Clyde's house…

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Airi gulped as she checked the adventurer rankings. Clyde had jumped to rank B, number two. Such fast climbing—the young woman wasn't ready to tell him that she secretly signed him up. She spread rumors far and wide about Team Stone's leader joining the rankings. That motivated a ton of gifted to joined too. So much new talent, all thanks to him.

Airi sighed. She originally hoped to support Harumi in getting Clyde all to herself. So how in the logic-failing world, did she find herself liking him too? Sure, she gave him her virginity, but that couldn't mean much, right? He did well in looks, but anyone could look good. Airi didn't care much about appearances—prettier men may end up with shitty personalities. The only relationship she had, lasted for less than a week. She could still feel the sting of the harmful words and the shove to the ground. That man walked off. Good riddance. The young woman didn't concern herself with such things afterward, except finding the answers to life's mysteries.

She fought hard to snag the number one spot. But in truth…she didn't care about it. If she did, Clyde would've failed to convince her to stay. She glanced at the laptop then sunk her face into her pillow. Being a part of a harem…felt so weird. She'd have to gain his attention, which meant being assertive. She liked him, so that wasn't a problem.

Just…what would Clyde think when he found out that Airi signed him up out of impulse. Ugh! Rank B, number one was looking for him now, hoping to sabotage Clyde. Airi would give that slut a nice surprise. Unexpected appearance by Rank S, number one. Well, it's not like she'd magically find the young man, anyway. His barrier kept away even the lowest, newbies of rank F. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

Airi shut her laptop and rose from her bed. She frowned at Natalia upon opening her door. The kid was asleep in the middle of the hallway with two Loli Saga mangas on her stomach.

"Very cute kid when she's asleep and not pestering everyone."

She picked Natalia up and carried her all the way to her room. Tucking the munchkin in gave Airi fond memories of a past life. She still contacted her mother on a weekly basis, got along fine. But…she'd never return to that town. If she did, the woman would kill him…An uncle who viciously beat his teenage niece and her mother, deserved nothing short of death. But his position as mayor got him out of the eyes of justice… Justice was shit and unreliable. Sadistic fucks got away with anything.

Airi inhaled and exhaled. All of that was in the past, years ago. Besides, Airi traded away her humanity. She had no right to criticize the beings she left behind. She'd continue to look forward, stay strong, and uncover the mysteries of her world.

As she passed a bathroom, she peeked inside to see Fuyoko washing Naoko's hair in the giant tub, motherly smile on her face. To think that heartless woman could…

Airi watched her twenty-four-seven, even while asleep with a spell that only someone of her caliber could master. And even though Fuyoko acted different from the rumors, Airi would not trust her. Oh no, she wouldn't be foolish enough to do that. Anyone who'd willingly make it their life mission to go to the Vault was crazy, insane. Fuyoko would hurt anyone in the household if it meant getting closer to her goal. Airi just wanted one reason to one-shot her to the void and ease the tension…

"Walking the path of the shadow will lead you to misery, tears, and injury, nya."

Airi turned to Ako. The purple-haired woman nodded once at the samurai catgirl before striding past her.

"No idea what you're talking about, cat," Airi said, though she failed at hiding the small smile.

Airi wondered when it would be a good time to tell Clyde about the dungeon she found. Stars shined through her eyes. Chests and treasure—four floors of goodness. She wondered what kind of baddie guarded it.


Temple of Aunder…

"Dire, it's time to come clean," Aunder said.

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The kid cheerfully finished the last of her bacon turnover. The man had to admit that the nation's prized breakfast item was delicious. The cheese and bacon combo stuffed in a crispy coating worked wonders for the palette. He half-frowned when Dire dipped it in something called mayonnaise. Not the best way to appreciate food in his opinion. "Do you hear me, brat—what's your true motive. I can see the soul within, a woman with secrets."

Dire shrugged.

"I can become my true form for an hour, but it would be best if I didn't. My power will be felt around the nation. They may come after me again."

"You're worried about people coming after you with me around?" Aunder said.

"Hmm, well, you have a point," Dire said. "There isn't a single soul that could beat you." She laughed. "From here on, I'm your student, Sensei."

"What?" Aunder said.

"As my master and teacher, you must teach me how to be as strong as you," Dire replied. "I want to be honorable too."

"I told you, I no longer have honor," Aunder said then sighed. "I've…killed an entire planet of non-fighters. And I refuse to revive them until the gods release me from this game. A man who involves the innocent in his disputes can—"

"It's the fault of the stupid Watchers," Dire said then folded her arms. "And while I'm still mad at you for doing that—that doesn't mean you can't teach honor." She placed her hands on tiny hips. "Besides, why not let those people live and find a better hostage?"

"What do you mean?" Aunder said.

Dire pointed at Aunder.

"You have dishonored me—so if you want to make it up. Atone, you must do the right thing."

Aunder gave the little girl a suspicious look then nodded. He never thought about atonement. The concept sounded…alien to him. After all, the man only knew honor and battle for his entire life.

"Explain, girl."

Dire gave him a cat-like smirk.

"The gods don't care about the planet you're holding hostage," Dire said. "So, surprise them. Revive them and replace the hostage with a high-profile god. Surely, you've got the power to take one into custody. I certainly do."

"You do?" Aunder said then shook his head. "Yeah, yeah, sure you do kid. If you expect me to believe that, then try not to get captured by our enemies."

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"They caught me while sleeping," Dire continued, without missing a beat. "First, one of them cut off my access to essence and magic. The other injected me with some sleeping serum to make sure I didn't wake up. In other words, even they knew the threat and didn't underestimate me."

Aunder nodded, taking in her unintentional slipup. What kind of power did this young silver-haired girl hold? He stood up. A maiden took his empty plate. There was pleading in her eyes. A hope that the man changed his mind about disbanding them. A hope for him to stay.

They were adults and many minds to pick from. They'd be fine.

"Let us retreat to my room," Aunder said. "You will show me this true form of yours. That is, if you wish to truly become my student."

Princess Dire's face lit up.

"Yes sensei. Will you restore that planet?"

Aunder stared into glistening red eyes and sighed.

"Fine, whatever, but you'd better have the god in mind."

"Okay," the brat said cheerfully.

Aunder shook his head. Why…was he taking care of this kid? Why not leave her with the maidens and move on? He had no time for babysitting.

Dire closed and locked the door.

"Make it quick," Aunder said. "I need to speak privately with a maiden before our departure."

"Sure, sure," Dire said, her cheerfulness still not fazed. If Aunder…wasn't so protective of her, he'd be creeped out by the kid. Or maybe not. He had no thoughts of them except that they were snot-nosed runts.

His mind reeled when Princess Dire glowed. Her height increased to roughly five feet six or seven. Her breasts went from nothing to massive. Her long dress became very short.

This woman was a beauty… The Princess Dire. And her power was enormous. Tremendous. Pushing against his own. She was a monster.

Aunder's mouth remained agape until suddenly she kissed him. He pulled away like a viper, but grinning evilly, Dire pushed the man to the bed and straddled him.

"I don't think so," Aunder said, but he found himself unable to move. Paralysis. Actually working on him. No….she did nothing. He was just…shocked. "We must keep this between teacher and student. Besides, you're a kid. And I'm no molester."

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"You know damned well that I'm not a kid," Dire said, her womanly voice sparking an intense….erection. Aunder…was actually attracted to the monster before him. No, this had to be his body reacting to the illusion—it simply didn't know. "I'm not going to wait any longer."

Aunder planned to bed a maiden before leaving…but… He would not bed Dire. Besides, what if she turned back to normal during the act. His honor would be blocked forever. He would be the worst of all perverts. He'd have to take his own life to restore the honor of his own world. One did not have those kinds of thoughts about the snot-nosed.

Asserting his power, Aunder regained his senses right as Dire attempted to zip down his pants.

"No," Aunder said. "I don't know what you are to me, other than my newest student. I do not see you like that—just the kid. Besides, you're barely eighteen, if that. So do not speak to me as if you're an adult." He gave her an icy stare. "Do not approach me like this again, do you here? It will bring dishonor to your teacher."

"I'm not a child!" Dire snapped. "I loved you this entire time. You will not push me aside, Aunder."

"That's Master to you. No, let's go with Sensei," Aunder said. "And you have much to learn before you're ready to show the world a woman of honor."

Tears flooded Dire's eyes, but she stubbornly blocked the door.

"I have less than an hour left," she said softly. "Please make me yours…just this once."

Aunder attempted to magically move her aside, but something happened. The second his magic touched her, it dispersed. His eyes widened.

Aunder controlled himself. The woman before him trusted the man as her teacher. It'd bring dishonor to him if he…She...was just so….

They simultaneously ripped each other's clothes off while passionately kissing. Before Aunder knew it, he took her.

Fortunately, the man not only finished within half an hour, but he avoided implanting his seed into the woman.

He wanted to go another round with the powerful woman, but squashed that instinct to the side. That transformation had less than ten minutes left on it.

"Is that curse curable?" Aunder said. The naked woman, snuggling against him sighed.

"I…don't know," Dire said. "No one has succeeded at breaking it—not even the most powerful mages, healers, sorcerers, druids, you name it. My transformations used to be very brief, but wanting you to respond to my love, I practiced again and again until I reached the limit of an hour."

Aunder quickly dressed.

"Be ready to leave in five minutes."

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He left the room. To think he almost gave that one a child. The curse on her body… Something had to be done about that. He'd searched his vast library of spells and chakra for the cure.

Men of his world were naturally attracted to very powerful women. That was why under different circumstances, he would've made Su Yang his wife…

He put her out of his mind, the time of mourning gone. Yet…he still missed her. Even if she acted as a result of Stockholm syndrome—a mental state where one fell for their horrible captor. He…wanted to pay them for their time—send them off like mercenaries. But now they were dead. He released the bond from Momo, but not without sending the news. If that woman had any belief left of her goddess, this would probably break her.

Yet, Venus wasn't the hostage he needed. She seemed…too mischievous.

After Aunder and Dire spoke their farewells to the maidens, they stepped outside to start the next journey.

He opened himself to the planet in which he wiped. Should he really do this? One look at Dire…and he kept his word. A dangerous brat and woman. Twenty-four years of age…

His student…but why? She had an agenda that made him both excited and uneasy…

Oh well, it was time to start a revelation.

Dire's eyes on him, Aunder waved his hand. The anti-god miasma vanished. He breathed life into the world, turning back the clock. The five moons took their places back in the skies and the people lived again. The cities were untouched. The memories of the moon-crash disappeared.

Every deity, entity, Watcher, and powerful being witnessed the restoration…No one reacted. No one had an explanation. But they felt Aunder's power. The giver and taker of life.

The glow around the man faded as he disconnected himself from the world.

"I hope you know what you're doing," Aunder said to Dire. She smiled.

"Of course," she said. "If you want to get what you want, you can't be unreasonable. Take the soul of a high-profile deity and they'll respond. Or you could play the game, kill the Stone."

Aunder gazed into those red eyes. "You're a strange snot-nosed runt, you know that." He walked away as Dire protested.

Who and what is this young woman…?

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