Last time on The Anime Trope System, Aunder learned the honor-lacking taste of betrayal. Now playtime is over. The Watchers will rue the day they've crossed the warrior. It seems that despite taunting the man, some of the gods welcome the challenge and the opportunity to crush the Viper.

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Meanwhile Clyde prepares to leave Lot City behind for an entire month of adventuring!

Welcome to….

The Anime Trope System Volume 10:

Stone of Adventure vs. the Viper of Revelation…

Thursday. Week 3. Month 2. Year 1. Season: Late Autumn.

[School: Off day. Classes: Monday, Wednesday, Friday.]

[Current declared fiancée(s): Melody, Alice, Tear, Harumi.]

[Card bearers in Ring City: 1. Unknown.]

[Cook-off opponents in Ring City: 322. Liru. The rest are unknown.]

[Stone mode: still recharging. You must rely on your learned strength for now…]

Liru's Garage…

Clyde muttered to himself as he helped Harumi's older sister, Liru, clean the garage. It was a messy place, consisting of heavy boxes containing family trinkets and possible mystical items. Even in his mind's eye, some of the items had a slight-silver glow to them—which possibly meant a relic-class item. RELIC.

But that wasn't why the young man muttered angrily to himself. Natalia. Oh evil Professor Natalia assigned the entire class over fifty pages of homework, all super-intense essay questions, due on Friday. The day of the exams. To make matters worse, when he mumbled a complaint, she assigned him fifty extra pages.

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He was seconds from telling her where she could shove those pages, but the dean walked in. Respect her, he said. Her assignments are worth double points, he said. Bullshit! That had to be mind control…but the young man had no proof. Their kind and merciful Hinako had the Flu and would be out for the rest of the semester.

And Natalia…was hired to be permanent staff , effective during the Spring semester.

He practically threw himself at Harumi when she mentioned the need for a volunteer to help Liru. Poor Kanako, outspoken, but it was all he could do to drop the thoughts of sabotaging Natalia's job. Instead, he'd find a use for it. He wasn't a master manipulator or anything, but bribing the loli was quite easy.

"Uhmm, that box goes here—agh!"

Liru tripped over something and fell into Clyde. The young man didn't want to acknowledge the anime falling trope, but his mind already noted it to the ever-growing mental list.

He took just a second to scope the beautiful woman. Hair, a darker pink in comparison to his Harumi's, but the same gentle blue eyes.

From an observation, Harumi sometimes changed her hair style, often from straight to an alluring wavy, to a few others when shopping with the girls. Liru had two modes. Straight down in a style similar to her sister's and business, secretary bun.

"Are you good?" the young man said. Liru nodded.

"Sorry," she said. "This whole place is a tripping hazard."

[Your telekinesis has reached level 2]

[Your relationship with Liru has increased to friendly-associate level 4.]

Practice made perfect, though he only had limited use of it due to the low level mingled with an annoying cooldown.

Clyde and Liru returned to the massive task cleaning the garage. The older sister had pounced him with basic questions at the beginning of the session. The young man answered them without much emotion—she was simply an older sister concerned about her sibling.

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"Could you reach over and place that box on the shelf above?"

"You sure you want to keep shelves in here?" Clyde said as he reached over her. "What about a car?"

He suddenly felt soft yoga pants colliding against a freshly spawned boner. She inventoried a container on top of a washer while he reached over for a small box. And it required him to push. He attempted to move to the side, but Liru just so happened to drop something at that moment. She bent over and flinched, taking it all in. He was in sweat pants and shorts due to the cold temperatures of Lot City. Also, he cancelled his planned jog to volunteer for this.

At this point, Clyde couldn't move.

Liru's ass suddenly pushed against him harder.

"Where did it go?" she said.

No way… There was no way she couldn't feel his super erection. She flinched—there was no way Liru would fall into the dense category. If he made the woman uncomfortable, why did she push into him harder when he attempted to give her some space? The simple answer danced around his brain.

Liru was simply horny. A normal thing really. What if he…

Clyde pushed his erection further into her and moved in a sexual rhythm. Liru held onto the washer, ignoring whatever she dropped. Her breathing changed.

[Your relationship with Liru had increased to friendly, associate level 5, and very interested + sexually interested.]

Liru turned around, blushing heavily, and kissed him. The passion prepared to explode into something heavy when a voice from the front room interrupted the mood.

"Sis, I'm back," Harumi said.

"Ow! Watch it, Ruri," Alice snapped.

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"Nya, why'd you drag me along?" Neko said.

"You were arguing with your sister," Alice said.

Clyde and Liru jumped away from each other in haste, nearly knocking over organized boxes. The door to the main house opened.

"I brought some help," Harumi said. Liru smiled at her sister.

"Nyaa, you brought me for labor?" Neko pouted.

Everyone laughed at the catgirl's expense. Alice anime-dove into her Clyde. While taking in his life mate's sweet scent, he made a mental note to access his weekly ID store. With the amount of money he earned, surely he could afford some of the more obscure items. Well, maybe not the trillion, even quadrillion dollar RNG troll items that made little sense to exist. Hell, even Venus's bra was among the selection at one point. If the system is nature, then she's scary.

He briefly pictured a girl with bubblegum-pink hair sticking her tongue out at him for some reason… The image instantly faded the moment he put a thought to it.

Alice snuggled against him.

"Let's go to the cake shop after this. And I get to treat you."

She said that low, indicating the cute demand for a date. As if Clyde would ever turn down the beautiful young woman. Her glistening pink-eyed gaze made him smirk, but with everyone suddenly taking interest in their private conversation, he decided not to tease Alice. At least this once.

"Sure thing, but I get the vanilla crème cheesecake."

Clyde cleared his throat and spoke aloud. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

"Let's finish this up. By the way, did anyone start the loli's homework."

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He looked right at Harumi with a grin. She laughed. Alice grimaced.

"How long should I keep her on the ceiling," Alice said in a dispassionate voice, sparking laughter from Clyde.

"The brat's trying to prove that she's a great teacher," Clyde said, "but if this is how she's going to do things, well, let's just say Naoko is winning. And we'll be making that public tonight."

"Nya, she'll most likely cry and whine, then finally take back the assignments," Neko said.



The red-cloaked being watched the Stone Maidens make final preparations and hotel reservations for their departure to Lot City this winter. He had been at last relieved of his spying duties and paid handsomely.

It would sure be a shame if the Stone decided to leave the city. But duty relief is duty relief. Back to the Pixy Kingdom he went. Hopefully the queen stopped with that war nonsense. Their duties were to ensure the success of the Stone, not pick fights with the Fairy Kingdom. Especially with a lack of men.

He lost count at the number of times he almost lost his dignity. Handsome looks always carried a price to pay, he supposed. Meh, he had pixy blood—blood potent with powerful magic. Some would call his looks superficial, but he disagreed.

The red-cloaked being worked pretty damn hard to get to his position and gain so much power. Taking jobs arranged by Queens and other powerful people was more of a paid hobby to him.

But, before pixy, he was still an entity. Both, but still an entity. And he could not wait to gain enough recognition to shove into Mortem's face like a pie. That made him chuckle. Maybe he'd finally get Selkie into bed.

As if that'd ever happen. The woman teased but was simply impossible to get. He sighed.

Freedom, freedom. He made the Jump. The Stone Maidens were led by someone with the authority to command him.

Bickering women. He wondered if the Viper Maidens were the same. The man shuddered.

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