"I have no idea what you're talking about," Clyde said, failing to pull the woman off. She pinned him to the wall, eyes starry. "You know there's a saying, curiosity killed the cat."

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"I've never heard of such a saying," Airi said, "what planet are you from? Now don't play dumb. What's going on between you and Harumi? She's acting too giddy. Did you poke her that good? If so, I'll need you to spread the love because I want to be that happy too."

Clyde wiped away the nosebleed, his boner pushing against Airi's yoga pants-covered crotch. She let out a gasp and brown skin didn't stop the anime girl blushing.

"You'll find out at the team meeting," Clyde said as he untangled himself from the girl. There really wasn't enough time left for messing around—he gave Alice until six. The rest of the time could be used toward packing and organizing. Airi still made out with him for a few minutes, but he prevented her from taking it a step further.

"Oh right, the damn meeting," she said softly. "Can't it wait an hour?"

He considered shrugging, but sensed the presence before the doorknob of Airi's closed door turned. The duo repositioned themselves and continued a bullshit conversation about the meeting at Liru's. Harumi, Ruri, and Kanako walked in.

"Ah, Harumi, that reminds me," Clyde said. "I've got a new wand for you."

He checked his inventory. The young man pat himself on the back for printing the map of Ring City. Maybe he should consider buying one of the printer's upgrades.


$ 991,445,400

-Map of Lot City, Satovia.

-Map of Libado Grasslands, Satovia.

-Map of Ashen City, Satovia.

-Map of Niyoto, Satovia.

-Map of Ring City, Satovia.



-Reminder for practice- note.

- Zelt's printer. Level 1/25.

- Deed to the Ashfall estates, treasures, etc.

-Wind blade. (very rare) +16 to attack. Wind element.

- Place of Power Core (item class: Relic) (item value: priceless)- establish a place of power.

- Forger's hammer. Item class: very rare

- Exploding blowup doll. Item class: *One of a kind* Unsuspecting enemies will experience a nice surprise. Does dark deity damage.

- Root Tree seed. Item class: epic.

- Mysterious Harp. Item class: *One of a kind* this special harp is loved dearly by a special type of harpy called the Gandharva. Handing this to her will get you a *World Star Fragment* and another reward.

-Breast enhancement potion x 2. Item class: bizarre.

-World Map. item class: *legendary*

- Universal dungeon key. Item value: well-above standard

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- Holstaur breast milk.

- Wand of Wonder. Item class: epic.

- Potion of Sharpness. Item class: very rare.

-Goblin dust. Item class: meh. Item value: worthless. Maybe a crafting ingredient, maybe trash.

He handed the pink-haired girl the Wand of Wonder. A wand that looked as if it was made of gold and mahogany, with multi-colored jewels embedded on the edge. A work of art that impressed the young man to no end. As an epic item class, it would surely pack a devastating punch in battle.

Harumi's face lit up.

[Your relationship with Harumi has increased to Absolute Cherished, level 7.]

Harumi hugged Clyde.

"Thank you," she said softly. "It's so beautiful."

The perverted young man took an involuntary whiff of Harumi's perfume. He wondered if his lack of control was a problem. Then again, as a man with a harem, he'd have to be easily excitable, else satisfying anyone would just be impossible.

Still, now wasn't the time to dwell on perverted thoughts. Ruri and Kanako ooh and aah'd the wand.

"I want to be pampered," Ruri said, anime-diving into Clyde. "I'm the princess of a well-known clan. You should be pampering me. Oh!" She melted into his head caressing. Tail wagging, she took two whiffs of Clyde, "kun, kun." In a low voice, she said, "you smell excited. Let's go to a room and comfort each other."

Clyde sighed.

"I'm going to get ready," he said.

"What's wrong with what you got on?" Ruri said.

"Sweat from a dojo and training," Clyde said.

Sensing the humor in her voice, Clyde left to his room before the hellhound could pounce him with more questions.

Ming was sitting on his bed, reading.

"Hey," he said.

"Hi," she replied.

"I'm going to start packing a few things before I shower," he said. He warped his clothing to the inventory, which seemed to fascinate Ming because she was at his backside in awe. Then she tripped over something. Clyde caught her in time.

[Your relationship with Ming has increased to Friend, closer level 9.]

Having Ming move in with him had really helped with the friendship level increases. The interactions with the other women too. Now that he reached level nine, he had one more thing to do. Somehow, he knew this wasn't the right moment. He wanted Ming to know he was there for her. She was his friend, not someone he'd take advantage of.

Fortunately, she wasn't as fragile as Misaka.

He talked with her while packing. The inventory made things easier. It helped that uniforms and casual clothing stacked, as well as shoes.

"I'd like to test my skills against your deck," Ming said. Clyde gave her a skeptical look. She held up a more confident finger. "If you win, I'll let you do whatever you want to me."

Clyde blinked.

"You've got…an odd way of saying you want to have sex."

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Ming blushed.

"It's not that! I'm the regional champion. Your deck started off as a rumor and legend, lost in the lore. Duelists would sell their soul just to see it. And you, the owner is standing in front of me. I…never bring up the deck because I don't want you to think I'm only here because of it. You've really transcended beyond just a friend."

Clyde gazed into the dual-colored eyes and pulled her into a kiss.

Ming's breath seemed to be taken away for a moment, then she wanted more. Her heart beat fast, face burned, eyes glistening with excitement.

Clyde knew this would become wild sex if he didn't stop it. Limited time meant controlling himself. He needed to spend more time with every girl, otherwise they'd end up being horny even during serious times. He pulled back.

"I'll accept your duel, but not now," Clyde said. "Today, I have something heartwarming to reveal. Or get skinned alive for, depending on the perspective."

He kissed Ming once more before heading to the showers.

Within the hour, the entirety of Team Stone arrived, ready to go. Tear Jumped them to Liru's.


Julius's house…

Julius tried to give Momo as much space as possible during her days of mourning her sisters, but the woman refused to be left alone. He allowed her to hold him, cry her eyes off, responded to her requests for intense sex to drown out her pain.

He wasn't sure if he truly cared, but after spending so much time with the woman, something was there. Hell, they did nearly everything together—whether he wanted to or not. She still wasn't his type, lacking in the breast department, but whether Julius wanted her or not, he'd still let her cry into his chest.

Things were rocky when the kid disappeared until all of the news was relayed from Aunder himself. Dire reporting things to the Viper. The True Poison, a faction within the Viper Maidens, turning out to be for themselves. Those women killed both Olivia and Su Yang.

The Viper released Momo from her bond, but not him. Fuck. Julius had nothing to do with the stone-viper games, why didn't the fucker just let the man be?

Momo crawled out of bed and marched purposely outside the room. Seconds later, he heard the showers from a nearby bathroom.

He headed outside and started his workout routine. A woman's mourning wasn't going to keep him in shape. The old Julius would've dropped her off somewhere or even just left. He should be adventuring, discovering new things, fulfilling his own goals. Yet…he couldn't leave her.

He pushed himself through another hundred pushups to clear his mind. He switched to a variety of other exercises to sweat as hard as possible, until catching a glimpse of the observing white-haired woman.

A small smile was on her face, which Julius…felt relieved to see? He who gave no fucks about others. He decided not to worry about it for now.

Julius ended his exercises and almost walked past her. At Momo's side, he stopped. The words that came out of his mouth surprised him.

"If you want to avenge them, I've got your back."

Momo nodded once.

That was the start of the campaign against the true Viper Maidens.


Strongly Guarded Throne Room…

Lilith, the Supreme Demon Lord and the Empress of the Monster Kingdoms, was beginning to lose her patience. None of her minions returned to her with news regarding the movement of the Fallen God, the Thousand Year Dragon, or even the meaning behind the vision of Sither's World being reversed in time suddenly, its anti-god miasma vanishing. What of the stone-viper games? What of Tear?

She really wanted to go find the Warrior and…do a lot of things that could lead to her getting pregnant. She could…She could... Lilith shook herself.

Now wasn't the time for the perverted thoughts.

"Guard," she said.

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A man dressed in black armor strolled in professionally. Seeing their perfect military bearing sometimes made Lilith break into a smile. Unlike the inquisitors, she shaped the main army herself. They followed orders to the letter. And they wouldn't be so easily stomped. Not even by that warrior.

In fact, ever since seeing the Warrior fight, she kicked up training to the max. All fighting styles, tactics, spells and skills, as well as battle formations, were upgraded. She provided her army with charms that enabled them to stand up to gods. Well, the minor ones anyway. Her research teams were still searching for a source of power that could generate a demand to face even the Aesir. The World Star fragments could be the key.

"Imperial Majesty, how can I be of service?" the guard said as he stood at attention.

"I want you to summon Haruko and Chiho," Lilith said. "Send another guard to give orders to the cooks. Tell them to prepare a picnic. It's time three friends had a chat. The Queen of Hearts will be visiting soon and I want to have something to talk about."

The guard saluted.

"As you wish, Imperial Majesty."

When the guard left, Lilith pulled the laptop from beneath her throne. It should take her friends at couple hours–from receiving her summon to getting to the Supreme Palace. She'd entertain herself for a while with some human adult shows.



Supreme Punisher Atlas, leader of the Punishment Squad, sat before four figures, taking in their bickering complaints. Another hit, given to him late. The culprit more than likely escaped by now. He sighed. What a wretched system.

First the crime must be submitted through the gods, judged, and then if it's grave enough, they vote on whether to request the Punishment Squad or not. His troops were thinned out enough, hunting down notorious criminals—especially the Zero Silence space pirates. Another only equally big threat was that rogue War goddess, responsible for illegally creating a world that thrived on bloodshed and hiding it for millions of years.

When the four timelords finished presenting their case, Atlas nodded.

"I have a sneaking suspicion on who it is," Atlas said, "but we'll look into it. I am unsure how he reversed time on that world or where he attained such an ability, but we will discuss what to do with him."

"Playing with time has consequences," a timelord said. "I don't know how he broke through our locks and made it work, but an individual like that needs to be put down immediately." He left, followed by the others.

Atlas sighed. This was his life. Endless lawbreaking, endless work. He stretched his crimson wings out. He needed to figure out the motive behind Thor's intrusion on Satovia.

The man pulled out a cigar, giving it a lit with just a thought. This was going to be another long night.


Liru's house…

Everyone watched Clyde and Harumi with looks of anticipation. With all of their attention, the young man felt a slip of confidence. How would they react? Well fuck it. They were going to have to accept it or get over it. That line of thought returned his mind to the persona as the Leader of Team Stone.

Eyes slightly glowing, he made the announcement.

"Everyone, we brought you together to announce something important. Harumi is pregnant. By me." He shrugged nonchalantly. Harumi squeezed his hand.

Silence. Mouths were agape. And then the girls were squealing, surrounding Harumi. Airi, her best friend and Liru, her old her sister were rightfully the most happy. Alice's expression shifted back to neutral when she pulled away from the crowd. Clyde considered taking her place, but the vibe felt… well, he didn't know how to describe it. Maybe the feeling before a war.

Thankfully, Seth, Toru, Yusuke and even Ashard was here. He joined the men at the table and sat.

"Dude, you're a dad," Seth nodded. "Let's be honest. Is anyone surprised?"

"Not even a little," Toru said. "It was only a matter of time."

"At least it wasn't Kitome," Yusuke said. "Don't get me wrong, I don't mind being an uncle, but my mom would lose her shit."

"Your mom would make a great, protective grandmother," Seth said, laughing. Yusuke gave him the delinquent glare then adjusted his glasses. Undine walked over and massaged the ninja's shoulders.

"Did you hear, dude," Seth said to Clyde. "Hijo tried to go after Yusuke's woman."

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Clyde shook his head. In a joking manner, which carried questionable undertones, the young man said,

"If Undine was weak enough to fall for a lame rich boy like that, I would've kicked his ass then banished her from this plane."

He chuckled. Undine stared at him with a raised eyebrow. But even she flinched a little at his glowing eyes. Despite Stone Mode being locked to recharge, he could still unnerve people like Melody's mother. "I'm only kidding. It didn't happen."

"As if I'll commit adultery," Undine said. "You both gave me a new life. I don't want to shatter it." She whispered something in the ninja's ear that seemed to get him flustered. He tried to shrug it off by adjusting his glasses, but the other men weren't convinced. Not even Ashard. "Oh and Congratulations, Lord Stone." Undine winked. "Maybe Yusuke and I should compete."

She burst into laughter when Yusuke's drink sprayed out of his nose.

Alice was behind Clyde now, arms over his shoulder. The young man gulped.

"So Ashard, what brings you once again to our group?" Clyde said.

"The evil little witch summoned me," he said.

Clyde happened to turn toward the women to see Yuki smiling at him, but not with just any smile, but the Gin smile.

"You really hadn't thought of the consequences of your actions," Toru said to Ashard, but Clyde knew who that was directed at. Ashard caught on quickly, nodding.

"This should be the last summon," Ashard said, "then I'm getting as far away from this nation as possible."

Seth snickered.

"At least our leader isn't running away from his problems. Like us."

"You know, that Maya chick is cute," Toru said, "why don—"

"Oh piss off," Seth said. "I told you it was the sake." Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

"Sure, okay," Toru said sarcastically then laughed.

Alice sat in Clyde's lap, refusing to be ignored. He put her arms around her and nibbled one of her ears.

"You can't do that to her, you jerk," Alice said to Seth.

"I'm with Alice on that," Yusuke said. "A woman like that is way out of your league, anyway."

Seth rolled his eyes.

"I don't care what you guys say. I've got my whole life ahead of me."

"Is there anything wrong with making earlier decisions?" Alice said.

"No, but I won't make mine early," Seth said. "Nor will I let the sake do either."

Clyde wondered when Liru figured out that he was running a harem. She didn't seem like the type that would have sex with her sister's boyfriend behind her back, not that Harumi and he presented themselves as a primary couple. Maybe it was because he often showed up with multiple Team Stone members? Or was it because Alice often showed him attention—that despite Harumi being pregnant, his affection spread evenly?

Clyde sighed. Of course, despite what could be going on in the women's heads, if he impregnated multiple members of Team Stone, they'd be greatly weakened. And battle wasn't an option while pregnant. That went without saying.

"So, did you find a decent house?" Clyde asked Liru when she walked over.

"Sure did," Liru said. "Anzu will be here tomorrow to appraise it."

"Ah, the cat-singing loli," Clyde deadpanned. Harumi and Alice laughed. Neko sighed.

"Nyaa, I feel like I should claw at you," Neko said.

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