Saturday. Week 3. Month 2. Year 1. Season: Late Autumn.

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[Satovian Universal Calendar: Nova, 46389]

[School: Winter Break. Day 1 of 30.]

[While birthdays aren't celebrated in Satovia, the system will now notify you of upcoming birthdays for your fiancée and wives only, as well as very high relationship female Team Stone members. A 3-day countdown will initiate when the time draws near. You may choose to disable this; however, in the event that you introduce birthday celebration to your friends and loved ones, you will be rewarded. After introducing the concept, you may focus on fiancées/wives only. Also, you may celebrate or gift them during anytime of that month. ]

[You and Alice share the same birthday in Justice. First day of the year.]

[Natalia's birthday is coming up next month, in Domino.]

[Stone mode: still recharging. You must rely on your learned strength for now…]

Clyde's phone rang, pulling him out of his prompt-reviewing sleep. The alarm may have disabled itself for the winter break, but the daily prompts would serve as the replacement. Sure, he could always set them to auto-delay, but he couldn't afford to miss any updates.

Someone was on top of him…

He warped his phone from the inventory and answered the call.

"Good afternoon or is it morning there?" Tessa said from the other line.

"Morning Tessa," Clyde said with just a trace of early-morning haze in his voice.

"Did I wake you?" she said. "I can—"

"No, the prompts woke me," Clyde said with a chuckle. He noticed that most of the women were up, but not exactly staring at him. The person on top of him…turned out to be Neko, smirking. And purring. It didn't take Alice long to remove her with the force—right onto the floor.

"Nyaa, so mean," she said.

Alice snuggled back into Clyde. On his other side was Chika, still out.

"So how are things on your end, Arisa—I mean Tessa," Clyde asked. As Tessa answered and talked about her day, the young man's fiancées delivered him morning kisses. Harumi was the first, minutes later followed by Tear. The others did so as they finally crawled out of bed to wash and brush up for the morning. It was time to take care of any last-minute packing.

After Clyde ended the call with his childhood friend, he turned over. Maybe stealing fifteen minutes of sleep…

"I don't think so, Clyde," Yuki said. "We're leaving Lot City today, so I suggest finishing any last-minute obligations. Oh and Clare sent for you. I think she's finished with your sword repair."

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Clyde sat up, excited, and was met with soft lips.

After the morning activities, the young man set off to Clare's.


Some miles from Ring City, Terravon, of the Zextral Continent…

Kimiko stretched, blank stare on her face, as she took the train to Ring City. Ugh, she hated crowded trains. Well, she hated human transportation in general, but her big anime-addicted sister, told her to no longer fly anywhere close to this place. The young woman still didn't understand the meaning behind this order. They were dragons, terrors of the world…right? Why couldn't they fly?

Kimiko belonged to a family of three sisters. Being the youngest, traditionally, she was expected to follow orders of the elders until marrying off or deserting. No dragon these days deserted their family without one hell of a reason.

Ever since the middle sister, Aimi, said she sensed real kitsune magic in the area, the eldest of the Rose-Dragon sisters, Chiya, had ordered the place off-limits. Kimiko felt like this order was a bit extreme for beings that didn't exist anymore. Powerful fox entities that were apparently the ancient enemies of all dragons.

The war stopped for centuries under a contract of peace until the Soulless Family, largest in the world, joined forces with someone claiming to be the disciple of the Thousand Year Dragon himself—the god of all dragons, and attacked, wiping them all out.

Kimiko was just a kid at the time, but thinking about it, many things didn't add up. Not that that mattered. She didn't have anything to do with it nor cared. All dragons cared about was power and being superior. They competed with each other, humans, and other races of the supernatural community. Even gods were sometimes uneasy about them.

Just then, Kimiko felt something… A hand grabbing her butt. Rage jolted through her. The orange-haired girl spun and delivered a KO to the fucking pervert. As her foot left his jewels, she shook her head.

"Scum of society," she said darkly. The man continued to whimper, but he wasn't getting up. "Get security," she said to a man beside her. Minutes later, the police took the man away, along with the security footage.

Time and time again, Kimiko was reminded why most dragons hated humans. But this didn't apply to her, since she hated perverts in general. Who wouldn't?

Kimiko wondered…why didn't the dragons just team up against humanity and wipe them out instead? Not that she wanted this to happen, she was just curious. Maybe the gods protected them?

When the train stopped, she stepped out to Ring City. She immediately sensed what she now knew as the Kitsune's presence. At one point, another one visited. Could there be more? Would the war resume? Kimiko wasn't sure if Chiyo planned to do something about her or not. It wasn't like the Rose Dragons got involved with meaningless disputes. But…Chiyo's best friend belonged to the Soulless Family. She certainly told him. Kimiko would just have to find this kitsune herself and look. Although…another presence bothered her. One that also visited. It…felt like both the beginning and the end... Who was this person? And what did this mean? Did someone this powerful have ties to the kitsune?

Kimiko needed to know… Either way, Chiyo would probably find out. Would she attack?


Lot City…

Clare's Café…

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The shrine maiden glared at Clyde for a few seconds before letting out a sigh.

"First, you rarely visit and now you're leaving?" she said. "What the hell, Clyde."

Clyde gave her a sad smile.

"You know what I have to do."

"I know…but still," she said. "Even the magical girls are going to miss you. Sahara will probably demand that you reconsider. She respects you, you know. Maybe even likes you."

Clyde shrugged.

"I leave the city's protection in your hands. I just wish we could've met with all of the gifted, some of these sorcerers and magicians I've heard about."

"Most of them aren't worth your time," Clare said. "Some of them are scared of you, envious, cowards, scum or uneducated when it comes to their abilities."

Clare guided Clyde to a backroom and shut the door. "It took a while, but I not only fixed your sword, but gave it an upgrade. As thanks for those amazing arrows and saving so many lives."

She unlocked a cabinet and pulled out a sheathed sword.

"I think even blacksmiths would cream themselves at this work of art. I took the liberty of getting rid of any annoying Ashfall symbols and replaced it with this."

The logo seemed to be made of gold. It was a sword plunged in a stone. Any King Arthur fan would go nuts with praise. "I took the liberty of renaming it for you. It's now called Bloodlight."

"Edgy much?" Clyde said as he gratefully accepted the blade. It had an enhanced golden handle with a crystal-like glowing blade. A one-handed weapon.

[Legendary Sword: Bloodlight +150 to attack. Solar element. Can fire raw magic from the weapon. Does magic damage. Lv. 5]

[Clare upgrade: Be careful with swinging this magnificent weapon. It can slash a giant mountain in two with its ability: Flood Slash.]

[Clare upgrade: Solar Reckoning. You can fire an enormous amount of solar magic, capable of vaporizing enemies. Does Intense solar damage. Chance to blind at 4% Chance to mute at 11% Chance to roast every cell in someone's body at 1%]

"Holy shit, Clare, what the hell? These upgrades," Clyde said, laughing. "You are a menace. A beautiful, ingenious menace."

Now it was Clare's turn to shrug.

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"Just a little something to remember me by," she said, patting Clyde's shoulder.

Clyde wouldn't even begin to look for the trope that has a fucking shrine maiden creating epic weapons of death like Bloodlight.

"Thank you for this," he said to her, then equipped it through his menu.

"I still found your ability to see these things before I explain unnerving," Clare said, "but it saves me the time. I truly wish you good luck with your quest. And please come back to us safely."

She hugged Clyde. He wrapped his arms around the maiden. She was among his first contacts upon arrival in Satovia.

When he left the shop, the young man felt confident in his equipment. Noona had texted, stating she was already with the others. Thanks to winter break being a thing, Toru, Yusuke, and Seth had no problems explaining to their parents about their upcoming absences. Undine had no intention of staying behind of course.

Clyde saw that he had a little time and decided to visit Naomi. While he had to decline her invitation to lunch—she wanted to treat him—the young man told her that he and Team Stone would be gone for a month. However, if she needed anything, just call or text. A simple Jump would solve any problems. They hugged before he left.

He called Hinoko, meeting up with the professor at her house. She was pissed, not being invited to the trip.

"Right now, we're simply moving into a house in Ring City, Terravon," Clyde said. "We're investigating something."

"Then why not let me come," Hinoko said. "When it comes to investigating—"

"I saw your name on that list to work some days and post scores," Clyde said. "We may not be back within the month. I hadn't signed up for the next semester yet." Though he was sure the asshole Watchers would do it for him.

Hinoko sighed.

"Just…" She buried her face into Clyde's chest. "You should reconsider."

Clyde blinked, certain that she understood. His curiosity got the best of him.

"Go on."

"Team Stone has formidable offensive capabilities, but is lacking things on the support side," Hinoko said.


"There are some things that not even she can do," Hinoko interjected. "Her network is amazing, but so is mine. And I like to personally handle investigations sometimes. Tear sends people to do that for her, but isn't able to verify everything."

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Clyde shot her a blank stare.

"Tear's network is untouchable, unrivaled, but I suppose there is nothing wrong with having a second support team. Hmm, you know, you will need an expert with you. And someone who can provide protection. Give me a second."

Clyde dialed Detective Tetra. He took the time to explain everything to her, from Team Stone's mission to Hinoko's position.

"It's for the good of the world," Tetra said, "so say no more. I'll need an hour or two to pack my things."

He smiled after hanging up.

"Pack a good suitcase and meet at my house within two hours," Clyde said.

Hinoko smiled and hugged the young man.

"Thank you!"

When Clyde Jumped to his house, he explained the updated arrangements to the others. Fuyoko and Naoko were the first to give nods of approval.

"There's nothing wrong with beefing up our resources," Fuyoko said.

Noona seemingly appeared out of nowhere to anime-dive into Clyde. An amazing berry scent filled the young man's nostrils. He forced himself not to think about the prior night, even though he wanted to do her again.

"Thank you again for letting me join the team," she said. Some of the others let out sighs. Ming gave Clyde a worried look. He did not miss her glare at the blonde's breasts. Noona whispered. "I'd like to…try that again if we have enough time."

Clyde wiped away the nosebleed.

"We're a little short on it," he said, begging his boner not to rise to amuse the innocent girl. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

Eventually, the entirety of Team Stone and its support appeared. They gathered outside with their things, took one last look at Lot City, and then Jumped.

A new adventure was starting…

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