Abruptly, Clyde nearly doubled over as he was struck with an intense vision. In a distant world, anti-god miasma faded away like a dissipating bloody mist. A terrible destruction violently lurched in reverse, as if someone hit the rewind button on a media player. And at last, five moons took their places back in the sky. People actually carried on their lives as if nothing happened. The destruction to the cities and living areas was not so much as a memory. What…What did this mean?

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He felt…power crackle through the air like thick electricity. Thick being a super-understatement. This power possibly exceeded his own…even at seventy-five percent over Stone Mode. There was no doubt whom that belong to. He…suddenly realized, maybe not for the first time, that facing that would certainly mean his death. Did the bastard Watchers lock him into a death match that he couldn't win? It wouldn't surprise him, considering how they watched Lot City perish.

"Are you okay?"

Misaka supported the young man, his arms over her shoulders, preventing him from falling on his face. No, wait…it wasn't Misaka supporting him. It was Harumi. The blur in his vision cleared. Misaka, who was still far off at the time, hurried toward them, eyes full of worry.

"Thank you," Clyde said softly. "I don't know what the fuck that was, but I have a bad feeling, Harumi."

The pink-haired girl just briefly placed her hand on her stomach. A tiny gesture that told Clyde everything he needed to know.

"We need to talk," he said. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

Harumi flinched.

"Yes… Let's go to the grasslands."

After they assured Misaka that everything was fine, Clyde and Harumi Jumped to Libado Grasslands.

He immediately pulled the pink-haired young woman into a passionate kiss, but stopped himself from taking it further. Even though Harumi looked as if she wanted him to.

"You know how weird my abilities are," Clyde said, "including the power to detect things." He continued after getting a nod from his lover. "I know you're pregnant, so I tried to get baby advice from Noona of all people." The duo burst into laughter. Harumi clung onto Clyde in a tight embrace. "The truth is Harumi…I know I messed up, however…I can't help but be happy about it."

"Me too," Harumi said, excitement sparking in her voice. "I knew you'd take responsibility, and that love made me so happy these past days."

"Let's tell the others, at your sister's place," Clyde said. "There's no use keeping them out of the loop, they'll be just as happy. But especially your sister."

"She will," Harumi said. She squeezed Clyde's hand. The young man always took comfort from that.

Clyde sighed.

"About what happened earlier."

"I…saw it too," Harumi said. "Last time, a shadow destroyed life in that world. This time, all of the damage was undone. And yet, I still felt the shadow's presence. For some reason, he restored that world."

"What could it mean? What changed?" Clyde said softly, more to himself.


In Front of Kitome and Yusuke's House…

"Can I walk you to the door?" Hijo asked. She…wanted to go back to Yusuke's place after all. How far did this relationship go? He'd have to proceed with pulling her away.

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"No, It is fine," Undine said. "Besides, I've got some cooking to do."


"Indeed," Undine said. "I've finally mastered how to cook Yusuke's favorite food." The woman blushed, a…sexual…or wife-like glaze went into her eyes. Hijo trembled in utter jealousy.

"Do you…mind if I have your number?" Hijo said. "I'd like to see you again."

He pulled out his phone.

"Sorry, I don't have that device on my person," Undine said then smiled sadly.

"Yusuke couldn't buy you—"

"Yusuke gave me one. A random gift you know," Undine said, interrupting the green-haired boy. "He's such a sweet man." Her eyes seemed to descend into…lust? Love? Hijo was so fucking jealous. "Alas, I'm kind of terrible with smartphones." She stepped out of the vehicle. "Good luck with your studies. And thanks again for the ride."

"Undine…" Hijo said, stepping out of the car. "I'd really like to get to know you. P—"

Hijo bowed his head. "Please allow me to take you out to dinner." He looked up, hoping for a face of approval. "What the fuck…?"

The woman was nowhere to be found. He didn't even hear the sound of the door opening and closing. No…way. Did she fucking teleport? There was no other explanation for the sudden disappearance, which meant Yusuke didn't have her walking. She planned to just Jump home. He sighed. A rejection…? He had to push. One dinner, one date could lead to what he wanted. Her in his arms. He'd give her all of his love.

A sudden honk of a horn snapped him out of his revelation.

"Hey fuck face, get your fucking car out of my driveway!"

He gulped, knowing that voice. Kitome's mother. Oh fuck.

"Sorry miss—I—"

"I don't want to hear your fucking excuses, you piece of shit," Kitome's mother barked. "Move your shitty car or I'll fuck you up!"

Hijo practically dove into his car, shifting it to reverse. Kitome's mother flipped him off as he drove away. Close call…

Undine was no ordinary woman. He found it hard to believe she befriended Kitome and Yusuke's mother, but she entered that house.

Maybe he should try befriending Kitome to investigate. As if he'd get past the girl's attitude…

Hijo would have to ask his clan if they knew anyone by the name of Undine.

Undine sighed. Her future mother-in-law forgot something for work and came to retrieve it. She met her a few times, but only with the others present. The mother knew Yusuke, and she were "dating." A strange term. No one in this era called it, courting. And they hesitated for marriage.

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Only her little sister-in-law knew that Undine lived in the house. Undine couldn't reveal herself that way to the parents, knowing the wrath would be taken out on Yusuke and Kitome. Thankfully, Yusuke planned to get his own place soon. After all, his sister moved out, although the argument with her mother was quite noisy and venomous.

Good timing, because that Hijo human was starting to get annoying. Desperation and persistence from one person pointed toward ill omens. He refused to take hints. Compatible or not, Undine had no time to waste with pathetic men like that. She patted herself on the back. The old her would've slain the man for insulting her lover.

When she'd given up, ready to atone for her actions thousands of years ago, Yusuke still went out of his way to save her. He presented her with a second chance. She wouldn't waste it with some desperate idiot, who more than likely jumped from women to women. Besides, wealth didn't impress her. Only strength and character. Yusuke didn't let her die, even when she was prepared for it. Honor…

His destiny was attached to the Stone for a reason.



Aunder's grin widened as a giant geyser of concentrated white magic struck the altar of the faceless man in a fantastical display—a giant pillar of glowing white that expanded more than half a mile wide. It shook the earth, injected pressure into the air as if gravity belonged to it. A shifting shadow appeared in the center of it… but it wasn't Wajakuru. No, that summon got interrupted, enabling someone else to take his place.

Storm clouds emerged in the darkening skies. Lightning crackled and thunder roared. The shadow morphed into what Aunder believed was a chariot pulled by two creatures.

Then the white energy receded at last… The decorative chariot, pulled by two…goats, landed from the sky. The rider, a bearded man with orange-red hair stepped out, grinning. He seemed to be armed with a bizarre hammer… What a strange one. Yet, Aunder just knew he wasn't Wajakuru, unless his and Dire's research were wrong. The man doubted that.

Aunder scoped his stats.

*Thor, God of Thunder*

Level: ???

Type: God

Special: ??? (it feels overwhelming!)

Weakness: ???

Resistances: ???.

Secret: his hammer, Mjolnir, is a true danger to you.

[Warning, you are in true danger!]

A shimmering gold and silver aura outlined this Thor. He was dressed in a simple red battle tunic and brown boots. Aunder took note of his strange belt, which radiated power, and iron gauntlets. So…a god of thunder, huh? Well, the man didn't care as long as he pulled someone worth killing…eh, capturing. So much for Wajakuru—he would've had a pile of information for the taking.

"Viper, I say it is about time we met," Thor said, his voice tethered with an accent Aunder didn't recognize. "I don't need the Punishment Squad here to pass judgment, I'm good enough. And I sentence you to death. Now…" He grinned. "Fight me."

Aunder laughed.

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"Will you be the challenge I need?"

Thor's grin widened.

[You have entered an **ETERNAL DEATH SENTENCE**.]

[Detrimental Warning! This death sentence surpasses the max, which should be impossible. This isn't a fight you can win. System recommendation: immediate retreat.]

[You have pulled the attention of Asgard!]

Aunder ignored the silly prompt that was never right when it came to his abilities. He had a revelation to unleash. Thor's defeat would be the icing that he needed for this cake.

He didn't pull a sword from his inventory, eager to test his opponent first.

Both men took fighting stances then blurred toward each other.

Aunder dodged the hammer, but right before he could follow up with a punch, Thor teleported backward, weapon raised.

[Thor activated GOD tier skill: Lightning of Asgard.]

Aunder's vision went temporally bright and a pain in which he'd never felt in his life crashed down on him like the weight of a planet-sized anvil. He fell to his knees, coughing blood.

[Aunder's HP has drastically dropped to 1%]

[Critical warning! This is not a fight you can win.]

Thor grinned.

"You don't want to be testing me, Viper. I'm here to kill. Now."

Thor blurred in front of the man, raising his hammer to end it all so quickly. Aunder teleported to his side.

((Aunder triggered- *Book of Life*: once per day, you may fully heal.))

[Aunder is fully healed.]

[Aunder is now taking the fight seriously.]

He drew a glowing orange blade from midair. His battle senses heightened. A dim purple aura surrounded him and his grin widened, almost into madness. A taste of the thrill…

"Thor, god of Asgard, come."

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Aunder time-stepped in front of the god, flashing his blade. Thor blocked. Electrical magic emerged at the collision point of the weapons. Winds, stronger than the fiercest of storms, gust and blasted briefly. The men pulled back, immediately attacking again. Parry after parry, block after block, they were fierce titans of nature.

Aunder realized that he simply wasn't going to damage the god this way. He teleported backward, hand aimed. Thor was already on the move, a blur.

[Aunder activated Void tier skill: Hand's Embodiment of Darkness.]

Thor's eyes widened when a giant hand made of shadow and void, punched out of reality above him. He had no time to react. The fist rocketed him hundreds of yards backward, breaking the sound barrier at least ten times over.

[Thor's HP has dropped.]

Aunder felt something approaching. He dodged the thrown hammer with barely any movement. Thor teleported right in front of him, recalling his weapon with just a thought.

Aunder just barely blocked the speedy follow-up attack. The impact still damaged him. The electrical energy and wind returned.

"Not bad, Thor," Aunder said. "You're doing very well."

"Yourself too, but I think it's time to put an end to this," Thor quipped. "I should take this fight seriously myself—full power—"

A woman's voice from the sky interrupted them.

"Thor, you are to retreat. The Punishment Squad is heading there soon. You won't be able to convince five hundred of them."

"Who sent the order?" Thor snapped, but received no response. Aunder took a stance.

"Are you going to run away?" Aunder said.

"Like hell I am," Thor said, then dashed toward the man. They both stopped upon feeling tremendous power entering the world.

Even Aunder didn't have the time to deal with them. Not five hundred. He wanted to fight this Thor, but an interruption would surely ruin everything.

"Those bastards are really here," Thor said. "I do not have the patience for this."

And just like that, Thor and his chariot vanished. Aunder was glad that he didn't foolishly tell Dire where he'd be spending his afternoon.

He supposed he could try wiping out an entire legion of Punishment Squad lackies, but that could wait. Their demise must be witnessed by many.

Aunder made the Jump, but this was far from over. Not only did Thor keep up with him, but he had the attention of Asgard. His defeat and capture would send the perfect message. The high-profile god that would jumpstart his revelation.

Maybe he should at least use half of his power during the next encounter with Thor. Maybe five percent will do. No, he'd better be careful with that one. If his magic did that kind of damage, then Aunder would have to be wary of any Ki-based attacks.

He may not get the chance to enjoy the fight… Fuck. And something had to be done about the Punishment Squad.

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