Outside the Temple of Aunder…

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Aunder wanted to enjoy the drink this night—he really did. And to not feed his body a good cold beer or something that could make anyone seem beautiful, well, that would just be cruel, to both his body and the drink makers.

Then it hit him. He actually made quite the miscalculation. He invited the True Poison. These devious women were more than likely meant for a Viper with a plan that was doomed to fail, like one of the TV villains Olivia watched on her soap operas. They were just as dangerous to him as they were to everyone else. Even the Venus sisters remained wary of them. Lack of honor.

The Maidens of Love on the other hand were for people like Aunder. Sure, at first they seemed desperate for money and preached as if the man was some kind of fabled hero, but the women were lovely. Trustworthy? He wasn't sure, but their attitudes were gentle, kind. The man almost questioned if they were actually Viper maidens. However, he honestly hadn't a clue about any kind of maidens and why they existed.

He settled with the knowledge that the stone-viper games was the entertainment of the Watchers, but honestly couldn't accept…this Viper thing. Why him? Shouldn't they take dangerous criminals from the universe and place them in this role to be executed? He shook his head. Aunder didn't enjoy the idea of the ML being treated like dirt or played with…

Maybe that was why he didn't actually do anything with them in bed. The innocent women would blindly follow his orders. Then again, he passed out drunk, almost all the time.

Who really were the maidens and why did he have this attachment to them? Aunder…never attached himself to anyone. Never. Something was going on behind the scenes.

Aunder, black cloak on, needed a break from this place. He started toward the streets of the town, but a voice halted him.

"Shall I accompany you, my lord. You shouldn't wander the streets alone."

He didn't have to turn around to know that was Hibiki, leader of the True Poison. Her words struck a nerve and an emotion he had never felt before surged within him. Anger. The man who took life with nonchalance and drink and honor, cracked. Now Aunder knew for sure he had to get away from them.

He turned to the kneeling Hibiki. He'd never seen a woman flinch from his gaze before. Her head fell to the ground in a bow deep enough to make even emperors jealous. And at last, he felt the fear from her. Or was it an act, hiding arrogance?

Fuck. Aunder never wanted to rule by fear—it was pointless. The challenges would be removed, one which included the attempt to get a lady in bed. If he wasn't getting slapped a few times, then what was the point? Still, True Poison may be composed of beautiful women, but they were deadly. Assassins and they'd do whatever it took to complete a job. Even if it was to take down the Viper himself.

"Drop the act," Aunder said. "And tell me who put you up to this."

"My lord, what are you talking about?" Hibiki said.

"Do not fuck with me," Aunder said. "I sense one more of you, lurking and waiting."

"Lord, we must protect you at all—"

"I SAID ENOUGH OF THE ACT," Aunder snapped. His voice carried with it a god chant that shook every multiverse in existence. Hibiki was in tears now. False tears?

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"My lord please…You've had too much to drink, let us get you to bed."

"I didn't touch any drink," Aunder said in a deadly voice. "You think I'm dumb enough to trust anything YOU offer. You believe me to just drink away poison and happily accept my death so you can go to your boss. So you can hang high your glory of defeating the Viper." The man shook his head. Quickly mulling over a decision, he aimed a hand at the redhead.

"My lord, don't!"

Aunder froze when the arch priest held onto his arm, tears streaming. Yuriko continued. "Our sisters have trained themselves to be your hardened—"

The man held up his hand, stopping her the moment he sensed the lie. It all made sense now. The reason why she was the only one who knew where True Poison dwelled…The Arch Priest was both a Maiden of Love and an agent of True Poison. Yet, she didn't tell him this information. Her supposed master. The other maidens truly had no idea, a secret oath and no transparency. Aunder thought about the prompt which gave him a brief overview of the women.

[About two hundred years ago, the Viper Maidens received new leadership, which ultimately divided them into two factions. You are at the main, larger section known as ML. Maidens of Love…The small section, which called themselves the True Poison are in an unknown location, which may be known by the leader of ML, the Arch Priest. ]

May be known… The innocent women didn't know. The Arch Priest hid all of the information, essentially keeping a weak force as a front. In fact, if he didn't specifically request them, Yuriko wouldn't have told him. The real leader of the ML was most likely dead, deemed too weak and probably just as innocent as the others.

Aunder…felt disgusted, but not surprised. The reality of things was destined to be bitter for him. Abandoned by the not-so-make-believe goddess of his world to a game with a purpose of watching him die, the man neared the limits of his patience.

"So, you were one of them," Aunder said to Yuriko. She flinched.

"Lord, you really should get to bed—" she paused at the sight of the man, shaking his head, laughing. Then at last, the act was dropped. "Careful, Aunder, you surely don't want anything to happen to our cute little hostage."

Aunder could sense Dire's location, but he hadn't a clue they'd go so far as to capture her. An incredible feat, actually pulling it off. Or…did the princess let herself get captured? What could True Poison possibly hold over his second-in-command? What was Dire hiding?

Aunder laughed harder.

"Su Yang, Olivia, dispatch them."

"Tsk. Tsk. Aunder, your companions are dead," Hibiki said then grinned. "Really, getting into their guard was as simple as relating to them. Aunder, Aunder, you can't forcibly abduct your companions. We made a sport out of putting ourselves in the same boat. It's not like the Venus sisters were trained to see through our deception. You surely weren't." She laughed hard enough to hit the man with a little spittle. "You see, you've got a problem and we're going to fix it. No-no-no. I should say, you're going to be our little tool, our…toy to restore the fear back into our name."

"I just wish our lost sister was here to see this," Yuriko said, twirling a transparent dagger, then aiming it back at Aunder's neck. "Sophia would revel in this. Her presence completely vanished."

Hibiki shrugged, standing to look Aunder in the eye.

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"It doesn't matter how strong you are, those lines will hold you like a spider and her prey." She raised a dagger. It hit something in the air, which revealed an entire network of strings, coating the area. "This technique could control even the founders of taint and purity." Hibiki licked her lips. "You were badly misinformed when you thought True Poison was yours to command." She laughed in Aunder's face again. "No, so-called Lord. You are OURS to control. You figured out everything too late. A smart man would've started his own maidens. A brilliant man would even go so far as to put someone ridiculous in control, like a monster girl or something."

Aunder snarled, but when he tried to move, a searing blast of agony coated him. And he laughed. He let himself get fooled. The Venus sisters, dead, except one. The one he couldn't retrieve.

Was this a new challenge? Or something beyond him? Or did the feeling of betrayal actually hurt?


Clyde's house…

Wednesday. Week 3. Month 2. Year 1. Season: Late Autumn.

[School: Active. Classes: Monday, Wednesday, Friday.]

[Current declared fiancée(s): Melody, Alice, Tear, Harumi.]

[Card bearers in Lot City: 5. Ming (and her friends.) ]

[Cook-off opponents in Lot City: 22. Harumi, Advanced chef Yuki, Alice, Kitome. The rest are unknown.]

[Stone mode: still recharging. You must rely on your learned strength for now…]


"Just five more minutes," Clyde said softly.

"No sleeping in, finals start this Friday! Get up."

Clyde awoke to a fully dressed Chika. She placed his freshly ironed school uniform atop his dresser. "Up you go, we've got classes."

He sat up and winced a little as Chika shook the hell out of Melody and Alice. Tear was the only one lucky enough to be spared. "At least Harumi's responsible enough to get up on her own."

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After the morning's activities and breakfast, Clyde and the party prepared to Jump to the academy.

"You know, why am I bothering with the finals?" Clyde said, thinking about the adventure he prepare to take on.

[Quest: excel in the finals. Reward: unknown! Due to your lifted restrictions, this quest is not mandatory. Accept?]

"Will you give up on the academy then?" Chika said. "Will you not at least finish strong? You can decide whether or not to return for the next semester or even for the summer. But…" She walked over to him. "You're not the person to give up. Even if the stupid Watchers want to run your life at every moment. So please reconsider."

He gazed into her glistening gray eyes, eyes composed of raw love. The top student of the academy, as well as the daughter of Lot City's most powerful man, Chika looked out for him since the beginning. Even with her yandere "struggle" of lust, the young woman stood as one of the pioneers of Team Stone.

Clyde accepted the quest.

"If I can make it back to the next semester—"

"If we can make it back," Chika said. "Don't think for a moment that we'll abandon you to take on the world by yourself." She poked his nose.

Feeling a tightness in his chest and then an ease of worries, the young man pulled Chika into a hug. The sweet flowery fragrance of expensive perfume tickled his nose.

"Nyaa, early morning rump?" Neko said as she walked into the kitchen, dressed in a shirt and shorts. Her sister Ako followed, wearing traditional shrine maiden getup. Neko facepalmed.

"Nya, she's so embarrassing." The catgirl leaned on the table. "Do you have any milk in there Yuki? Never mind, I'll get it myself."

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Neko shuddered, giving Yuki the pouty face.

"You and the dog are so mean."

"I'm not a dog!" Ruri comically snarled, then went back to watching a suspiciously canine-themed anime.

Yuki poured the catgirls each a glass of milk.

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"I'm not mean, I'm practical. Too many people in the kitchen is a fire hazard."

"What?" Neko said after the first gulp. "That kitchen's huge!"

"More of a reason to keep those without the skill or guests, out," Yuki said.

"If I violate your rules, lady Yuki, I will commit seppuku to restore our family's honor, nya," Ako said.

"No!" everyone shouted to the kuudere catgirl.

Neko rolled her eyes, before tackling the rest of her milk.

Clyde and the others waved off those staying behind, then he initiated the Jump.

Clyde, along with the other students sat, carrying on hushed conversations, waiting on their late professor, Hinako. They were baffled when a loli walked in. She struggled for a few minutes to reach the marker on the podium. When she finally managed to knock it on the ground, she gracefully picked it up and wrote her name on the board.

Professor Natalia…

The students shouted their excitement and surprise.



"Why is she so cute?"

The loli's evil grin was directed right at Clyde, Chika, Harumi, and Alice. Mostly Clyde. She licked her lips. Clyde and his fellow Team Stone students nearly fell backward.

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