After the meeting at Liru's, Clyde hurried off, telling the women he had to wrap up some last-minute things before leaving the city. He'd talk with Maki later about the list. There was a lot to learn about Ki and if she wanted to be his teacher, then the first step to that would be finding a new way to cultivate it. One point of Ki per day didn't make him feel any stronger. Then again, the same argument could be raised for normal stats such as intelligence. Despite the increases, he didn't feel smarter.

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The women were skeptical on his sudden leave. Most of them wanted to go with him, but the challenge required a private dinner with Noona. In order to make sure he wasn't followed—in case this turned out to be one of the anime girl-following "episodes"—Clyde combined his new cloaking skill with a Jump. He didn't like the idea of leaving Alice behind in such an unreadable mood.

He also couldn't forget a moment he had with the half-demoness. That recalled time flashed into his mind.

"I look forward to it one day," she said, her voice nearly a whisper. "Our cute little baby."

Clyde didn't think the half-demoness was hurt by not being first. She wasn't childish—but he knew surprise when he saw it. She didn't think the young man would even consider implanting his seed. Honestly, neither did he—but shit happened. And Clyde was the kind of man that owned up to the things he did.

Oh shit, his son or daughter was half-kitsune. Would he or she have a fox tail and ears? Did the Supreme affect the child within his fiancée? Once again, a tactical nuke sounded like an amazing idea. Too bad he had no idea where the Supreme resided. That went double for the governments. Only the unfortunate adventurers somehow stumbled upon the evil lair and was never heard from again. Ah well. For now, the young man would set these thoughts on the side.

Noona's skyscraper stood before him, a place of power in the city of Niyoto, Yaponiya. As soon as he entered the front lobby, a yellow-skinned demon greeted him.

"Welcome Master Stone, we have been expecting you," he said. "Lady Noona awaits you on the top floor." He sighed. "I wish I could tell you what persona she's chosen today, sir, but I hadn't seen her all day. I…can only hope she didn't choose the cowgirl. Sorry for my ranting. The elevator's ready to go. Or if you prefer to just teleport." He shrugged. "Oh please don't let her be the cowgirl..."

Clyde chuckled.

"Now I'm curious."

Clyde didn't feel like taking the elevator, but Jumping felt wrong. An anime moment of him appearing while she's changing would probably crash this friendship. He couldn't risk tarnishing this difficult beast.

When he stepped out of the elevator, butlers awaited Clyde. They took him to a fancy dining room, where he waited for the lady herself and the servers. Ten minutes later, a servant made an announcement,

"Joining Master Stone for dinner, is Lady Noona Necro, Head of the Necro Household."

She stepped into the dining room, dressed so elegantly that Clyde felt like trash. He did stop by the store to buy some better attire, but nonetheless, the young man felt like a peasant. His modern earth thinking just couldn't keep up with the wealthy. Hell, he didn't bother with fine society.

His thoughts shut off when Noona suddenly tripped. He flash stepped, catching the beautiful blonde on time. Her blushing of embarrassment allowed the young man to relax a little. Despite the fancy getup, Noona was still Noona. And of course she took on the persona of some princess from an anime she watched.

"My lord," she said, "please forgive this klutz."

Clyde stopped himself from sighing.

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"You really are quite beautiful," he said as he helped her stand. The woman actually blushed, as if receiving a compliment for the first time.

"Ah, you're just saying that," she said. Ignoring Clyde's blank stare, she continued speaking. "Come, let us dine. Although…you'll be so far away on that end of the table. I don't like it. Sit next to me."

And so the psychological warfare began. Noona wore a black elegant dress that revealed quite the cleavage, surely something suggested by a maid worthy of promotion. He tried his best not to look at them. Twice he almost dropped his fork.

[Challenge completed: private dinner with Noona. Reward: Book of Dark Magic. Item value: mysterious. Bullet-proof vest armor set. Item class: very rare!]

[Your relationship with Noona has increased to friend, closer level 5.]

Despite the fancy wear, the conversation with Noona switched from their day to anime. She did admit that the lack of friends made her a bit socially awkward.

"To be honest, sometimes I stare at my phone and hope for one of you guys to text me," she said after a few glasses of wine. Noona hiccupped. "I know my servants are here, but I can't help feeling lonely." Clyde nodded in understanding. Tears suddenly fell from her eyes.

"Are you ok—"

"And now you guys are leaving to travel to other nations," Noona said, still managing to sound normal—a façade covering a cloud of sadness. "I'll be stuck here by my lonesome…" Tears flooded. Clyde sighed, pulling the woman into a hug.

"If you were to come with us, would you be okay leaving this place to your servants?"

Noona's face lit up, eyes starry.

"Is it okay? Can I really come?"

He tilted his head in thought. Her eyes went teary.

"You'd have to join Team Stone," Clyde said. "Since I know how strong you are and you were a big help with fighting Sophia, we'll skip the training." He didn't voice the fact that she used to be a fucking demon lord.

"Where do I sign up?" She was very close to Clyde, her breasts squeezed against him. "I feel something…hard. Weird—"

"No need to worry about sign ups," Clyde quickly said, "you're now a part of the team. I'll let the others know later."

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"Yay," she said, hugging the young man. His boner erupted into overdrive mode. "Let's go to my room, celebrate with an episode or two of this new anime I started. I always wanted to show it to a guest. But…it's getting late. I can understand if you decline." Her sagging expression and adorableness made that decision for Clyde.

"I'll watch at least one episode with you," Clyde said.

[Your relationship with Noona has increased to friend, closer level 6. Very interested.]

Huh? Clyde noticed something. For just a brief moment, Noona's eyes almost seemed lusty. He'd seen enough of Chika's expressions to tell. That had to be a fluke. The pure girl didn't seem to have sex education or else she would've detected the young man's massive boner. Then again, she could be pretending to not notice, just to be nice.

[Noona has 5% succubus blood within her demoness heritage…]

Pfft, five percent. Meaningless in Clyde's opinion. He dismissed the useless prompt and followed Noona to her room. She dismissed the servants around for the night.

"Take the rest of the night off," she said. "Clyde and I are going to watch some anime. No disturbances."

They nodded and left. Noona selected this world's Netflix equivalent on her Smart TV, then put on what seemed to be a romance, comedy, and action anime. She boldly sat very close to Clyde.

The young man found it hard to concentrate. He tried to focus on the show, but the heavy ecchi and adult theme just didn't work in his favor. He breathed a sigh of relief when the first episode was over.

"So what'd you think?" Noona said.

"Not bad, but it's too early to tell," Clyde answered. "That's one hell of a cliffhanger for a first episode."

Noona shrugged.

"Can't argue with that. We could always watch another." She glanced at the digital clock of her phone. "Well, I suppose you'd want to get going."

As she moved to get up, the woman tripped on something, giving her an anime-fall right onto Clyde's boner.

And for the first time, Noona gave Clyde a Toru-style blank stare. That look spiraled the young man into laughter. Seconds later, the blonde joined in the laughter.

"Well, I'd better—"

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Noona's kiss tasted of cherries.

"Sorry… I just wanted to try it—I don't know what came over me. You be safe."

She stood and turned, blushing heavily. "I've watched too many of these rom-coms. A good night sleep should clear things up."

Clyde stood and considered pushing, but thought better of it. Melody served as a prime example of when to take things nice and slow. It seemed like hope for Noona was not lost at all. The solution was simple and right in his face.

Just date her like a normal girl. Take away her loneliness. Take away…her loneliness.

He pulled Noona into a hug.

"It's okay," Clyde told her in a soothing voice. She looked at him with glistening, longing eyes. And closed them, for another kiss. He gave it to her.

The kissing became passionate and soon he laid her on the bed to intensify the moment. Noona craved it strongly, matching his energy, maybe even exceeding him. His erection was so maxed out that it almost hurt.

He slowly pulled the demoness's dress off, then sucked her large breasts. Her moan threatened to make him burst. When he shoved two fingers inside of her, the wetness told the young man everything he needed to know.

Entering Noona felt incredible and tight. She winced at first, a virgin's response, but as he gently moved, the woman began to enjoy herself. She whispered and hissed at him to move faster.

Noona came twice, before Clyde's release. He barely managed to pull out in time. At least he hoped he did…The situation with Harumi put the man a little on the edge.

"That was my first time," Noona said as they rested. "I've never really thought about pervy things…but it was fun. Do you….mind if we do it again sometime?"

"Anytime," Clyde said.

"I guess this is what the other girls of Team Stone get to feel," Noona said. He shrugged. "It's okay, poly-relationships aren't something strange in Satovia. And nothing new to your kind."

Noona snuggled into Clyde.

"The real competition is being the best."

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[Noona has joined your party!]

"See you tomorrow," Clyde said to Noona, minutes later as they stepped outside. She had walked with him to the main lobby.

"Bye," Noona said cheerfully. "I promise I won't let the team down."

"I know you won't," Clyde said. He had a sneaking suspicion that Noona had no idea just how powerful she was. She could stand toe to toe with Tear for one.

Upon arrival to his house, Clyde showered.

[Challenge completed! Get Noona to join your party! You have greatly exceeded the expectations of this challenge. That or gotten lucky, desu. Reward: Mystic Wrath evolution!]

[Mystic Wrath has evolved to Wiseman's Calm.]

This brought forth changes to some of his Mystic Wrath skills.

-Mystic Omnipresent Aide: invoke the power of nature to assist you. Does nature damage. Chance for a 150% attack increase, anywhere. Wiseman's calm increases this by another 50%.

-Wiseman's Calm: Enter Wiseman mode. This form lasts for a short time and drains magic points, but all physical and magic attacks increase greatly. You will be able to cast Destructive Mystic Lightning. Chance to fully heal when entering this mode: 3%. Sometimes allies around you will randomly heal.

- Destructive Mystic Lightning- can only cast during Wiseman mode. Does spiritual, electrical, holy, nature, fire, and destruction damage. Chance to cause spiritual blight at 44%. Chance to blind. Chance to paralyze. Chance to stop an opponent's time for 4 seconds at 1%. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

Due to the time-stopping capabilities, this skill usefulness is god tier equivalent.

Clyde hopped into bed, relaxed. Tomorrow was the day where they'd be leaving Lot City. He'd launch the investigation of the dragon threat for Liru and then start his adventure quest. It would be a multi-day car trip. Eh…van trip. Tear nor anyone else had been to the destination, so Jumping was out of the question. There was the option of the train. Hmm… Thank goodness this world didn't require passports. Just identification, which Tear took care of for the young man.

He glanced at his bedmates. Alice, Tear, Melody, Chika, and Harumi. All of his fiancées. Good thing he ordered a Super-bed for the new place, which of course came out of the Ashfall money. As for the hotels, everyone would have their own room. It probably wouldn't stop the chaos, but hey, a start was a start.

Clyde kissed Alice. She woke up, kissed him back, then fell asleep in his arms. Damn did he love her.

He'd have a talk before going through with giving the half-demoness a baby. Alice fought by his side, complimenting his attacks with perfection. She was also potentially the strongest member on the team.

The feeling of her opening a partial-goddess transformation still tingled his insides. That power was coated heavily with the angel element, but also a little purity, like a poison-tipped dart. He planned to have her join his Stone Mode training. Alice was the key to a finishing move he developed in his head.

Impregnating her meant eventually taking his most powerful fighter off the board. Sure, he had others to fill in the gap, but Alice was unique. Fuck, he needed her.

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