-haired girl still stood strong. She wasn't perfect though. He'd have to work on having her immediately spill her troubles to Clyde the moment she sensed something off. Nobody was perfect. He'd protect her, she'd protect him. And that went for the entire harem.

When Ruri returned with the rest of the men, Clyde Jumped Team Stone to Liru's house, located in the nation of Terravon of the Zextral Continent. Ring City.

[Area unlocked: Ring City, Terravon. Continent: Zextral.]

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"Stupid Seth," Ruri said as they approached the door to Liru's two-story house. Seth continued to rub his arm.

"You didn't have to punch me. You walked in right as I let out a loud one." He dodged the angry hellhound's series of super-fast punches while laughing. "Next time, just knock on the door like a regular person."

"Knock it off you two," Matsume said. Clyde nodded his thanks. Harumi knocked on the door and rang the doorbell. No answer.

"Move," Alice said. "We have no time for pleasantries, I'll—"

"Let me," Kanako said before his life mate could get all the words out. She walked through the door, unlocked it from the other side and swung it open.

"I was going to open it…" Alice said. "I can enter unwarded locked rooms."

Kanako gave her an apologetic smile. Natalia hopped on Clyde's shoulders.

"Upstairs, we go, pervy-nii! Away-away-away."

Clyde sighed.

"Fanout and search."

Team Stone nodded and followed the command. Of course, the house wasn't that big, so they covered every room and closet quickly. No sign of life. Liru's neat and tidy house looked as if it was on its way to being vacated.

"Let's go ask around," Clyde said. "Do you know where she works? What about her daily routine?"

"Liru's a preschool teacher," Harumi said. "And then afterwards, she volunteers at a local orphanage."

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"Your sister's a saint," Toru said.

"Just like our fox girl here," Airi said. "Now let's get moving. I met Liru in person like two times. Every other conversation has been barging in on Harumi's video calls."

Harumi blushed.

"Does anyone speak the language?" Seth asked.

"They speak the common tongue, you dolt," Ruri said.

"How was I supposed to know?" Seth said.

"History class or being silent," Ruri said.

"She's still mad about the—" Yusuke quickly found the sky to be quite interesting as the hellhound princess's glare washed over him. She dared the blue-haired young man to mentioned Seth's disgusting act.

Clyde tuned them out, but not without noting that interesting tidbit about the common tongue. He didn't bother to learn much in terms of languages due to his Mystic ability to speak and understand them all. His life would be a living hell if he weren't able to verbally communicate with his friends.

The group first stopped at the preschool. Many teachers either recognized Harumi, knew of her, or guessed that she was a relative. The last they heard from Liru was the previous day. Alarmed that something possibly happened to a fellow teacher, Liru's coworkers notified the police.

In the meantime, Clyde and the others pushed forward to the orphanage, but not without making sure that the coworkers would direct the police there too.

Unfortunately, no one at the orphanage had heard from Liru since the previous day. This…was seriously worrying. Clyde could see it in his fiancée's eyes.

They continued to ask around for an hour, but bared no results. Then Clyde realized that he was a fucking idiot. He glared at Ruri. The solution to their problems walked among them the entire time.

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"Let's head back to Liru's," Clyde said with barely contained anger. "And get our hellhound friends to sniff them out."

Ruri and Matsume frowned as the entire party looked at them.

"You know, that idea didn't even occur to me," Tear said.

"But they're ass sniffers," Natalia laughed, "they should—ow!" Alice removed her fist from the loli's head.

"Do not make me go back to hanging you on the ceiling again," the half-demoness said.

Natalia pouted, but said nothing.

"We're not dogs." Matsume said. She gave the loli a look that dared her to use hellhound derogatory language. Natalia snuggled her face into Clyde's neck.

"So mean! Bullies," Natalia said. "Booby cow bullies." Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

Upon reaching Liru's again via Jumping, Harumi grabbed a worn shirt from her sister's laundry.

"You should give them panties," Seth said. Clyde formed a paper fan using his energy materialize skill. Alice snatched it and delivered divine punishment upon the blond boy's head.

[Special Tier Skill: Energy Materialize. Type: light, deity. Class: epic. Form weapons and objects made of energy in your hands. The more MP invested, the larger the object. Chance to inflict light blight at 4% Chance to burn at 2%].

Ruri and Matsume reluctantly took whiffs of the dirty shirt. Neko laughed. Ako sighed.

"Neko, it is impolite to laugh when they're doing their best to locate someone's lost sister, nya."

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"Nya, but the expressions—"

Ruri threw the shirt in Neko's face then stormed off, muttering something about skinning cats.

"Let's go before she rips out the catgirl's throat," Matsume said.

Clyde mentally kicked himself for not printing out a map for the city. Without that, he couldn't use his Mental Navigation System to pinpoint any targets. Oh well, there was nothing wrong with giving the hellhounds a chance to shine for once. Why didn't the system generate this as a quest? Maybe it fit under the dragon threat storyline. He hoped not. He wanted to conduct the investigation hands-on. Anything to keep him out of Lot City just a little longer.

For the next hour, Ruri moved fast as she tracked the scent midair. Either magic was involved, or she possessed one hell of a nose. It was midafternoon on this side of the world. The warm temperature beat having to deal with the late autumn chill, especially during a chase. He wished they were here on a better occasion so that the party could enjoy the numerous cherry blossom trees.

Eventually they were taken to the cliché abandoned warehouse. Fuck. If the perpetrator made the effort to bring her all the way out, Harumi's sister could be…

He kicked the door open. A distant sound caught their ears. The sound of a squeaking mattress, thrumming rhythmically. Like sex. Team Stone drew their weapons. If Liru was being raped, the perpetrator would not escape this place alive.

They were about to rush through the dark place and round the corner, but Ruri held up a hand. She followed a scent toward a nearby room. She opened it slowly. And there, they saw seven unconscious women tied up, but fully clothed. They were in line. Liru was second to the last.

"Ming, call the police and get them to this location," Clyde said.

"Asu, get the ropes off them."

"Yes Master," she said and with a single swipe at the air, the ropes burst into dust.

"I smell…" Ruri gasped. "Mindflayer."

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