Temple of Aunder…

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Aunder grinned at the women, his long black hair blowing in the wind.

"You really have no idea. Those who underestimate me, well, to put things into perspective, let me give you a taste. You who… do not understand fear."

Aunder's purple eyes glowed bright. The night sky flashed red and orange, repeatedly. The moon bled, a crimson that some called beautiful, others would name it death. Intense purple and black aura surrounded the man.

"You just don't understand your predicament, do you, Aunder?" Hibiki said. "You are our toy. These strings will make sure you're an obedient dog. They can even follow you."

Aunder laughed, then allowed his power to burst. And even the women were taken aback. The strings exploded into ashes. The man shook his head as he walked to the traitors. The women took a fighting stance as if they stood a chance. The arch priest tried to hide her trembling.

"To think even the lowest of the low, those who lack even a shred of honor believe themselves my superiors? Very well, come, let's fight."

[You have entered *Slaughter combat.]

Aunder blurred toward Hibiki and swatted her with a single pinky. She rocketed backward, breaking the sound barrier, breaking the speed of light several times over. The man already awaited the girl at the destination. As if playing a game, he kicked her, teleported to the other side, propelling her forward with a counter-kick. And repeated this hundreds of times, for just over a minute, while the arch priest watched in horror.

She gathered her magic, attempting to Jump, but was met with an unexpected collision with the body of her accomplice.

"How disappointing," Aunder said as he lifted Yuriko up by the throat. "Look at how bloody she is. You know, I do not enjoy hurting the ladies, but for you bitches, I've made an exception. Those who lack honor have a special place in my books."

"Please, mercy," Yuriko said, real tears streaming.

"Mercy she says, let her live, she says." Aunder sighed. "I like to teach lessons, even if my methods seem…a bit overkill. Observe."

"PLEASE! I beg you. I'll do anything!" Yuriko cried.

He aimed a hand at Hibiki.

"Despite looking like a bloody mess, I left her alive at one percent. And now."

[Aunder activated Void tier skill: Poison God heal.]

[Hibiki's HP has been restored.]

The redhead screamed at the top of her lungs as her body reestablished itself. Steam gushed from her pores. Yuriko trembled, tears falling. She…wet herself.

"Ah yes, the cruelest healing spell ever known to magic users," Aunder said. "Feeling everything reform bit by bit in the most painful manner possible. And best of all, you can't pass out. There's no relief."

Still carrying Yuriko by the throat, he walked over to the terrified Hibiki. "What's that? Trying to cast spells? You can't be serious." He chuckled. "I've muted your abilities."

He placed a booted foot on her face. "You've got some nerve, believing you could control me. And what? For something as pointless as fear in your name? You disappoint me. To think that I almost accepted such idiots as my subordinates."

And to Yuriko's horror, he smashed the redhead's face in.

[Aunder activated Void tier skill: Poison God heal.]

"I do not enjoy this," Aunder said over Hibiki's healing screams. "Torture is cruel, and it brings dishonor to my name." He sat the arch priest down. "You've had an accident I see. I suppose that's good enough."

Trembling, Yuriko allowed herself a sigh of relief. When she looked up, Aunder's palm was in her face. Her eyes widened. "I discarded my honor some time ago. Now die."

[Aunder activated ** Taint tier skill: Full Soul Melting.]

Yuriko will scream in agony for an eternity without release, even as a spirit.

Aunder stared at the puddle of goo, eyes cold. Hibiki tried to run, but the man teleported in front of her. He backhanded the traitor to the concrete. Blood gushed from her nose.

"I avenge the Venus sisters, whom I promised to let go at the end of this journey," Aunder said, "yet, I've broken it, allowing them to die to such cowards. Su Yang…Olivia. One who would've made a fine wife. It would've taken one wave of my finger to cure her Stockholm Syndrome before letting her go home. I even had a large payment ready, something to make up for the time loss from their temples. Such brilliant women and yet their goddess let them die to you."

He aimed his hand at Hibiki. "Let me ask you this, idiot woman. Was it my easygoing attitude that gave you the false sense of security?" Hibiki suddenly pissed herself, trembling in utter terror. "Ironically, you were once a Venus worshipper. Guess who she also let down? You'd better hope she catches your soul."

"Please! I beg—"

[Aunder activated ** Taint tier skill: Full Soul Melting.]

As she melted, feeling every moment of it, Aunder walked to the parking lot and sat down.

[Your HP has dropped by half due to the backlash of using a Taint skill. Remember, these abilities are even more dangerous to use than the Void tier skills.]

"I grow weary of this," Aunder said. "I've focused too much time on the players, but…" He stood. "I had it wrong." His eyes seemed to glow brighter. "I will kill the gods. All of them."

Looking down at him from an unseen world, grinning wildly, was someone known as Thor.

"Come then, Viper. I look forward to facing you. And you will know your place."

Aunder didn't hear the challenge, but sensed the thrill. He teleported to Dire's location—an underground cell. With just a finger, the man slashed away the bars and chain that held her. She weakly smiled at him.

"I knew you'd come," Dire said softly.

Aunder lifted the kid into a princess carry.

"Let's go say goodbye to the maidens, who are just maidens. I believe the rest of True Poison has fled, led by their second in command."

"I'm sorry, Master Aunder," Dire said. "If I wasn't caught by surprise. That night…the arch priest."

"Don't worry about it."

"But they're dead. Poor Su Yang and Olivia," Dire cried.

Aunder said nothing as he Jumped them back to the temple. As expected, the maidens were confused.

"Listen up ladies," Aunder said, "this entire organization will be disbanded."

"Lord, why?" they protested.

"You were being used by your own so-called leader," Aunder said. "As you can see, True Poison, the real Viper maidens, fled. You were a front, a distraction to cover up secret operations."

The women looked crestfallen.

"My lord…we have nothing," one of them said. "This place served as a home, school, and place of belonging for us. Without it…"

"It was just an elaborate lie," Aunder said. "Your arch priest is dead. Hibiki, the other traitor, is dead." He sighed. "You lot have no idea who I am, except someone your dead arch priest said to respect. You believed in her, even the false lessons. The reality of things, I'm afraid is much grimmer. If you're unable to leave this place right away with the saved earnings, including the money your so-called priest hid away in the safe beneath this building, then rename this place. Call it something else. Turn it into a dining establishment, I don't care."

He turned to his two fallen comrades that lay in their chairs, poisoned. "Bury them. And give them a decent tombstone."

"Yes lord—"

"I'm not your lord," Aunder snapped. "Just call me Aunder. Remember what I've said. This entire organization is a lie. Unfortunately, you were the victims of it."

He would not let his guard slip again. Not even the prompts could be fully trusted. "Dire and I will set off in the morning."

"…What should we do," one of the women said as he made his way to a random room. Others wept. Some even cried over Su Yang and Olivia. Aunder had enough of these pity tears.

He liberated the women from a terrible trap. They'd have to figure out what to do on their own.

His game plan was set.

"I'll kill Venus first."

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He also needed to learn more about his counterpart. The Stone…maybe he was a puppet of the gods. Aunder would crush him! Even if he'd have to become an anti-god.


Misaka, the girl who finally began the path of destiny, the daughter of a great phoenix, the girl that actually held incredible powers, fell on her ass. Someone slipped on a puddle of suspicious white liquid, nailing her in the face with a bowl of sweet curry. She felt like crying.

"Are you okay?"

An incredibly pretty girl with twin tails helped Misaka stand. She believed her name was Alice Hades. Right before the crowd, the girl waved a hand, causing the entire mess to disappear. The dark-haired girl's mouth went agape. Even the smell vanished.

The kindness almost made the young woman tear up, but she held it back.

"T—thank you," she said, giving Alice a short bow.

Alice smiled, then hurried back to His side. Misaka knew him as Clyde Stone. The Stone, according to her mother. She'd have to confront the young man about his journey. Tell him about the phoenix clan. Assist him with saving the world from a growing threat.

She looked at Harumi. To think Kitsune were real. To think any of this was real. Among her destiny, she had to stop something called the Thousand Year Eye or whatever. Her mother stated that people mistake it for being weak to Kitsune magic. But the Thousand Year thing could only be destroyed by a combination of fox, angel, and phoenix power.

Perhaps the most embarrassing thing her mother requested was for her to have that man's child. Misaka blushed. She knew nothing about love or sex, except from the romances she read every now and then. And maybe from the many anime shows she watched.

She would most definitely not listen to that request. She will not! Why did she have to restart the phoenix bloodline this way?

Misaka stopped in front of the cafeteria. She wasn't going to run away from this. The world needed Team Stone. She marched over to the cheerful man.

He locked gazes with her, eyes knowing. And he nodded.

"Ming said you would eventually come around."

Alice winked, her smile alluring and kind.

"Welcome to the team."

This has been volume nine of The Anime Trope System. The episodes will remain in order.

The next story arc is underway! The long-awaited journey approaches.

Fate is a mysterious string.

Hello, you amazing anime, light novel, fantasy, and manga fans. I'm Alvin Atwater and I would like to take the time to thank everyone who read and support the series. Please consider leaving me a review on I could use as much help as possible. My goal is to expand the Anime Trope System into other forms of media such as manga, artwork, and even games. If my following hits the millions, I may even attract the attention of the anime overlords.

At this time, the manga is doing quite well in production. I uploaded a few pages of what's done so far on

In the meantime, I will get back to work as this series is very fun to write!

I can be found at , Twitter, *******, Facebook (Syr456).

And until the next volume, have a good one!

Clyde's Stat Sheet. You may skip this.

Name: Clyde.

Level: 123

Type: Main character/ Stone. Mystic.

HP: 500% (+110%)

MP: 400% (+80%)

Ki: 200%

Attack: 212 (+16)

Defense: 214 (+45)

Speed: 254

Luck: 246

Will: 252

Intellect: 388

Form: 1/1.

Special: Tier 1 skill: Omen's Desolation. [Does almighty, spiritual, and sound damage. Chance to cause hopelessness and despair. Triple, super-severe damage against entities, deities, spirits, and darkness-type enemies.]

Special Abilities:

Flash Step: Briefly move at the speed of light. A high, speed stat will increase the critical chance of any attack combined with this ability.

Acrobatics: able to run and jump swiftly. Can leap from building to building.

*Mystic senses: whether in or out of battle, you will be connected to nature and its spirits. Unknown benefits. Ability to sense abnormalities.

*Skill Fusion- legendary special ability- combine skills and see what happens. You could unleash death on your foes! [Can be very draining to your MP. Use seldomly.]

Jump: You can warp to area you've been to or picture in your mind. You can also open and close portals, but not create them. You can also warp with a party.

*Astral Projection level 1: project an image of yourself to an area you know. Raise the level to be able to move around in this state as well as increasing the range. Your body will be vulnerable. At the right level, you will learn to be simultaneously aware of both your astral projection and your true self. Warning: it is recommended to have a composure of 200 or more before projecting yourself.

*Radiant aura: all defenses increased.

*Fly. You may fly for some time, if you have the MP. Practice to get better at it.

*Heavenly aura: ???

Hidden stats revealed:

Special Defense: 170

Paranoia: <varies>

Charisma: 266

Composure: 346

Evasion: 242

Reputation: level 8: I…believe in you!

Endurance: 316

Regeneration: 146

Haggling: 136

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[Harumi: Life: 3. Lightning: 3. Heart: 6.]

[Kitome: Strength:2. Passion:4. Energy: 2.]

[Alice: Soul: 7. Command: 7. *Radiance*: 7.]

[Chika: Vitality: 9. Speed: 9. Aura: 10.]

[Yuki: Heart(above), Mystery: 3. Power: 3]

Maki: Ambition: 2 Command(above), Submission: 2]

[Neko: Unpredictable: 1 Spark: 1 Rain: 1]

[ Tear: Spirit: 2 Passion (above) Love: 2]

[Kanako: Sweet: 1. Magical: 1. *Range*: 1]

[Airi: Leadership: 1, Defense: 1, Nature: 1.]

[Melody: Purity: 1, Romance: 1, Command(above)]

[Ruri: Control: 1, Agility: 1, Lust: 1]

[Matsume: Fierce: 1, Fire: 1, Composure: 1]

[Kiko: Acceleration: 1, Trust: 1, Vigor: 1]

Ki-based skills:

Dragon Breath level 1. Unleash Ki-based dragon flames from your mouth or combine it with your fist for a dragon-fist. Dragon breath does Ki and fire damage which cannot be blocked by magic.

Ki-based ultimate attack: none.


-Free points: 175.

-Wanted rep Harpy clan: 5/5.

-Omen's spheres (some call them orbs): 7. (2 of 5 super)

-Sato Academy Crafting Permission.

-*World Star Fragments*: 1/7.

- Faith level 20. Faith points: 50.


- Athlete: 10% bonus to speed and Will. [Passive].

- Mystic Calm: 100% resistant to fear, despair, discomfort, and shock. [Mystic Passive.]

-Hostile Detection 5: detects hostiles within a certain range of you. Detects enemy information. [Passive]. Can now see weakness. Can now see resistances. Can now see secrets.

-Heart Protection 5+: you're 93% less affected by unwanted mental magic or skills from enemies. You gain a 49% bonus to your ability to convince others to do anything that would protect their hearts. 70% chance to break from any magic or charismatic hold. [Passive].

- Secret sword and martial arts combination. Random unknown increases to speed, defense, and will during battle. Chance to critical increases by 2%. [Passive].

- Crafting 5+: enables you to craft items using everyday objects. Can craft complicated items and a 1% extra chance to successfully craft one. [Passive].

- Dagger combat 7: does physical damage. Enables dagger combat. Chance to critical at 35% [Passive].

-knife throwing 7: does physical damage. Enables knife combat. Chance to stun at 31% [Passive].

Trap Detection 6. You will be warned by the system automatically on things your mind would consider a trap. Your will stats dictate this! [Passive]. Range: 32 meters.

Party loyalty: Your party will know if you're in danger and need help. A boost of stats will be given to anyone who's able to provide you assistance.

Unarmed attacks:

-Roundhouse kick. [Attack] – does physical damage. Chance of knockdown at 5%.

-Mystic punch/kicks. [Attacks]- does physical and spiritual damage. Chance of stun at 1%. 50% stun if catching enemy by surprise.

Sword attacks:

-Precise Slash 10. [Attack] – does double physical damage. Chance of critical at 45%

-Deep Slash 10. [Attack]- does double physical damage. Chance to cause bleeding at 45%. Chance to stun at 15%.

-Spirit Slash 10. [Attack] – does double physical and spiritual damage. Chance to cause dizziness at 40%. Chance to cause spiritual blight at 45%.

-Shatter Strike 8. [Attack]- does physical and fire damage. Chance to break barriers at 42%.

-Tier 3 skill: Sound Slash [Attack]- does physical and sound damage. Chance to cause deaf at 1%.

Defensive skills:

Cosmic shield [Evolution 1]: [Defense] – invoke a magical shield around you for a few seconds. Will shield you from magic and block physical attacks. Chance to invoke Spirit Counter at 5%.

Now blocks ki, chakra, negative ki, psychic energy, deitic power, cosmic energy, and unknown sources of supernatural power.

Special skill:

Quick meditation: once per cooldown, you can boost random stats. The buffs will last for up to two hours.

Mystic meditation: once per cooldown, you can boost speed, will, and composure. This buff will last up to 2.5 hours.

Power Up [charge]- Once per cooldown, you may recharge 30% of your MP and slightly increase attack and speed.

Combat level:

-Intermediate level 6. Combat style: Very skilled.

-Mystic combat level 6.

Magic-based skills:

- Bronze Tier Skill: Holy Energy Ball. [evolution 2]. Type: spiritual. Class: mysterious. (Mystic counterpart is available.) Does light and holy damage. You can will them to explode on impact with enemies to rack up the damage. (Mystic counterpart available.)

-Giga Death Scatter Shot [evolution 2]. Type: spiritual. Class: mysterious. Shoot a flurry of energy balls at multiple enemies. 8% chance to stun or paralyze an enemy. Does gun, metal, and glass damage. 1% chance to instantly kill enemies ten levels or more below you. You can will the energy balls to explode upon contact.

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- Angel Spirit Wave [evolution 2]. Type: spiritual. Class: mysterious.: Shoot a wave of concentrated spiritual energy. Chance to cause spiritual blight at 9%. Chance to do triple damage on dark creatures: 35%. Does holy and purity damage. (Mystic counterpart is available.)

[If conditions are met, this attack will become Fallen Angel Spirit Wave instead. Will do demonic and taint damage. Chance to cause agony at 11%. Chance to do triple damage on non-dark creatures at: 37%.]

-Spiritual Blaze Burst [evolution 1] . Type: spiritual. Class: mysterious. Unleash special fire at your enemies. Chance to cause spiritual blight at 11%. Chance to cause burn at 4% Chance to agony at 6%. (Mystic counterpart is available.) Now does fire, volcanic, and holy damage.

-Binder's hand 5. Type: spiritual. Class: mysterious. Bind your enemies with tendrils of spirit energy. 44% chance to bind 1 enemy. Does no damage unless you will it. If willed, will do 9% damage per second. Able to will it to hold allies. Cannot damage allies.

- Charm 5. Type: spiritual, mental. Class: uncommon. Once per cool, you have a chance to take control of 1 targeted enemy. At this level you can only charm 1 enemy at a time and only those with lower levels. Be wary of enemies immune to charm.

-Mystic Omnipresent Aide: invoke the power of nature to assist you. Does nature damage. 150% attack increase everywhere.

-Mystic wrath: Enter mystic mode. This form lasts for a short time and drains magic points, but all physical and magic attacks increase greatly. You will be able to cast Mystic Lightning. Due to the strain this form does on your body, it is highly recommended to use if needed.

-Mystic Lightning- can only cast during mystic mode. Does spiritual, electrical, and holy damage. Change to cause spiritual blight at 34%. Chance to blind.

- Trust Bond Skill Mimic. Type: mystic. Class: very rare. Once per day, you will be able to randomly activate a skill from any of your trusted friends. If you do not wish to activate the revealed skill, you may store it for later use; however, if not activated that day, it will vanish from storage. This can be used outside of Mystic wrath.

-Summon Mist: Type: water. Class: uncommon. Summon a thick mist that can cover an area the size of a small town. You and your allies will be able to see 40% better than any enemies. Warning, this is useless against enemies that do not rely on vision.

BCFUS lv. 5. Rank 2: You can only present a temporary speed and jump boost. You may make only some changes to their appearances, heal moderate injuries, and sense their whereabouts at a better range, all using Free points (also known as Soul Points). You can now increase present temporary attack and defense increases. All women married to you will now have the deity and divine element attributes embedded into some of their attack skills. Chances of inflicting status alignments and heavy or more damage increases.

You may rank up your prophet by spending points.]

Tier 2 skill: Blizzard: Type: ice. Class: very rare. Unleash a portable blizzard on your foes. Does Heavy Ice damage. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

Summon: Tear- 2 remaining.

Tier 2 skill: Neptune's Water Edge. Type: water, holy. Class: very rare. Unleash a sharp blast of water blessed by Neptune himself.

Tier 1 skill: Star Storm 1: Type: light, earth. Class: very rare. Summon a shower of light and earth energy upon your enemies. Chance to inflict repentance at 2%. Chance to paralyze at 1%.

Special Tier Skill: Energy Materialize. Type: light, deity. Class: epic. Form weapons and objects made of energy in your hands. The more MP invested, the larger the object. Chance to inflict light blight at 4% Chance to burn at 2%.

Ki Exchange: Type: neutral. Class: epic. Convert unused Ki to HP or MP.

Bronze Tier Skill: Holy Wind Storm. Type: wind, holy. Class: very rare. Unleash a storm of wind and holy energy on your enemies! Chance to stun at 13% Chance to inflict confusion at 1%.

Telekinesis- Object control level 1. Type: mental. Class: rare. You may move small objects through telekinesis.

Silver tier skill: Meteor. A powerful skill with highly destructive capabilities. Send down a giant meteor to destroy your enemies. Just…don't accidentally blow up a city with it. Does cosmic, colossal fire, explosive, and earth damage.

Life's breath. While in Stone Mode, your presence will begin to heal those that need it in the area. [Passive.]

*Tier 0 skill: Eternal Soul Wind. Summon an extremely destructive storm upon your enemies. Does severe damage. Does Wind, Dark, and Almighty damage. Chance to paralyze enemies at 3%. Chance to cause Soul blight at 3%. Soul blight damage has a chance to instantly send an enemy's HP to 1%. Souls become vulnerable for the taking while inflicted with this blight. *Due to your high relationship status with Chika, this is an unblockable attack.

*Ancestral Spirit Lineage. Type: Omni-spiritual. Class: *Legendary. While in War Stone Mode, the knowledge and experiences of many generations of legendary warriors from all of the universe will be synced with you as your own. [Passive.]


Main character stuff.

Mystic languages. [Can read and speak old and unknown tongues.]


10% boost to relationship stats with Harumi and her friends.

+5% damage for a physical attack.

Marriage System.

Bravery noted to someone of great power.

Ruthlessness noted to someone of great power. (Demons killed.)

10% boost to all stats- mystic bonus.

Good favor with Cupid, god of love

*Gold Achievement.



The Man Who Shatters the Balance. Reckless Abandonment. Man of the Impossible. Millionaire and Again. Slave driver. Entity Destroyer. Vampire Slayer. Massacre Man. Ladies' man. Tactician. Eavesdropper. Godling's Path. *Legendary Beast Slayer.* Leader of Team Miracle. Welcome to the Darkside. Robbing the Snake. Luckiest Man Alive. Star collector! *You OP Son-of-a-Bitch. *Grim Reaper.


CKP: 20


- Sweet-berry Alethian Soup recipe.

- Comforting soup recipe


Lot City: [Current Main barrier level: 13. PP: 100. BP: 100. You are moderately protected. Not even deities would easily detect you.]


$ 991,445,400

-Map of Lot City, Satovia.

-Map of Libado Grasslands, Satovia.

-Map of Ashen City, Satovia.

-Map of Niyoto, Satovia.



-Reminder for practice- note.

- Zelt's printer. Level 1/25.

- Deed to the Ashfall estates, treasures, etc.

-Wind blade. (very rare) +16 to attack. Wind element.

- Place of Power Core (item class: Relic) (item value: priceless)- establish a place of power.

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- Forger's hammer. Item class: very rare

- Exploding blowup doll. Item class: *One of a kind* Unsuspecting enemies will experience a nice surprise. Does dark deity damage.

- Root Tree seed. Item class: epic.

- Mysterious Harp. Item class: *One of a kind* this special harp is loved dearly by a special type of harpy called the Gandharva. Handing this to her will get you a *World Star Fragment* and another reward.

-Breast enhancement potion x 2. Item class: bizarre.

-World Map. item class: *legendary*

- Universal dungeon key. Item value: well-above standard

- Holstaur breast milk.

- Wand of Wonder. Item class: epic.

- Potion of Sharpness. Item class: very rare.

Plants and herbs:

- Uni-plant. This plant can be used in medicines and potions. An alchemist could make use of it.


- Wind blade. Item class: very rare. +16 to attack. Wind element.

- Executioner Staff of Merlin. Item class: *Legendary, One of a Kind*. Does Dragon and Volcanic damage. You may trigger its special attack: Balinor's Havoc, after filling the weapon's soul bar to 100%.]

-School uniform or casual clothes.

-School shoes or casual shoes.

- Necklace of Her Devotion. Item class: *One of a kind* This necklace was made with love. Unknown benefits. Has a 1% chance of triggering Enlightenment mode 1 during battle. All stats will increase by 100% during the mode.

- silver dagger- +ice and earth damage. Item class: rare.

- Grand steel armor set. Item class: rare. +25 to defense

Stone-Tokken Deck:

The Sorcerer's Creed.

Classes: (year1).

-Satovia History 1.

-Romance Literature 1.

-Sciences 1.

-Crafting 1.

Phone numbers:








- Melody


-Hinako [professor.]




Quest log:

Main story.

-Defeat Dark in a Real game (Stone-Token quest.)

-Get to know Sazuki over time.

-Investigate the Dragon threat.

- kill 10 enemies using Ki skills during the day. (MS)

- visit the dojo. You must take either Kitome or Melody with you.

- investigate Hideo's secret laboratory.

- excel in the finals.

*World Objectives:

-Slay the demon lords: 3/15. Reward: *World star fragment*.

-Receive special training. Reward: Stone magic line access.

-World side objective: learn more about this world. Current knowledge of Satovia: 6%

System opinion: You still need knowledge! Quit slacking.

*Challenges: 1/3.

-Challenge: Attempt to get Noona into your party.

-challenge: win 5 cultural festival events. (completed. See Noona on Friday for reward.)

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