The party followed Ruri back into the main room.

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Clyde felt a little annoyed. This place had such an inconvenient design. From the entrance, it was basically a large area with two main paths. One which led to the room they just left. The path on the right ended at a closed door.

Only a single lightbulb above poorly lit the place. Empty boxes of… ramen covered the floors. Dust paraded. The air stank of staleness and mold. The young man felt uneasy about the corner ahead, turning points which could house a number of nasty surprises.

As if to encourage them to progress, the bed squeaking grew louder.

"What the hell's a mindflayer?" Clyde asked in a low voice.

"Kun, kun." Ruri wrinkled her nose. "And she's definitely in the middle of something."

"A mindflayer's a…Well, you'll see. Everyone be on your guard," Matsume said. "Don't let her tentacles get anywhere near you. She won't hesitate to shove them in your ear and take control."

"That's just gross," Seth said.

"Let's get this out of the way," Clyde said. "Ruri, lead on."

"Wha—what? Why should I go first?" Ruri said.

"For the nose," Clyde said.

"I think we all know she's around the—"

The squeaking suddenly intensified, cutting off the hellhound princess. A loud, inhuman moan echoed throughout the warehouse. That was followed up by a human woman's scream. The party rushed on, weapons ready, spells on the tips of their fingers.

What they saw almost made them take a pause—but Clyde sure as shit didn't want to give the thing a chance to attack.

It was a grotesque purple monster, with tentacles growing from her head, rather than hair. Shaped like a busty woman, with a cocky expression for her human prey, the mindflayer…well, it didn't exactly wear clothes. Instead, it sported some kind of pink membrane, shaped like a dress. However, no one could miss the second creature on its abdomen.

It was a squid-like thing, no bigger than a basketball. It took on the same purple color as its host, blank blue eyes large. Suspicious white liquid oozed from behind it.

Clyde analyzed the fucking bizarre creature before him.


Level: 180

Type: Monster

Work under: N/A.

Special: Tentacle Special. [Any caught by this will be subjected to mind control or…well, you know the deal. And the tentacles don't discriminate in their choices. Does severe damage.]

Weakness: lightning, holy, purity.

Resistances: dark and water.

Secret: there are too many stolen memories of its female victims to follow.

The victim was an unconscious naked woman on the mattress who more than likely fainted after taking a glimpse at the nightmare in front of her. She had a tentacle inside her and in her ear.

"Mmm, that felt great" the mindflayer said, its voice a cross between a woman and…well, Clyde wasn't sure what. Maybe a hi-pitched ghost? "So many to choose from the city. So much to do. And I could easily implant the desires that would eventually turn them into mindflayers. Men into squids." The monster chuckled. "The Silent Ones, those who thrive in chaos and live beneath the abyss, will be pleased to see my work carried out."

The mindflayer turned to the group, her tentacle pulling out of the woman with suspicious white liquid trailing from the tip. She pulled the other one from her ear. "And now we have volunteers."

"Yeah, no," Clyde said. "Rapey squid lady, yeah, this is just...ugh. Kill it. Burn it. She's not even worth using to make calamari. And to think she was about to do this to Liru."

The fried squid joke struck a nerve, as she sneered at the young man. A tentacle shot out in his direction.

[Your party has entered a Boss fight!]

Clyde's mystic senses guided his wind blade before his conscious mind took the sidestep. The flashed sword sliced, sending purple tentacle flying. The mindflayer screamed for a second, before another one instantly grew back in its place. Of course. Why wouldn't it? Clyde rolled his eyes at the high speed regeneration trope.

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The young man decided that with so many people in his party, he wouldn't keep track of the entire team's attacks. Fuck that, he thought.

[Boss HP has dropped to 480%]

The mindflayer bent her legs than made a long jump. She stuck to the ceiling, which was several meters high. Nothing strange for a warehouse. Harumi, aimed her wand.

[Harumi has invoked Kitsune form!]

Her aura shook the place as it blazed around her like a blue fire. This wasn't an ordinary transformation, but the same one from the vampire mansion. The one that came with the personality change.

"Squid meat thinks she's going to violate my blood one. She caught her by a cowardly surprise attack." The kitsune tossed the wand to the side. "Move. I've got a nice surprise for this one. Go distract her or something."

[Kitsune, Harumi is preparing a devastating attack that may wipe out the entire city and kill the party. Make sure it hit the target or you will get a game over.]

[Time limit: 3 minutes.]

"Harumi, what the hell, no—" Clyde tried to say but was blown backward by the intense aura. The mindflayer rained tentacles down on the party. One of them bashed Seth to the side. Another hit Toru.

[Seth's HP has dropped to 90%]

[Toru's HP has dropped to 95%]

Clyde easily dodged the few that came in his way. He sliced any that attempted to disturb Harumi.

[Time limit: 2 minutes.]

The mindflayer cackled.

"What's the matter? Can't join me up here? Personally, I prefer the air!"

Clyde shook his head.

[The mindflayer activated Tier 1 skill: Dark raid ender.]

[Alice activated Tier 1 skill: Radiant raid canceller.]

The giant black sphere of magic that almost expanded from the monster girl popped out of existence to Clyde's relief.

[Time limit: 1 minute.]

"You're just as bad as Natalia, Harumi," Clyde said.

"Oh shut it," Harumi said. "I'm rusty with this one, okay? Just make sure you're not in my way."

The others had already got a fair distance from Harumi, while firing magic at the mindflayer. The monster moved too fast, dodging and laughing.

[The mindflayer activated *Tentacle Special.]

Seth just barely dodged, then retaliated with a nice counter strike.

[Seth used Tier 1 skill: Magma Pulse Swing.]

[The mindflayer has been inflicted with paralysis.]

Clyde grinned.

"Well, she's dead. Good work Seth."

Seth gave him a thumb's up then bolted the hell away from Harumi. Clyde followed suit. The mindflayer looked terrified as the kitsune grinned widely.

"This one's for my sister, you bitch."

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[Harumi activated KITSUNE GODDESS TIER SKILL: RE: World Destruction Hellstorm! This is an unblockable skill.]

Enormous waves of lightning and fire blasted from Harumi's hands like an endless stream of death. The sound of buzzing and crackling coated the monster girl's screams. The building violently shook.

The magic tore away the entire roof. And like Team Rocket, the mindflayer and the roof were blasted off to god knows where.

"Well that takes care of that," Harumi said, shifting back to normal form.

"No," Clyde said.

"What the hell do you mean, no?" Alice said. "Harumi blasted that thing to ashes."

"Language, highness," Natalia said, getting herself a light karate chop to the head.

[Boss HP has dropped to 150%.]

[The mindflayer used passive skill: Squid shield.]

Clyde sensed the movement at the last second, but it was too late. A blast of air magic knocked them backward. The monster creepily emerged from the hole in the roof, snarling. She dropped all the way to the ground. When she stood, the young man took notice of the missing squid creature.

[Clyde's HP has dropped to 580% of 610%]

"You …I won't go down so easily. My feasting will never end!" The mindflayer wailed.

"You disgusting shit," Matsume said.

[Your party has entered a Boss fight, phase 2!]

[The mindflayer undergoes a metamorphosis...]

Her skin changed from purple to orange, eyes red, tentacles larger and spikier. Orange bat-like wings burst from her back.

[Clyde invoked Mystic wrath.]

Clyde sheathed the sword and warped the staff from his inventory.

[Executioner Staff of Merlin. Item class: *Legendary, One of a Kind*. Does Dragon and Volcanic damage. You may trigger its special attack: Balinor's Havoc, after filling the weapon's soul bar to 100%.]

"Go for the fucker's weakness," he commanded. "Lightning, holy and purity—come on! We need to wrap this shit up before the cops come. Or they'll be in danger."

He dodged three fast orange tentacles. "You know, everyone always hated mindflayers in the games."

[Clyde activated Angel Spirit wave.]

[Angel Spirit Wave [evolution 2]. Type: spiritual. Class: mysterious.: Shoot a wave of concentrated spiritual energy. Chance to cause spiritual blight at 9%. Chance to do triple damage on dark creatures: 35%. Does holy and purity damage.]

[If conditions are met, this attack will become Fallen Angel Spirit Wave instead. Will do demonic and taint damage. Chance to cause agony at 11%. Chance to do triple damage on non-dark creatures at: 37%.]

His beam no longer took on its iconic blue color, but a curious gold and white. And since it came from the staff, the magic was more…concentrated, larger in size, hotter. The disgusting tentacle creature didn't enjoy the intake of holy and purity. The prompt awarded him.

[WEAKNESSES EXPLOITED! CRITICAL! Boss HP has dropped to 80%.]

[Soul bar: 70%]

No status alignments? This attack should've one-shot the bitch. It had to be due to the level difference. Since he wasn't abusing Stone Mode this time around, he had to face the fights like everyone else.

The boss's HP continued to drop as his team moved around, fired, or engaged. Unfortunately, they took damage from the tentacles. Clyde had mystic senses aiding him. The others, though fast, couldn't evade every attack.

[The mindflayer activated tier 1 skill: Mind Control EX.]

Oh shit. And what the hell did the EX mean? Clyde continued to move, looking for the victim.

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[EX for this attack means Extra. It is an enhanced version of the original skill.]

The obvious glowing tentacle rushed toward his Alice. That turned out to be a big mistake on its part. As if she'd accept such a fate.

Wielding House Hades' legendary sword, Hellbreaker, the half-demoness easily dodged the tentacle. In a swift move, she sliced it in two, then four, eight! She finished it off Dragon Ball-style, by ending the combo with a large blast of magic.

[Alice activated Tier 1 skill: Raid destruction beam.]

The tentacle monster girl screamed in agony.

[Boss HP has dropped to 11%]

[The mindflayer has high defense.]

"She's a sturdy one," Tear said, "but we'll drop her."

The orange mindflayer spread its new wings and launched off into the open sky, widening everyone's eyes. "I don't think so."

Tear's wings sprouted into existence.

"Non-flyers standby for the police," Clyde said. "Attend any woman that needs it, especially the one on the bed."

"Are you going to use the power?" Tear asked.

"I just learned a skill that enables me to fly," Clyde said. "Now, let's catch that bitch before she gets away."

"If I turn into my goddess form, I'd give out my location to Father," Melody said. "But I'll do it if you tell me."

"No, we don't need that burden," Clyde laughed. "Not while…not when Stone Mode is recharging."

Before anyone could ask, he used his skill. Thanks to the times he took flight in Stone mode, the young man had plenty of practice.

[Clyde activated Fly.]

[*Fly. You may fly for some time, if you have the MP.]

Glowing wings with the intensity of a lightbulb, appeared on his back. He and Tear launched into the air in pursuit of the escaping boss enemy.

He raced Tear toward the monster ahead, cool air washing over his body. Despite being fast, the succubus was faster and maneuvered better than him. The magic wings provided by the skill highly depended on his pool of MP, but that didn't stop the duo from catching up to the monster.

[Your party has entered Aerial combat.]

[Boss fight Phase 3.]

"Oh shit," Clyde said, "this is a thing?"

[MP: 390% remaining…] Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

Clyde warped the staff into his inventory and switched to his wind blade. He had no need to tempt fate. Not yet. The soul bar still remained in his mind's eye, transparent and on seventy percent. He'd use it if he could.

"Why don't you just fuck off!" the mindflayer screamed. She actually aimed her hand, instead of a tentacle, at Tear. It flickered, indicating a charge of magic.

Tear dipped beneath the monster, sword out, and almost got her with an upward thrust. The monster girl just barely dodged, flying up. That didn't save her from Clyde's blade.

While the mindflayer maneuvered from the worse of it, the grazing was deep enough to make her snarl. She smashed the young man with two tentacles and even a wing, causing him to slow down a bit.

[Clyde's HP has dropped to 550%]

[Clyde's MP has dropped to 350%]

That did both HP and MP damage. Shit, that was NOT what he needed. They were hundreds of feet in the air, moving very fast. He let this go on long enough.

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[Tear activated Tier 3 skill: Back burst.]

The succubus sped ahead of the monster girl then turned around. She flapped her wings in quick succession, creating intense wind. The young man dipped out of the path. The mindflayer screamed in frustration.

"You whore!"

Clyde sheathed the sword and switched back to the staff.

[Clyde activated Bronze Tier skill: Holy energy ball.]

Bronze Tier Skill: Holy Energy Ball. [evolution 2]. Type: spiritual. Class: mysterious. (Mystic counterpart is available.) Does light and holy damage. You can will them to explode on impact with enemies to rack up the damage.

The staff seemingly warped time and space as it gathered the magic. The mindflayer was ready for the attack.

[The mindflayer activated Wind barrier.]

It blocked the damage, but not the progression of Clyde's soul bar. He wasted no time, triggering the staff's special with a smirk on his face.

[Clyde activated the staff's special attack: Balinor's Havoc.]

The staff seemed to roar as it unleashed the geyser of fire, light, magic, lava, and death all in a giant, concentrated beam that moved too fast for her to dodge. And it fried the monster girl to the molecule.

[Boss HP has drop to 0%]

[Battle completed. Victory! Reward: 800,000 EXP, 20 million dollars, Wand of Wonder. Item class: epic. Potion of Sharpness. Item class: very rare.]

[Your fly ability has worn off.]

Wow, this is really happening. And without a timer, Clyde thought.

Clyde gasped, watching in horror as the wings flickered out, and without the ability to shift into Stone Mode, he was a dead man.

As soon as he descended an inch, the young man felt arms wrap around him.

"Don't you hate inconvenient limits like that?" Tear said.

"I know right?" Clyde said as he let out the sigh of relief.

Tear kissed his cheek. With a powerful stroke of her wings, the young woman started for the others.

"Tear, I fucking love you."

"I know," she said. "You took on the entire inquisition just to safeguard our love."

"And I'd do it again," Clyde said, meaning it.

Even he couldn't deny his immense strength. However, he was going to learn how to properly control it once and for all. Though to be fair, he felt in full control when he fought the inquisition bastards for the second time.

And while he didn't tell anyone, he was a little disappointed that they all died in one move. Well, at least during the time when blood thirst craved his mind.

Looking back on the fight now, he had no fucks to give about how the dead was avenged—he was just glad that they ended the bastards. And with Team Stone surviving.

Clyde would not let a single one of them die on his watch. They were more than survivors. Team Stone housed a ton of destroyers. Lessons learned, the party had no intention of being caught off guard again with a bullshit nuke attack.

Tear landed the duo a good distance away from the police. While they had no suspect to pin the blame on, they still got the women in ambulances. Liru was not among them, which made sense. A kitsune had no need for mundane healing.

"I'll Jump us to Liru's," Tear said.

"No, let's walk." He pulled the blushing young woman into a kiss. Holding hands, the duo started toward Liru's house.

Tear wished this moment could last forever. She wasn't some damsel or typical woman fawning over a man, but of noble blood, yet…Clyde captivated her since the moment they met. She didn't believe in love at first sight, but there wasn't a doubt that she was interested.

And now he planned to travel, at last leaving Lot City behind. She'd make sure to be at his side during every step of his evolution.

The Supreme could fuck herself. If they met, that woman more than likely took an interest in her Clyde. Tear would unleash heaven and hell before letting her touch the young man. There was no room for another succubus in this harem.

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