Clyde's house…

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Clyde observed his quest log. Misaka sat on one of the couches in the living room, a guest in his home, as well as a surprising addition to the Team Stone trainee roster. Airi and Tear were seated next to her. As much as they tried, the succubus and druid could not get much of a conversation from the shy girl. The young man wondered, why the sudden interest in her mother?

Quest log:

Main story.

-Defeat Dark in a Real game (Stone-Token quest.)

-Get to know Sazuki over time.

-Investigate the Dragon threat.

- kill 10 enemies using Ki skills during the day. (MS)

- visit the dojo. You must take either Kitome or Melody with you.

- investigate Hideo's secret laboratory.

- excel in the finals.

- Adventure quest pending: Pay the Order of the Crusaders a visit. Stop their cruelty once and for all. You will have to rely on Chizuru to bring you back the researcher to begin this quest

-[Adventure quest: [Complimentary Advanced notice from a watcher.] During the Winter break, you must travel to the nation of Alon to give your blessing to the princess. Neko must be present. Her sister is an optional addition but will increase the awards. Beware of the wizard gang around this area. The troubling bunch may be the least of your problems if the Gargoyles are still around.]

*World Objectives:

-Slay the demon lords: 3/15. Reward: *World star fragment*.

-Receive special training. Reward: Stone magic line access.

-World side objective: learn more about this world. Current knowledge of Satovia: 8%

System opinion: You still need knowledge! Quit slacking.

* Challenges remaining: 1 (max 3). Challenges completed: 1.

-Challenge: Attempt to get Noona into your party.

-challenge: win 5 cultural festival events. (completed. See Noona on Friday for reward.)

His stare died for a moment. Just what the fuck… This list was huge. System, do you think you can hint me the location of Hideo's secret lab, Clyde thought. The system didn't respond at first.

[To get this spot marked on your map, you must complete the following quests: kill 10 enemies using Ki skills during the day. Visit the dojo. Afterwards, unlock Ki skill, Area sense (this is optional). It is highly recommended to complete these quests before departing Lot City.]

Clyde wasted no time, texting Kitome for a dojo date. Spending time with the angry magical girl at an ass-kicking place like that was fucking awesome.

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Clyde: Hey Kitome, are you free?

Kitome: no. I'm stuck helping my mom out for a few hours. I wish you could steal me away, but she'd probably kill you in your sleep.

Clyde: Ah. Well, good luck. *Laughing emoji*

Kitome: *sad face emoji* *middle finger emoji*

Clyde laughed, drawing the attention of the other women.

"What's so funny?" Alice said.

"Nothing important, just a random text," Clyde said, then changed the subject. "Toru's got business with his dad. Can I count on you guys to train the new recruits?"

Alice looked excited, until Tear shut her down.

"Up-up-up, you've got House Hades work to do, Alice," Tear said. The half-demoness groaned.

"What now?" she said, already defeated.

"Requests, pay system, the incoming money the businesses are pulling in to say the least," Tear said. Alice seemed to wilt.

"Can't those wait?" she said.

"Nope," Tear said. "We're getting ready to leave, remember? So off you go. Natalia will be there to help out in a few."

As if on cue, Natalia's voice rang through the air.

"Did somebody call me?"

She blinked into existence then anime-dove into the half-demoness. Natalia took a deep whiff. Ruri sighed.

"Highness, you still have my request to grant," Natalia said. "But don't worry, I'll help you get to it faster. Oh and Ruri's pack continue to guard the palace well. One of them got pregnant, however. She'll need maternity leave."

Alice's blank stare seemed to glow as Natalia pulled her outside. Clyde almost felt bad for her.

"Make sure you're back by six," Clyde said. "We're going to have a meeting at Liru's."

"Hai," Natalia said, perfectly mimicking the anime girls from the show. Clyde facepalmed, unsure of how to feel since…well, this was an anime world. Tear shook her head. Misaka giggled. Ming, who emerged from the hall, joined in on the laugh.

"She's the perfect mix of evil and adorable," Ming said. "Well, more evil than adorable."

"I'll leave the training to you ladies," Clyde said then turned to Melody, who seemed to be fascinated by her current romance novel. "Melody, you'll be coming with me."

He felt the jealousy aura of the other women, especially Harumi and Tear's. Melody's face lit up.

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"I'll get dressed."

She hurried to her room before Clyde could open his mouth. At that moment, the smart man decided to make it a date and have the dojo be the last stop.

He put on some casual clothes, which Yuki had waiting for him—wardrobe that was meant for the Liru meeting. The demoness was currently out with both Maki and Sophia. Clyde hoped she didn't have them on leashes. So much for getting the Ki list from the maso-yandere.

He thought about inviting the others, but the evil system squashed that thought.

[You can only have Kitome or Melody on this quest.]

He didn't understand the logic behind it, but took Melody on the date anyway, enjoying the time with her. What surprised him the most was her interest in the dojo at the end. He had more fun watching the redhead's reactions than the match itself.

[Quest completed! Visit the dojo with Melody or Kitome. Reward: Double increase to combat and mystic combat levels. Increase to combat style. You have learned Stagger Punch. Class: moderate rare. Does physical damage. Has a great chance to stun enemies and if you punch in the right place and at the right time, well…you could instantly KO an opponent.]

[Challenge: kill 1 enemy using a throwing knife without being detected.]

Clyde saw that he had plenty of time, but Melody was in a mood that assured him that she'd go where he went. Figures. He had sex with every girl after the dates. By the look in her eyes, she mentally debated if she should start the kiss or him. Yet…he had to do this Ki quest or Hideo's secret lab would remain that. A secret What kind of things could the young man find in there? What about the loot? He still needed an award for defeating Hideo, right? Clyde needed to bring Airi with him for the exploration of it. The Super Druid may discover something that would reveal whatever fuckery of a plot the crusader researchers conjured up.

Not much time had passed since the crusader champion left, so the full story would remain on hold. Dark's hatred of them stood as another factor the young man took into account. The chuuni could become a problem.

Clyde forgot he was in public, so kissing his fiancée drew a few stares. The nice view of Melody blushing made the act worth it. He saw in her eyes that the young woman prepared to do something bold and any other time, Clyde would let it happen, but there were quests that needed to get finished. Else, they'd never get done. He could mess around with the young woman at home.

"I know this is going to sound like a horrible kick to what was an awesome date," Clyde said, "but do you want to join me in some monster-slaying? I have to take out about ten of them using my Ki abilities."

Melody blinked.

"Why would I be opposed to that? Your date is more original than many I've read…" she paused, blushing, then grabbed his hand. "Le—let's go."

When the duo arrived to Libado Grasslands, a plethora of hornets awaited them. Well, most of the monster girls were on their way to the forest. Many of them knew better by now not to attack Clyde, so upon sight, they ran. Some even cried.

The young man didn't give two shits, they weren't his targets. Team Stone didn't attack non-threatening monster girls anymore, especially with the knowledge of the Supreme's influence. A quick journey into the forest provoked goblins, imps, and other creatures that lived in the area. Clyde exclusively used his Ki skill, Dragon breath. Soon, he got to the point of needing just one more and the quest would finally be over. A deep goblin voice caught their attention. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

It was huge with dark green skin, wild orange eyes, and muscles straight out of a bodybuilding magazine. A soft orange aura outlined it. Clyde analyzed the creature.

"You will pay for your treacheries, puny human!"

Hobgoblin mage

Level: 124

Type: Monster

Work under: N/A.

Special: Mage fire (has a chance to burn.)

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Weakness: water, ice.

Resistances: fire

Secret: he wants to see what it's like to do an imp woman, but know all of his goblin and hobgoblin friends would make fun of him.

The mini-boss charged after them.

[Your party has entered combat!]

[Enemy activated Mage Fire]

Clyde put up a Cosmic shield, blocking the pathetic attack. Melody waved a magic-filled finger.

[Melody activated Tier 3 skill: Devi-wave.]

[Enemy activated Tier 1 skill: Persistent Mage shield.]

It cackled as a translucent-blue bubble surrounded it.

"You can't touch me, you can't touch me, ha! I can hold this shield for as long as I need it and magic won't be able to easily penetrate it."

He threw a heavy, magic-infused fist toward Clyde. The young man side-stepped the attack, but his counter-kick was blocked by the shield.

Clyde nodded.

"Well, let's see how well this goes."

Clyde inhaled and he felt the ki traveling from his center to his lungs like ghostly water. When he forcefully exhaled, a burst orange-red fire erupted from his throat. The young man of course felt nor tasted nothing.

<Clyde channeled Dragon Breath>

[Dragon Breath level 1. Unleash Ki-based dragon flames from your mouth or combine it with your fist for a dragon-fist. Dragon breath does Ki and fire damage which cannot be blocked by magic. ]

The Ki-breath washed through the shield as if it didn't exist. Melody, despite seeing it numerous times, still looked amazed. Clyde figured she wanted to showcase some of her full power, but allowed him to be selfish. Not that she needed to impress him—he already knew how OP she was. And to think someone amazing like that, loved him. Life and death , constant battles and blood, and a little bit of anime logic aided in skipping indecision. She was still a tough one to woo.

He got extremely lucky with the others too from being in the right place and taking specific actions that eventually led to bonding and romance. And Satovia's favorite saying: the heart knows what it wants.

[HYPER-CRITICAL! Enemy HP has dropped to 0%]

[Battle completed. Victory! Reward: 205,000 EXP. Goblin dust.]

[Quest completed! Reward: access to Hideo's secret laboratory. The location has been marked on your map. It is not recommended to go there with just a party of two. Hideo has something terrible down there…]

Clyde was not surprised. He injected Sophia with something that caused her to go Shehulk on them. Holding creatures hostage? Pfft, just another day. To think Toru's bastard uncle would cause the team trouble from beyond the grave.

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Two quests knocked off the list. Fuck yeah!

"Ready to head back?"

"I could use a bath," Melody said. The young man grinned.

"You and me both," he said. Thank goodness for the purple flames of despawning, instead of gore, he thought. Not that this place went gore-free. He'd seen plenty of blood. The purple flames prevented him from having to buy new clothes on a daily basis.

Clyde Jumped them back to his house. Kanako anime-dove into him, her arms wrapping around his waist.

"I missed you Master," she said.

"I told you not to call me that," Clyde said. The young man smiled at her. He silently dared his hand to pet the genie. He wasn't some cheesy generic main character that fucking…

[Talent, main character stuff. Head pat.]

The genie giggled at the patting. Goddammit, System, he thought.


[Your relationship with Kanako has increased to Friend-closer level 4.]

"I'm going to hit the shower before the meeting," Clyde said. He met Harumi in the hall.

"How are you feeling?" he asked, his voice full of compassion. Harumi pulled him into a random room and locked the door.

"Like this," she said then kissed him. Someone cleared their throat right as Clyde was about to pull up Harumi's shirt to reveal perfect breasts.

Airi's blank stare had a no-nonsense glint to it. Maybe a hint of jealousy.

"Harumi, I love you to death, but no love-making in here. I'd like to hear the show I'm watching."

She pointed at the TV.

"Sorry," Harumi said, "I don't know what came over me. I—I'll go get ready for the team meeting."

The pink-haired girl winked at Clyde before hurrying out. He sighed.

"Sorry," Clyde said.

"It's no big deal," Airi said. "That girl can spark the other side of her out of nowhere. It's cute, but she refuses to acknowledge…" The purple-haired woman's voice trailed off. "I don't want to start ranting like my grandmother."

Airi walked over to him.

"You've got something to tell me." Her arms wrapped around Clyde, stars shining in her eyes. "Spill it."

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